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Emancipation (103)

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    The "You have eyes the color of blue river stones" line makes this episode worth watching.

    Correction: "I value spirit in my horses, not my women."

    Wow. Just wow. This is as douche-chill inspiring as the episode of TNG where they go to the all-black planet and Tasha Yar gets kidnapped by the king and challenged to a fight to the death by the jealous queen.


      Originally posted by Jump237 View Post
      The "You have eyes the color of blue river stones" line makes this episode worth watching.

      Correction: "I value spirit in my horses, not my women."

      Wow. Just wow. This is as douche-chill inspiring as the episode of TNG where they go to the all-black planet and Tasha Yar gets kidnapped by the king and challenged to a fight to the death by the jealous queen.
      How is this chilling. This is what it was like for all of human history until about 1700 onward and is still this way in many middle eastern countries.
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        I like this ep, as I do all of S1. Classic SG1. Exploring planets, meeting new cultures (well not that new). Finding new tech, medicine and whatnot. Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa was excellent in it. Many poeple like Sam in this ep, especially the girls.

        That was the way The Mongol culture was, and yes this still happens in parts of the world today.


          While this is not one of my favorite episodes, I think that in some ways it was a very important episode. For example, it was the first time that you're really made aware that Sam is "the girl" on the team (yeah, it's a big shock in Children of the Gods that Sam Carter is a she and not a he, but once you get past the whole "It's not women I have a problem with, it's scientists" thing, her gender is kinda glossed over a little). The guys' reaction to her all gussed up is classic "oh wow look she's a girl". I've served in the Army and in college was part of the marching band's drumline - I've been "one of the guys" for the better part of my life and believe me, it's a real kick in the pants when the guys realize/notice that you are in fact a girl and different! And kinda important too.....

          Originally posted by angelfire east View Post

          The ending with the girls being free was a litle over the top cuase IMO it would have taken more then what Sam did.

          If I remember correctly, and it's been a while since I've watched this ep, Abu's father was NOT a typical chieftan. His beliefs were more like those of SG1, that women were not property and that they should be treated more equally (didn't he only have one wife, whom he said he loved?). So the ending where the women in his tribe were "freed" wasn't really over the top - it's not just b/c of what Sam did that freed them, she was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and gave him the little nudge he needed to do what he knew was the right thing from the beginning. She set a new precedent when she won the fight, especially since she showed him mercy by not killing him.... (although, now he's the guy who got his butt kicked by a girl, so really I guess you could say she didn't show him much mercy at all....)

          Originally posted by captain jake View Post
          That was the problem with this episode, they were worrying about sending a message and forgot about being realistic. Jack O'Neill should have dealt with the situation as the commanding officer.
          IMO he's not necessarily the best idea to go rushing in, guns blazing, to deal with a situation just b/c you're the CO. Sometimes the best way to deal with the situation is to let someone else fight the fight. In this case, it wasn't Jack's fight to fight, although he would've been there to back Sam up if she needed it (notice his hand on his weapon, ready to fire if things got sticky...). This was Sam's fight, she needed to fight it to prove herself, not only to her team and the tribes people, but to herself...she's been belittled and treated like property, and that had to have taken it's toll. A little butt kicking would be in order to gain back that confidence....

          That all being said (and I hope it made at least a little sense!), I'm all about girl power but I do think they could've approached it all a little better. All in all I think this was a cheesy ep, with a few redeeming moments....
          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


            This episode has two of the most respect asian actors of all time and Carter fights Shangsun from Mortal Kombat and WINS!!!
            Jackson: This is a radio. It's so my friends can find me, and shoot you.


              This episode was a very nice Carter episode. It showed her strength.
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                PUFFY BLUE DRESS OF DOOOM!!!
                haha! i actually really like this episode!!!
                i know a lot of people don't, but i do!
                i am very curious to know what excatly Carter did on that mission we will never see?!

                and i love the looks on the guys faces when they see carter in THAT dress

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                  PUFFY BLUE DRESS OF DOOOM!!!
                  haha! i actually really like this episode!!!
                  i know a lot of people don't, but i do!
                  i am very curious to know what excatly Carter did on that mission we will never see?!

                  and i love the looks on the guys faces when they see carter in THAT dress.


                  Stargate SG-1

                  The best thing to ever happen to TV...and LIFE!

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                    Some is good. Really good. No FX but good costumes. And .... this is jap written ep.
                    Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
                    SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


                      This is probably the only episode in the entire series I really, really can't stand, but I'm glad to see some of you enjoyed it thoroughly. It has some noticeable actors and a few good lines, but all in all, I feel it's way too preachy. Just plays like a horrible fanfic IMO.
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                        Originally posted by Mrs. Daniel Jackson View Post
                        and i love the looks on the guys faces when they see carter in THAT dress.

                        I agree! I used to not like this episode for some reason but after rewatching it and seeing the flirting between Sam and Jack and even Daniel, it is great! I love it now!


                          It has its moments and it is a potentially interesting story, but way too heavy handed.


                            Heavy handed yes. I also didn't believe how quickly they apparently changed the culture, didn't seem at all believable to me. That said, Carter was wonderful and they had found a truly menacing looking guy to play the bad guy. Brilliant casting!


                              I have watched SG1 all the way through on DVD twice now, and I'm on season 1 for the third time, and every time I get to this episode, I skip it. I saw if for the first time at a friends house, and I've never wanted to have to experience this rediculous episode every again. Sams costume is ridiculously ugly, the bag guy is ridiculously cliche, and the "hero" kid is ridiculously annoying. Oh ya, and the plot is ridiculously BORING.
                              I think that about sums it up for me....yup.
                              (ps. I COMPLETELY agree with the msg of the episode, they just failed miserably at delivering that msg in an intelligent and entertaining way)
                              sigpic Gets better with age!

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                                Very heavy episode... I agree with the opinion that it has good message, but I don't like the way it was delivered... And that plothole of Carter being kidnapped so easily...
                                Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)


