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Children of the Gods (101)

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    The movie is somewhat different from the series, remember. The other thing is that Ra was (as far as I know) the only Supreme System Lord, and therefore could name his First Prime/Jaffa anything. For a list of the changes between the series and the movie, go here:
    "In the middle of my back swing?!"


      blimey, a century after it was first shown, I have FINALLY seen the beer drinking scene.

      One of the better scenes, sets of dialogue. Pity Sky never show it.
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



        If I'm brutally honest, the trainwreck that was seasons 8-10 have actually put me off the previous seasons.

        However, I watched CoTG the other day, because I finally got hold of a copy of it with the beer drinking scene...

        and I have to say that it is dialogue and background like that that made the show stand out in the early years (seasons 1 through 6) After that it became a parody of itself in S7 and the rest was eye wateringly bad.

        I may now look at the rest of S1 - especially Torment of Tantalus - to remind myself just how brilliant it was.
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



          As a side question. Who here thinks hammond was bluffing when he said they were going to send a nuke through to Abydos, before Oneil made mention of Daniel and co..?


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            As a side question. Who here thinks hammond was bluffing when he said they were going to send a nuke through to Abydos, before Oneil made mention of Daniel and co..?
            No, Hammond was a military general in a potentially dangerous situation. I'm sure he would have sent the nuke if he did NOT think that anyone was going to make it back AND an alien entity could have invaded Earth anyway.
            Last edited by starshineRoxie; 10 June 2008, 01:57 PM.
            A woman that allows herself the balance of cool wisdom and strength of heart.


              nah, I go with the bluffing theory

              although given the order from above, I think he'd have carried it out, I believe that when he actually showed the weapon, the decision was still in his hands.
              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                I say what i did, cause of how Hammond looked at Oneil before ordering it to be sent through, PLUS his statement of "Was your report full and truthful (or something like that..

                It was almost like he knew Oneil had not put the full story in and was hoping he was going to speak up..


                  Originally posted by FenRiR Ragnarok Warlord
                  In my opinion Hammond was primarily bluffing O'neill to get a straight answer, but the nuke being sent through the gate was on the table and Hammond would have sent it if O'neill had persisted with the "everyone on Abydos is dead" story... because at that time they believed the gate only gave passage between earth and abydos, So Hammond would have believed Apophis came form Abydos...
                  In my opinion General Hammond wasn't bluffing at all, he had no reason to believe that Daniel Jackson was still alive. Further more he didn't even know how many people were on the planet. As far as he was concerned closing the bridge between him and his enemies was priority one. It was only when Jack told him of Daniel Jackson's existence as well as the thousands of human lives that would be lost, that he changed his mind.


                    Watching this over again after everything is over (cept the movies) makes me realize how much everyone has changed over the years and how they developed. It also shows me some of the things I miss about the show as well.

                    Seeing Abydos again after the rich detail of the film is very cool. I don't like this sha're as much as the movie shau'ri (sp?) though. Not sure why. I think she was afraid or she really believed she was going to lose Daniel's attention to discovery and to Earth again, hense the big stick-my-tongue-down-your-throat kiss.

                    Sam was very "I am woman" in this, which I am glad she tempered down after this episode. I think it would have taken away from her accomplishments in the series if she kept bringing up her gender all the time. (It would have been nice if during the next ten years, nearly every male guest star wouldn't tell her how lovely she was though; that was annoying and struck me as very male writing. It didn't happen to the guys mostly. Just Sam.) I loved the first initial glimpse of her curiosity and brilliance. I love how they connected her with the gateprogram as well.

                    Daniel was very movie!Daniel here, with the sneazing and the dorkiness to the exterme. I think his grief was genuine here and I totally felt it, as was his loss. It is interesting to see him as the movie!Daniel because the big tragedy of his life that really starts to morph his character takes place here. Plus, I think Jack sort of takes him in and not only grounds him, but introduces back into Earth culture, so to speak. I don't think that Daniel's last name was "Jackson" as a coincidence-- I think they were trying to first show it as a father/guardian to son/ward relationship between Jack and Daniel that became more of a brotherly/friendship thing later on when Daniel had sort of acclimated and found his feet again.

                    Jack, here, still has the millitary presence and harshness tempered with humor and sarcasm that I loved about him and really started to miss in seasons 7 and 8. You can see he's still upset and adjusting here to his new life too. And our first exposure to how Jack would relate to authority he respects and those he thinks are idiots is very telling.

                    Teal'c, of course, I think has the coolest introduction into his story arc. At this point, we really don't know which way he will go, even at the end. Will he be a problem further down the line? Will he turn all his previous devotion to the SGC now? Will the Earth people do bad things to him? Teal'c brought up a lot of questions rather than really establishing his character here, I think, which is neat.

                    I'll probably talk about Hammond and Kawalski here later, but I wanted to get my thoughts down about big four while they were still in my brain.
                    sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                      Watching this over again after everything is over (cept the movies) makes me realize how much everyone has changed over the years and how they developed. It also shows me some of the things I miss about the show as well.
                      I very much agree, the Goa'uld are mostly wiped out, we now have a chance against the Ori (Ori Soldiers), and the Pegasus Galaxy is leading to hundreds of discoveries. As for missing things, well jack will never be replaced, but I believe the Stargate Universe has a bright future.

                      Seeing Abydos again after the rich detail of the film is very cool. I don't like this sha're as much as the movie shau'ri (sp?) though. Not sure why. I think she was afraid or she really believed she was going to lose Daniel's attention to discovery and to Earth again, hense the big stick-my-tongue-down-your-throat kiss.
                      I don't mean too sound insensitive, but I never really liked Sha're I always thought that she was kinda a boring character.

                      Sam was very "I am woman" in this, which I am glad she tempered down after this episode. I think it would have taken away from her accomplishments in the series if she kept bringing up her gender all the time. (It would have been nice if during the next ten years, nearly every male guest star wouldn't tell her how lovely she was though; that was annoying and struck me as very male writing. It didn't happen to the guys mostly. Just Sam.) I loved the first initial glimpse of her curiosity and brilliance. I love how they connected her with the gateprogram as well.
                      Yep, in the beginning Carter was not my favorite person, but she has definitely evolved and is doing great on Atlantis. She has come a long long way in the past 10 years. As for the men thing, what are you talking about? They are getting hit on all the time...

                      Daniel was very movie!Daniel here, with the sneazing and the dorkiness to the exterme. I think his grief was genuine here and I totally felt it, as was his loss. It is interesting to see him as the movie!Daniel because the big tragedy of his life that really starts to morph his character takes place here. Plus, I think Jack sort of takes him in and not only grounds him, but introduces back into Earth culture, so to speak. I don't think that Daniel's last name was "Jackson" as a coincidence-- I think they were trying to first show it as a father/guardian to son/ward relationship between Jack and Daniel that became more of a brotherly/friendship thing later on when Daniel had sort of acclimated and found his feet again.
                      Daniel never really came back to earth, I mean he has been ascended a couple of times. He is constantly off-world, and when he is on Earth he really doesn't have anything or anybody other than the SGC. I think that is why he is able to see the big picture in situations that others can't. He is very much like Teal'c in that way, the fact is neither of them will ever truly fit in on Earth.


                        That is an interesting thought on Daniel. I mean everyone on earth he has loved in the past either has died, or gotten Gou'ified.. After the events of the films i feel he really made Abydos his new home..


                          Then Abydos dun got blowed up, more or less. Kinda puts existence in perspective... or makes you bitter. Shame Daniel finally got around to the bitter later on. I'd hoped he was over it.
                          Tilting windmills since... well... too long ago to remember...


                          My portfolio and repository:


                            I watched Atlantis before SG1 but I gotta say this episode was the perfect precursor to everything Sg1 became. I know the movie even set up the series but I thought the movie really lacked something and I can only be thankful that someone out there saw the potential of what it could bring. I have never loved anything or been as "obsessed" ( I dont know what else to use though I hate that term) with anything as I am with everything Stargate. It captures the imagination
                            BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                              Originally posted by Goa'uldilocks View Post
                              Hey, he's gotta look at her for the next several millennia, of course he wants to know what he's getting!

                              (That "kill the rest" thing, how stupid. You run all over the galaxy picking the cream of the host crop, then you kill them all? Bzuh?)
                              Because he wants to show how evil his evilness is. Besides, if they're dead they can't organize a breakout.


                                Originally posted by Im_just_guessing View Post
                                That was dyed? I always thought we caught him at the begining of greying.
                                If memory serves, RDA's hair is not brown. He colored his hair to match Kurt Russell's in the movie. Then around the second season he stopped dying it and it went to the black/gray color we all know and love.

                                Another thing I love about these early seasons is how close MS nails the mannerisms James Spader had in the movies. Right down to "Hi, Jack....." eyes go back and forth. "...welcome back...."

