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Sam Carter /Thor Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by yasureubetcha

    Thor looks to me like he's understanding quite well...

    Actually, I think he's more of a hockey guy. can't you just see him all bundled up in padding and slip sliding around on ice skates with a puck? LOL!!


      Sorry for the delete O-Ra...things that look good on the moniter of the library computers really look like crap when I see them on the home compy...but reposting anyway, I guess, since I was quoted .

      Originally posted by jckfan55
      Good one! Then again, there's this possibility:

      Thor: Despite my preference for the "Viking" name, I believe these Green Bay Packagers are the superior team.
      Sam: It's "Packers," Thor--and take off that ridiculous cheese head!
      Thor: I was simply trying to understand Earth customs, my dear.

      Thor looks to me like he's understanding quite well...
      Last edited by yasureubetcha; 07 July 2005, 01:49 PM.


        Originally posted by yasureubetcha
        Sorry for the delete O-Ra...things that look good on the moniter of the library computers really look like crap when I see them on the home compy...but reposting anyway, I guess, since I was quoted .

        Thor looks to me like he's understanding quite well...
        Now THAT is a work of art!!!
        I'm snurching "Thor in a CheeseHead" for my screensaver collection.


          Originally posted by Osiris-RA

          Actually, I think he's more of a hockey guy. can't you just see him all bundled up in padding and slip sliding around on ice skates with a puck? LOL!!
          Love the cheesehead & body paint too! LOL. With all that hockey padding, he'd become twice his normal size.


            I've got the marathon on right now. Can't believe I didn't notice before that in Reckoning Pt. 1 Thor calls her Samantha Carter, not Colonel. Ah, the barriers come down. It was only a short step from that to the world tour...


              Originally posted by yasureubetcha

              Thor looks to me like he's understanding quite well...
              In Wisconsin, near a lttle town called Dundee, there is the U.F.O Bar & Restaurant (excellent fish fry). They would love a copy of Cheesehead Thor.
              Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                Originally posted by jckfan55
                Love the cheesehead & body paint too! LOL. With all that hockey padding, he'd become twice his normal size.
                Speaking of size - I was watching Reckoning ... I think it was Reckoning - ach, this is what happens when you go to bed at 1:30, anyhooo and me and my mom (a reluctant Smor shipper ) noticed along with the rest of the normal cast, Thor seems to be buffing up a bit. Heads a little more muscle bound, arm's not quite the skinny little toothpicks of the bygone days, I dare say he's even been building up the chest muscles! Coincidence?
                TEAM SG1 LIVES


                  Someone worth working out for, perhaps??? Though it makes you wonder if he might not have "enhanced" the yellow ones...


                    *gasp* Could it be? Steroid-Yellow Ones? Thor's pumping it up artificially for his beloved?? Aw, doesn't he know muscle mass can be procured through natural, more efficiant means - which also procure lots of sweat and ...

                    Ok, that's just wrong. *shakes sweaty Thor image out of head*
                    TEAM SG1 LIVES


                      For Hatusu, who apparently loves old movies as much as I do.


                        Originally posted by Seshat
                        For Hatusu, who apparently loves old movies as much as I do.

                        Thor as Rick--I love it. Of all the gin joints in all the universe...


                          Originally posted by Seshat
                          For Hatusu, who apparently loves old movies as much as I do.

                          *gasp* Don't forget me! Old movie connisuer here! *jumps up and down*

                          *imagines Thor and Sam as Eliza Doolittle and Professor Henry Higgins*

                          Thor on luring Sam into his seductive web of romance.

                          You Did It
                          [shamelessly snurched from My Fair Lady]

                          Tonight old man you did it
                          You did it, you did it.
                          You said that you would do it
                          And indeed you did.
                          I thought that you would rue it
                          I doubted you'd do it
                          But now I must admit it
                          That succeed you did.
                          You should get a medal
                          Or be even made a knight.

                          OK. so he got the other guy's lines, but obviously he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder now, eh?
                          TEAM SG1 LIVES


                            Seshat, I love it! ((((Seshat)))) You are brilliant!

                            Somehow, Amanda Tapping and Michael Shanks have to see this!!!
                            Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                              Guys I am bereft of witty comments (ha,ha that's nothing new )
                              But Seshat and O-Ra, that's put a smile on my face....... keep going Smor thread - the world needs laughs just now......


                                Originally posted by Seshat
                                For Hatusu, who apparently loves old movies as much as I do.

                                Seshat and all you romantics... you have to stop giving me ideas... I'm desecrating all these great songs...

                                I don’t remember this
                                They say a kiss is bliss
                                A sigh is just a sigh
                                The theory of things don’t apply
                                When love comes by

                                And when two lovers woo
                                They still say: "i love you"
                                On that you can rely
                                No matter what the Orii brings
                                When love comes by

                                Moonlight and love songs - never out of place
                                Minds full of passion - love will ne’er abate
                                Woman needs clone - and clone must have his mate
                                That no one can deny

                                It’s still the same old story
                                A fight for love and beauty
                                A case of do or vie
                                The universe will always welcome lovers
                                As time goes by
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

