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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    What a great observation. What a perfect song for both storylines. You've got to kind of wonder if they had this in mind all along when they named the little girl Grace way back a season and a half ago. Either those PTB are a clever bunch of soansos or just jammy gits. Either way I'll high five them for writing some awesome Sam/Jackness for us just.... not quite enough of it.

    I know. It's an inspired way of saying it. I think the actual phrase was "She realises she having the wrong man's dog."

    (That demands a sig banner I think).

    Or as I put it, Jack = Mr Right; Pete = Mr You'll Do.

    Yep. Ladies and genetlemen, I give exhibit A:

    It's in her smile, her eyes, her whole relaxed attitude. This isn't a woman distraught over a broken relationship or grieving the recent loss of her father. This is a woman who is in a happy and fullfilling, loving relationship.

    (of course in RL AT had just had a baby so I guess the happiness was bubbling over from RL there but the fact that this fits perfectly into where Sam was emotionally makes it even more perfect.)

    I will go one guttery step further and say...


    Jack probably shouted the wrong name and the right time!

    Even deeper gutter...

    Which prompts the thought that Sam's obviously not a screamer since Pete didn't have a clue she was thinking about someone else all those times.

    I do wish I'd taken part on the RT viewing but, duty elsewhere called.
    I have enjoyed all your comments. I want to get your thoughts on one thing though:

    At the point when Sam dumps Pete, do you think she knew that Jack (either through Jack telling her or her guessing) that Jack was no longer with Kerry?
    The reason I ask is because it puts a whole different spin on things if she did know than if she didn't.

    I prefer to think she thought Jackw as still with Kerry, even though it would be hard to interpret the "always" as anything other than a declaration of love. I like to think she dumped Pete with no real expectation of being with Jack. She did it for herself; making the decision not to compromise and to go for the all or nothing against all odds big gamble. It's just more... angsty and romantic that way.

    And while I'm here, I just went back and watched my own video Put Your Arms Around Me since it starts at Grace and ends with fishing and, in my mind when making it, the theme was Sam's emotional journey through the latter half of season 7 on to the end of season 8, and her reflections on what she really wanted.
    Sorry about putting it in spoilers was long

    I totally had something guttery to add to what you said but I decided to be kind to today

    Yes this totally doesn't look like a woman who's repressing any urges

    I think she made up her mind before she knew that Kerry had broken up with Jack...she did it because wasn't right for her...and yes Jack promised her 'Always' but I think she did it first and foremost because wasn't for her...and then because of the way that she felt for someone else...

    Holy Buckets! How'd I miss that vid? Awesome Cags!

    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      S9 and S10 Sam is very touchy, laughs more, smiles more, that sort of thing She just seems happy
      I picked up on that too! As much as I didn't like S9 and was certainly showing a very bubbly Sam. I liked her return in Beachhead when she appears in Landry's doorway the expression on her face, to me, read "like the cat that got the cream". No-one should look *that* happy...unless -

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        I picked up on that too! As much as I didn't like S9 and was certainly showing a very bubbly Sam. I liked her return in Beachhead when she appears in Landry's doorway the expression on her face, to me, read "like the cat that got the cream". No-one should look *that* happy...unless -
        Spoilered for gutter
        unless they were having wild monkey sex with their former CO

        *remembers she was supposed to be innocent*

        And funny you mentioned that because I just posted it Great minds think alike!

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          And now for something completely different...

          I call these SpliceArt. I've taken two caps where Sam and Jack are looking at one another in two separate headshots and spliced them into one...

          I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again... But I just love the way his mouth fell open just a touch when she walked in!

          So here, we have Jack enjoying the sight of Sam looking so irrefutably feminine and Sam realizing that Jack likes what he's seeing...

          Spoiled for size:

          The moment it dawns on Jack what Sam's talking about--that something neither could admit to given their working relationship and military ranks...

          Another spoiled for size!

          The moment they realize just how deep their feelings have grown...

          Jack's shock when he realizes he's killed the woman he loves more than his own life.

          I should probably add thumbnails for these, eh?

          A slightly more artistic approach to SpliceArt, showcasing that gazillion-megawatt smile of hers that she saves just for Jack... who's about to invite her to go *fishing* with him for the first time...

          And last, but certainly not least, a moment from Season Five...

          She so obviously makes him so very happy... And heaven knows, he deserves it after all he's been through. And Sam's smile has more than a trace of gratitude for his presence and support through her latest stalker-boyfriend-wannabe problems...

          And to finish on a properly Fluffy Shippy note, here's a peice of art I made... I don't remember when... but I was reminded of it when Rachel had asked for copies of the promo pic I used in it... And since it's such a sweet, shippy pic, I don't think anyone would mind seeing it again!

          Click to Enlarge...

          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            Spoilered for gutter
            unless they were having wild monkey sex with their former CO

            *remembers she was supposed to be innocent*
            Regarding spoiler:

            *innocence is overrated*

            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            And funny you mentioned that because I just posted it Great minds think alike!
            Certainly do!

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post

              Her thumb that's stroking his hand, it pauses right when he says 'Always' it's like two and two come together in her mind
              i'm going to comment on this scene... as much as i *love* this scene, i thought it was kind of weird for sam to be so openly affectionate with jack (and forget it's in front of others) when almost everything about their personal relationship was denying and pretending. i always wondered if that was more 'amanda' reacting than sam... but i'd like to think the director would have caught that.

              OR, am i reading the scene wrong? is sam *so* caught up in her feelings of loss about jacob, that she's just letting her defenses down and responding to him? isn't the whole scene about letting down their walls and finally letting the other person in?

              wow, i just explained away my first paragraph issues and came away with a new conclusion!



                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                And there, the way the camera focuses on Jack's reaction for so long after we see Sam saying goodbye to Jacob. Really, this scene should in one sense be about Jacob and Sam - they're the family. But by having the 'always' scene there, when they do, and by cutting back to show Jack watching as Sam says goodbye to Jacob, we see him taking up the son-in-law role that Pete is so obviously unsuited for. At that moment, Jack is included, and becomes part of Sam and Jacob's family.
                and jacob waited until he saw sam and jack had finally connected to let go... (((jacob)))

                And now... bye bye Pete



                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                  But yes, I couldn't be with someone like that but maybe Sam was so desperate for.....Lets call it companionship *scratches head* that she persevered with him, but then he bought a house without her knowledge and talking about a dog that she maybe realised that this was wrong, that she couldn't be with someone who liked so much control *shrugs*
                  for me, seeing sam with pete is like seeing sam with walter harriman. beauty and the geek.

                  yes, i'm snarking off on again. it's in my blood.



                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      i'm going to comment on this scene... as much as i *love* this scene, i thought it was kind of weird for sam to be so openly affectionate with jack (and forget it's in front of others) when almost everything about their personal relationship was denying and pretending. i always wondered if that was more 'amanda' reacting than sam... but i'd like to think the director would have caught that.

                      OR, am i reading the scene wrong? is sam *so* caught up in her feelings of loss about jacob, that she's just letting her defenses down and responding to him? isn't the whole scene about letting down their walls and finally letting the other person in?

                      wow, i just explained away my first paragraph issues and came away with a new conclusion!
                      You know whenever they're in those situations like that...they are always emotional (remembers the hero's hug when she cries and he holds her? Or Death Knell and she leans her head on his shoulder, or metamorphosis when she puts her head on his should, the the first episode of S3 when he's unfrozen and he hugs her?) I think it made sense for her to be that open with him. No matter who they're dating, he's still her friend...and he was being there as her friend like he's been countless times before Not to mention I think she was comforting him a little bit too, because Jacob and Jack had been close as well (which I think there would have been a talk between those two...maybe not about Sam but a talk nevertheless...even a silent communication...but I think he'd have gone to see him) and he was losing a friend. I think it's very in character

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      for me, seeing sam with pete is like seeing sam with walter harriman. beauty and the geek.

                      yes, i'm snarking off on again. it's in my blood.
                      Hey! That's being mean to my Walter!

                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

                        I almost couldn't reply to this, cause I can't stand even seeing his name... But the delete button took care of that! (If only RL were so easy! )

                        Anyway... Nail, meet hammer. That's is exactly right. I suppose, as a fellow thespian, I can acknowledge slight (begrudged) credit for conveying the build-up to his exit line, {paraphrasing} I wish I could believe it was just your father.

                        And that is precisely why I hated the way they wrote Sam's 'adventure in dating to break the black widow curse'. She was trying out a "normal" relationship, but the supposed "normal" guy was anything but. He knew it wasn't working. Just like he knew it was wrong to try to dig up her classified work, to follow her to that stakeout, and he knew that she wasn't ready to think about marriage when he popped the question. From the beginning, he came across as (at best) a clingy, insecure, proprietary, and prone to short-tempered outbursts when he doesn't get what he wants.

                        Wow. I think that's the calmest analysis of *that* character I've ever managed. Sometimes I even amaze myself! LOL

                        Is it any wonder Pete was divorced???

                        Not only does he live in his own little world (and at the very least lie to himself on a regular basis), but you're right, he's clingy.

                        The truth comes out...


                          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                          Is it any wonder Pete was divorced???

                          Not only does he live in his own little world (and at the very least lie to himself on a regular basis), but you're right, he's clingy.

                          The truth comes out...
                          Wait... was divorced?

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            Wait... was divorced?
                            In Chimera he makes a passing remark about his ex-wife.


                              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                              Language OT:
                              In MN they say "biffy" which is weird (along with "hot dish" instead of casserole...but I digress). I was a military brat and when we moved to Australia I got teased because I'd ask to go to the bathroom. I was quickly informed it was the "toilet" because "are you going to take a bath?" Then I moved back to the States where I would say I had to go to the toilet and I was informed it was a "bathroom" and I was subsequently laughed at again, although, to be honest, the Australians at least had logic behind theirs...

                              On another funny note, in Australia we called erasers "rubbers" which of course in the US is a euphemism for something else... my mom told me before I started 5th grade in South Carolina so I didn't embarrass myself... but one day... not thinking, I asked the girl next to me if I could borrow her "rubber" and spent ten minutes being laughed at.

                              Don't worry. I only have slight emotional scarring LOL

                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Holy thunkage batman!

                              *snort*'re location...sure
                              indeed....she's about as innocent as a cat with canary feathers sticking out its mouth....

                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              I'm slow at seeing those kinds of things

                              Yup...just like me...completely innocent

                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                              Scuba diving in the Gutter again...

                              Extreme Gutter Content Warning!

                              Sam: Scientifically speaking, size does matter... but personally speaking... I'm impressed!
                              Jack: So am I... but I'm a little worried, too... It's never been this impressive before. Tell me again what was in that native moonshine back on P3x-595?
                              Sam: Pheromones. Lots of them. It was, after all, the Fertility Festival!


                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Awwwiess!!! JACOB!!! *melts*
                     favorite Tok'ra....

                              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                              In honor of "Secrets" (which I'm not watching because hubby is playing Madden...)...

                              The Valley Girl Edition

                              Sam: Like Daddy, it's so totally awesome that you're here!
                              Hammond: That was so my idea. Like I invited him myself.
                              Jacob: Georgie and I here like wore matching outfits and like had the hottest nails back when the A.F. was like totally hot!
                              Sam: As if! It still totally is.
                              Jacob: Whatever. Girlie I was like talking about when the Commies were wearing those like totally hideous uniforms and like only wore drab colors. :: shudders :: But like Georgie here was telling me you like got the A.F. Fashion Award for like, what were you doing again?
                              Sam: Researching new innovative fashion material. Duh.
                              Jacob: For sure.
                              :: Jack walks up ::
                              Jack: Grrrl, what's up? :: hands her a drink ::
                              Sam: You are so wicked!
                              Hammond: Colonel O'Neill meet a homie of mine - General Jacob Carter.
                              Jack: Carter? Like as in like ..
                              Sam: Daddy!
                              Jack: Dude, I'm so totally stoked, I've like never been given the 411!
                              Jacob: Like, what's there to say about an old fashion icon? I'm so last decade.
                              Sam: Daddy! I so totally brag on you.
                              Jack: Dude, I totally tried to retire, but like they offered me these awesome new shoes...
                              Jacob: For your work in innovative fashion materials. As if.
                              Jack: It's wicked cool, man. Like we get all this like new stuff and we are so totally ahead of the French. Not to mention it's like "Damn grrrl, you're hot." all the time.
                              Jacob: Whatever. Like, I guess it would have to be for you to be getting that medal.
                              Jack: Like we totally rock it. Now if you'll totally let me book it, I so want to go shopping! We just don't get to see how our stuff looks in the real world! And plus I've got like money burning a whole in my pocket. Dude, Grrrl, Dude.
                              :: Jack leaves ::
                              Jacob: Like this is total B.S. I know you're holding out girlie, so why don't you give me the low down.
                              Sam: As if! I like am so on the level.
                              Jacob: Whatever. But like whatever you do, it can't rock it the way NASA rocks it. Like have you seen those flight suits??
                              :: Sam looks away :::

                              The End

                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              She totally does not like that he kissed her on the cheek

                              "Am I going through the stargate"

                              - Dad
                              Jacob- You actually have to marry my daughter before you can say that

                              So...should we take that Sam and Jack are married then since Jack calls him Dad?

                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              Can't say our team was that good though

                              Yeah.....perhaps....but he likes this one too much

                              Good coverage??? Depends on the area?

                              That really suprised me when I was in the USA, when I'm in Europe I have signal, no matter where I am...there it was like..."oohhh connection"*does step to left* "no connection"...

                              Or Sam upgraded her phone
                              or Thor upgraded it....gotta love that good ol' Asgard tech....

                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Spoilered for gutter
                              unless they were having wild monkey sex with their former CO

                              *remembers she was supposed to be innocent*

                              And funny you mentioned that because I just posted it Great minds think alike!
                              *snort* again....

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              for me, seeing sam with pete is like seeing sam with walter harriman. beauty and the geek.

                              yes, i'm snarking off on again. it's in my blood.


                                *clears throat*

                                So...I'm gonna apologize a few days I wrote some death mini fics...and I never put them in spoilers...and it was brought to my attention that I should I'm really really sorry about that That was bad of me and I know I offended some of you.

                                *squishy hugs family*

                                And so some pic spam

                                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

