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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    *sneaks in*

    Hello! *waves*

    Two new sigs, from me to you.

    Hope you like them.

    Feel free to snurch if you like to.


      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
      Sounds like someone is volunteering

      I've got two-three fics going right now otherwise I would LOL although I would be surprised if no one wrote this fic already... surely, somewhere in the outer reaches of the internet...

      But hey, we can always use another
      Oh, I don't write a lot of fic anymore. I don't really have time for it. All the writing I do now is feature length scripts. It's tough to find fic on a specific topic because there is SO much of it! It's very daunting

      I'm gone for the day and I've got SO much to catch up on!
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        If you could have seen my eyeballs bug out of my head when I saw this. Yes, thanks. STRAIGHT to the gutter went my mind. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 . . .

        Someone should write a fic/drabble using that pic as inspiration . . . up against a wall and . . . no, no, I can't go on. You've all got your own imaginations . . .

        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          What she said ^^^^^^^
          There is no longer any need for warlike or ill feelings, we are all free spirits, we are all equal

          Nad, you got Continuum at last? Wooooohooooood!!!
          Just wondering, how long do we have to wait until we can start posting pics/quotes/ramblings about Continuum without spoilers? After everyone on this thread has seen it?

          And have fun, Nad!

          Originally posted by silly sally View Post
          Then what is Vala doing there?
          Regarding the scene from 200:

          See the way I see that particular scene, it was the entire SG-1 team imagining what a younger edger version of themselves would be like (Of course, to make it easier on the audience, we see only one vision, not all 5).

          Personally, I think that Cam and Vala couldn't help but add themselves in, Vala as a completely new character (since she wanted to be a part of the show anyway.) and Cam as the character inspired by Jack (since he seemed to think that he should be a part too. When Marty said that Colonel Danning is based on Colonel O'Neill, I still don't think he got the picture.)

          IMHO, even though we're seeing the vision through SG-1 eyes, even though we're seeing characters who resemble them (Ex. the girl playing "Sam" looks like Sam Carter, not Stacy Monroe, the Wormhole E-treme character), they're really just the embodiment of Colonel Danning ("Jack"), Stacy Monroe ("Sam"), Grell ("Teal'c"), and Doctor Levant (Daniel).

          I hope this makes sense, it's the first "long" post I've really ever written.

          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          A little bit of nonsense -

          Since tomorrow is garbage day and the truck always comes really early, I always take the garbage cans up to the curb the afternoon before. And today, when I did so, a neighbor and his father were there looking over some cracks in the side of the road next to their property. They said hi and came over and introduced themselves to me - Charlie and Jack! The neighbor is Charlie, and his dad is Jack. I couldn't help myself, inwardly I started laughing. We had a nice chat. They left and I came back in the house.
          Haha, very nice! But I'm surprised you were able to stay so composed! I probably would've started giggling right there in front of them! Yea, that would be a little awkward. (And I don't know if I could've resisted the urge to ask if he had a wife and what her name was! )

          Congrats to Nad on 3,900 posts!
          Congrats to Jumble on 3,900 posts!
          The Return of King Arthur
          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
            Oh, I don't write a lot of fic anymore. I don't really have time for it. All the writing I do now is feature length scripts. It's tough to find fic on a specific topic because there is SO much of it! It's very daunting

            I'm gone for the day and I've got SO much to catch up on!
            Sounds like a fun job

            Fic is my break time - writing is a more of a hobby - how cool you get to do it full time I write short stories and non-fic stuff too, but I'm a mom full time and a toddler sometimes gets in the way of hobby stuff.


              Due to the greatest pictures of all time and some... *ahem* interesting fanfic's, I'm now a S/J shipper.
              Last edited by Falcon 304; 08 October 2008, 09:25 PM.


                OMG. I LOVE this. Such a great animalistic, desperate attitude. LOL!

                Summer of 69 video makes me want to watch that episode again. I think I'll do that tonight! LOL!
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                  Due to the greatest pictures of all time and some... *ahem* interesting fanfic's, I'm now a S/J shipper.
                  Welcome on board the ship! Glad to have you with us!
                  The Return of King Arthur
                  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                  acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                    Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                    Due to the greatest pictures of all time and some... *ahem* interesting fanfic's, I'm now a S/J shipper.
                    Awww, welcome welcome.
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                      Due to the greatest pictures of all time and some... *ahem* interesting fanfic's, I'm now a S/J shipper.


                      And Hello to all!!! i had a busy day today... and i could not be here early, a lot of things to do ... and the college its coming!!! i'm scared!!! i hope i can make it!!!! and theres my driver license .... it is making me crazy, nuts just 1 month and i'll get it!!! who wants to make a tour in town with me?


                        Hey family {{{{ }}}}

                        Long time not type...since I still can't write a lot, I'm reveling in still more fanfic. Have to say, Janissima's stuff is amazing! Just finished To Save A Live and wow!

                        Off to read more...I do promise more Campfire stories when the cast comes off!

                        Oh! And today I was watching JAG today on my iPod and heard a familiar voice. I looked up and there was "Good Father" (Sha're's father from Abydos) being a bad guy! Weird.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                          (**snipped to save a bit o' space...**)

                          Haha, very nice! But I'm surprised you were able to stay so composed! I probably would've started giggling right there in front of them! Yea, that would be a little awkward. (And I don't know if I could've resisted the urge to ask if he had a wife and what her name was! )
                          I'm surprised at my composure, too. Now, if they'd said their last name was O'Neill, I know for sure I would've lost it and really started laughing! (Must remember to ask next time I see them.)


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            Some Shippy Hippy Love Spreading:


                            Sam's got Jack
                            Or Jack's got Sam, depending on your views on emancipation

                            They say the rules and regs say no
                            We have to wait and take it slow
                            Well that sure isn't what we do
                            Cause you got me , and baby I got you

                            Babe, I got you babe, I got you, Babe.

                            They say we stare to great extend
                            But hey, at least that time sure is well spent
                            I guess it's true, we stare a lot
                            But it's one of all the awesome things we got

                            Babe, I got you babe, I got you, Babe.

                            I got flowers in the spring
                            I got you, to wear my ring
                            And when I'm sad, you're a clown
                            And when I get scared you're always around
                            So let them say your hair's too long
                            I don't care, with you I can hold on.
                            Then put your little hand in mine
                            There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb

                            Babe, I got you babe, I got you, Babe.

                            I got you to hold my hand
                            I got you to understand
                            I got you to walk with me
                            I got you to talk with me
                            I got you to kiss goodnight
                            I got you to hold me tight
                            I got you I won't let go
                            I got you to love me so
                            I got you, babe

                            EDIT: Post 3900, WoooHoood!!

                            !!! i love it!!!! !!!


                              Hey everyone!

                              Got an OT question! Where do you go to start a new thread? I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE!
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Ok, I've got a new idea for shiperween/hallowship/that scary day that doesn't sound quite right...

                                Trading ships was a bit scary, but you know what we should really celebrate on the scariest day of all? The scariest day in the ship of course! Henceforth, thanks to APA and that great story, I now declare Halloween to be...


                                PETE DAY!!!

                                Our creations could be fics, artwork, lists, captions, quizzes or the like, all involving our favourite potato!!! Or we could rewrite scenes (or episodes) as though he never existed!

                       what do you think?

                                Disclaimer: 1. When I say "henceforth" I really don't mean henceforth. I realize that this might not be a much better idea than the first

                                2. I think that avatar has permanently messed with my head! Seahen!!!! *shakes fist* I blame this on you

                                3. I take no responsibility for the defamation of Pete Shanahan

                                Umm . . . you know I love ya, Bekki, and I know Ship-o-ween was kinda my idea, but if the spud has *anything* to do with it, I'm outta there. Time has not made my heart grow fonder - I still hate him with the burning anger of a thousand suns. <g> Creepy is one thing, but he's so much more than just creepy . . .

                                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                                *carefully avoids any mention of "Pete Day"*

                                Nad! And any others who've seen Continuum and would like to share thoughts about it in a shipper-friendly environment--don't forget we have the S/J Shippers Continuum Thread here.

                                Honest to God, if I could *find* any ship in Continuum, I'd be there to talk about it. I just couldn't find it. <shrug> Which depresses me because I really *did* want to find at least a hint.
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

