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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    RE: AT Sam/Jack and Pete

    AT was actually anti-Sam/Jack to start off with. She loved playing the whole Sam/Jack angle but once it got serious in S4 she made it clear that she didn't actually want them together while they were both serving on the same team at the SGC. She felt it could mess up the team dynamic if Sam/Jack were to start a romantic relationship. However, she did recognise that they did care for each other a lot and eventually had fallen in love with each other.

    After season 4, TPTB had made it clear to everyone that Sam/Jack had feelings for each other but they weren't going to let them pursue a relationship while at the SGC. At this point AT became more pro-S/J because she knew it wouldn't effect the team dynamic. Later AT asked for a boyfriend that didn't die so that Carter could lose the 'black widow' reputation. Then we got Pete. But AT did say on numerous occasions that Carter needed more experience in the 'adult relationship' area and also clearly said in an interview that she thought Sam/Jack would end up together in the end and that Pete was just there to round Sam out as a person, to show a different side of her character.

    IMO TPTB played the Pete card well, by putting in 'Grace' first. They clearly stated that Sam was trying to get over Jack by dating someone else. AT was the most pro-S/J after 'Threads'; in interviews she talked about Sam/Jack positively and said that she wants TPTB to address the Sam/Jack arc before Stargate is over.

    EDIT: Forgot to add, I think the reason why AT talked about Pete and not Jack in the latest interview was because she was asked about Pete and not Jack. And plus, she's trying not to give away spoilers so there may be a very good reason why she's not mentioning Jack.
    What she said! You summed it up very well, Nikki! I have only one small thing to add.

    There are many nuances in this ongoing discussion. It's not cut and dried, and it would be unfair to AT, TPTB, fans and anyone else involved to take one aspect of the issue out of context. Anyone who wants to speak accurately on this issue should do a LOT of reading first. IMHO.


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      I was talking about what AT said behind the scenes about how she and CJ interpreted their roles in Undending, as lovers. Like Nikki said, initially she said it was just them having fun but she's given more than one interview on the topic and she said she saw it as a natural evolution of their relationship, or something like that. JM even had to address it on his blog. I don't want to beat a dead horse on this topic but that surprised me. I agree with ses110 that interviews, in general, don't bring up Jack much and I don't know why that is, either (I'm not talking about recent interviews, I agree there could be spoiler potential there- I hope!). I just don't think that the S/J ship is a big deal to her, but that's my impression.
      i don't think so either, but i don't care. i used to let it bother me, but i reached a low point and then just let it go. i had to, especially because i'd be a hypocrite if i said i wanted to express my own views but wouldn't allow amanda the same respect.

      so i just let go what any of the ppl behind the scenes say about things, and just concentrate on the characters. i try at least.




        Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
        Hi everyone

        I really wanted to make my 4,000 post here. Firstly, because I love Jack/Sam and am hopefully that one day we will get some kind of resolution and secondly because everytime I've posted on here with a problem I've had a huge amount of support from you all, I'm very grateful for that, and it means a great deal to me. So, thanks everyone
        Congratulations, scifi_girl, on 4,000 posts!!!


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i don't think so either, but i don't care. i used to let it bother me, but i reached a low point and then just let it go. i had to, especially because i'd be a hypocrite if i said i wanted to express my own views but wouldn't allow amanda the same respect.

          so i just let go what any of the ppl behind the scenes say about things, and just concentrate on the characters. i try at least.

          I agree completely, so what, Amanda isn't a shipper. She doesn't have to be. I just love her for bringing us Sam Carter in the first place (and TPTB...) if ship follows, that will be great...and you know what? It did!

          I love what she and RDA have done to the characters of Sam and Jack respectively. They are awesome actors, and I couldn't care less that AT may or may not be a shipper. It's neither here nor there. The ship is canon, no matter who does or does not like it...and for me and my house...

          Sam and Jack are so married!

          Ahh...I said I was going to bed thirty minutes's that time. We need to stop meeting like this...I have rhyming words to match with 5 year-olds in the morning!


            I personally don't particularly care if AT is a hardcore shipper or not. I respect her opinions and I respect that she puts Sam the character first. I have to agree with her on that one.

            Even if the shippiest scene *ever* was written/filmed, but the one catch was that it undermined the character in some way (and I am *not* saying that ship would undermind the character, but terribly written ship could), then I wouldn't want to see it.

            I am a Sam fan first and foremost.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              david reed (the interviewer) is not an s/j shipper. he's not anti, he just doesn't get off on it.

              did you notice he brought up sexual tention between sam and mckay? and that *he* brought up the pete character?

              he has every right to bring up what he's interested in, just like the kinds of questions i would have asked amanda if i'd been the interviewer. but i was aware of these things (above) and kept in mind who was doing the interview.

              funny, but what bothered me wasn't these two things but that amanda will prob dye her hair brunette for the helen role. i want blond amanda!!

              I think its great.. To be honest whats the point of keeping your hair the smae lenght and colour if your not that character anymore.. she has to transform into Helen now. ... did i mention how excited i was about Sanctuary?!

              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              I personally don't particularly care if AT is a hardcore shipper or not. I respect her opinions and I respect that she puts Sam the character first. I have to agree with her on that one.

              Even if the shippiest scene *ever* was written/filmed, but the one catch was that it undermined the character in some way (and I am *not* saying that ship would undermind the character, but terribly written ship could), then I wouldn't want to see it.

              I am a Sam fan first and foremost.
              ITA the actors should be respected, even if they don't support our shipping of their character with another.. we should be thankful that the character is that to ship someone with

              EDIT: Fic rec! Kawoosh
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by Bucky View Post
                Hello fellow shippers.

                I have to vent about this somewhere, and here seems like the safest place. About to go on a rant, feel free to so skip it. I just have to blow off some steam.

                I've been dutifully slogging my way through the Stargate Fan Awards ( if you haven't registered), specifically the SG-1 shipper stories about Sam and Jack. I'd read through all the "Angst" category and was making my way through "Drama" when I read a story that purported to be S/J ship, but was, in fact, completely anti-S/J AND particularly anti-Sam.

                In it General O'Neill is forced to retire because of his fraternization with Kerry Johnson and also in order to protect Carter after her error in judgment with RepliCarter. But he's not happy about it. Carter immediately breaks up with Pete, and wants to start a relationship with Jack. He's appalled that she doesn't have more respect for Pete's feelings. Teal'c is appalled and resigns in order to return to help the new Jaffa nation. Daniel is also unhappy with her.

                When referring to Sam's interest in him, Jack uses words like "I doubt she’d take no for an answer now. She won’t be satisfied till she’s got me. Carter tends to get what she wants, in case you hadn’t noticed.” and "She and I have absolutely nothing in common, aside from the work she can’t talk about to me anymore. Hell, this is such a train wreck.” By the end of the story, Sam and Jack are not together; she's left and Jack is back in charge of the base, having recently started dating his ex-wife, Sara.

                Well, it's got Jack and Sam in it, but how that story got nominated for an S/J Shipper fanfiction category beats me. I did email whoever runs the site to suggest (politely, I think) that perhaps the story belongs in another category, maybe "Other."

                Anyway, it's not that Sam didn't make mistakes in her relationship with Pete, but this story made her selfish and inconsiderate and clueless. And from the beginning it's clear that the story thinks getting Sam and Jack together is a bad, even ridiculous idea.

                I kept reading the story waiting for a change of tone, then finally skipped to the end to see if it did have an S/J ending. Nope.

                So I feel like I've been tricked. And, while I know Sam and Jack and Daniel and Teal'c are not real, I am fond of the characters. This story was so nasty to Sam that I feel like I've been forced to listen to insults, and have no recourse. Like I've been made to read the anti-Sam/Jack thread against my will.

                Anyway. I no there's not supposed to be any promoting regarding stories in the award categories, so I'm not mentioning the name of the story or the author. But I still feel assaulted.

                But still. I could use a cuppa and some hugs.


                ps I also posted this in the samandjacklist.
                (((((Bucky)))))) I was reading Fan Award fics a few years ago. These were from a year or so prior to the date I was reading and any awards had already been given.. Any way under Sam and Jack I came upon a Jack/Janet. IIRC it even said so in the description. Needless to say I didn't read it, although Jack/Janet is not bad, it's just not Sam/Jack.


                  I agree with everyone's sentiments about respecting what the actors think about the characters and storylines. However, I think sillysally pointed out that it does make it less likely for any resolution, if that's what you want to see for this particular ship. It's not as if the actors' thoughts don't matter in the end.


                    My bad...I shouldn't have quoted Nikki's post. Although she beautifully summed up the discussion, it just started it up again.

                    How about we talk about something else:

                    1. What's the best S/J fic you've read lately?

                    2. What's the best S/J fic you've EVER read?

                    The best S/J fics I've read lately are these:

                    Completing the Circle Two Pi R, by Josephine Martin:

                    nell recommended this one to me. The author, Josephine Martin, is new to me, but I like her style.

                    Heat, by ChopinGal:

                    As for my all-time faves:

                    Twilight by Gail R. Delaney:

                    Jo R's Loose Ends series:
                    Loose Ends:
                    All Tied Up:

                    What Will It Take? by SG1-Fanfic:

                    Oh, heck! I could go on all night and not mention all the great fics I've read...many by our own thread members.

           many little time...


                      Originally posted by VSS View Post
                      I agree with everyone's sentiments about respecting what the actors think about the characters and storylines. However, I think sillysally pointed out that it does make it less likely for any resolution, if that's what you want to see for this particular ship. It's not as if the actors' thoughts don't matter in the end.
                      The actor's thoughts do matter, but they are not the fianl decision makers.

                      Besides, I don't ever recall AT saying straight up that she didn't want any sort of resolution. Ever. Did she? I could be forgetting something.


                        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                        The actor's thoughts do matter, but they are not the fianl decision makers.

                        Besides, I don't ever recall AT saying straight up that she didn't want any sort of resolution. Ever. Did she? I could be forgetting something.
                        I don't know, honestly. I don't follow the actors very much. As i said earlier, it seems to me it's just not a big deal for her, either way.
                        Last edited by VSS; 18 February 2008, 07:48 PM. Reason: added


                          Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                          Wjat is it with unending? I admit I wanted Sam to mention Jack all those years, but apart from that I don't see anything detrimental to the ship and I love it. I don't agree with you, it's important what actors want especially Amanda - she and Micahel Shanks are probably the most influencial actors in the franchise nowadays. If she doesn't want the ship it won't happen, if she loves it there's a good chance it will happen now that Sam will have a reduced role next season.
                          Hon...that's just not so. The producers decide what ultimately happens, not the actors...and I think the Sam/Jack ship is a storyline they want to close well.

                          Remember the silly in your name!

                          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                          The actor's thoughts do matter, but they are not the fianl decision makers.

                          Besides, I don't ever recall AT saying straight up that she didn't want any sort of resolution. Ever. Did she? I could be forgetting something.
                          No, she hasn't said that...and she won't. If you've ever seen her live (and I have), she's always very coy about the Ship. Those who were with me when we saw her at Shore Leave in 2006 felt she was very positive about the Ship. When asked about S/J going fishing at the end of S8 and what that meant, she replied, "Well, let's just say he got me hook, line and sinker!"

                          What I firmly believe she's sick of is being asked about it.

                          I've worked in the media for all of my adult life. Part of the actors' jobs when giving interviews is to help the producers promote the show. How do they do that?

                          Cause talk among fans.

                          Affect talk among fans.

                          Actors giving interviews aren't always 100% honest. It's not a news interview, FCOL! They often go out to do interviews with specific messages the producers want pushed in order to promote the show...and get people like us watching and talking on forums. It's part of the business. Why do you think AT didn't mention the Ship in her last interview? Why isn't Joe answering S/J Ship questions? Because right now, they need us to be interested enough to buy Continuum and come back for SGA S5. Keeping the details on her departure to themselves and keeping us talking about it are in their best interests right now.

                          It doesn't mean AT isn't a wonderful person. I think she is! It doesn't mean Joe wants to be mean to us. They just like to keep us interested by keeping us guessing.

                          So don't get too excited about the contradictory things actors say. It doesn't mean that's what they actually think!

                          Really. I promise.

                          The Sam/Jack storyline is one of the most enduring elements of the Stargate franchise. Most people who aren't involved in forums like we are already think they're together! I think the producers will want to wrap this up properly...and although they've made a few mistakes here and there...they've also given us a tapestry of stories and characters we've become so attached to that we come here and talk for hours about them. So, along the way, they've done a lot right.

                          Hang in there.

                          These are my last words on actors' likes and dislikes...until they're needed again.
                          Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 19 February 2008, 07:52 PM.


                            1. What's the best S/J fic you've read lately?

                            I Just finished a oneshot called Distance it was siooo cute! thats proberly the best one i've read atm....

                            2. What's the best S/J fic you've EVER read?

                            best fic i have ever read one called Small Favors... nooo i can't find the link on!!!!...

                            anyhoo its about Sam and Jack and how Thor wanted to learn about human physology and whether the human brain could handle the Asgard information. So with the Help of General Hammon, Teal'c, Janet and Daniel. They get Sam and Jack to go to the cabin together and then thor uses a shield to stop them leaving the cabin and he beams in food and stuff. Thor wantes them to have a Kid, so they spend about 5 months in the cabin getting closer and colser with eachother, anyhoo in the end they end up haveing a kid and Thor officates their wedding.. Just like in '200. it had to be the most hilarious/romantic S/J fic i have ever read.
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              alright time fo rme to hit the hay




                                Well...since it's now after midnight in my part of the world, I can finally say...

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA!!!

                                EDIT: Did anyone ever notice how well Sam and Jack match in this picture? They have the same color tops on...Jack's hat and Sam's hair are the same shade...and they're mirroring their looks to one another. *sigh* If that's not a couple, I don't know what is!

