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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Happy Ship Year!

    Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


      From the O'Neills...
      A Very Happy New Year!!!


        Ok, this is recycled. I don't have anything new...yet. It's kind of a review....a 'through the years' thing. We hope this year we'll have less angst and more resolution!


        Jack O’Neill and Samantha Carter
        These are our special two
        A lot has happened through the years
        Let’s take a moment to review

        Season one, when loved first bloomed
        Perhaps when Sam walked into the briefing room?
        No doubt that friendship and admiration grew
        Respect was given where respect was due

        An extravagant dress caught his attention
        He was more than impressed
        And the ‘attack’ in the locker room
        When Jack was getting dressed

        A hug of reassurance
        When Daniel was left behind
        Relief when he heard her voice
        His feelings were defined

        Stranded in Antarctica
        Things were looking grim
        Jack’s trust in her showed
        And Sam’s devotion to him

        In another reality
        Engaged they were
        She was Sam
        And he wasn’t Sir

        Jolinar showed up in Season two
        Using Sam when push came to shove
        Jack feared for this woman he knew
        And perhaps that he even loved

        Meeting Dad was interesting
        Quite unexpected to boot
        I wonder if Jacob looked at them
        And thought “Hum, they’re cute!”

        Waking up in the ‘future’
        With the belief that each was dead
        Hey Jack, that’s not her back right there!
        And watch out for that redhead

        Jack was Goa’ulded
        But Sam wouldn’t have that
        Going to take out the generator
        She was going to get Jack back

        They saved each other from Hathor
        And Sam he did enfold
        They held each other tightly
        And don’t tell me it’s because he was cold!

        When Sam was promoted to Major
        Jack helped Hammond with pride
        What would he have said about her
        Had the Asgard not taken him for a ride?

        Another reality came along
        This time it really hit home
        Jack had his Major Carter
        And another one on loan

        This Sam was just a Doctor
        No regs were in the way
        She’d been married to Jack
        Until that fateful day

        She kissed our Jack where Sam could see
        Not doubt it was confusing
        To see ‘yourself’ kiss the man you love
        It must have caused some musing.

        A hundred days
        Jack was gone
        She worked day and night
        But had he moved on?

        Then undercover he went
        Leaving them all in the dark
        He hadn’t been acting himself?
        What a remark

        Our first fishing invite
        At the end of Season three
        It was just so cute
        That I had to squee

        Season four’s shippiness
        Was completely fab
        It started out with flirting
        In Sam’s lab

        Then today all those years ago
        They admitted their feelings were mutual
        Jack would rather die than live
        Than face what life without Sam would give

        What if time restarted?
        You could do whatever you wanted
        Jack took advantage of this
        And kissed Sam square on the lips

        Remembering feelings
        When all else was lost
        Comfortable with each other
        In a land of frost

        In a possible future
        Sam wasn’t with Jack
        Thank God they could time travel
        And reverse it all back!

        Duty before love
        Jack had to keep in mind
        He shot the woman he loved
        No other choice at the time

        In seasons five and six
        The ship was very subtle
        I know it was there
        You can’t burst my bubble!

        Jack asked if he could hang out
        He came by with pizza and a movie
        But Orlin was there hiding
        And everyone thought Sam was loopy

        She was kidnapped
        Jack was on the case
        What relief he felt
        When he saw Sam’s face

        Flirting over Jello
        Demonstrating a gun
        It’s the little things
        That make the ship fun

        When Daniel ascended
        Things were in a deadlock
        Jack hid his feelings
        Sam needed to talk

        Times got better
        They flirted a bit
        Even got to fly together
        In a hybrid ship

        Jack thinks she’s an egghead
        But in a good way
        He thinks the world of her
        He’ll tell her someday

        Becoming ill
        With an incurable disease
        All it took to accept the Tok’ra
        Was Sam’s simple ‘Please’

        Once again Jack was missing
        It was hard for Sam to take
        She couldn’t lose someone else
        With Teal’c she couldn’t fake

        SG-1 was in trouble
        Sam was tested on
        Jack told her to rest a while
        And his shoulder her head laid upon

        Season seven had lots of ship
        Even though there was much hardship
        Episodes like Chimera we can hardly watch
        Others like Lost City are topnotch

        When they were separated
        There was concern
        Whether going to South America
        Or flying too close to a sun

        I believe Grace is their child
        That it’s what is meant to be
        And also as a bonus-
        The hottest kiss in history!

        Pete was introduced
        Perhaps Sam had gone cuckoo
        But maybe he was good for her
        To see only Jack would do

        The death knell tolled
        Jack didn’t give up
        He was there for her
        When she couldn’t get up

        Almost losing Jack
        And Janet’s death
        Sam took comfort
        In his every breath

        Getting his head ‘sucked’
        Jack did it again
        Sam’s a national treasure
        Even more to him

        He was frozen in stasis
        To save his life
        Sam called him Jack
        Amidst her strife

        On Sam’s way
        To help save Jack
        Fifth was there
        Revenge he would exact

        In the end
        It turned out well
        Together again
        Things were swell

        They both got promoted
        This time around
        Sam led SG-1
        Jack was Earthbound

        Pete proposed
        We thought we’d die
        The ship had sunk
        Why, why, why?

        But even though she was engaged
        They still flirted everyday
        Touches and smiles, looks and glances
        I know where the real romance is

        Then came Threads
        Jack was with a girl
        Shippers everywhere
        Were about to hurl

        Sam was having doubts
        And rightly so
        Pete wasn’t the guy
        And she needed to know

        She visited Jack
        She had to tell him
        But she was there
        And the SGC beckoned

        Her father was dying
        And Jack arrived
        He was there for her
        Right by her side

        Decisions were made
        Relationships were through
        Sam and Jack belonged to each other
        And now they both knew

        After so many years
        Sam finally went fishing
        She finally saw
        What she’d been missing

        We hope in our hearts
        That they are together
        That things with them
        Got even better

        We’ll have to wait
        A while to see
        If we get something real
        In our reality

        Our ship is the best
        We’ve been put to the test
        But we won’t bail
        Our ship will sail

        So celebrate our favorite pair
        With stories, pics, and much fanfare
        This day is special and don’t forget
        To have fun with your beloved ship

        HAPPY SHIP YEAR!!!!!




            HAPPY SHIP YEAR!

            Just sayin', here's hoping for a Grand Honkin' New Year for Sam and Jack!

            Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


              *slips on new sig and does a twirl in front of the mirror*

              Thanks sueKay!

              It's perfect. How I love Moebius Sam

              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Happy Ship Year!!

                may the new year see all our dreams and desires come true!




                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Ok, this is recycled. I don't have anything new...yet. It's kind of a review....a 'through the years' thing. We hope this year we'll have less angst and more resolution!


                  Jack O’Neill and Samantha Carter
                  These are our special two
                  A lot has happened through the years
                  Let’s take a moment to review

                  Season one, when loved first bloomed
                  Perhaps when Sam walked into the briefing room?
                  No doubt that friendship and admiration grew
                  Respect was given where respect was due

                  An extravagant dress caught his attention
                  He was more than impressed
                  And the ‘attack’ in the locker room
                  When Jack was getting dressed

                  A hug of reassurance
                  When Daniel was left behind
                  Relief when he heard her voice
                  His feelings were defined

                  Stranded in Antarctica
                  Things were looking grim
                  Jack’s trust in her showed
                  And Sam’s devotion to him

                  In another reality
                  Engaged they were
                  She was Sam
                  And he wasn’t Sir

                  Jolinar showed up in Season two
                  Using Sam when push came to shove
                  Jack feared for this woman he knew
                  And perhaps that he even loved

                  Meeting Dad was interesting
                  Quite unexpected to boot
                  I wonder if Jacob looked at them
                  And thought “Hum, they’re cute!”

                  Waking up in the ‘future’
                  With the belief that each was dead
                  Hey Jack, that’s not her back right there!
                  And watch out for that redhead

                  Jack was Goa’ulded
                  But Sam wouldn’t have that
                  Going to take out the generator
                  She was going to get Jack back

                  They saved each other from Hathor
                  And Sam he did enfold
                  They held each other tightly
                  And don’t tell me it’s because he was cold!

                  When Sam was promoted to Major
                  Jack helped Hammond with pride
                  What would he have said about her
                  Had the Asgard not taken him for a ride?

                  Another reality came along
                  This time it really hit home
                  Jack had his Major Carter
                  And another one on loan

                  This Sam was just a Doctor
                  No regs were in the way
                  She’d been married to Jack
                  Until that fateful day

                  She kissed our Jack where Sam could see
                  Not doubt it was confusing
                  To see ‘yourself’ kiss the man you love
                  It must have caused some musing.

                  A hundred days
                  Jack was gone
                  She worked day and night
                  But had he moved on?

                  Then undercover he went
                  Leaving them all in the dark
                  He hadn’t been acting himself?
                  What a remark

                  Our first fishing invite
                  At the end of Season three
                  It was just so cute
                  That I had to squee

                  Season four’s shippiness
                  Was completely fab
                  It started out with flirting
                  In Sam’s lab

                  Then today all those years ago
                  They admitted their feelings were mutual
                  Jack would rather die than live
                  Than face what life without Sam would give

                  What if time restarted?
                  You could do whatever you wanted
                  Jack took advantage of this
                  And kissed Sam square on the lips

                  Remembering feelings
                  When all else was lost
                  Comfortable with each other
                  In a land of frost

                  In a possible future
                  Sam wasn’t with Jack
                  Thank God they could time travel
                  And reverse it all back!

                  Duty before love
                  Jack had to keep in mind
                  He shot the woman he loved
                  No other choice at the time

                  In seasons five and six
                  The ship was very subtle
                  I know it was there
                  You can’t burst my bubble!

                  Jack asked if he could hang out
                  He came by with pizza and a movie
                  But Orlin was there hiding
                  And everyone thought Sam was loopy

                  She was kidnapped
                  Jack was on the case
                  What relief he felt
                  When he saw Sam’s face

                  Flirting over Jello
                  Demonstrating a gun
                  It’s the little things
                  That make the ship fun

                  When Daniel ascended
                  Things were in a deadlock
                  Jack hid his feelings
                  Sam needed to talk

                  Times got better
                  They flirted a bit
                  Even got to fly together
                  In a hybrid ship

                  Jack thinks she’s an egghead
                  But in a good way
                  He thinks the world of her
                  He’ll tell her someday

                  Becoming ill
                  With an incurable disease
                  All it took to accept the Tok’ra
                  Was Sam’s simple ‘Please’

                  Once again Jack was missing
                  It was hard for Sam to take
                  She couldn’t lose someone else
                  With Teal’c she couldn’t fake

                  SG-1 was in trouble
                  Sam was tested on
                  Jack told her to rest a while
                  And his shoulder her head laid upon

                  Season seven had lots of ship
                  Even though there was much hardship
                  Episodes like Chimera we can hardly watch
                  Others like Lost City are topnotch

                  When they were separated
                  There was concern
                  Whether going to South America
                  Or flying too close to a sun

                  I believe Grace is their child
                  That it’s what is meant to be
                  And also as a bonus-
                  The hottest kiss in history!

                  Pete was introduced
                  Perhaps Sam had gone cuckoo
                  But maybe he was good for her
                  To see only Jack would do

                  The death knell tolled
                  Jack didn’t give up
                  He was there for her
                  When she couldn’t get up

                  Almost losing Jack
                  And Janet’s death
                  Sam took comfort
                  In his every breath

                  Getting his head ‘sucked’
                  Jack did it again
                  Sam’s a national treasure
                  Even more to him

                  He was frozen in stasis
                  To save his life
                  Sam called him Jack
                  Amidst her strife

                  On Sam’s way
                  To help save Jack
                  Fifth was there
                  Revenge he would exact

                  In the end
                  It turned out well
                  Together again
                  Things were swell

                  They both got promoted
                  This time around
                  Sam led SG-1
                  Jack was Earthbound

                  Pete proposed
                  We thought we’d die
                  The ship had sunk
                  Why, why, why?

                  But even though she was engaged
                  They still flirted everyday
                  Touches and smiles, looks and glances
                  I know where the real romance is

                  Then came Threads
                  Jack was with a girl
                  Shippers everywhere
                  Were about to hurl

                  Sam was having doubts
                  And rightly so
                  Pete wasn’t the guy
                  And she needed to know

                  She visited Jack
                  She had to tell him
                  But she was there
                  And the SGC beckoned

                  Her father was dying
                  And Jack arrived
                  He was there for her
                  Right by her side

                  Decisions were made
                  Relationships were through
                  Sam and Jack belonged to each other
                  And now they both knew

                  After so many years
                  Sam finally went fishing
                  She finally saw
                  What she’d been missing

                  We hope in our hearts
                  That they are together
                  That things with them
                  Got even better

                  We’ll have to wait
                  A while to see
                  If we get something real
                  In our reality

                  Our ship is the best
                  We’ve been put to the test
                  But we won’t bail
                  Our ship will sail

                  So celebrate our favorite pair
                  With stories, pics, and much fanfare
                  This day is special and don’t forget
                  To have fun with your beloved ship

                  HAPPY SHIP YEAR!!!!!
                  It may be an oldie, but it's still a goodie!


                    O.K., I won't be around much today, but Happy Ship Year!!!!!

                    Now, a game!
                    What New Year's Resolutions would Sam and Jack make?


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

                      Now, a game!
                      What New Year's Resolutions would Sam and Jack make?
                      to spend more time together!

                      sam: jack?

                      jack: yes, dear?

                      sam: we don't spend enough time together.

                      jack: yes, dear.

                      sam: jack?

                      jack: yes, dear?

                      sam: what should we do about it?

                      jack: i'll retire, move back to colorado springs, we'll buy a new house together, have a kidling or two, and live happily and sexually ever after.

                      sam: .....

                      jack: that sound good?

                      sam: yes, dear.




                        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                        O.K., I won't be around much today, but Happy Ship Year!!!!!

                        Now, a game!
                        What New Year's Resolutions would Sam and Jack make?
                        I'm working on it....


                          Perfect Sally! I especially liked the "yes dears"!


                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            to spend more time together!

                            sam: jack?

                            jack: yes, dear?

                            sam: we don't spend enough time together.

                            jack: yes, dear.

                            sam: jack?

                            jack: yes, dear?

                            sam: what should we do about it?

                            jack: i'll retire, move back to colorado springs, we'll buy a new house together, have a kidling or two, and live happily and sexually ever after.

                            sam: .....

                            jack: that sound good?

                            sam: yes, dear.



                              Atlantis hoped Sam and Jack's New Year party would be in Atlantis, alas...

                              wondered why not; isn't the Pegasus Galaxy good enough?
                              well, isn't it?

                              didn't know any New Year love songs; Athosian custom was to kiss the ground if they survived another year.

                              hoped to do a men's night, but the Atlantis guys didn't warm to his homeworld custom of celebrating a new year with fasting, 5 hours of hand to hand combat finished with a dive into iced water before getting to the fun of drinking. Naked. Just men.

                              liked Ronon's idea if he could watch Rodney do it, and videotape it.

                              thought Zelenka should join Ronon and maybe prove himself good at something for once.
                              Oh, and wonders why he never got the emails on Sam and Jack's nuptials anyway.

                              & like the idea of New Year celebration, in double servings.

                              And the SGC and Atlantis Expedition still can't figure out how their Sims warfare suddenly had Simpsons' characters. They still can't decide which shifts go to the party first 'cause they understand how to win yet.

                              Shep was a prime suspect since needed an accomplice on this end; he denies any knowledge of reworking the codes to replace the original ones.

                              & when asked if they conspired to gum up the game said, "Moi?" in perfect unison. They assured Atlantis that they would visit and have a party with them in the near future. Really.

                              because they can be together anywhere, always.

                              Just sayin', just playin'. And just sayin' night all! Back for more later!
                              Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 30 December 2006, 01:39 PM.
                              MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                                Congratulations, Traveler Enroute 1, on 900 posts!

