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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    Rewatching this episode, I found I don't hate Pete as much. **ducks flying objects** I still don't like the whole Stalker Pete thing, sex scene, and the ending. But (and this is the first time I noticed this), during Sam and Pete's date while they are dancing, Pete says: It's nice to know that people still stay together no matter what, isn't it?. The look on Sam's face looks like she's doing something wrong by being with Pete (and not Jack). Here's some caps I made (and lighten) to show you what I mean.

    Does it not look like she's regretting that she couldn't be with Jack "no matter what"? Just my recent thoughts on Chimera.
    Holy hannah...that last're right!!! Wow...must go back and re watch Chimera...and just so you know that you're not alone...I don't hate Pete either...I just found him awkward to watch at times and a bit too...I dunno...goofy??...I just couldn't see him being Sam's type...and I definitely didn't like him dong the background check...why didn't he trust her?? Nope...I don't hate him...don't like him much either...I just think he was totally wrong for Sam...
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      I remember watching chimera and my tv remote going flying across the room in rage because she went on that date with pete.
      All i remember saying was....."why this dork....she should end up with jack..not pete" LOL.


        Originally posted by zuz View Post



          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          yep i either don't see sam living on a farm, she isn't that type for me. she is more a type that lives with enough electronica and such. and on a farm you don't always have that, but that's just my IMO.
          And living with pete then were are her doohickeys Jack is way better with them
          I realized in my universe, Sam and Jack buy a farmette... Only iI magine that's for privacy, and Sam has the freedom to safely play with her doohickeys, and they don't actually have animals. (except maybe a dog ) The barn's where Sam keeps her doohickeys (both scientific and the set of 'new' bikes she's restoring) and serves as her 'playground'. Same with Jack.
          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          Like it again how can you make so much of them?? i don't have that much inspiration And i always like them
          Again great slides, how many do you now have of this episode?
          Um... *checks* Dang! 32... Yikes. Yeah, I just keep making more, and more... Glad you like them! It's fun and easy. Really. And as I've said, a lot easier than writing descriptions and explaining my thoughts on the episode!
          Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
          yes there was meant to be a kiss in the infamous " there are things about this place that i like" scene
          but on the commentary they dont say whether or not it got cut from the script or whether it got edited out
          like there was meant to be script in D&C with the whole staring into eachothers eyes scene, but both actors didnt want to speak

          if there is footage of the bts kiss, then i d like to see that!
          From what I remember, they never even went with the kiss, feeling there'd been enough kisses and other fluff already that season and understatement was probable better at that point. I tend to agree, actually, and as with the D&C scene in which the dialogue was cut, I think with such excellent actors less is often more emotional than more... This is also why I enjoy making the slides, BTW, because in freeze framing I see a lot of little looks and moments I would otherwise miss :-)


            Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
            good luck to those betting on the Melbourne Cup!
            i have 3 horses picked so far!
            its too cold to be out so i m going to watch it at the local pub!!

            Toodles, Bee
            Hey Bianca...didn't bet on any horses today...thank god...saved a penny or two by not is a bit chilly today...I was hoping for some rain...looks like Sydney got a down pour...hopalong should be happy now...not enough to break the drought though...D'oh!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Good (very early) morning shipper family! I hope everyone enjoyed a *few* more hours than I got! Dang headache... anywho...Hope everyone is in fine fettle this morning. Going to be another love(ly) day!


                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping



                  (((LAD)))...hope you have a better week this week!
                  Last edited by Chelle DB; 07 November 2006, 02:45 AM. Reason: needed doing!:)
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping



                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      CONGRATULATIONS SAM ON 1100 POSTS!!

                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Good night ship family...take care, be safe and keep smiling!

                        HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY NIKI!!

                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                          No doubt! If there is footage from that scene and RDA isn't in the finale (do we know anything yet?) then they could show Sam thinking back to that kiss as the first kiss. She and Daniel (or even Vala) could talk about how that kiss was the fist and only (no memory of WoO for Sam and BD kiss doesn't count either) until Jack took her fishing a few years ago. At least we'd still get our confirmation and BHK! Obviously, the camera would then pan to Sam's left hand since
                          they are so married!!!!!
                          TEE HEE !!!


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            Hey Bianca...didn't bet on any horses today...thank god...saved a penny or two by not is a bit chilly today...I was hoping for some rain...looks like Sydney got a down pour...hopalong should be happy now...not enough to break the drought though...D'oh!

                            Not when I get caught in it walking home from the bus stop! And it's still not really falling where it's needed, ie the catchment areas for the dams.

                            Tell Niki
                            Happy Birthday!
                            for me.


                              Message in a Bottle poster #7

                              Click image to enlarge


                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                CONGRATULATIONS JENA ON YOUR 3700 POSTS!!

                                (((LAD)))...hope you have a better week this week!
                                Thank you. I'm so tired right now it's not even funny. *headdesk*

                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Good night ship family...take care, be safe and keep smiling!

                                HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY NIKI!!

                                Happy B-Day to her!!

