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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
    Hey i just thought of something and it's got me really giggling. You knpow the whole "If you hurt my daughter I will kill you' speech done to grooms? Can you imagine Teal'c to Jack?

    "If you intend to cause hurt to Marjor Carter, or harm her in any way, i will be forced to take action." LOL! That would scare me more than any father-of-the-bride speech!
    With his serious look he really can be frightening, my cousin thinks he's weird and freaky. And oh... it's Lt-Col Carter


      Originally posted by Lizlove
      With his serious look he really can be frightening, my cousin thinks he's weird and freaky. And oh... it's Lt-Col Carter
      Oh yeah. Sorry, But I thought of thise quote when she was still a major. It's like my name. the actual quoet was "Nogigglingcaptain" but i prefer major!

      ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
      I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
      Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
        I was totally dancing at the 'not exactly' but i didn't notice the music! *runs of to rewatch it*
        The "not exactly" is great, but you really can't be sure what she meant. But with the ship music, it's a whole different story. It can only mean 1 thing *dreams away*
        they are soooo married


          Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
          Oh yeah. Sorry, But I thought of thise quote when she was still a major. It's like my name. the actual quoet was "Nogigglingcaptain" but i prefer major!
          No probs!
          Nogigglingcolonel is nice too *hint, hint*


            Originally posted by Lizlove
            No probs!
            Nogigglingcolonel is nice too *hint, hint*
            What about Nogigglinggeneral


              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
              What about Nogigglinggeneral
              Nopes, nogigglingcolonel is much more.... kinky had to say it...


                Night ship family...sweet shippy dreams all!!


                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  not happy... not happy AT ALL!!!

                  The Quest (pt 1)...

                  Mitchell said "oh for cryin' out loud!" when they were running through the tunnels and reached the third riddle!
                  first he takes over as the star of the show, and now he's stealing Jack's main catch-phrase!

                  Bad Mitchell... bad! I half expected Sam to hit him or at least give him a dirty look...
                  the cheek of it!
                  Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                  Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                  Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                    Originally posted by Lizlove
                    Nopes, nogigglingcolonel is much more.... kinky had to say it...
                    Back in the gutter again eh?

                    Nogigglingmajor sounds great, I can see why nogigglingmajor choose that name.


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                      Back in the gutter again eh?

                      Nogigglingmajor sounds great, I can see why nogigglingmajor choose that name.
                      Well she began with nogigglingcaptain so normaly she should go with the flow no?
                      Anyway you're right, ngm is great *huggles ngm*


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                        Red Sky.
                        Good morning all...

                        I love that ep. One of the best Sam as Jack's hero episodes. Jack's big plan to solve the problem? Carter'll think of something!

                        And he's just so darn cute when she praises his understanding in front of Hammond .


                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                          Very insightful!

                          I never thought about when she sent the message. Hmmm.... Actually reminds me of your fic!
                          Where do you think the ideas come from



                            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                            It's beautiful! From what episode is the picture in the middle?
                            I believe it's from Warriors. Not one of my favorite episodes, don't have the whole on tape, but I did record that bit when they're sitting around the campfire together. Love the atmosphere! Great team as family moment. And S&J are so comfortable together.... <sigh>



                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                              LAD and everyone else, WHERE ARE YOU?

                              Off reading my terrific fanfic reccs?



                              A quick one shot. Really quick read and very sweet. And funny.
                              Thanks for all the recs, BTW. And I hope people don't mind random catch-up posts...



                                Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                                WOW!!!I just watched Ex Deux Machina
                                When Sam tells Barret "NOT EXACLY" after he says "So, now you're single?" Did you guys hear the little Sam & Jack song in the back ground??? It just blew me away...not the words, no sirry, the MUSIC did it for me! SHE IS SOOOOOOO WITH JACK
                                ...Oh yeah...I BELIEVE!!!
                                Another shipper has seen the light. And the reason I've been able to enjoy Seasons 9 and 10...

                                Sam is so much stronger and confident now that her personal life is in order and she's freed from pining!


                                But I read the info on the ep and it seems OK... phew
                                Last edited by JenniferJF; 30 September 2006, 05:33 AM.

