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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Terrah
    Found it, I think, yeah I'm pretty sure.
    I searched the net for you, googled,
    stargate sam jack fanfic red dress Las Vegas vala.

    Only to find it under our noses.
    Thank you!! I was searching too but gave up after 30 minutes


      Originally posted by Terrah
      Found it, I think, yeah I'm pretty sure.
      I searched the net for you, googled,
      stargate sam jack fanfic red dress Las Vegas vala.

      Only to find it under our noses.

      THANK YOU!!!! I can't rep you, but you're awesome!!!

      Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
      My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
      My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
      My Stargate Videos
      It's meant to be!


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        They're showing Threads right now!! I was happy... till I saw it was the short version *groans*
        Long version is so much better. I already missed 3 important Sam moments!
        You know that is why I don't watch it on the tv today!!! I want the long version and not that silly short version...grrrrrrrrrrr

        And lizlove you are back!!! I started to miss you ((((Lizlove))))
        So what have you been up to that you didn't come here???
        and ready for school next week???


          British tv is rubbish at the moment! i missed all of season 9 cause i didnt want to watch it till i had watched all of the other seasons. when is it on here again? Why can sky do a shipper night too?

          Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

          Help me get to film school

          One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            You know that is why I don't watch it on the tv today!!! I want the long version and not that silly short version...grrrrrrrrrrr

            And lizlove you are back!!! I started to miss you ((((Lizlove))))
            So what have you been up to that you didn't come here???
            and ready for school next week???
            Well I watched in it's entirety and I noticed we still had the Sam/Jack always talk, the Sam/Pete breakup talk, the Kerry/Jack breakup talk, the Sam/Dad goodbye talk and the most fabulous fishing scene!

            Anyway, I missed you too.... actually the whole lot in here. I'm not much online because my work is pretty tiresome and I'm always back home late. Also I'm still a bit down after the big cancellation news.

            Ready for school? I wish! I need to work on my German and I don't wanna! Hate German!


              bloomin eck! 24 guests? amd only 8 online?
              Come on de lurk
              Ya know ya wanna

              Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

              Help me get to film school

              One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                Originally posted by myblackrose

                See, we did get resolution... I'd call Mulder and Scully lying in a bed together at the end resolution I didn't say it was *good* or *in character*, I just said it was there Believe me, I'd have a lot to say to Chris if I met him, but I am reasonably ok with it all... most probably because I spend most of the time pretending that season 9 doesn't exist... for me, *that* was PodScully... I didn't mind season 8 quite so much... but giving away William was the last straw, Scully was officially dead... *sigh*

                I do believe TXF took the biscuit for the most unsatisfactory finale ever... but hey, we all move on, we heal (mostly...), we read lots of fanfic to blot out the memeories...

                Ooookay I've been *drastically* OT so far... oh dear...

                Erm, did anyone else notice that in Point of View (I'm 99% positive that's the episode) when alternate reality Dr. Carter kisses Jack at the end, AT nips RDA's lip at the end of the kiss and he reaises his eyebrows? These are the kind of things you notice when you have too few DVDs and too many music videos to fill the gaps... Tell me I'm not alone here....
                As for the XF "resolution", that is specifically why I always say I want POSITIVE S/J ship resolution. Because I've seen just how bad a resolution can be done, and it stinks. (Having them on a bed together - with almost no contact - calm and collected - after she threw out their baby like so much trash was totally offensive. Family meant *everything* to Mulder, and he would NOT have been so lacadaisical about what she did.) They also resolved the Picard/Crusher ship in the finale, but they did it by having them divorced. That stunk, too!

                What I want is a *positive* resolution of the Sam/Jack ship. I don't need to see happily ever after like we did with the Charmed girls (although I loved that finale), but I want to see that they are together, and will remain together. But apparently that is too much to ask of "them."

                Let loose the penguins of war!!!!
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Originally posted by myblackrose
                  I am preeeety much... I'm loosing it a weeny bit now but I was pretty good in my day I *adore* Irish, I never want to lose it... My Leaving Cert grade annoyed me, I'm getting it re-checked... grrr argh to them anyway... but yeah, the LC honours course is just evil and boring and unnecessarily long... I detested it and I *love* Irish...
                  I should have done ordinary, but I did honours and only got a D
                  Hopefully I'll go back and learn a bit more at some stage, but I just don't have the time at the moment - I'd hate to lose it altogether, I still have the cúpla focail. So to speak

                  *squees madly at finding another Irish Gater*
                  LOL! Tell me about it! There are a few around the forum alright though!

                  Erm, did anyone else notice that in Point of View (I'm 99% positive that's the episode) when alternate reality Dr. Carter kisses Jack at the end, AT nips RDA's lip at the end of the kiss and he reaises his eyebrows? These are the kind of things you notice when you have too few DVDs and too many music videos to fill the gaps... Tell me I'm not alone here....
                  I've never noticed that...I suppose I'll just have to rewatch it to check

                  Originally posted by Lizlove
                  They're showing Threads right now!! I was happy... till I saw it was the short version *groans*
                  Long version is so much better. I already missed 3 important Sam moments!
                  What is missing from the short version? I've never seen it!


                    Originally posted by Lizlove
                    Well I watched in it's entirety and I noticed we still had the Sam/Jack always talk, the Sam/Pete breakup talk, the Kerry/Jack breakup talk, the Sam/Dad goodbye talk and the most fabulous fishing scene!

                    Anyway, I missed you too.... actually the whole lot in here. I'm not much online because my work is pretty tiresome and I'm always back home late. Also I'm still a bit down after the big cancellation news.

                    Ready for school? I wish! I need to work on my German and I don't wanna! Hate German!
                    Interesting that it was the important ship related scenes that stayed in the short version, isn't it?


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      What I want is a *positive* resolution of the Sam/Jack ship. I don't need to see happily ever after like we did with the Charmed girls (although I loved that finale), but I want to see that they are together, and will remain together. But apparently that is too much to ask of "them."

                      Let loose the penguins of war!!!!
                      I'm hoping we at least get that with the team, if not with Sam and Jack. The original team - I like the new guys, but I really hope the finale is primarily about Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal'c. (Still holding out hope RDA is in it!!) If we see that they're still all together at the end, and will remain together, as friends, even if they're not working together, I'll be happy enough. If we get that for Sam & Jack too, I will kiss TPTB's feet.


                        Regarding Threads:
                        Originally posted by Lizlove
                        Well I watched in it's entirety and I noticed we still had the Sam/Jack always talk, the Sam/Pete breakup talk, the Kerry/Jack breakup talk, the Sam/Dad goodbye talk and the most fabulous fishing scene!

                        I don't think I've ever seen the long version of Threads either. What scenes are in the long version that are not in the short version? Are the missing scenes on youtube by any chance?

                        Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                          Originally posted by Gate gal
                          Interesting that it was the important ship related scenes that stayed in the short version, isn't it?
                          Very! At least I got what I wanted from the ep today because I"m still waiting for my s8 DVD's *iz getting mad*


                            Originally posted by Terrah
                            Found it, I think, yeah I'm pretty sure.
                            I searched the net for you, googled,
                            stargate sam jack fanfic red dress Las Vegas vala.

                            Only to find it under our noses.
                            I just read it and it was really good! I didn't realize that Lesleyp wrote it until the very end. Good job Lesleyp!
                            We have so many talented writers on this thread. It is so exciting to read their work.

                            Welcome to all the newbies I may have missed and congrats on the milestones!


                              Originally posted by ljevans
                              Regarding Threads:

                              I don't think I've ever seen the long version of Threads either. What scenes are in the long version that are not in the short version? Are the missing scenes on youtube by any chance?
                              Well the things I remember that are in the long version but not in the short:

                              * when Pete comes to the SGC there's a talk after he gives her a peck on the cheek about what Pete is doing there

                              PETE: So, this is exciting! What’s the surprise?
                              CARTER: You’ll see. (They start to walk along the corridor.)
                              PETE: Do I get to go through the Stargate? I mean, what planet are we going to?!
                              CARTER: You don’t get to go through the Stargate!
                              PETE: OK – I’m a little disappointed. Still, full security clearance, an all-access pass to SGC? This must be big.
                              CARTER: Oh, it’s big!

                              * the end of the talk between Sam and Jacob (when he leaves the commisary)

                              JACOB: Selmak really liked him.
                              CARTER: Selmak?!
                              JACOB: Yeah – and he’s a great judge of character.
                              CARTER: Well, OK!
                              JACOB: Look, Sam, I’m tired. It’s been a long day. I think I’m gonna turn in early.
                              CARTER: Are you sure nothing else is wrong?
                              JACOB: Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning. (He gets up to leave.)
                              CARTER: Goodnight. (She watches him walk away, then looks concerned.)

                              * scene where Jack is woken up by the phone and when we learn he's with Kerry

                              JACK’S HOUSE. Jack’s phone can be heard ringing. We switch from an exterior view to Jack’s bedroom. He’s asleep in bed, but sleepily reaches down to the floor and scrabbles around for the phone which is lying on the floor. He finally finds it, picks it up, switches it on and holds it to his ear.
                              O’NEILL (drowsily): What?
                              CARTER (over phone): Sorry to wake you, sir. Teal’c’s back, and it sounds like we have a problem.
                              O’NEILL: I knew it. Alright – I’ll be there as soon as I can. (He switches the phone off and drops it onto the floor again.) Crap! (He stares blearily for a moment, then sits up in bed. Kerry Johnson is in the other side of the bed and sleepily hugs him.)
                              KERRY: What was that?
                              O’NEILL: Trouble in Jaffaland. (Kerry groans.) Gotta go. (She nods.) I’m sorry. (He bends down and kisses her, then gets out of bed.)

                              * the briefing room scene when Pete phones Sam (funny scene between Sam and Jacob)

                              (Sam’s cellphone rings. She gets it out of her pocket, cringing.)
                              CARTER: Sorry – thought I’d turned it off. (She opens it and switches it off, then puts it away, still cringing with embarrassment.)
                              O’NEILL: So – we’re all in agreement? One way or another, it’s gotta go, correct?
                              TEAL’C: Indeed.
                              O’NEILL: Thank you.
                              BRA’TAC: If you are suggesting we destroy this device against the wishes of the High Council, I must point out that would not be a good first step in relations between the Tau’ri and the newly formed free Jaffa nation.
                              (Jack turns to Jacob.)
                              O’NEILL: Why don’t you do it? They already hate the Tok’Ra.
                              JACOB: To be honest, a plan may already be in the works, but as you know, Selmak and I aren’t fully in the loop any longer.
                              (Walter comes into the room and stands at Jack’s side.)
                              O’NEILL: Mmm. (Walter clears his throat. Jack looks up at him.) Yes?
                              HARRIMAN: Sorry to interrupt, sir. (He turns to Sam.) Colonel, there’s a call for you. Apparently it’s urgent.
                              (As he leaves the room, Sam looks round at everyone and mouths, “Sorry” before getting up and going over to the table at the far end of the room. She picks up the phone there.)
                              CARTER: Carter.
                              (Back at the main table, the conversation continues.)
                              BRA’TAC: Teal’c and I have arranged another meeting of the Jaffa Council.
                              TEAL’C: Our hope is to continue strengthening the bond between previously warring Jaffa by focusing on our common enemy.
                              (Jack looks over to Sam as her phone conversation continues.)
                              CARTER (into phone): Yeah, I know – it’s just that it’s not a good time right now.
                              TEAL’C (at the main table): There are still many Goa’uld who remain a threat.
                              CARTER (into phone): I know, I’m sorry. ... I don’t know – it could be an hour, it could be all day. ... Yeah. ... OK. ... Yeah, me too. Bye. (She hangs up and walks back to the main table. Teal’c and Bra’tac stand respectfully.) Sorry about that, sir.
                              O’NEILL (also standing): Emergency?
                              CARTER: No, no. Just a, um, misunderstanding.
                              (Jacob stands.)
                              JACOB: Hey, weren’t you supposed to meet Pete at the florists’ this morning?
                              (Sam shakes her head.)
                              CARTER: No, Dad.
                              JACOB: No, I’m sure that’s what you said – for the wedding.
                              CARTER (through gritted teeth): I know. (She shakes her head minutely at him.)
                              O’NEILL: Go ahead, Carter. It’s supposed to be your day off anyway.
                              CARTER: It’s OK, sir.
                              O’NEILL: Well, Teal’c and Bra’tac are meeting with the Jaffa – there’s nothin’ to do around here. Go pick flowers.
                              (As he walks away, Sam sighs and glares at her father. Jacob shrugs.)
                              JACOB: What?

                              * the car scene between Sam and Pete before he shows her the house

                              Sam and Pete are driving along in Pete’s car. Sam is gazing out of the window, apparently lost in thought.
                              PETE: Chocolate or vanilla?
                              CARTER: I’m sorry – what?
                              PETE: Chocolate or vanilla – the cake, just in case you can’t make the meeting with the caterer.
                              CARTER: Oh! I’m sorry. I really do wanna be a part of this.
                              PETE: I hope so! It’s your wedding too.
                              CARTER: I know! (They both smile.)
                              PETE: I realise this must be weird for you, worrying about place settings when we could be destroyed by aliens at any minute.
                              CARTER: A little.
                              PETE: We’re not about to be destroyed by aliens, are we?! (Sam looks at him and mouths, “No.”) Cos you seem a bit distracted.
                              CARTER: I’m sorry.
                              PETE: So – did your dad like me?
                              CARTER: Of course! Why wouldn’t he?
                              PETE: Tough guy to read.
                              CARTER: You just have to get to know him.
                              PETE: How ‘bout ... Selmak?
                              CARTER: Ah! He thought you were very charming.
                              PETE: For a human.
                              CARTER: Well, generally speaking, that’s my type!
                              (Pete laughs.)
                              PETE: Good! Did I tell you I also have a surprise for you?
                              CARTER: No! What is it?
                              (Pete almost answers, then looks at her.)
                              PETE: Tricky! (She grins at him.) You’ll see.

                              * scene where you see Sam sitting in her car in front of Jack's house, trying to find the courage to go and talk to him (no transcript because she's not talking to herself )

                              There are a few missing scenes between Oma, Daniel and Anubis but I don't remember which ones. Those parts aren't really interesting for me. At least not in that ep

                              Special thanks to for the transcripts
                              Last edited by Lizlove; 27 August 2006, 11:01 AM.


                                Originally posted by Bex Calo
                                British tv is rubbish at the moment! i missed all of season 9 cause i didnt want to watch it till i had watched all of the other seasons. when is it on here again?
                                Brit tv is always rubbish during the summer, I think that C4 gets season 9 next on a Sunday (T4) usually starting around September, but C4 have a terrible habit of cutting scenes out because it's showing in the afternoon.
                                After that it comes out on DVD box set.

                                Why can't sky do a shipper night too?
                                Because they are a bunch of w (opps pg forum)

