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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    spoilers for s8's affinity and threads

    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

    3. Now that one has always confused me too. I don't think she was thinking of, or referring to Jack at that moment though. I think she expected to beg her to reconsider, or that he would get really upset. But he didn't. Sam always feels guilty and worries that the worst will happen. She was probably dreading the encounter because she feared how would react. Then, he surprised her by taking it like an adult.

    I'm interested in hearing what others have to say! With any luck, I'll get to check in at lunch hour tomorrow! Nighty-night!


    i think sam was suprised that pete didn't *really* get upset. he made such a big deal of things at the beginning (you know, when he wasn't told things, so he took 'things' into his own hands and found out ), but this time he seemed to just give up. and the reason i think he did was because he saw it coming.

    *i* saw it coming in affinity. he made a reference to sam... i'll just show you a part of the script.

    SHANAHAN: Sorry -- I'm still getting used to the fact that my girlfriend's a super-hero.

    CARTER (laughing): Bit of an exaggeration.

    SHANAHAN: The super-hero part or the girlfriend part?

    that part that, whether it was a joke or not, *also* showed me that pete was feeling insecure about his relay with sam.

    he was so selfishy in chimera towards sam, but he was mr perfect boyfriend in affinity. he was patient, understanding, needy puppy dog like, etc. but i also saw insecurty, like the above part, and how he reacted when she told him she needed more time while they were in the car. and how he reacted when she finally said yes. he asked over and over (and this was also because sam was soooo laid back in her replies)... so we get to the end, when she's breaking up with him (not *just* breaking the engagement)... i felt he was totally resigned to this happening, because he saw it coming a long time before.

    as to whether sam told pete she was breaking up with him because of another man... i don't think she did.

    SHANAHAN: I wish I could believe this had something to do with your father -- you needed some time to just work things out. I guess all I can say is: I hope you get what you want.

    my initial thought on this was that sam told him something along the lines that... argh, i don't know what she told him, but i didn't think it was 'i'm in love with another man'. i got the feeling that whatever she told him, it was ambiguous enough and pete was 'searching' for a reason for sam's decisions.

    i do like that whoever said that maybe sam 'did' use her father's death as an excuse, and that maybe pete was saying he wasn't really buying it... i'm not sure about that, but it is a new thought to ponder.

    (ever wonder what a ptb s/j marriage proposal scene would like like?)

    jack - 'so, carter, you wanna...'

    sam - 'okay.'

    jack - 'okay?'

    sam - 'yes.'

    jack - 'yes?'

    sam - 'not exactly.'

    jack - 'carter, are we talking about the...'

    sam - 'not exactly.'

    jack - 'not exactly that we're talking about the... whatever, or not exactly that you're referring to the other thing that you said not exactly about?'

    sam - 'exactly.'

    jack - 'what?'

    sam - 'what?'

    jack - 'exactly.'




      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      I'm always quoting comments or LtE from the TV Guide, but can't help it, here is another one. Someone wrote in objecting to a projected romance(or affair in this case) between a leading character and his former wife, now remarried. The letter writer says tension is more interesting and "Just imagine two adults on TV resisting temptation. It's a new concept that might work."

      Gee,we got 8 years of resisting temptation.

      but before i comment, what's LtE?

      i've said it before, and i'll say it again... it's just plain easier to write UST than RST. as simple as a look and a touch vrs a bona fide relationship with all the bells and whistles.

      UST is the fast-food of tv romance.




        my dog has passed away today She had hold on till today she suffered a lot it was awefull to hear her suffering and whinning now I feel so terribly sad that I am crying LANA I'll never forget you !
        Lord Zedd


          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by _Anubis
            my dog has passed away today She had hold on till today she suffered a lot it was awefull to hear her suffering and whinning now I feel so terribly sad that I am crying LANA I'll never forget you !
            I'm sorry about your sad news. Pets are part of the family and their loss is difficult. Will you and your family and friends have some time together to remember Lana? Sometimes that helps to be with people who knew your pet, too. Take care, nell


              Originally posted by nell
              Moving right along...heh who's gonna shop for these toys??
              Excerpt from GW article:
              Hasbro to release 3-inch Stargate, glider
              TUESDAY - OCTOBER 18, 2005

              Hasbro will release the first-ever toy Stargate and death glider as part of the upcoming line of Star Wars toys, according to reports at Rebel Scum and Both Stargate toys and Battlestar Galactica toys will be included as a sort of "expanded universe" along with Hasbro's new Star Wars Titanium line.

              Stargate items on the list include:

              3-inch Stargate with Stand
              3-inch Death Glider ship

              I'm planning on buying the Stargate!!!

              Back OT, the Stargate will remind me of Sam and Jack's first walkthrough together!!
              I'll be buying both! and I hope that Hasbro realise just how popular stargate is and start making a complete Stargate collection!

              Anyways, as for your Questions about Threads..That scene confused me too, I think TPTB were just a little bit too vague in that one they could have given us a smidgin more...but
              I do think that the conversation was about Jack...With Pete saying 'I had a feeling from the beginning' but it is the bit about Jacob that throws me. I hope Sam didn't try to use Jacobs death as the reason to end the relationship, i'd like to think she would be honest with Pete cause he did deserve that...

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by majorsal
                (ever wonder what a ptb s/j marriage proposal scene would like like?)

                jack - 'so, carter, you wanna...'

                sam - 'okay.'

                jack - 'okay?'

                sam - 'yes.'

                jack - 'yes?'

                sam - 'not exactly.'

                jack - 'carter, are we talking about the...'

                sam - 'not exactly.'

                jack - 'not exactly that we're talking about the... whatever, or not exactly that you're referring to the other thing that you said not exactly about?'

                sam - 'exactly.'

                jack - 'what?'

                sam - 'what?'

                jack - 'exactly.'

                ROTFL! Thats our PTB alright!

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Anubis, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog it must have been terrible for you

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    That's a great thinking! Now I really believe that they are together! YAY!!!!
                    And Ex Deus Machina's
                    " BARRETT: Berrett: "so you're single again?"
                    CARTER: *not sure how to answer* Not exactly *smiles*<WOOHOO. I love TPTB> *his smile fades, she bites lip, definitely uncomfortable*"

                    quote confirms it all!!!


                      Anunnaki you summed that up perfectly! I felt the same way when Season 8 ended and there was a lot of shippers who hated it, they thought we could have had a lot more but to be honest I don't see how we could have got more than that! Yes..maybe we could have had an 'I love you' and a kiss maybe but I don't think any of us were really expecting that to happen..I mean it has been 8 years and we all know what TPTB are like.

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Now online (yep it's another plug)

               - ignore the default graphics!

                        I'm hoping to get the RPG and the fanfiction sections started soon
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Wow! You've got a great collection of stuff there!
                          Can't wait for the big opening!

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Can I ask as many of you as possible to register at the SI gallery...all the files can be rated and you can leave comments...There's also shippy downloads...

                            And now I must get a lecturer to track down...
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by _Anubis
                              my dog has passed away today She had hold on till today she suffered a lot it was awefull to hear her suffering and whinning now I feel so terribly sad that I am crying LANA I'll never forget you !
                              (((Anubis))). We are thinking of you.
                              always and forever
                              My LJ
                              My History Website


                                _Anubis, I'm so sorry about your dog.

