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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    okay, what did he do to her! enquiring minds want to know.
    Gah. Nevermind. I shouldn't have prattled on. Ignore me. Back to the ship!

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by Buc252
      I agree . . . but when exactly *did* she let him know that his feelings were returned? We never saw her side of the D&C scene, and while there were opportunities where, with our shippy rose-colored glasses firmly in place, we were *sure* she was going to say something to him, she never actually did.

      Somebody mentioned the "I know" earlier. The fact of the matter is, she could have responded with, "I know you know, but I wanted to say it out loud. I love you." She didn't. She fell silent, and never tried again.

      Unless he put a gag on her, he couldn't keep her from saying the words if she was truly determined. Especially at that point, when he was no longer her CO.
      this is actually kind of funny (not a laugh at you kind of way), but... i think we take sides of our fave character. mine is sam, with me relating/sticking up for her more than jack. while i ADORE and WANT jack with all my heart (okay, more rda than jack ), i think he's just as much to blame for the lack of a relationship as sam. there's missed opportunities on both sides. heck, even in the same scenes.

      the truth. the writers are screwing this all up. they make sam and jack say (and not say) things that complicate their relay.

      spoilers for s7's lost city and s8's new order

      that's why i originally brought up the question of which ship ending was better (lost city or threads), because i really think that lost city was a turning point for sam (and jack), and with new order, all they did was go back to the reset button. lost city caused changes and revelations in sam, so for her to continue with pete was not only stupid, it hurt the sam carter character. and the jack character too. unless you are the most anally insecure person around, you *try* to *talk* through your issues. no half sentences. no 'i know's.

      the writers let down the sam and jack characters. badly. all they really had to do in new order was have sam tell teal'c that she'd broken up with pete, and *then* her insecurities would reassert themselves and she'd keep her feelings for jack to herself. again. yes, the ship would be stretched out, but without sam shipping two guys at the same time.




        Originally posted by majorsal
        and gawd, i hope this isn't stretched out as long as it took for troi and riker to *finally* get together. sooo too little, sooo too late. please, ptb, *please* don't belittle the s/j relay like that. troi/riker was a shadow of what it could have been.
        AMEN, sister! Troi/Riker...what a Big Honkin' Dissapointment that was (though I liked Data's singing at the wedding, and actually get it stuck in my head sometimes! ) If TPTB have one brain among them, they'll learn from history and NOT pull a Troi/Riker on Sam & Jack.


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
          It's from the UK version of one of the S8 Lowdowns, I think--it substituted for some of Pierre Bernard's participation, since they don't get Letterman there, as I remember.

          dang, i have more of these bloody screen caps, but i've got *so* many pics on my pc that i didn't know what folder to look them up under. of course, i looked through hundreds of my pics already, not looking through 'this' specific folder that they really were under... *shakes head at stupidity*

          thanks, gatetrixer!




            Originally posted by majorsal
            hey, everyone. i'm looking for more caps (i only have one) of this below pic. i can't remember what special it's from, but i'd like more caps of this cute amanda-rick encounter. anyone know where i can find more?

            That looks like the set from Fallen...the village they find Daniel in...

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              to honor the post that'll give me 4400, i give it to my heart and soul of this forum...

              i love sam and jack together! long live the ship!




                Bumping Jack and Sam back to the top of page one where they belong!

                Congratulations majorsal on 4400!!!
                4000ish more than me!!


                  Originally posted by scjon
                  I've been wondering that for a while. I've come to the conclusion that something must have been said or communicated somehow prior to D & C. In that episode he says "oh that", when Sam talks about the things they can't admit to given their military ranks.

                  The first time I saw it, I thought I must have missed something, but I'm now assuming that either they discussed it off-screen between Nemesis & Small Victories (there is definitely a more relaxed feel to their (working) relationship at the beginning of Small Victories). If this was the case, the off-screen nature of such a discussion would be really frustrating for us shippers.


                  They simultaneously realised that their feelings for each other were mutual when they were stuck on either side of the forcefield in Upgrades/D & C


                  I'm on the wrong track completely in both cases.

                  Obviously, I've spent way too much time thinking about this
                  I don't think there was any off screen conversation before that...I think it would be out of character for them to have done that, sure they seem to have avoided it at every other oppertunity.

                  I think you might be right about them simultaneously realising their feelings in Upgrades. I always just assumed that in D&C when Jack said 'Oh that', it was because he was well aware of his own feelings for Sam, and suspected that she felt the same, possibly only since that scene in Upgrades, but that the subject had never been broached....ya know, regs....


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    this is actually kind of funny (not a laugh at you kind of way), but... i think we take sides of our fave character. mine is sam, with me relating/sticking up for her more than jack. while i ADORE and WANT jack with all my heart (okay, more rda than jack ), i think he's just as much to blame for the lack of a relationship as sam. there's missed opportunities on both sides. heck, even in the same scenes.

                    the truth. the writers are screwing this all up. they make sam and jack say (and not say) things that complicate their relay.

                    spoilers for s7's lost city and s8's new order

                    that's why i originally brought up the question of which ship ending was better (lost city or threads), because i really think that lost city was a turning point for sam (and jack), and with new order, all they did was go back to the reset button. lost city caused changes and revelations in sam, so for her to continue with pete was not only stupid, it hurt the sam carter character. and the jack character too. unless you are the most anally insecure person around, you *try* to *talk* through your issues. no half sentences. no 'i know's.

                    the writers let down the sam and jack characters. badly. all they really had to do in new order was have sam tell teal'c that she'd broken up with pete, and *then* her insecurities would reassert themselves and she'd keep her feelings for jack to herself. again. yes, the ship would be stretched out, but without sam shipping two guys at the same time.

                    I thought for sure Pete
                    would have been history after lost city. Then the first chance they get in New Order, they bring up his name. You can tell by her reaction she didn't want to talk about Pete. I'm sure Teal'c was thinking "yeah, right". Sam's actions alone, showed that she was in love with Jack. If it had been Daniel frozen instead of Jack, she would be upset but not to the point of blackmailing Weir and risking her life to save him.
                    I never bought into this internal clock, get a life, I'm settling for second best story line. Sam never struck me as a person who would settle for second best. I think she would have been totally miserable because for one he would have never understood her career and two she would always be wondering "what if ".
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Rogue I agree-Sam has always appeared to me to be driven and focused-
                      someboy like Pete ought to have driven her off the deep end-that i credit to really poor writing and acting-i could have bought it somewhat if Pete had a brain and common sense. They wanted to portray a sweet and loving man who wanted a committment-they presented somebody who ought to have been committed. you know-the sleeveless jack and rubber room.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                        Rogue I agree-Sam has always appeared to me to be driven and focused-
                        someboy like Pete ought to have driven her off the deep end-that i credit to really poor writing and acting-i could have bought it somewhat if Pete had a brain and common sense. They wanted to portray a sweet and loving man who wanted a committment-they presented somebody who ought to have been committed. you know-the sleeveless jack and rubber room.
                        And you know what is really stupid?
                        She dates this guy for 2- 3 weeks and they decide to tell him about the stargate. Three weeks! You don't tell a casual bf or gf about the goverments most top seceret base. I can't believe they gave her persmission to tell Pete when she couldn't even tell her dying Dad what she was doing. If he couldn't accept her without knowing what she did, then he wasn't the right man for her.
                        Last edited by Rogue; 28 September 2005, 06:37 AM.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          And you know what is really stupid?
                          She dates this guy for 2- 3 weeks and they decide to tell him about the stargate. Three weeks! You don't tell a casual bf or gf about the goverments most top seceret base. I can't believe they gave her persmission to tell Pete when she couldn't even tell her dying Dad what she was doing. If he couldn't accept her without knowing what she did, then he wasn't the right man for her.
                          you are dead on -that is what puzzeled me a lot-Jacob on his death bed wasn't allowed to be told-but this fruitcake???

                          and you know they are planning on re-visiting this issue in 9 according to the spoilers
                          mitchell has a friend who is dying and wants to know what he is doing-and Cam is torn between telling him or not-and Sam tells him about Pete -blech!
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            There have been two blatent pieces of bad writing with the characters of Jack and Sam. The first being Sam
                            dating Pete way out of character in my mind. She has these trememdously strong feelings for her CO, who has on one occassion verbally admitted having feelings for her, for seven long years and I'm not just talking your run of the mill adventures, I'm talking life and death situations but suddenly she is confused about her feelings for him (Are they real?, Is he a safe bet?, Does he still have feelings for me?, Am I wasting my time? type of thing) but instead of talking to Jack about this, she decides to start fresh and date someone new and during the course of this dating, then tries a couple of times to talk to Jack and tell him how she feels about him? Sooo out of character for Carter, I never bought into this. As she said in Moebius "I tend to over think things". and yet we are to believe that she starts dating Pete on a whim and decides to marry him in what a couple of months? If she was so afraid to have "the conversation" with Jack, why is it any easier when she is engaged to someone else? yadda, yadda, yadda, I think you get my point here.
                            The second piece of major bad writing is at the beginning of this season when the team is split up and Sam is in research at Area 51 and taking care of Cassie and Jack is now I believe head of HomeWorld Security and they are still not in an open, no holes barred type relationship. Now come on with everything that they have been through and no regs to keep them apart we are still playing the cloak and dagger bit, still getting the "not exactly's". Why???
                            They are starting to make the characters unrealistic IMO.


                              If TPTB were smart they would have realized that they had it better than the other shows that have been mentioned for not getting Jack and Sam together because they had four lead characters. They could have explored both worlds, the single world and the relationship world, neither taking full power at one time and by doing so keeping both sides very interesting.


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                you are dead on -that is what puzzeled me a lot-Jacob on his death bed wasn't allowed to be told-but this fruitcake???

                                and you know they are planning on re-visiting this issue in 9 according to the spoilers
                                mitchell has a friend who is dying and wants to know what he is doing-and Cam is torn between telling him or not-and Sam tells him about Pete -blech!
                                I can't believe that spoiler. Talk about making one feel . I've got so many posts to catch up on...

                                Sorry I haven't been around for a while. My nephew was killed in a car accident last week and I've neither felt like being on-line, or had the time. I'm a firm believer in prayer and have faith that his immediate family will get through this.


