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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I was multi-tasking while watching Stargate SG-1 tonight. Yep, I am not exactly riveted to the TV either!!!

    BUT, TPTB threw us one bone!!!!! Prototype

    In the off world scene with Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c, Sam responded to something Daniel was prattling on about, "Ya think?" Now from whom do you think she picked up that phrase????? One guess!!!!!

    I told ya!! One bone!!


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      I wrote that I really enjoyed your fic and Jack's "vow" should be in the vows of every man!! Somehow what I wrote was swallowed up and now I'm repeating it. Anyway, loved it.
      Thanks for reading it, i wasnt sure if anyone actually would LOL, also thanks for your kind words!

      Major Sam/Jack Shipper!


        You know TPTB were not afraid to continue the show without Jack, knowing full well what the ramifications might be; so I ask you, why won't they take a stand on whether or not they plan to continue the Jack and Sam relationship? If we knew the answer to that it would put a lot of us out of our misery. I know they don't want to risk loosing more of their audience, but if their storytelling is so good and they believe in it as they have been telling us, then why care? Especially if they really don't like writing it. You know if they would have used all that time and emotion and had Jack and Sam in a passionate relationship instead of Pete and Sam the shippers would have been satisfied and they now could have had them in a long distance relationship and kept all the shippy (ha, ha) moments they have had in Season 9 so far. I honestly think that the shippers would have understood with RDA leaving and all and probably would have still tuned in to see how things were going with the new characters. I know at least I would have felt closure and would still enjoy viewing the old episodes a lot more than I do now.


          Originally posted by nell
          I was multi-tasking while watching Stargate SG-1 tonight. Yep, I am not exactly riveted to the TV either!!!

          BUT, TPTB threw us one bone!!!!! Prototype

          In the off world scene with Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c, Sam responded to something Daniel was prattling on about, "Ya think?" Now from whom do you think she picked up that phrase????? One guess!!!!!

          I told ya!! One bone!!
          Nell you would find a rainbow in the storm. I thought the only bone they threw us was
          orlin played by a boy, no sex tonight


            Originally posted by nickatell
            Would it have killed TPTB when young Orlin was telling Sam that he still has feelings for her, instead of her making those uncomfortable faces why couldn't she have said that things have changed and that she was in a relationship with someone. I guess what I don't understand is if TPTB are under the impression that Jack and Sam are together why are we still cloak and daggering it? Now they are going out of their way to keep the crumbs.
            I agree with you. During that scene I was waiting for what could have been a great opportunity for Sam to
            share with Orlin that she was involved with someone. He didn't know Jack so I wouldn't have minded that she didn't mention Jack specifically. However, we would all know of whom she spoke!!!!!


              I taped the show tonight and good thing it's going on hiatus because I really don't care how long it takes me to get through watching it. I will watch it, tho, but when did it get to be a chore? And it isn't just lack of ship, since I've enjoyed some other shipless eps, and even enjoyed one Jackless one. Maybe that's it. I knew that Jack had come back after that ep and now we just don't know what will happen.Or maybe that's not the reason. Well, tonight's episode awaits me--sometime.

              I don't know if this has been brought up and the thread I read it on talked like we shouldn't comment about it but it's been said that
              CB is pg and that's why it's being written into the end of the season
              . I don't see what's wrong with commenting unless we say something uncomplimentary about
              CB and the timing.
              I say congratulations, if it's true.


                Ses110 a phone conversation between Jack and Sam would have been perfect in tonights summer finale.
                I mean if this disease was spreading as fast as it was I know if I were Sam I would have wanted to know if Jack was alright and vice versa, I mean Jack should have been concerned about Sam especially since the disease originated from the SGC. You know towards the end of the show just before Beau announces that the whole country is under quarantine, he is talking on the phone and he says something like "I want to talk to him as soon as his plane lands," who did he want to talk to? Jack maybe, if so it would have at least been nice for him to mention him by name. Although I guess he could have been talking about Hammond.


                  dmovies I guess I would be shocked if the show wasn't renewed because the ratings have been as good as Stargate Atlantis and BG and since the beginning TPTB have said they think it will go on for some time. I know TPTB have said that they are going to end Season 9 with a cliffhanger and if that cliffhanger is as riveting (ha, ha) as this summer finale cliffhanger, oh boy I'm all a tingle (kidding, kidding). My only hope left is that RDA decides to return for the real "season finale" and that they use part (or most) of his time on the Jack and Sam relationship. I really hope that RDA decides to come back at least part-time for next season, like you say if there is one.


                    Originally posted by nickatell
                    Well both episodes have ended in my neck of the woods and
                    not a shippy moment in either of them. I have to say that in TFH I would have thought that if Jack is in charge of Homeworld Security that he should have been a part of this episode; I mean with the whole country under quarantine and all. IMO for a summer finale I can't say that I was left riveted to my seat nor am I dying of suspense. I do have to say that I agree with Trupi that since the original Orlin couldn't make a come back, I am glad they decided to go with a child. When he stated that he still had feelings for Sam, I about fell over (enough already).

                    I MISS JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    I thought the same thing and was
                    waiting for a phone call to or from Jack since he's in charge of HomeWorld Security. Not even a mention of his name!
                    I cant believe it. Oh wait....after taking a moment, I remembered I'm still watching the ninth season
                    Other then that it wasn't too bad.

                    Last edited by SG1Poz; 16 September 2005, 07:45 PM.


                      Originally posted by nell
                      I was multi-tasking while watching Stargate SG-1 tonight. Yep, I am not exactly riveted to the TV either!!!

                      BUT, TPTB threw us one bone!!!!! Prototype

                      In the off world scene with Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c, Sam responded to something Daniel was prattling on about, "Ya think?" Now from whom do you think she picked up that phrase????? One guess!!!!!

                      I told ya!! One bone!!
                      A I caught that right away. Actually that was the second time I heard Sam say that. She also said
                      "Ya Think" in Threads during the scene at Jacks House when Kerry walked out of the house
                      . I'd like to believe she's picked up his Jackisms.



                        Originally posted by SG1Poz
                        A I caught that right away. Actually that was the second time I heard Sam say that. She also said
                        "Ya Think" in Threads during the scene at Jacks House when Kerry walked out of the house
                        . I'd like to believe she's picked up his Jackisms.

                        Jackisms!!! Yes, indeed, she clearly has done so!!!!


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          I liked the first episode-especially when the
                          mini-me Anubis called Wallsie(whatever sorry) Dick. Then he beat the crap out of most of the SGC. But the best is when Daniel blows him away. My husband didn't think he would do it. But what is going on with BB character and why is he in charge? He's not the experience one and he doesn't know the background on Anubis. Then let Carter lead it this time, instead of keeping her in the background. UNLESS-Jack has warned Cameron that if anything would happen to Sam on his keep, that he should run, don't walk to the nearest Stargate and jump through it, without telling anyone where he's going!
                          Actually, I was wondering who was in
                          charge. Seem like Sam took command more than Cam. I did like both eps. Disappointed they passed on the opportunity with little Orlin. I would have liked Sam to had said she was involved with someone instead of looking uncomfortable. It wouldn't have hurt to had a phone convo with Sam and Jack either.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY


                            I know you still lurk around here have a good one!!



                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              dmovies I totally agree with you. You know I can't even say I don't like the new characters I do but honestly I miss Jacks charisma, he brought great presence to his character and as I am finding out, to the whole show. I honestly thought that with ATs return that somehow things would snap back into place; but maybe it is a mental block. I guess for me without the anticipation of ship between Jack and Sam, it is just a Sci-Fi show.
                              what she said.




                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                Would it have killed TPTB when young Orlin was telling Sam that he still has feelings for her, instead of her making those uncomfortable faces why couldn't she have said that things have changed and that she was in a relationship with someone. I guess what I don't understand is if TPTB are under the impression that Jack and Sam are together why are we still cloak and daggering it? Now they are going out of their way to keep the crumbs.
                                spoilers for s9's fourth horsemen

                                did anyone else hate this moment?

                                landry - 'according to your mission report on your first encounter with orlin, you two had an... intimate relationship?'

                                sam fumbles and says 'uh, well, we did, but he didn't look like that. he was --'

                                lam interrupts 'taller?'

                                sam responds 'he was a grown man'

                                okay, is it me, or does 'intimate' refer to sexual? and if so, sam and orlin had sex? they had sex? sex? in the season 5 ep 'ascension'?

                                why couldn't sam have answered 'yes, but not like that'. nope, they gave the impression they wanted to give, courtesy of damian kindler. you know, the guy that co-wrote chimera, and ended up telling the s/j shippers that we wouldn't be happy with sam and jack getting together because we then wouldn't know what to do with ourselves?



