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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
    Does Jack actually call Jacob "Dad " to his face (directly) or does he refer to Jacob as "Dad" when talking to SAm. That's what I can't remember. I do remember him saying once something similar to "It's Dad."
    I believe he calls him Dad once to his face but I'm not the greatest remembering episodes.


      Not relating to anything we've been talking about, but this week Skiffy showed "Foothold" which is one of my favorites. Sam has a nice kick-ass role and dialogue and Jack, well, S3, Jack looks especially delish. Maybe it's the hair, dunno. Then the next night was Pretense, not exactly a favorite (tho it's S3 so Jack, but I did watch it and noticed something comical. They are walking down the Tollana corridors and they pass a young woman on Jack's side. Jack turns his head and watches her go by, sort of like in "Sacrifices." I also noticed that Schrodinger didn't seem to go back to Tollana with them, as least when we saw them return. (Hope he got to stay on Earth)


        Goodness gracious, shippers! What a large gutter ocean we have landed in this morning! (Wait, it's afternoon...that'll teach me for sleeping in )

        Nad - those photos rock! When I saw the Out of Mind one, I forgot about the bathtub...I thought they were just in the gutter, like the rest of us

        Happy guttering/shipping good friends of the ship!


          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          Jena Have you ever been sane...I didn't knew!
          Once...maybe a long, long time ago. Not completely, but I was
          Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
          Does Jack actually call Jacob "Dad " to his face (directly) or does he refer to Jacob as "Dad" when talking to SAm. That's what I can't remember. I do remember him saying once something similar to "It's Dad."
          Once in Seth, with Jacob there....
          : Carter?
          : It'll work Sir, assuming Dad's right.
          (looking to Jake): Dad?

          And once in Jolinar's Memories, when there's an incoming wormhole...
          : Open the iris. Maybe it’s Dad.
          : Maybe.


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Once...maybe a long, long time ago. Not completely, but I was

            Once in Seth, with Jacob there....
            : Carter?
            : It'll work Sir, assuming Dad's right.
            (looking to Jake): Dad?

            And once in Jolinar's Memories, when there's an incoming wormhole...
            : Open the iris. Maybe it’s Dad.
            : Maybe.
            If that isn't the banter of a married couple...then I don't know what is!

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Tee heee! RL, but kinda related...

              Potential boyfriend just mentioned that he should be practising neck nuzzling and snuggling. He knows me too well.

              awwwww!!!!! I think you have a keeper there Eileen!!

              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              Awwww...I love that scene. My heart for them.
              so did mine....

              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
              Hi. I've been 'lurking' for about two years now. I know, why did it take so long? Stupid dial-up! Love Sam and Jack and I firmly believe they are together in some context.
              WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!!

              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

              And someone just went into the gutter...<splash> I love that sound
              - so do I....

              Originally posted by VSS View Post
              Oooh- that's very close.
              I think i could figure out how to get Jack's clothes off.
              Wait- that didn't come out right, either.
              ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! Resistance to the gutter is futile VSS....


                Originally posted by dreamer one View Post
                In case you haven't noticed, sounds a bit like -- your idea of fun that is!! Good for you !! Hope its going well! Must be pretty darn smart!
                Uhhuh. Resident nerd here!

                ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                  Pretty good ep.

                  I loved the convo Teyla and Sam had about her going to look for Kannan(sp?). Sam knows what it's like when the big wigs won't let you look for the one you love. And she told Teyla to call her!

                  Michael seems to have big plans for Teyla's kiddo...and Todd was back. He's my favorite wraith ever!

                  And Carson!!!!!!!!

                  And that's all I feel like remembering now.


                    Hi, all! *waves*

                    A little juvenile caption to show how immature I really am.

                    Do you guys.... smell that?
                    I do indeed smell... something. It is most foul.
                    What? No! Didn't hear a thing!
                    Hear? Jack-?
                    No! Carter-!
                    Oh, for cryin' out loud! It wasn't me.
                    Carter, you're amongst men. We can... appreciate these things.
                    I believe you are mistaken, O'Neill.
                    Yeah. That's... not natural.
                    Oh G--.

                    You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      *does the mental arithmatic and figures out where CQ is up to* *passes CQ the shipper tissues* You'll need these!!!!!!

                      I love love love the back end of S7 (with the exception of that story line), and Lost City is my absolute favourite SG-1 ep. Happy watching! I wish I could go back and watch them for the first time again too! I remember exactly how I felt watching Death Knell, Heroes and Lost City
                      Yeah, tell me about it. *sniff* Death Knell wasn't bad. I'm not a huge whump or h/c fan, but this one was done really, really well. The thing I loved the most about it is that it came after Chimera, but Jack is still there for her 110%. He doesn't ever say that the only thing he's worried about is Sam, but everyone knows it. The other guy finds the survivors, and his first question is if Sam is with them. I loved the look on the guy's face, knowing he had to tell Jack no. He understood her reasons for dating Pete enough that even though it hurt him, he couldn't hold it against her. And yes, even if he had he still would have done everything to find her again, because that's just the type of man he is... I don't know, it just seemed very sweet and very much what real love is.

                      Ah, but Heroes... I cried during Heroes. I knew who died, of course, but there was so much I didn't know. I didn't know that the writers left you wondering for half an hour if Jack had died, for example. (I knew he hadn't, but I'd bet that some average, completely unspoiled viewers didn't.) And I didn't know that Daniel taped it. That poor guy. *hugs Danny*

                      Moving back on topic though! The ship in Heroes astounded me. Did Sam even listen to herself when she was talking? It's no wonder Bregman jumped straight from her little speech about Jack to a question about their relationship, assuming he wasn't intending to from the start.

                      Originally posted by Sam
                      He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest, quite self effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he really is. Bottom line: He's an incredibly strong leader who's given more of himself for this program than anyone has given for... well ... anything I can imagine.
                      This is an incredibly unguarded moment, especially coming from Sam Carter, the queen of misdirection. She starts by talking about him on a personal level. He's an amazing man, not an amazing CO or an amazing officer. He's modest, he's smart. It's only after she's given this glowing picture of what she thinks of Jack personally that she mentions what a great leader he is. That's definitely one of life's great truths, that to be a good leader you should be a good person first. However, it gives away a Sam and Jack truth, which is that she sees him first as a man and second as her CO.

                      The interesting thing is that I don't think we would have gotten such a telling answer from her before Grace and before Pete. The events on the Prometheus sent her into deep denial about her feelings for Jack. If she's not feeling anything, then she doesn't have to be careful to give away what she's feeling, so she can say exactly what she thinks about Jack O'Neill. And of course, if anyone had come after her, asking awkward questions, she could always remind them that she's dating someone else right now.

                      All her delusions are stripped away in a single moment when he's shot. The horror on her face, the way she runs to him, her tears and anger when they get back to the SGC... she knows that in addition to losing Janet, she almost lost Jack, and she knows that would have hurt far worse. She still believes it's best to move on and have a life though, and she just can't see a way for that to happen with Jack. In the end, she has to satisfy herself that he's really all right, but she doesn't let her new understanding of her own feelings change the decisions she's already made.

                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      of their devotion to duty
                      of their devotion to their team family
                      of their devotion to each other

                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      It occurred to me as I've been reading the discussion on Grace and thinking about it a bit, that when Jacob tells Sam that she fears risking her heart because she is afraid it must always end in loss...that perhaps he wasn't just speaking of the loss of rejection there. Maybe this is a "d'oh moment" and the rest of you have already been here years ago...but until now I'd always considered this in the context of her fear of rejection: that Jack didn't feel the same way about her as she felt about him...which I still think is legitimate, given the follow up conversation she has with Imaginary Jack later on. But...I'm now wondering if that line doesn't also refer to a fear of real, physical loss...that, given the work that they do and the risks that they take, there is a high probability that Jack could be killed...and she would lose him the same way she lost her mother. If that indeed is the case, then she might have seen herself as having a two-fold reason for making her decision to break away from him.
                      Oh, I think it definitely played a part. She watched her dad lose her mom when she was just a teenager. Knowing she and Jack work in a high risk environment, I'd be surprised if she wasn't afraid to lose him that way. And knowing how much she understands Jack, I'd be surprised if some of her hesitation wasn't because she didn't want him to lose her that way. Now there's something to wrap your brain around, especially in light of what I just said about Heroes. She watched him fall in battle and she knew how that made her feel. There's no way she'd want him to go through that.

                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      I'm gonna quote the transcript so I don't confuse myself Or anyone else for that matter!
                      CARTER: What if I quit the Air Force? Would that change anything or is it just an excuse?
                      O'NEILL: I would never ask you to give up your career.

                      We ALL know that Jack would never ask her to give up her career FCOL! We want the answer to the rest of the question! Are the regs an excuse? "Would we be having a relationship if I weren't in the air force?"
                      Ah, but you can't blame anyone but Sam for that little misdirection tactic. The only answer she has to that question is the absolute confidence that he'd never ask her to do that. There's your answer: She's not sure of his feelings for her, or they'd come through more clearly in "his" answers.

                      CARTER: Because you don't feel anything for me?
                      O'NEILL: Carter.

                      The way Jack says that makes me think that Sam knows he has feelings for her. What she's not sure of is how deep they run....does Jack love her the way she loves him? So she probes deeper....
                      Exactly. I think Sam knows how he feels, but she's not confident enough in that knowledge to trust it as truth and not just wishful thinking.

                      O'NEILL: Then what's stopping you if you really wanna know?
                      CARTER: I'm trying.

                      She really is trying! But because she's concussed, confused and not thinking clearly, she doesn't understand what she really needs to do....
                      Hmmm... And I don't think she's really trying. She thinks she is... and maybe she's doing the best she can, given her physical state. However, I took the "I'm trying" to mean she's been trying for a while, not just since the hallucinations started. She's been wanting to know how he feels, and she's been working it out in her mind... and yet she hasn't come to an answer. If you consider this "I'm trying" in light of the overall theme of safety and not wanting to be hurt, it's easy for me to wonder if she really wanted to know. It would certainly be safer to not know how Jack felt. If she let herself believe that he truly loved her... well it's just scary, the way Jack loves. She's never had anyone love her the way he does, and that's... well yeah.

                      O'NEILL: Maybe it's not me that's the problem here. Let's face it, I'm not that complex.
                      CARTER: Me?

                      Yes! You! Open the door to that room and ask him for real -not in your hallucinations!
                      Exactly! She's the one who shut the door, she can open it. She's the only who can, because he respects her too much to go against her wishes. If she really wants an answer, she can get it.

                      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
             that you all are talking about that kind of fic...does someone has that kind of fic rec for would be fun to read
                      My all-time favorite fic has this story line. Melissa linked it a few pages back, it's Twilight by Gail Delaney/Kiss Her Jack. Awesome, awesome fic. I'm actually not a huge fan of the "stranded off-world" fanfics; not because I don't think they have a right to get together if that happens, but because... well, I just like the idea of MY Sam and Jack getting together, and these usually seem too AUish. This one though reads like my Sam and Jack, and I love it.

                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      Well, I'd love to see that one myself

                      This is all I can come up with with my very, very limited talent, but it looks strange. Very off...


                      I think I'm leaving that one to the pro's of manipulation...
                      *jaw drops* That was very, very good.

                      Originally posted by VSS View Post
                      Oooh- that's very close.
                      I think i could figure out how to get Jack's clothes off.
                      Wait- that didn't come out right, either.
                      Sounds good to me.

                      All right, I've got two more eps to watch tonight, and then Lost City tomorrow night.
                      Last edited by Chocolatequeen; 22 February 2008, 11:09 PM. Reason: 'cause I forgot the name of my favorite fic. :rolleyes:


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        Pretty good ep.

                        I loved the convo Teyla and Sam had about her going to look for Kannan(sp?). Sam knows what it's like when the big wigs won't let you look for the one you love. And she told Teyla to call her!

                        Michael seems to have big plans for Teyla's kiddo...and Todd was back. He's my favorite wraith ever!

                        And Carson!!!!!!!!

                        And that's all I feel like remembering now.
                        wanna PM me and tell me what happened?

                        Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                        Hi, all! *waves*

                        A little juvenile caption to show how immature I really am.

                        Do you guys.... smell that?
                        I do indeed smell... something. It is most foul.
                        What? No! Didn't hear a thing!
                        Hear? Jack-?
                        No! Carter-!
                        Oh, for cryin' out loud! It wasn't me.
                        Carter, you're amongst men. We can... appreciate these things.
                        I believe you are mistaken, O'Neill.
                        Yeah. That's... not natural.
                        Oh G--.
                        bahaha! reminds me fo the converstation when they are walking to the viollige in birthright
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                          Yeah, tell me about it. *sniff* Death Knell wasn't bad. I'm not a huge whump or h/c fan, but this one was done really, really well.

                          Ah, but Heroes... I cried during Heroes.
                          He's an amazing man, not an amazing CO or an amazing officer.

                          If she let herself believe that he truly loved her... well it's just scary, the way Jack loves. She's never had anyone love her the way he does, and that's... well yeah.
                          After angst...I love whump and h/c the most. I like to throw them in the cavern of angst, beat them up, then let them tend to each other and put them on a cloud of fluff at the end. But just a little cloud.

                          Oh yes, even I, with my cold heart, will admit I cried during Heroes even though I knew what happened.

                          Mmmm....Jack....doesn't she know how lucky she is? And I do love that comment she makes about him being amazing...*sigh*
                          Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                          wanna PM me and tell me what happened?
                          What do you wanna know?
                          Basically, we find out Michael has been distributing the Hoffan drug which will kill wraith who feed on humans infected with it. The drug had been making a lot of humans sick as well(they thought it was just some kind of illness at first). Michael's had Teyla's people and now he has Teyla(he'd been coming to her in visions, but as Kannan, apparently). Shep and the team come across Carson after they got some intel from Todd about the location where one of their own was prisoner(they thought Teyla). And Todd is going to work to come up with an antedote for the virus thinger that's killing the wraith. That's the gist of it...sorta. I should have taken notes!


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                            Hi, all! *waves*
                            A little juvenile caption to show how immature I really am.
                            Do you guys.... smell that?
                            I do indeed smell... something. It is most foul.
                            What? No! Didn't hear a thing!
                            Hear? Jack-?
                            Hehe...funny Jackie...real funny!!!
                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            What do you wanna know?
                            Basically, we find out Michael has been distributing the Hoffan drug which will kill wraith who feed on humans infected with it. The drug had been making a lot of humans sick as well(they thought it was just some kind of illness at first). Michael's had Teyla's people and now he has Teyla(he'd been coming to her in visions, but as Kannan, apparently). Shep and the team come across Carson after they got some intel from Todd about the location where one of their own was prisoner(they thought Teyla). And Todd is going to work to come up with an antedote for the virus thinger that's killing the wraith. That's the gist of it...sorta. I should have taken notes!
                            Thank you Jena...haven't been getting spoiled much at all going into withdrawals...sounds like a great ep!!

                            Night all...I'm not coming back in today as I have a plethora of things to take care and have fun!!

                            True love never runs smooth, that's what they say

                            But true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears

                            We have to face.
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 22 February 2008, 08:10 PM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Hi, all! Here's what I've been doing instead of playing with you tonight.

                              I've been working on the S/J in leather project...but it's not going so well. I'm having a hard time finding pics that work well together. I'm open to suggestions. I can't remember Jack in leather much...Learning Curve. I thought about Unnatural Selection, but he actually wore a cloth black jacket in that one. And the lighting is so different on the S8 promo pics with RDA in leather that they don't seem to work well with the Atlantis promo shots showing AT in leather.

                              But, while looking for those, I also found a couple of others that I thought would complement each other. Who wants to guess where I got them?

                              Ok...let me know what you think...

                              The O'Neills have taken one of the ships out for a little Sunday drive during Jack's most recent visit to Atlantis...


                              ...and Jack seems a little worried about Sam's driving...

                              Back in a bit!


                                Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                                Hi, all! *waves*

                                A little juvenile caption to show how immature I really am.

                                Do you guys.... smell that?
                                I do indeed smell... something. It is most foul.
                                What? No! Didn't hear a thing!
                                Hear? Jack-?
                                No! Carter-!
                                Oh, for cryin' out loud! It wasn't me.
                                Carter, you're amongst men. We can... appreciate these things.
                                I believe you are mistaken, O'Neill.
                                Yeah. That's... not natural.
                                Oh G--.

                                edit: and now off to bed with me



