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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Oh he would have!

    And she would have smothered the smile!

    She was trying to connect with Zelenka here and I think he was just a little put-out by her smarts. I mean he already has Rodney to contend with...and now he realizes just how smart Sam is, even if she doesn't involve herself in the tech stuff. So I think he was feeling rather useless...and his penchant for being very literal just caused Sam's attempt at humor fall flat as a pancake.
    He was too busy taking peeks of her boobs! I wanted to stick my finger down my throat with that scene


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post

      Yeah, well someone still might try.

      I'm pretty sure I know why he was uncomfortable. And Sam's totally oblivious to it...she's in her 'scientist/must fix it' mode...and I'm betting she doesn't quite know what she does to the guys.
      oblivious because she only has eyes for Jack and when you have the whole dutch oven why would you go for a sauce pan


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
        Hi, again, Ship Family! I'm still behind a few pages, but I must catch some shut-eye. My head is starting to dip dangerously close to the keyboard.

        Before I go, I'll put a proposal together for those who may not have seen the first post mentioning it:

        How would you like to have Valenship
        on Saturday, February 9?

        Several people have already said that date works for them...but I wanted more to have a chance to respond. Or, is there another date you prefer?

        Can we try to decide this by the end of this everyone can start working on their stuff?

        See ya later today!!!

        February 9th works for me schedule wise. Now as for whether my poor brain can concoct anything for then....

        Originally posted by cess525 View Post
        When your up in the middle of the night what do you do...GW! I would be up for this except I know I wont be able too because of the baby
        c-section is planned for the 7th since my baby can't flip over on her I'll be still in the hospital.

        Y'all have fun though give me something to read when I finally get home...the baby has things she needs to learn about shipping. Alright should go to bed too when your dad wakes up to go hunting and you are still up its a bad sign (at my parents for the weekend)
        (((B))) and (((b))) We'll be thinking of you!


          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          SGA Quarantine

          ACT 2

          Ronan tears his stitches trying to open the door. Keller chastises him…says she never met anyone with such reckless agression…and it’s not a compliment. She says there’s no way to get the door open so they should just wait until McKay gets the doors open. Ronan points out that he’s no good at just sitting and waiting. Keller replies: No kidding. She says maybe they could get to know one another….Ronan asks what she had in mind…Keller gets flustered and says she meant talk…Ronan just stares at her with a little smile.

          McKay is thinking worse case scenario—people are probably all infected. Katie suggests he’s thinking the worst…he says that’s his job. She asks: even the good scenarios? McKay says yes…it doesn’t take but a minute for a good scenario to go bad. She tells him that someone who lives with a mindset like that lives in a constant state of worry and fear. McKay tells her she forgot “Despair”.

          Sam and Zelenka…Zelenka has determined that it is a malfunction…and not Rodney’s fault. There was a spike of power from some activity in the planet’s ionosphere earlier in the day that set it off. Sam says that they have to gain access to the system and fix the malfunction. Zelenka is a little smug cuz Rodney hasn’t fixed the problem yet. He points out that McKay has been a little “off his game” lately. Sam points out that maybe Rodney doesn’t have access to a computer. Zelenka scoffs at this, cuz the idea of McKay w/o his compuer is ludicrous. Sam diverts the conversation by pointing out that there’s no reason they have to be stuck in the tranporter anymore since there is no disease to worry about. Except, Zelenka, says, for the doors being sealed shut and too heavy to open. Sam gives a little shake of her head. Zelenka is quite literal. Sam looks around and opens a crystal control panel, hoping she can modify the tablet to open the door. Zelenka says that can’t be done but Sam takes Zelenka’s computer from him and starts to modify it. Zelenka is less than pleased.

          Teyla and Shep…counting on Rodney…until Shep realizes that McKay is in the plant lab with no radio, no computer…they say he’s going to be freaking.

          In the plant labe, McKay is having an axiety attack. He’s dizzy, feverish. Katie tries to help him but can’t find any real evidence of his symptoms. McKay is convinced he’s sick and that he’s infected Katie too.

          Teyla discovers that the source was the disturbance in the planet’s ionosphere as well. They speculate that there may not be a disease outbreak. Teyla suggests that others…Zelenka…Carter…Keller…should be working on the problem, getting them unstuck. Shep points out that they may not have access to the computer…and if they did, they didn’t have McKay’s password. Teyla is surprised that Shep does. He says McKay didn’t think he’d remember it….but he did! He types in: 16431879196842. Teyla is amazed. Shep says it doesn’t take a genius: 1643 is the year Issac Newton was born; 1879 the year Einstein was born; Teyla gets it and adds: 1968 is the year Rodney was born (some comment about Rodney’s ego). Teyla is curious about the 42 at the end. Shep says it’s the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, everything. They get access.

          In the transporter Zelenka and Sam take off their jackets. Sam is doing some technobabble…Zelenka points out why what she wants to have happen with the computer isn’t happening, but Sam says she wrote a work-around to bypass that issue…to which Zelenka replies: Oh…that fast. One has the impression that he’s never fully appreciated Sam’s technological capabilities before. Sam thinks that if she had the authenication code they could at least get the doors open. Zelenka says something about bypassing the secondary crystals…goes to touch them…gets a huge shock…and the computer they were using gets fried.

          Shep and Teyla discover that along with the lockdown protocol there is a signal being broadcast warning ships to stay away because of the disease outbreak…which means that Atlantis is vulnerable to discovery. The only place to turn it off is from the control room…and he thinks it hasn’t been done there because no one has Rodney’s code.
          My hubby watched it with me.
          He even commented on how Radek was checking out Sam's cleavage! I thought personally that it wasn't intentional, and he was really uncomfortable! Poor Radek. He knows he can't compete!

          Last night's postings were a lot more positive. I'm glad everyone is cheering up. Evolution tonight? Hmmm. Haven't seen that one in awhile and I'm stuck at school.

          Saturday School OT
          Today is a teacher workday. We start with new kids on Monday so this is our day to get ready. It is required to be here (but I bet a lot of people don't show.) Youngest child's fever is down this morning, but she is still not feeling too well. My tooth only seems to hurt in the evenings and night!

          Have a good day Ship Family! Since no kiddos are here, I might try to check in occasionally.
          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


            Originally posted by gater62 View Post
            My hubby watched it with me.
            He even commented on how Radek was checking out Sam's cleavage! I thought personally that it wasn't intentional, and he was really uncomfortable! Poor Radek. He knows he can't compete!

            Last night's postings were a lot more positive. I'm glad everyone is cheering up. Evolution tonight? Hmmm. Haven't seen that one in awhile and I'm stuck at school.

            Saturday School OT
            Today is a teacher workday. We start with new kids on Monday so this is our day to get ready. It is required to be here (but I bet a lot of people don't show.) Youngest child's fever is down this morning, but she is still not feeling too well. My tooth only seems to hurt in the evenings and night!

            Have a good day Ship Family! Since no kiddos are here, I might try to check in occasionally.
            Yet another reason...

            why they need to seriously rethink those new uniforms on Atlantis! LOL!

            And yes; it's nice to be here today! Let's hope it stays that way.

            School OT:

            Saturday school! Well that's a pain in the mikta! Don't you have a 3 day weekend or is that a state by state thing? Glad girl-kid is feeling better...and toothaches are awful! Hope yours stays away!


              Originally posted by cess525 View Post
              c-section is planned for the 7th since my baby can't flip over on her I'll be still in the hospital.

              I had two, and if you have the will to get up ASAP after the c-section, then you'll be out in no time Granted, there's a minimum time you need to stay there, but it *is* a rather tiring operation. They're not taking out an appendix!! (((hugs))) The Plus side is that the baby won't suffer one bit and won't have any wrinkles due to birth! Good luck!!!
              Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Hi, again, Ship Family! I'm still behind a few pages, but I must catch some shut-eye. My head is starting to dip dangerously close to the keyboard.

                Before I go, I'll put a proposal together for those who may not have seen the first post mentioning it:

                How would you like to have Valenship
                on Saturday, February 9?

                Several people have already said that date works for them...but I wanted more to have a chance to respond. Or, is there another date you prefer?

                Can we try to decide this by the end of this everyone can start working on their stuff?

                See ya later today!!!
                February 9th works for me! I guess I better get busy on my Valenship Fanfic!

                Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                  Okay, I think we need some fluffy fic recs. Here are a couple of my favourites:

                  Home Economics by Little Red

                  Blonde Hair by our own Caladria (Happy belated b-day!!!)
                  Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                    Let's not forget the
                    Daniel character was not involved with the Ship last night. When the Daniel character is not affecting by the Ship you do not get the big firestorm.The Daniel character and many of the Daniel Fans reaction to the Sam/Jack Ship has been a big roadblock to the Sam/Jack Ship. I remember the big firestorm after Divide and Conquer and I think it scared off TPTB.
                    Last edited by ses110; 19 January 2008, 07:01 AM.


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Yeah, I agree with APA here. I really do think TPTB meant the Sam/Jack 'thread' to end with Threads and the interpretation that they've been together since then. BUT... this being an ongoing series... I think they've remained ambiuguous about it to allow them to fill in the gaps how and when they'd like. I know when I write I tend not to fill in those storytelling gaps if I don't need to and only if I'll get full 'storytelling' power from them. Why refer to things that happened off screen if you might one day get a chance to show them instead of tell them and the details of the showing opportunity might contradict anything you said now?
                      From your keyboard to TPTB's eyes and ears..

                      Oh, how I wish they would *show* us... but honestly, anything that keeps the Ship alive and well is good for me! I wouldn't even mind if they contradicted themselves by telling us something now (Tell us Something, Now! Please!!!), and then later *Showed* us something different. I know many out there would, but me... like I said, anything that keeps the Ship alive is good.

                      But that's just the sometimes Humble Opinion of someone who still watches the show for the Ship--and the occasional big bad spaceship explosion...

                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        Has anyone gone to any of the anti-ship threads to see what they are saying about last nights SGA?

                        I enjoyed last night's episode and agree with everyone that Sam was very relaxed, oblivious to the fact that Zelenka thought she was hot and sexy, and that her attempt at humor was VERY JACK-LIKE! I also think that when Zelenka didn't get her humor that she really felt a pang of loneliness and missed Jack trememdously at that point.

                        My concern is that the whole episode was about the ships and the quarentine lockdown was almost a secondary story. This could possibly add fuel to the anti-shippers fire because they might think the story was lame and insist that the SCI FI has to be the most important thing and say that otherwise you just have a romantic drama. Please, don't throw things at me - I am not saying that this is what I think - just my fear that others might think this. If TPTB get a lot of negative feedback from this it could strengthen their resolve to give us less S/J. So, what I'm saying is - I hope that last night's SGA episode was well received by EVERYONE. If TPTB can do an episode that is really all about Ship and it is well received by everyone then they might not be so afraid to give us what we want.

                        PTB, if you are reading this, what we want is a Big Honking Kiss between our reality Jack and our reality Sam!!!

                        Ok, running away now so as not to get hit from rotten tomatos being thrown at me!

                        Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                          Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                          He was only necessary because they wrote it that way. *glares at TPTB* It works, but it coulda worked without him!
                          I'm with you, completely and totally. It could've worked SO much better had they never gone down the *Other* path. Serious kill-joy that almost ended my love affair with Stargate.

                          I'll stop there before I end up on another *Other* tangent...
                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!




                            I'm new to the forum, but have been a fan of the show since around the end of season 8. I actually started watching Atlantis first and then got hooked on SG1 as well. How excited was I to find a place that's dedicated to my two favorite Stargate characters - Sam and Jack!

                            Since I'm still finding my way around this site, I have a question that may be OT here but maybe someone can put me in the right direction - I'm attending Gatecon in August. Is anyone here attending? Is there a thread for this topic specifically?
                            thanks in advance for your help!

                            Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


                              Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                              Exactly! She would never go fishing with him because she was afraid those feelings that weren't supposed to get explored would. Then they go fishing, and Bam! (Sir!) Fishing = So Together(Married)...
                              Hee heee... Did I start something?
                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post

                                I'm new to the forum, but have been a fan of the show since around the end of season 8. I actually started watching Atlantis first and then got hooked on SG1 as well. How excited was I to find a place that's dedicated to my two favorite Stargate characters - Sam and Jack!

                                Since I'm still finding my way around this site, I have a question that may be OT here but maybe someone can put me in the right direction - I'm attending Gatecon in August. Is anyone here attending? Is there a thread for this topic specifically?
                                thanks in advance for your help!

                                Hi welcome to the thread!
                                Gatecon thread: Go to the Briefing Room Board on the Stargate Forum- then you go to Stargate Fandom -Web sites, conventions, fan campaigns, music videos, art and more! You see the Gatecon 2008 Thread. Have fun!

