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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
    Colonel Jack O'Neill


      I've come across some rather rare season 6 promo stills. Sharing with my beloved shipper family.

      all of these are scanned photos so the quality is really not stellar
      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        I just left for a little sleep, and you write four pages! By the way, there was time changing here for winter time, and I was wondering, that do americans and australians do this? I know it's done in the whole europe, but not suer of the rest of the world. (Somebody from asia or africa? )

        Oh, and it was really great tha Joe said Jack was the guy in Washington. Yay!
        'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
        One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

        SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


          Originally posted by zuz View Post
          I've come across some rather rare season 6 promo stills. Sharing with my beloved shipper family.

          But wonderful to see nonetheless - especially the first one - Sam bringing Jack breakfast in bed! Hope he appreciates it - thank you for those.

          On a side note - if there were an engagement ring, what would it look like?

          I'm going for a fine gold ring, with a slightly unusual design, a smallish but perfect diamond in the centre (nothing too flashy!) with two peridots either side of the diamond.
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
            I just left for a little sleep, and you write four pages! By the way, there was time changing here for winter time, and I was wondering, that do americans and australians do this? I know it's done in the whole europe, but not suer of the rest of the world. (Somebody from asia or africa? )

            Oh, and it was really great tha Joe said Jack was the guy in Washington. Yay!
            Thank you Arwen, I'd completely forgotten about the clocks going back!
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
              I just left for a little sleep, and you write four pages! By the way, there was time changing here for winter time, and I was wondering, that do americans and australians do this? I know it's done in the whole europe, but not suer of the rest of the world. (Somebody from asia or africa? )

              Oh, and it was really great tha Joe said Jack was the guy in Washington. Yay!
              Daylight savings has started here in Australia so the clocks have gone forward an hour.

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                Daylight savings has started here in Australia so the clocks have gone forward an hour.
                It's funny, here it went backward.
                'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                  Probbaly because we're entering summer while you guys are entering winter. Its to extend daylight hours in the afternoon/evening

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Probbaly because we're entering summer while you guys are entering winter. Its to extend daylight hours in the afternoon/evening
                    I know, I know, it's just funny to think about that your starting summer, while here we have a cold, wet weather coming. But I'm waiting for the snow though.
                    'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                    SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                      Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
                      I just left for a little sleep, and you write four pages! By the way, there was time changing here for winter time, and I was wondering, that do americans and australians do this? I know it's done in the whole europe, but not suer of the rest of the world. (Somebody from asia or africa? )
                      I live in London now but was raised in South Africa. The folks down the bottom of the Southern hemisphere don't need daylight savings so our clocks don't go back and forth. Our transitions between summer sunset and winter sunset are not so extreme. Likewise winter sunrise in South Africa is around 7am(ish) so again no real need to be futzing with the clocks. Whereas I love the fact that I was purposefully a lazy penguin this morning and totally slept in for one more hour.. I know the dreary reality of November darkness is upon us.. and it will be dark by 4pm.


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        Just sayin', I agree 100%!!!

                        Oh, yay!

                        Well Hanson did, but that was a poor line. Just cause it's a joke Sam is a black widow doesn't mean she is! Those other guys weren't even her boyfriends!

                        I think there is something in that movie. JM pretty much confirmed the not so subtle hint about her love life was gonna be about Jack. We just need something like that to be canon!

                        Happy Birthday!

                        I am optimistic we'll get something!

                        Thanks! went pretty well! Every grade has a duke and duchess, and since I'm the only Pre-K teacher, they were both mine. Oh, they were adorable-in a tux and dress...just precious! And my little robins. We were rockin' and boppin'! I did have one kid leave his partner and just run around and dance and cause a minor pile up. But it was really cute and they did a nice job! They got most of their moves, which was really great! Our duke and duchess came out and danced with us, in their formal attire and all. It was just priceless.
                        Congratulations for all their cuteness and adorablity last night. As their teacher, you were the factor! I'm so glad to hear they did great!

                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        Yeah...can't put anything over on you guys...

                        Okay...since PB is being a pain at the moment and not letting me upload any new pictures, my 2000th post will have to be some oldies but goodies...

                        ...but first, let me just say how much fun I've had here, not just tonight but these past months. You all are very special and I'm so glad I girded my loins that day back in April and made my first newbie post. Thanks for letting me join in the fun and the angst and the fluff and the rants and the OTs and the sidebars and the commiserating and the rejoicing.

                        ((((((((Shipper Family))))))))

                        And now...a little picture spam:

                        Congratulations to APA on 2000 wonderful, inspiring posts!

                        Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                        Congrats APA...and I must be off too...have to be at work at 1pm and it's 12:30am...also trying to work on a fic that has time travel in it...not a good thing for 12:30am So it's off to bed with me! See y'all tomorrow!
                        Brooke! What about the other fic? Don't leave us hanging!

                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        WOOT APA!

                        Mmmm. Ruffles.

                        *off topic photo*
                        Smells good, too.


                        He isn't as cuddly as this guy though


                        *gets comfy*

                        I see you have them holding a penguin! Did you eplain the significance to the two cuddly guys?
                        Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                          Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                          But wonderful to see nonetheless - especially the first one - Sam bringing Jack breakfast in bed! Hope he appreciates it - thank you for those.

                          On a side note - if there were an engagement ring, what would it look like?

                          I'm going for a fine gold ring, with a slightly unusual design, a smallish but perfect diamond in the centre (nothing too flashy!) with two peridots either side of the diamond.
                          I believe there isn't an engagement ring. They already know each other about as well as two people can. Nope, once they had it figured out, it'd be straight to the altar.


                            Morning shippers! Nice avatar, APA!

                            I'm going to skip out of here for a while. I hope to check in tonight, but I've made some last minute plans. I have the day off tomorrow(wahoo!) so I'm making a quick trip home to visit the folks. Bye!!


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                              He's not RDA. So, fraid not.
                              But they wanted a Jack -like character in SGA. Even gave him the ancient gene. And ruffly hair. But as for my ruffling preferences, RDA all the way. Hubs, well, ruffling not possible, only pats.

                              Has anyone here actually ruffled at Avalon?
                              I wish!!

                              I didn't ruffle him, but I did rub my hand up and down his side as we stood for our photograph.


                                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                                psst....mara...they're leptons!

                                And yes...finally, they've relaxed, gotten their bearing with one another and they're sitting sooooo close together in the briefing room!!! I mean, really, really close...

                                You're right of course...we get our first taste of the episode and its mood early on with the whole neutrino conversation, of course. Classic Sam and Jack!!! “Neutrinos pass through ordinary matter…no matter how dense…” “No matter how dense?” And one of those great Jack-makes-Sam-laugh smiles from her. Then…when they’re in the briefing room and Janet voices her concern about the radiation, Jack jumps in to explain the risk to Daniel who wants to stay longer than the few minutes Janet will allow. “Hey…if you’d been listening you’d know that Nintendos pass through everything!” LOL! But it’s cute too…not just the neutrino/Nintendo mess-up (probably deliberate on Jack’s part…cuz he knows it makes Sam want to giggle…and she has to try hard not to), but also the fact that he’s affirming Sam’s knowledge on the subject…not defending her, exactly, but highlighting that if Sam said it, it’s important, and worth listening to.
                                I love this episode because it's so full of quips and silly banter.....and looks and smiles....


