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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell View Post
    I agree! And good point about
    IOA making the selection.

    Now the rest of my comments are speculation because I have no access to some of the spoilers that the rest of you may have.

    I think Jack is still in the military although Sam is not in his direct chain of command. I don't know if they are married but whether or not I don't think they are keeping their relationship a secret. I imagine they go out in public and certainly at military events as a couple. Why hide their relationship if they are not breaking the regs?

    Sam and Jack are very private and have a small group of close, personal friends. Teal'c, Daniel, Cassie and others will know they are together. Rodney's not a close friend so no wonder he wouldn't know.

    Besides if this were a secret, why would she have a picture of herself and Jack in her new Atlantis office? Puh-leese, if not obvious to anyone who enters her office because they don't know her personal life story, we Shippers know that Sam and Jack Fishing is code for RELATIONSHIP!

    If there is any HIDING about Sam's and Jack's relationship, it is on the part of TPTB not choosing to directly reveal this aspect of Sam's life...yet.
    The thing I've always wondered
    about the fishing picture in her office is...aside from us, who know what it is and what it symbolizes..and of course, Sam herself...would anyone else coming into her office, glancing at it...and maybe even picking it up to examine it...recognize that as Jack sitting on the dock? In civvies and his hat, he's a little anonymous, to the casual viewer. And even if he isn't, the picture is there amidst others of SG1 (sans cam and vala ), Cassie and her dad, so no one would really question a picture of herself and another team member, even if they did recognize it as Jack. So I think Sam could get away with displaying it without raising any questions from people as to why it is there.

    The reason I make that point is, although they may not be actively hiding it, I still think they're low-keying their relationship. Rodney may be self-centered enough and remote enough in the Pegasus galaxy that news like that may have gone past him unnoticed, but I still think, anything that came his way about Sam, he would have picked up on. And he was still being his drooling self last season in The Pegasus Project, so much so that Cam had to threaten him. So I still don't think, IMHO, that they've outted their relationship to the general public. The fact that Trio was supposed to be our "not so subtle hint" shared in the midst of some character bonding with Dr. Keller, makes me even more suspect that Sam is still keeping her relationship rather secret. If the CMO of Atlantis, who's supposed to know pretty much everything about the people in her care, isn't aware of it after that amount of time, then chances are good it's been kept off the radar. (That's assuming, of course, that it the Trio scene was meant to be a reveal to Keller as well; I suppose it just as easily could have been something like Keller saying: "So, how does your husband feel about you being on the front line in the battle against the Wraith and the Replicators?". But I guess we won't know until we see it...*sigh* in the deleted scenes...)

    Ramble ramble ramble. I doubt if this is coherent. I've been interrupted 3 times trying to write it and it probably makes no sense.


      Squeee!!!! I'm browsing through the stargate fanawards archive. This was a winner in the ship humor category in 2002. Very fun and not too long!!


        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
        Am i that predictable??
        But come on...Shep is just HOT!!!
        My only problem is that i'm to shy to post and go to the thunk thread...
        You, shy? I think not! Besides thunking is good for the soul! Go know you want to!

        Some OT

        I want to share a funny story about our gymnastics coach at the football game two weeks ago at the big game with our sister school.

        Philip was on the sidelines with the cheerleaders and apparently he called out, "That's not a penalty!" at some point in the game. The head referee heard him, and ran over to where Philip was standing. "Who are you", the referee demanded. Philip bowed his head and muttered, "Cheerleader sponsor." The ref kicked him out of the game. Philip had to go sit up in the stands with his wife. When he told me this story, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!
        Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          Yes. You are so right. And it's been my experience that TPTB are never very random in their placement of scenes, dialogue and camera shots.

          I know JM said that he wanted to address the McKay/Carter thing right away and get it off the table, so to speak. But the deliberate placement of that camera pan past the picture and up to Sam, with McKay and his "unrequited lust" statement coming right on the heels of that, tells the story without having to say a word. They are part and parcel of the same topic; Sam's with Jack; McKay's with Katie. And the fact that Sam doesn't mention her relationship doesn't mean anything, because the camera has already told us what we need to know. Besides, her bemused smile when McKay is stammering around smacks of the cat and the canary all over again. Sort of like 200.

          The thing that I've always least in my own little shippy that, whatever the relationship between Sam and Jack at this point...married, or's still pretty much a secret from most people. Otherwise McKay would have known. We might speculate that Shep knows...depending on how you want to interpret that "congratulations" remark...but I've always thought that S/J would do their best to keep things very quiet, both because they're private people and because of how it might look to others, considering their circumstances.

          Also, did anyone note that Shep said that it was the IOA that made the selection for the Atlantis CO? Brings up that whole, "whose in charge" thing...but it seems like it was not necessarily solely a military decision to put Sam there.

          Anyway...just some of my thoughts!
          Yes, from what you all have been sharing about Reunion,
          there seems to be a wonderful undercurrent running through the Sam/Mckay encounter in her private quarters. I can see in my head an invisible artist's brush painting the broad strokes - just as the camera did, sweeping quickly past Sam's personal belongings and Jack's photo and on up to McKay with his major line of "seeing someone". It all appears to be cut from the same cloth: romantic relationships. And, yes, I agree with you that Sam and Jack would be discreet about their relationship in sync with their characters. Sam would have no reason to be that "chummy" with McKay at that moment and divulge her personal situation to him. She is, after all, his new commander. Can't wait to see how the entire S4 of SGA plays out. I think we're in for a great season.


            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            The thing I've always wondered
            about the fishing picture in her office is...aside from us, who know what it is and what it symbolizes..and of course, Sam herself...would anyone else coming into her office, glancing at it...and maybe even picking it up to examine it...recognize that as Jack sitting on the dock? In civvies and his hat, he's a little anonymous, to the casual viewer. And even if he isn't, the picture is there amidst others of SG1 (sans cam and vala ), Cassie and her dad, so no one would really question a picture of herself and another team member, even if they did recognize it as Jack. So I think Sam could get away with displaying it without raising any questions from people as to why it is there.

            The reason I make that point is, although they may not be actively hiding it, I still think they're low-keying their relationship. Rodney may be self-centered enough and remote enough in the Pegasus galaxy that news like that may have gone past him unnoticed, but I still think, anything that came his way about Sam, he would have picked up on. And he was still being his drooling self last season in The Pegasus Project, so much so that Cam had to threaten him. So I still don't think, IMHO, that they've outted their relationship to the general public. The fact that Trio was supposed to be our "not so subtle hint" shared in the midst of some character bonding with Dr. Keller, makes me even more suspect that Sam is still keeping her relationship rather secret. If the CMO of Atlantis, who's supposed to know pretty much everything about the people in her care, isn't aware of it after that amount of time, then chances are good it's been kept off the radar. (That's assuming, of course, that it the Trio scene was meant to be a reveal to Keller as well; I suppose it just as easily could have been something like Keller saying: "So, how does your husband feel about you being on the front line in the battle against the Wraith and the Replicators?". But I guess we won't know until we see it...*sigh* in the deleted scenes...)

            Ramble ramble ramble. I doubt if this is coherent. I've been interrupted 3 times trying to write it and it probably makes no sense.
            You make sense! I think this is open to interpretation because Reunion/Season 4
            TPTB have not unequivocally confirmed anything. Nonetheless, like Teal'c once said, "ours [The Shippers'] is the only reality of consequence." Sam and Jack are in a relationship!


              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
              Yes, from what you all have been sharing about Reunion,
              there seems to be a wonderful undercurrent running through the Sam/Mckay encounter in her private quarters. I can see in my head an invisible artist's brush painting the broad strokes - just as the camera did, sweeping quickly past Sam's personal belongings and Jack's photo and on up to McKay with his major line of "seeing someone". It all appears to be cut from the same cloth: romantic relationships. And, yes, I agree with you that Sam and Jack would be discreet about their relationship in sync with their characters. Sam would have no reason to be that "chummy" with McKay at that moment and divulge her personal situation to him. She is, after all, his new commander. Can't wait to see how the entire S4 of SGA plays out. I think we're in for a great season.
              I like the word discreet
              to better capture Sam's and Jack's relationship. Those who need to know *Teal'c, Daniel, Cassie, and so on* will know. I can't imagine they would cloak their relationship in secrecy if they are not breaking the regs. After all, they deserve to lead a normal life such as it is in their positions in the military.


                Just saw
                the picture in Atlantis 4.3 - guess I can go back to shipping then!
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  There's also In the Line of Duty, when Carter is dying and Jack wipes away a tear. In One Hundred Days, Sam works herself to death to get Jack back and then at the end Sam's face when Jack walks to Laira.

                  There's also the episode (can't recall name) where Jack asks Sam to go fishing before being taken by Thor to fight replicators.
                  Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                    There is a new thread on Stargate discussion wanting help chronicling Sam/Jack moments. I'm not sure I'm copying the link to the thread correctly, but here goes:


                    I thought the Ship Family would have the most knowledge about these special moments and could help out.
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                      Morning shippers. (Well, it is for me). I just want to say

                      ((((((SHIP FAMILY))))))

                      for making me laugh all day yesterday with the lovely pics and comments. You all are such a lot of fun. I have to admit I was an easy target considering the great tease we got from TPTB, but I really did LOL several times.

                      Thanks again
                      your newbie shipper
                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      This is where she goes to be alone with her thoughts, her personal time. This is where she wants Jack - in the bedroom with her.
                      Hehehe...*dips toe in gutter*
                      Here's my last two cents. Sam looks so mature and lovely in her new role. She has grown immensely and now coming into her own. Why would she not be finally gaining fulfillment in her personal life as well? She's in her early forties - a time when many women are peaking - emotionally, intellectually and sexually. It's time for a stable relationship with a man. It's time for Jack.
                      Sam really has come into her own and she's just, well, as you say, lovely. She's come so far over the years in all aspects of her life, and yep, I think she's so with Jack.
                      Originally posted by nell View Post
                      Notice that following the camera panning Sam's personal items with the glimpse *thank goodness for the pause button* of Jack's portrait, McKay enters and announces quite nervously, "I'm seeing someone." Gee whiz, we know Sam is seeing someone, too, don't we now??? SQUEEEEE!!! TPTB, with purpose and great care, staged this scene so it is clear and without doubt that Sam and Jack are together.

                      I would have loved for Sam to say to Rodney, "I'm seeing someone, too," just so I could see his jaw drop. But, I don't expect TPTB to give us something this direct.
                      Oh, yeah.
                      The picture shown right before that scene-very important. It was to help get the point across. Too bad Sam couldn't just come out and say 'Taken.' and point to the pic, but that would never happen on SG!


                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                        The thing that I've always least in my own little shippy that, whatever the relationship between Sam and Jack at this point...married, or's still pretty much a secret from most people. Otherwise McKay would have known. We might speculate that Shep knows...depending on how you want to interpret that "congratulations" remark...but I've always thought that S/J would do their best to keep things very quiet, both because they're private people and because of how it might look to others, considering their circumstances.

                        Also, did anyone note that Shep said that it was the IOA that made the selection for the Atlantis CO? Brings up that whole, "whose in charge" thing...but it seems like it was not necessarily solely a military decision to put Sam there.

                        Anyway...just some of my thoughts!
                        think they keep their relationship on the low down. It's perfectly legal and good, but really, it's no one else's business. The people who need to know do.

                        Yes, the IOA did appoint her, so it wasn't anything Jack really had a say in. So though I'm sure Sam still has to report to Jack to some degree as he's head of HWS, the IOA seemingly plays a bigger role than I thought.

                        Originally posted by nell View Post

                        Besides if this were a secret, why would she have a picture of herself and Jack in her new Atlantis office? Puh-leese, if not obvious to anyone who enters her office because they don't know her personal life story, we Shippers know that Sam and Jack Fishing is code for RELATIONSHIP!

                        If there is any HIDING about Sam's and Jack's relationship, it is on the part of TPTB not choosing to directly reveal this aspect of Sam's life...yet.
                        I don't think she'd have all those pics of Jack around if she wanted it a secret secret. And they just might have revealed that info in Trio, darn it!

                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        The thing I've always wondered
                        about the fishing picture in her office is...aside from us, who know what it is and what it symbolizes..and of course, Sam herself...would anyone else coming into her office, glancing at it...and maybe even picking it up to examine it...recognize that as Jack sitting on the dock? In civvies and his hat, he's a little anonymous, to the casual viewer. And even if he isn't, the picture is there amidst others of SG1 (sans cam and vala ), Cassie and her dad, so no one would really question a picture of herself and another team member, even if they did recognize it as Jack. So I think Sam could get away with displaying it without raising any questions from people as to why it is there.
                        You are very right.
                        Most people on Atlantis wouldn't know that man in the cap on the dock with her is Jack. Most won't waltz into her quarters either. I don't think many people would question it. We get the significance. Sam gets it. Shep and McKay and *maybe* a few others might know it was Jack. I do think McKay would be nosey enough to say "Hey, who is that?" and get up close and try to figure it out. But overall, I think it would slip under the radar.


                          Rachel500 already made a Every Sam and Jack Shippy Moment Ever


                            Anyone seen Atlantis 4.4 yet?

                            It's only a little thing but when Sam has to come up with an example of alien possession/imitation, the first (and only) example that pops into her head is when it happened to Jack (that crystal thing).Jack coming first in her thoughts again?

                            It's good to be shipping again!
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                              Anyone seen Atlantis 4.4 yet?

                              It's only a little thing but when Sam has to come up with an example of alien possession/imitation, the first (and only) example that pops into her head is when it happened to Jack (that crystal thing).Jack coming first in her thoughts again?

                              It's good to be shipping again!
                              Welcome home! Yes, isn't life wonderful when viewed through ship-colored glasses?


                                Sounds cool Michelle. But need to know

                                Does she actually say Jack? That's important you know

                                And welcome back!!!!

