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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
    It's definitely a clever marketing ploy. Stargate fans want a way to help spread word of the show, and they even get some freebies in the process!

    I probably won't sign up, (too much worrrkkk) but it is an interesting idea.

    BTW, totally OT and stupid question about S4 of Atlantis...
    DOES Elizabeth die? Or does she just leave?

    She doesnt die, she gets captured by the replicators, while on a mission to Steal ZPM's
    ... in a nutshell
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      Holy buckets!! I haven't watched it recently so to say but I do recal the episode quite well...I I'll just put my 5 cents worth into the discussion if that's ok??
      Firstly...great post APA...and just for the record...we're always gives us something to think about with regard to the ship and the characters as a whole!

      When Jack hesitated I have no doubt that it was because of Sam and the rest of SG1 being on board that ship...I mean, who would want to give the order to take out their closest friends and IMHSM, lover?? So I can totally believe that his hesitation was based on the fact that SG1 was still on board.
      When Jack said "tough choice" thinking on that was that although it was a tough choice, it also wasn't. Now bear with me here...I'm going to try to put it as best as I can...I'm not good at saying what I think...I think??? Jack had to make a decision but I believe that in the end he was happy with the choice he made...I don't think he regrets making that call....whether he believes that there is a chance that the Trust could still possibly kill thousands if not millions of innocent Jaffa...I believe that although it was a tough choice, no matter what, he would have gone down the same route all the time...I didn't get the impression that it was bothering him per say, especially because of the choice he made but rather because he hesitated and had to make that decision in the first place...did that make sense??
      I agree that by the time threads came around, that Jack was seriously considering retiring after what Kerry told him. I got the impression that she basically said...if you retire, they will still keep you on as commander of the base...and I think he really did consider leaving...and I also believe that that decision would have been because he wanted to pursue an open relationship with Sam...rather than all this sneaking around quietly so no one finds out!!!! He never argued back with her about having feelings for Sam...he never tried to deny what she said was true...instead he almost looked relieved that she knew and understood and that he actually had a chance, a way to be with Sam...without any consequences!! If what Kerry was saying wasn't true then why didn't he speak up and say that it wasn't like that...why did he actually ask how he could be with Sam and stay on at the SGC??...maybe not in those exact words but she said something along the lines of...are the rules the only thing standing in your way??...and then said something about there is a way around that...and Jack asked he was clearly indicating that he wanted to get away from the regs and be with me that was very clear that he wasn't denying he wanted to be with Sam...more so it was confirming he wanted a relationship with her...or in my ship mind...he wanted to make it official to the world!!!
      I think Sam's reaction is more because she knew it was hard for Jack to make that kind of call and she wished that he hadn't pushed into that corner to choose between destroying the ship or saving SG1...if that makes any sense???...I'm kinda trying to type as I think...which in my case is kinda sad.
      That scene you were talking about between Jack and Kerry in his office in Threads is unbelievably telling isn't it?!

      Kerry: "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Coz if it is you're making a big mistake."

      Jack: "And you know what I should do?"

      Kerry: "Retire."

      Jack: "Again?"

      Kerry: "Don't get me wrong, you're considered invaluable to the program by the pentagon. But the President has appointed a civilian to run the SGC before...just a thought."

      And then the expressions on Jack's face after she!!

      Kerry had hit it right on. She didn't even have to say Sam's name. He knew who she was talking about...who the other of the you two was. Just as we the viewers did.

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      I wanted to but I don't live in Canada or the that really sucks!!
      If I could I would do what I did with Sanctuary...make up a sticker to paste on the rear window of my car...but they obviously don't want my help...buggers!!!! rude!!!!!
      LOL! Love the sticker on the car Chelle, that's great!
      Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

      Thanks Bekki


        G'day ship family.
        I have missed you guys.
        Been busy. Am concentrateing om my very first ship. Which was an older Aussie show and they have finally started playing repeats on the telly. I am NOT happy it is not available on dvd.

        Have been keeping up to date here though.
        Trio looks to be interesting and that is the one I am hanging out for.

        Been having a S9 and S10 marathons. Not that interesed in them though. No J/S

        Keep on Shipping.


          Originally posted by Buc252 View Post

          I'm afraid I can't be very encouraging. I don't watch Atlantis at all. Call it a "boycott" if you will, but I swore not to get involved in another one of "their" shows until they came through and gave us what we wanted with Sam and Jack in SG1. So I'm not watching Atlantis, and haven't bought a DVD set since S7 and don't plan to. I figure, the best way to get what we want is to hit them in the wallet.

          See, this is the way I was leaning before everyone here infected me with their optimism I don't own seasons 9 & 10, I've just recorded the key shippy (using that term loosely, now) episodes off the TV. Well, okay, I did download 200.

          My own personal take on the whole
          "not-so-subtle-hint about Carter's love life," that's suppposed to happen in Trio
          is that it will not involve Jack. For all we know, she'll announce she's actually an Opus Dei associate living the celibate life in the Pegasus galaxy. Heck, she's wearing black in the promos- maybe they killed him off rather than worry about the ship.

          Also, yesterday on JM's blog he said that he never gave much thought as to where in the timeline he'd put Jack or Daniel if they ever came back to the franchise. Specifically, whether they would be pre- or post-Continuum. Does that mean they're not going to mention Jack at all in the upcoming season? Because that would, you know, involve some actual thought about it. One thing's for sure- we should be able to tell if the ship floated in Continuum by the way SGA is handled, since that movie is supposed to be the grand finale for SG-1 and also supposed to be before SGA season 4 in the timeline.

          So this season of SGA really could be the end of any traces of the original SG-1 if SGA is not renewed. I'm pretty sure it's written to end as if it's not going to be renewed. So, it's now or never for The Happy Ending, IMHO.

          I guess I'll watch a couple of SGA episodes to get a feel for where it might be headed, but I really don't want to get to Trio and find myself with my fingers in my ears going "la la la la la." Really I don't. I do love Carter, but not enough to break my own little tender heart .

          I am sorry to be the big crybaby over this. I don't want to rain on anyone's shippy parade. I just really love the J/S saga and don't want it to end badly. Really, I'd be happier if TPTB just left it alone. Waaaaaah!


            Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
            I agree. I also can't imagine either of them singing to the other, which I've seen in fanfic. Is it romantic? You bet! Is it in character? No way! LOL
            You have heard Jack sing, right? Urgo is an example (I shy away from the word "good").

            "Romantic" isn't the word I'd've used for it.
            Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
            Vince: “Yeah.”
            Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


              *yells* BEV! My sigs are back your royal Shippyness (bows appropriately). My rotator was on the fritz, so John/Aeryn got a bit of a spotlight, and then I was too lazy to go find my link again. But my S/J ones are back now, you can rejoice in my brilliant creativity once more. I'm very modest in case anyone hadn't guessed.

              And now directing your thoughts steadily back towards Sam and Jack..

              I could just reach out and ruffle it while he's not looking.

              general disclaimer: I'm actually quite nice... really!


                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                See, this is the way I was leaning before everyone here infected me with their optimism I don't own seasons 9 & 10, I've just recorded the key shippy (using that term loosely, now) episodes off the TV. Well, okay, I did download 200.

                My own personal take on the whole
                "not-so-subtle-hint about Carter's love life," that's suppposed to happen in Trio
                is that it will not involve Jack. For all we know, she'll announce she's actually an Opus Dei associate living the celibate life in the Pegasus galaxy. Heck, she's wearing black in the promos- maybe they killed him off rather than worry about the ship.

                Also, yesterday on JM's blog he said that he never gave much thought as to where in the timeline he'd put Jack or Daniel if they ever came back to the franchise. Specifically, whether they would be pre- or post-Continuum. Does that mean they're not going to mention Jack at all in the upcoming season? Because that would, you know, involve some actual thought about it. One thing's for sure- we should be able to tell if the ship floated in Continuum by the way SGA is handled, since that movie is supposed to be the grand finale for SG-1 and also supposed to be before SGA season 4 in the timeline.

                So this season of SGA really could be the end of any traces of the original SG-1 if SGA is not renewed. I'm pretty sure it's written to end as if it's not going to be renewed. So, it's now or never for The Happy Ending, IMHO.

                I guess I'll watch a couple of SGA episodes to get a feel for where it might be headed, but I really don't want to get to Trio and find myself with my fingers in my ears going "la la la la la." Really I don't. I do love Carter, but not enough to break my own little tender heart .

                I am sorry to be the big crybaby over this. I don't want to rain on anyone's shippy parade. I just really love the J/S saga and don't want it to end badly. Really, I'd be happier if TPTB just left it alone. Waaaaaah!
                1) If either [Daniel or O’Neill)were to appear would it be ocurring on a post-Contiuum timeline or are you treating that as a seperate entity right now?

                Answer: Haven't really thought about it
                There's two questions in there. Would an appearance by Daniel or O'Neill be a post-Continuum timeline, and are you treating that [Continuum] as a separate entity right now?

                he could have answered either of those. And "I haven't really thought about it" could be "because the answers blatantly obvious, idiot".

                its Joe. He's self-admittedly dastardly evil. Asking him questions is like asking a genie for wishes (you know, the ones where you have to ask for exactly the right thing or he twists it around and you get stupid-rubbish.)

                Personally? he's refusing to answer questions about Jack being mentioned in S4, so he's blatantly hiding something there (again, I dance like the puppet I am - Baaaaaa!). And Joe's a self-admitted 'shipper (he's sekritly one of us) - I can never find the interview but he states black-and-white categorically that he 'ships Daniel/Vala and Sam/Jack (smart lad!). Sinking your own ship si the height of masochism.
                Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
                Vince: “Yeah.”
                Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


                  Just letting you know, computer troubles again, i'm using Chelle's computer at the moment... what an awesome friend!!!!! And so again, might not be around much if i don't get my computer up and running probably again!

                  Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                  Thank you very much
                  And vegimite..already explained...and not my thing
                  2 words: Me Yealous
                  Heeheee... well i won't rub in it then....

                  Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                  I've never had Vegemite before, all my Aussie friends keep trying to get me to try it lol. (can't seem to find it here in the US... But I've gotta tell you- you guys are evil geniuses!
                  Mwahahahaha... it is oh so much fun though! And whats even betterer is that we're kinda part of the whole convention experience in Melbourne now! It's so awesome! Vegemite is great but in small proportions... can be evil in more than a little...

                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  That was my first convention where Niki and I first met you guys!!
                  I was chatting to David over dinner...or rather, after dinner, and he said he actually quite liked the taste of vegemite and that not enough people are open enough to eat this kind of was so cool chatting with him...and Rachel liked it too...but in small quantities!!

                  Not all of us...only Smiley...coz she's evil!!!!!

                  I won't be giving him the vegemite...that's Smileys job...hahaha!
                  That first convention for you was pretty awesome right, i remember my surprise and everyone elses when we found out you and Niki were mother and daughter... so don't look it... really!! But that was awesome, we really didn't get to chat that year, you guys were at the other end of the table to us I was head of our table.. heehee, on the end! Only year i haven't sat next to one of the guests! Rachel was hilarious with the Vegemite, and scotty made us get up in front of everyone to give it to her... i'm really bummed that i missed Tony on stage but i was soo embarrassed after my phone had gone off

                  The Evil Vegemite Girls consists of only four people: Smiley (Me), Dusty, Sparky & Munchy! We have shirts and badges, though we have Vegemite Gang badges as well... for the guys And we are all EVIL... And i have the pictures to prove it I've given the vegemite to them all so far, other than Don, Munchy gave it to him... it felt weird... i'm gonna give it to Joe!!! and Peter!!!

                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  I liked Carmen's reaction to it - he needed a breath mint...
                  and if that's supposed to be DH then he's grown his hair out....he looks more like whoever it is that plays Radek in SGA....if he put on some glasses those 2 would be practically twins....
                  Heehee, glad you like and ah, that is Radek, David Nykl is Radek Zelenka... so yeah you were right... But yeah Carmen was funny, tipping the water over his head....


                    Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                    See, this is the way I was leaning before everyone here infected me with their optimism I don't own seasons 9 & 10, I've just recorded the key shippy (using that term loosely, now) episodes off the TV. Well, okay, I did download 200.

                    My own personal take on the whole
                    "not-so-subtle-hint about Carter's love life," that's suppposed to happen in Trio
                    is that it will not involve Jack. For all we know, she'll announce she's actually an Opus Dei associate living the celibate life in the Pegasus galaxy. Heck, she's wearing black in the promos- maybe they killed him off rather than worry about the ship.

                    Also, yesterday on JM's blog he said that he never gave much thought as to where in the timeline he'd put Jack or Daniel if they ever came back to the franchise. Specifically, whether they would be pre- or post-Continuum. Does that mean they're not going to mention Jack at all in the upcoming season? Because that would, you know, involve some actual thought about it. One thing's for sure- we should be able to tell if the ship floated in Continuum by the way SGA is handled, since that movie is supposed to be the grand finale for SG-1 and also supposed to be before SGA season 4 in the timeline.

                    So this season of SGA really could be the end of any traces of the original SG-1 if SGA is not renewed. I'm pretty sure it's written to end as if it's not going to be renewed. So, it's now or never for The Happy Ending, IMHO.

                    I guess I'll watch a couple of SGA episodes to get a feel for where it might be headed, but I really don't want to get to Trio and find myself with my fingers in my ears going "la la la la la." Really I don't. I do love Carter, but not enough to break my own little tender heart .

                    I am sorry to be the big crybaby over this. I don't want to rain on anyone's shippy parade. I just really love the J/S saga and don't want it to end badly. Really, I'd be happier if TPTB just left it alone. Waaaaaah!
                    I am actually quite optomistic about both SGA and Continuum lately, surprising even myself. Thanks ship family

                    But that part I bolded. This is why I can't abide season 9&10 (ouch! and why I've developed a nasty facial tic whenever I'm forced to acknowledge their existence ). But for me it wasn't just that I loved the S/J saga. I loved the SG-1 saga in general (S/J being the sweetest icing on the proverbial cake) and felt S9&10 ended that saga badly for me. I was so pleased with the finale of S8...and I wish it had ended there. Just MHO...I know some liked S9&10 and that's fine, but for me...not so much

                    Though we'll wait and see the results of step 3 in my S10 aversion therapy

                    Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                    You have heard Jack sing, right? Urgo is an example (I shy away from the word "good").

                    "Romantic" isn't the word I'd've used for it.
                    LOL!! But it was adorable...heheh.

                    Seriously though I too hate reading all that mushy, utterly OC stuff with Jack and Sam. There's no way in Netu Jack would be one of these sappy song singing, sweet nothing whispering romantics. All the more reason to love him too IMHO!

                    Jack and Sam don't need any of that overly done, overly dramatic and in my opinion overly fake, not to mention cliched crap. They would be happy just fishing calmly and relaxed side by side, watching a late movie snuggling on the couch together, umm fishing fishing and various other normal type things that most couples take for granted and don't appreciate anymore.

                    Just a simple thing like him making one of his remarks designed to make her smile and her actually smiling at him, openly, without trying to hide it or restrain it would be incredibly romantic to them.
                    I think Jack and Sam will always appreciate just the simple fact that they are together. That they can spend personal time together. That he can touch her, that she can kiss him. They'll never get tired of it, they'll never take it for granted.

                    Whoa...and I can never stop babbling, sorry
                    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                    Thanks Bekki


                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      have fun and try not to break any windows!!

                      *puts on helmet in case any of her golf balls go astray*
                      he he..actually it went well...and its in a big field and i cant break windows...

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Tee-hee! Since you were last here, mad gater, my temper has calmed dramatically. I have learned that discretion is the better part of valor...especially in any situation where you're arguing with people whose perspective is.....different.
                      *whistles innocently*

                      in other words...she has grown up

                      *runs fast and hides*

                      Just kidding

                      Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                      As for the vid whats sad is I am wearing that same outfit right now...and my hair is just as messy...also are you the one that actually got the hard copy (IMed to you) version or are you talking about the one that is still sitting on my webshots account?
                      Edit: Which reminds me I found all the links on my lappy today (and saved files) of our audios from that same night...mwoahahahahhaha ah what a good night that was
                      Oh that was fun!!! I still have those vids as well he he...just to lovely to throw away...

                      And Jena's cute voice

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIA
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY (from me too)

                      Just had to quote Chelle since she put it so lovely

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      hey, shipmates, i've got myself another animated sig. this one's bigger and more animatey, so if anyone on dialup is having probs because of it, *please* let me know.
                      Squeee, love it again Sally!

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      :Congratulations, ~Sarah~, on 300 posts!!!

                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      and I'll bring the alcohol.....
                      Niiice...i bring coke so i can mix things

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      Erm...I think MG needs a moment or two alone with his modem...
                      Only 2 moments..give him 2 hours

                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      No, no. Jena doesn't drink. Besides, she doesn't need alcohol to act like a total nut. Oh geez, imagine a bunch of drinking shippers....oh boy...
                      Soooo not good...

                      *remembers one night she was on computer while being....drunk*

                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post

                      the fanfic that would come from a bunch of drinking shippers would probably require the reader to confirm that he or she is 18 or over before reading.....
                      but but but...that means im not allowed to read fair*pouts*

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      Congrats, Mad_Gater, on 2400 posts!

                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      CONGRATULATIONS ON 7,700 POSTS MELISSA!!!

                      Again ditto

                      And now im RUNNING out...waaaaay to late

                      ack...just saw that my morning post wasn't posted(to many images...) so now it is here


                        Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                        That scene you were talking about between Jack and Kerry in his office in Threads is unbelievably telling isn't it?!
                        Kerry: "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Coz if it is you're making a big mistake."
                        Jack: "And you know what I should do?"
                        Kerry: "Retire."
                        Jack: "Again?"
                        Kerry: "Don't get me wrong, you're considered invaluable to the program by the pentagon. But the President has appointed a civilian to run the SGC before...just a thought."

                        And then the expressions on Jack's face after she!!
                        LOL! Love the sticker on the car Chelle, that's great!
                        Exactly!! Wow indeed!!!!
                        Ands as for my little blue buzz box...I love the stickers...I would love to put a Stargate one on it but I know I'd cop a lot of ****e over it!! maybe one day but not yet!!!
                        Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
                        G'day ship family.
                        I have missed you guys.
                        Hey Mrs C!! Long time no see!! What show was that that you shipped???
                        Glad to see you pop back in again!!!!

                        Okley dokely folks...I'm off for the night...Smiley has been kind enough to give me back my puter...little puter hogger she is!!! Just joshing J!!! You know I wuvs you!!!
                        Night night everyone, take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          Just had to quote Chelle since she put it so lovely
                          Awww...thank you Jan!!! :O
                          Smiley says happy birthday too...she forgot to post it before she logged off...smeg head that she is!!!....(she told me to say that so don't shoot me...I was gonna call her a dipstick!! )
                          Night again folks...see you tomorrow!!! yay!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post

                            Kerry: "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Coz if it is you're making a big mistake."

                            Jack: "And you know what I should do?"
                            He sure ain't denying anything!
                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            See, this is the way I was leaning before everyone here infected me with their optimism

                            I just really love the J/S saga and don't want it to end badly. Really, I'd be happier if TPTB just left it alone. Waaaaaah!
                            Yay we infected you! I personally think either we'll get something in our favor before it's all over or nothing at all. I don't think they'll crush our ship.
                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            And Jena's cute voice


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              No, no. Jena doesn't drink. Besides, she doesn't need alcohol to act like a total nut. Oh geez, imagine a bunch of drinking shippers....oh boy...
                              That would just be plain crazy...and a whole lotta fun!


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Congrats, Mad_Gater, on 2400 posts!
                                CONGRATS FROM ME TOO!!!!

                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Tell me about it...and it's not just in hubby is a brother in law is a David...we have an uncle David...hubby's uncle and grandfather were both David's...a half a dozen or so of our clients are David...hubby's mates kid was named David (I believe in honour of my hubby)....lets not forget David's nuts I tell ya...NUTS!!!!
                                I have a brother David, my dads David, my Grandfather is David, and so are two of my great-grandfathers and if you follow one family line on one side the male father is always a David (we are so creative!) and hubbys side his grandfather was David. So when hubby mentioned using David as a middle name to remember his grandfather I was like let me think about it, and I finally put it in a name with my grandfather on my moms side's name and he goes Oh so you want to name the boy only after your side...till I pointed out to him it was his idea on David and its not my fault his grandfather has the same name as every other male in my family He felt like an idiot for forgeting about his own grandfather
                                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                                Slightly OT, but has anyone looked into or joined that "Team Stargate" that MGM is making as a way to promote the show? I was reading about it, but as I don't go anywhere but here...and it's like preaching to the choir...I didn't sign up. *shrugs*
                                The whole 10 different forums totally made me not want to do it...I only live here its my place for all things stargate!
                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Gotta head out, kids.The young 'uns will be up bright and early in the morning. And just to make this post on-topic (cuz I've been off-topic all night)...
                                (((SHIP FAMILY)))
                                phew I was worried I would not have my morning dose of gutter but here it is
                                Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                                You have heard Jack sing, right? Urgo is an example (I shy away from the word "good").

                                "Romantic" isn't the word I'd've used for it.
                                Ummm I would agree romantic is definatly not a word I would use for Jack singing...scaring maybe hehe Also Anne I like your new sig My friends always asked why I liked fishing so much if I hated actually catching the fish, I told them the point is not actually catching them its the calm of the surroundings...I still fish and try to catch as few as possible.
                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Night again folks...see you tomorrow!!! yay!!!
                                Night see this looks normal to me I wake up and Chelle goes to bed.
                                GO NEWMAN! 31!

