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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
    I remeber an ep i think s.9 or s.10 Sam is in Washington and some one says she is held up in meetings there. So is she in meetings or a one on one meeting with Jack? I like to think the latter.
    I don`t know, but I think it is in s.10 where Sam IS in a meeting and Daniel or Cam says that it seems to be longer than it should or something like that. I don`t know, because in Germay we haven`t seen s.10 ( but it starts on 01.August ) I think she was in Washington because of a meeting and after that she had a date with Jack....

    does somebody know where I can send me letter for the sam/jack-special? this is the letter.
    Dear ,
    I ask fort this in the name of ALL Sam and Jack Shippers around the world. Please, might it be possible to produce a kind of Sam and Jack Special for the DVDs? We all want to know what happened after Threads and Moebius. What happened during Season nine and ten between them? We just want to see them as a normal couple. We want to hear them say :”I love you” or something like that. This special could be a look inside the whole Sam and Jack scene. Maybe you can put comments of Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson or others in this special. We just want to have a HAPPY END for ALL of us.

    Greetings from Germany and many other Shipper in the world…
    Thank you for ten wonderful years of Stargate SG-1

    Maybe someone of you can corrigate something if there is to much wrong or something could be said better?
    Life`s to short!


      Originally posted by cess525 View Post
      Ok this is a little OT but you know what I will let it draw into a question for Sam/Jack. I have been on the hunt for a house and I have to say this is a pain in the butt! The realitor we have is the best in town known for getting his clients exactly what they want. Well we started with a price range then hubby and I went and viewed some open houses yesterday and the Realitor asked us what all we liked and didn't like about this one house. So I wrote a was a nice book...the house was nice but I didn't like the neighborhood...and all that jazz...the reply to my email was this...
      "this is a big help........" <--- direct copy from email
      Yep that's it thats the whole email...and he uses ... <--- all the time...way more than I do
      So to tie this back into Sam/Jack...because I gots to. With Sam and Jack do you think they would buy a new house in Colorado Springs or keep the one that Sam has, and even then when Sam went to Nevada did she sell her house in Colorado Springs therefore requiring them to buy a new one there? Also would they buy a house/townhouse in D.C.? What all do you think they would look for...
      Personally I think they would want to raise children (or if no children retire) in Colorado Springs which makes me think they would buy a nice house there that has land backyard for a dog something for the long run. As for DC I see them getting a Townhouse or buying a small house in Falls Church or Bethesda because houses up there are outragiously expensive (though I know they are bad in all big cities). But it would be a house for Jack to live in and Sam to visit him at until he retires. Nothing in particular or special just a house to hold him over.
      Well now I feel like an absolute doofas coz I'm always doing the .... thing....see...did it again!!
      As for the S/J house thingy...I reackon they'd stay in his house, keep hers as a back up and have an apartment in DC coz he'd pretty much be there on his own most of the time til he beams back to "their" house. Which has me thinking...I did that a lot today at work...thinking about quitting and stuff and about Sam and Jack and the whole bull about regs and all...but I'll get to that in a minute.
      The Asgard gave them all their technology right? And we all know that the Asgard can get from A to B in like a slipt second and all right??...remember that ep where they first met Fifth?? quick did they get from A to B?? Like *clicks fingers* that!!
      So with Sam now in the Pegasus galaxy, I can't see how the distance can be a real problem for their relationship. Now as to the regs...please...they (TPTB) choose to live by the regs when it suits them...just look at Vala. You can not possibly tell me that just because she's not air force that she still doesn't have to adhere to dress rules such as her hair and clothes. Everytime I see Vala she's making a fashion statement with her's not the same as Sam's in that her pants are tighter and more tailored, her tops are skimpier and her's never regulation length or tied back neatly. I know she's not military but surely she must have some sort of dress code as well right?? Otherwise she stands out from the rest of the group and that puts her and the others at risk. I like Vala...I really do, but if they can throw her into the mix like that then they can futz with the regs a bit and have Sam and Jack together...I'm sure I'm gonna get my butt kicked for that but I just think that if they want to try and make it look as real as possible then what the heck is with Vala??? Maybe I'm missing I??? Ok...I ranted a bit but it's been a stupid day...I need sleep!!!!!

      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      An Ode to the Sam/Jack Ship Family
      Upon Reaching 5,000 Posts

      For two long years plus 60 more days,
      With laptop, mouse and in a haze,
      I've talked to folks from near and far,
      Through Gateworld, our guiding star.

      For longer still, we all have shared
      The adventures of the team that cares
      About doing right wherever it goes
      And making friends and defeating foes.

      And as the saga draws to an end,
      We know we're going to miss our friends,
      Who went through the Gate to protect the Earth
      But also found some time for mirth.

      We've sat and squeed o'er Sam & Jack,
      With hope of getting something back.
      A glance, a touch, an AU kiss
      Admit it--we've all lived for this.

      A real, live kiss--that's all we need,
      And confirmation that he and she
      Have moved ahead with their new life
      And are maybe even husband and wife.

      It seems so little that we ask
      After watching them complete their tasks.
      They've saved the world. They've done their share,
      And now they've earned the right to care.

      So, Shipper Family, please stay strong.
      The fight's been hard, the battle long.
      But sure as the Goa'uld were beaten down,
      Joy may still come to Shippertown.

      I'll keep hoping til the bitter end,
      And I'll do it here with you, my friends.
      Congratulations Melissa!! WTG on your milestone!!

      I love the poem!!!
      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      Bravo, Melissa! Send it to TPTB! (Or at the very least, JM's blog!)
      Great idea!!
      Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
      Hi newbie here. I cannot believe this thread is has gone this long you guys must be addicts.
      Anyhow I simply love Jack/Sam and am a utter shipper. Have been for what seems like forever. They are the reason I started to watch Stargate and now I adore the show, both of them.
      I know I am a bit slow for posting here but hey you get that at least I am here now.
      There are some wonderful pics and great sigs by you lot and am having a great time here. Have to go and watch an episode now but which one love Mob1&2 or D&C. any suggestions.

      I hope there is going to be some hopefully a lot will settle for just a little bit of Jack/Sam moments in Continuum.
      Welcome to our crazy family Mrs C!!! And another aussie...woohoo!!
      I think you should watch all of them...I hate choosing...if I can't decide I usually watch them works for me!!
      Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
      It's a long way away, I know, but if they just started filming it then I understand. After all, the post-production stuff alone would take months, special effects, etc.

      Chances are they're doing it as fast as they can. It's in their best interest to get it out to the public and making them money as soon as possible.
      I thought they were gonna start filming Continuum in July/August and release it in 2008 and the Ark of Truth was gonna be released later this year...I could be wrong but then again I have been known to be right on the odd occassion!!
      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Hi. My name is Mary, AKA luvnjack. I'm a Sam/Jack addict!
      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      Hi, my name is Melissa, aka sg-1fanintn. I'm a Sam/Jack Addict!!!
      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
      I am Starlover1990...AKA...Janneke..AKA Jann...AKA Bengel...AKA S/J Addict...AKA Guttergirl...AKA...crazy and last one AKA..Sheps wife
      Hi Mary!!! Hi Melissa!!!! Hi Jann!!!
      Hi, my name is Michelle, aka chelle. And I'm a Sam/Jack addict!!!
      And dang proud of it too!!!!
      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
      Oh yeah...when i was on vacation i was on one moment bored...and i had my photocamera with me...well got an idea...and made a little something in the sand(wrote S/J)

      **click on it for bigger picture**

      Yup i was bored...and i can't write...but ...i'm helpless
      Don't you just love holidays!! I'm gonna do that next time I'm at the beach and take pics of it too...we should all do that next time we're at the beach!!
      Just got a message from my dad on my mobile phone...if I could I would forward it on to you all but I'll have to do it here coz I don't have your this is my goodnight to you all......

      If luck is a raindrop, I'd send you a shower.
      If hope is a minute, I'd send you an hour.
      If happiness is a leaf, I'd give you a tree.
      If you need a friend, you'll always have me!!

      Good night everyone!! Take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!

      (((Ship family)))
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        So with Sam now in the Pegasus galaxy, I can't see how the distance can be a real problem for their relationship. Now as to the regs...please...they (TPTB) choose to live by the regs when it suits them...just look at Vala. You can not possibly tell me that just because she's not air force that she still doesn't have to adhere to dress rules such as her hair and clothes.
        Well. Yeah. Not being in the Air Force does mean she doesn't have to. She's not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Her uniform should be generally which is why she is usually in uniform. More or less. But her hair - Daniel's hair broke regs for the first several seasons.

        Remember, if Sam and Jack are married it's up to the Air Force to decide how closely or how far apart geographically and in chain-of-command to put them based on their ability to work together and the needs of the Air Force. Being married to someone is never against the regs - the Air Force doesn't have that kind of power.

        For that matter, being in love with someone isn't against the regs, either. Again, the Air Force doesn't have that kind of power, either. People rarely get punished for breaking frat regs unless there is another crime being committed (harassment, rape, adultery - which is still against the UCMJ). It operates on 'don't ask don't tell' and typically what you do off-duty is your own business unless you act unprofessional at work or it gets serious enough to lead to marriage in which case one or both spouses are moved to a different unit and usually a different geographical location if at all possible.

        Which, by a wild coincidence, is just what happened at the beginning of S9. So - really - don't worry about the regs. They were never the primary thing keeping Sam and Jack apart. The regs coupled with their screwed up selves and the need for them both to remain on SG-1 at that point fighting the Goa'uld were. The regs could have been gotten around at any point if they'd really wanted to.

        EDIT: Vala is non-military like Teyla. I'm less worried about how she looks than how she acts, but while she might be encouraged to change, she's not breaking any rules.


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Well, let's hope the long wait gives us something good.
          Maybe they need a lot of time to prepare that BHK they are giving us... Maybe they had to fit RDA's scedule (sp?) to AT's in order to film the wedding...
          Maybe the writers are still coming up with a perfect fluffy scene that'll blow everyone away...
          Maybe TPTB are planning a huge Battle Against The Polar Bears next winter...
          Maybe the movies will be masterpieces.
          And maybe this is all true...i hope would be cool

          Hope you didn't wipe it out, let everone in Katwijk know The Truth

          And don't worry, this is perfectly normal Shipper behavior
          I think i didn't wiped it out...Normal behavior...if you say bro's thought i was nuts

          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Unfortunately Ses, it's not that big of a shocker for me. Squeeg is still right about the post production process. It really is just the way film making works. The Ark of Truth is scheduled for release this fall. No production company in their right minds would release two movies back to back like that, it would effect their profit. If you think about it, they will (re)start filming Continuum now, but simultaneously have to start post production for the Ark. Couple that with the fact that unlike other movie producers they also have a television series to worry about, the likelihood is that post production for Contiuum will only start *after* the Ark is finished (which puts the timeline around this Autumn).

          It also is slightly unfair to say it's not a big budget Armageddon type movie. The Lost City speaks for itself. The special effects on Stargate have always been phenomenal and it's not as simple as pushing a button. It takes time to put those together, and they still have to put the Ark first. Another factor to consider is the fact that tv series production allows for the use of multiple cameras in simultaneous shot. When you're working on a film, you use one camera for each take. That's a lot of footage. So really, a 2008 releasing doesn't surprise me at all. It makes sense. As much as I want to see the SG movies, I can understand why they're going the way they're going.
          I totally agree with you are...and i am sure the effects and all take a lot of time, but will be great. I think i have somewhere the patience to wait a while for it.

          And to be 100% honest, i think i wouldn't like it if both movies would be released in the fall...i think it would be to much, two movies that close released after eachother. I have enough patience to wait so long, and probably i have to wait even longer But i will be fine

          If the movie is good(and we get FINALLY our ship) then you will hear me squee and don't nag

          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Well now I feel like an absolute doofas coz I'm always doing the .... thing....see...did it again!!
          As for the S/J house thingy...I reackon they'd stay in his house, keep hers as a back up and have an apartment in DC coz he'd pretty much be there on his own most of the time til he beams back to "their" house. Which has me thinking...I did that a lot today at work...thinking about quitting and stuff and about Sam and Jack and the whole bull about regs and all...but I'll get to that in a minute.
          The Asgard gave them all their technology right? And we all know that the Asgard can get from A to B in like a slipt second and all right??...remember that ep where they first met Fifth?? quick did they get from A to B?? Like *clicks fingers* that!!
          So with Sam now in the Pegasus galaxy, I can't see how the distance can be a real problem for their relationship. Now as to the regs...please...they (TPTB) choose to live by the regs when it suits them...just look at Vala. You can not possibly tell me that just because she's not air force that she still doesn't have to adhere to dress rules such as her hair and clothes. Everytime I see Vala she's making a fashion statement with her's not the same as Sam's in that her pants are tighter and more tailored, her tops are skimpier and her's never regulation length or tied back neatly. I know she's not military but surely she must have some sort of dress code as well right?? Otherwise she stands out from the rest of the group and that puts her and the others at risk. I like Vala...I really do, but if they can throw her into the mix like that then they can futz with the regs a bit and have Sam and Jack together...I'm sure I'm gonna get my butt kicked for that but I just think that if they want to try and make it look as real as possible then what the heck is with Vala??? Maybe I'm missing I??? Ok...I ranted a bit but it's been a stupid day...I need sleep!!!!!
          Hmm..i think you are right in some way...not really fair...but well what can you do about it...Vala is...lets just say...a seperate case But i do think that the people could be more clearer about it. I mean the only difference between the working 'things'(because for the most part Sam and Vala do the same field work) is that sam is in the air force and Vala not...
          So now i want that Sam can have her long hair as well

          Don't you just love holidays!! I'm gonna do that next time I'm at the beach and take pics of it too...we should all do that next time we're at the beach!!
          Just got a message from my dad on my mobile phone...if I could I would forward it on to you all but I'll have to do it here coz I don't have your this is my goodnight to you all......

          If luck is a raindrop, I'd send you a shower.
          If hope is a minute, I'd send you an hour.
          If happiness is a leaf, I'd give you a tree.
          If you need a friend, you'll always have me!!
          Good night everyone!! Take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!
          (((Ship family)))

          Lovely Message Chelle, its sweet And to the beach part, make fun to do...certainly if you are crazy


            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
            I'm not sure, but I found out just last night that the terms 'penguins' and 'polar bears' were coined on YIM one night...they have nothing at all to do with the ship...but....

            Penguins = Shippers

            Polar Bears = Antis and No-romos...

            Correct me if I'm wrong about where they were coined...

            Okay...and maybe I didn't even answer the question...sorry
            First of all, congratulations for 5000 posts Melissa. I love the poem. LOL

            Secondly, the shipper penguins began here in Gateworld, a long, long time ago.
            Here is the link to Mala's Shipper Penguin page, where you'll find the history behind the penguins.


              Since I posted a link to Mala's penguin page, I thought you might be interested in the link to the Shipper Town.


                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                I wonder why you got a gutter star for this

                Bengel B...i didn't brought you on ideas...have i??...really you call me bengel...why do i feel like a dog now**has image in her head now that B is letting her out **
                Actually I don't call you Bengel I just point out the fact that you are a Bengel not the engel you claim to be
                If more are doing this...let me try to introduce myself as well...
                I am Starlover1990...AKA...Janneke..AKA Jann...AKA Bengel...AKA S/J Addict...AKA Guttergirl...AKA...crazy and last one AKA..Sheps wife
                Alright I will do it too.
                I am cess525...aka...B...aka...Bitsy....aka....dense (what nice brothers)...aka ...fence (one of my brothers felt bad )....aka...brencess....aka...bencie....aka...Crazy American...aka....Sam/Jack addict!

                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                Oh yeah...when i was on vacation i was on one moment bored...and i had my photocamera with me...well got an idea...and made a little something in the sand(wrote S/J)

                **click on it for bigger picture**

                Yup i was bored...and i can't write...but ...i'm helpless
                Nice Jann I should have thought about that when I was in Bermuda but instead I was running around the island trying to find "Moongates" which I have yet to post the pictures here I saw more than I took but some of them it was raining when I saw them or we were on the bus. Will have to remember to post those but right now I have no time I am on my way to D.C. to listen to a boring conference.
                I be back tomorrow...and if the over priced has free internet then you will see me tonight but I have found the more money you have to pay for the hotel the more expensive their wireless internet is...grumbles (cheaper places make it free...this place better have it free!).
                tata for now

                GO NEWMAN! 31!


                  TPTB can save there money on special effect and there big spaceships. The effects and all the spaceships did nothing for the Show in season 9 and 10. It's about the story.Special effects will not save this Movie. I only care about Sam and Jack for this Movie. I could care less if they have to take the bus in the Movie.


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    I think now he has...he'd turn to Sam. Unless it was Sam he was grieving over, in which case I think he would very much withdraw into himself, possibly never to come out again.
                    I think for Jack to lose Sam it would be worse than Charlie ! He'd probably kill himself ! Which I don't think Sam would do ("POV") ! I always thought that Jack felt for Sam way more than Sam did !

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    hey, guys, we need more shippers to vote for sam/jack on the h&h ship game.


                    Been there, done that ! Now where's my T-shirt ?

                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    TPTB can save there money on special effect and there big spaceships. The effects and all the spaceships did nothing for the Show in season 9 and 10. It's about the story.Special effects will not save this Movie. I only care about Sam and Jack for this Movie. I could care less if they have to take the bus in the Movie.
                    I think it would be sheer stupidity for TPTB to release "Continuum" in 2008 ! The franchise is in jeopardy with the appalling ratings for S10 and Atlantis S3 and another delay (like the 6 7 months hiatus) will definetely kill it !
                    On the special effects - Well look at "Quest 2" - the dragon !

                    LE: A short ( 3 paragraphs) Sam/Pete/Jack fic All in or fold?


                      Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                      Actually I don't call you Bengel I just point out the fact that you are a Bengel not the engel you claim to be
                      Hmm...true true...but still...i am really curious how you speak out this word It's dutch

                      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                      TPTB can save there money on special effect and there big spaceships. The effects and all the spaceships did nothing for the Show in season 9 and 10. It's about the story.Special effects will not save this Movie. I only care about Sam and Jack for this Movie. I could care less if they have to take the bus in the Movie.

                      Hmm...Now i do care about the special effects they are important for me. It makes the show a lot better. It makes everything more real.
                      If the show only would be S/J, then it would be more of a soap then a Sci-fi serie. What i like about this serie is that it plays now(atm) but that it also is a sort of a future thing sometimes.
                      I really like the S/J ship, but i really wouldn't want it that it would take over the show. One episode devoted to it(to the S/J solution), would have been great, but it hasn't happened.
                      And then a whole movie for give my honest answer: No. It must be more then only fluff(yeah i am saying it..really) I love action, i love some good whump when its needed, it makes it more exiting to watch...and then in the end some romance or so...that would be good for me.
                      I would love to see a BHK, but prefered in the end of the movie...the rest of the movie has to be IMHO full of the team, not only S/J...
                      I know this sounds weird as a shippper, but i like SG because of all aspects in the show and not only S/J...if i would only watch it for S/J i think i would have stopped watching(and buying dvds) ages ago...


                        Well said. Once again TPTB show they have no clue on what's important to a successful Show. SG-1 was not a hit because of speaceships and special effects. TPTB can continue to think everything is ok with Stargate and they can keep thinking that when SG-1 and Atlantis are gone.


                          I'm not saying I want the whole Movie to be about Sam/Jack. Although it is the only thing left I care about on SG-1. TPTB have to focus on the story and not just the effects and TPTB risk losing even more Fans if the Movie comes out in 2008. Fans are not exactly rushing to watch SG-1 and Atlantis.


                            Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                            I'm not saying I want the whole Movie to be about Sam/Jack. Although it is the only thing left I care about on SG-1. TPTB have to focus on the story and not just the effects and TPTB risk losing even more Fans if the Movie comes out in 2008. Fans are not exactly rushing to watch SG-1 and Atlantis.
                            But i think that Special effects and all will make everything more real. I am not saying that they must give ALL their money to the special effects, but i think it is an aspect of the show. I dont need to see space ships and all the whole time. But special weapons like the weapon used in Lost City are wonderful. Also i really really liked the end of Lost City

                            And like i said earlier i don't have problems with waiting so long...but that is then probably only me
                            And losing fans. I don't think the TPTB will lose the real fans, because the movies also will only be on DVD, its something different then the long hiatus IMHO.

                            And hey, i am still watching both shows, i both love them, i have no patience at all, and i didn't liked the long hiatus either(but i have watched all episodes already when they came out on UK tv) ...and not rushing to watch, but if you know that SG1/SGA is on tv..i will watch it...But i also agree with that the long hiatus didn't do any good to SG1/SGA...but i hope that TPTB will do better next year, i hope so

                            Ok enough rambling of me


                              Who are the real Fans? The long hiatus did not help but Fans tuned in to watch The Quest part 2 and the next week is when the ratings really dropped.It probably means many did not like what they saw in Quest 2 and did not come back.


                                Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                                Well said. Once again TPTB show they have no clue on what's important to a successful Show. SG-1 was not a hit because of speaceships and special effects. TPTB can continue to think everything is ok with Stargate and they can keep thinking that when SG-1 and Atlantis are gone.
                                To be blunt, you are basing this on a very narrow view of the franchise.

                                Not everyone watched SG-1 for the ship. It's definitely not at the very top of my list. Their supposed key demographic quite enjoys the special effects and the 'shoot-em-up' scenes (as do I, and I am not even in that demographic).

                                If one is a shipper and only frequents the shipper aspects of the online fandom (and I am not claiming this is the case with - since I don't even know you), of course that person is going to believe that everyone wants ship, but the reality is that the ship is just a part of the larger online fandom and the online fandom is just a part of the fandom as a whole. There are tons of people who watch the show regularly who don't even know this online community exists.

                                As others have stated, post production takes time. They just started filming the movie! It is not unrealistic to believe that it will take upwards of 9 months or more to finish it. And it would be horrible marketing to release it so soon after 'Ark of Truth'. How much time passed between the release of the second two Pirates of the Caribbean movies? Those were filmed simultaneously.

                                Having said all this, you have a right to your opinion, as everyone here does, but I also just wanted you to know that this constant negativity is causing me to want to avoid this thread. This is not meant to be any sort of personal attack, far from it. I just wanted to state my opinion in return.

