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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Renae422 View Post
    Wow! It has been a long time since I have been back to this thread.

    I cannot wait until The Shroud airs next week! Only four more days!!!

    Great to see you back here!

    I also am excited for next week. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the US viewers... we'll probably have to wait until Wednesday to see the episode...
    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
      Great to see you back here!

      I also am excited for next week. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the US viewers... we'll probably have to wait until Wednesday to see the episode...
      Don't you mean April ?


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        Really?? They consider that a wedding?? I never saw that as a wedding...ewww...Oh man!!...Thank you cess for that...but I'm still holding out that it's an error...night night all...sweet shippy dreams!
        I didn't see it as a wedding either, and I don't want to think of it as one. There was no divorce, so I don't want to think of Jack as still married to Kynthia. Of course, we wouldn't have to accept another world's marriage as legal here, right? Then again, (and I could be confused with fanfic here) didn't Jack trade a side arm for Sam in Emancipation and didn't Daniel say that in some cultures that would mean they were married? No, I better rewatch the episode. That sounds like a fan fic! I read way too much fanfic, and sometimes I get the two confused.


          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
          I didn't see it as a wedding either, and I don't want to think of it as one. There was no divorce, so I don't want to think of Jack as still married to Kynthia. Of course, we wouldn't have to accept another world's marriage as legal here, right? Then again, (and I could be confused with fanfic here) didn't Jack trade a side arm for Sam in Emancipation and didn't Daniel say that in some cultures that would mean they were married? No, I better rewatch the episode. That sounds like a fan fic! I read way too much fanfic, and sometimes I get the two confused.

          It's a fanfic. Believe, I've read it! I can't think of what's called!

          And wasn't Daniel and Sha're's marriage accepted?
          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I'm sure someone will make you a sig. So many people on here are incredibly talented with graphic software... Eve (Replicartertje), Jann(starlover1990 aka Post girl), and Jenn(JenniferJF) just to name a few....

            I'm sure at least one of them would be able to make you a sig. Lol, you should ask Jann, because, according to her, SG takes up 3/4 of her life!

            And I know I'm forgetting people! But I really do appreciate all the work everyone does!
            Add Lies (Sam&JackShipLover) to that pile.

            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            Great to see you back here!

            I also am excited for next week. Unfortunately for me and the rest of the US viewers... we'll probably have to wait until Wednesday to see the episode...
            Waiting a whole DAY! Noooooohhhhhh!


              Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
              I've found the result of a poll

              I think it's interesting that more people want a Sam/Vala kiss then Sodney and a Daniel/Cameron one than Scam !
              I hope we get something meaningful in "The Shroud" and that Sam isn't shipped with anyone in "Unending" or Atlantis(unless TPTB surprise as with Jack there)
              *still mad about no mention of Jack in "TRNT"*
              Also, its interesting how many more people want a S/J kiss than a D/V kiss. Hmmm, PTB, Jack's been gone nearly two years and people are still committed to this ship. Do something for us please!


                Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                Also, its interesting how many more people want a S/J kiss than a D/V kiss. Hmmm, PTB, Jack's been gone nearly two years and people are still committed to this ship. Do something for us please!
                It is quite interesting. I was fully expecting us to have second place behind Daniel and Vala...

                I guess it just shows what the majority of viewers think!
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                  It's a fanfic. Believe, I've read it! I can't think of what's called!

                  And wasn't Daniel and Sha're's marriage accepted?
                  So we'll just have to assume that the Brief Candle thing wasn't a marriage then, otherwise Jack's in big trouble. We all know that he and Sam are
                  soooooo married!

                  Found the fanfic. It's called Karma.


                    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                    So we'll just have to assume that the Brief Candle thing wasn't a marriage then, otherwise Jack's in big trouble. We all know that he and Sam are
                    soooooo married!

                    Found the fanfic. It's called Karma.
                    Yup! They are definately
                    sooo married!

                    Great fic!
                    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      So I'm watching the eps in order now..and I am on COTG. I LOVE their first meeting. It's so squeeworthy! I like when Jack says he doesn't have a problem with women, he likes women...and the look he gives her. Then when she asks if they're going to have to arm wrestle, Jack is like bring it on! I also think it's cute when she smiles at Jack's 'Mr. Glass Half Empty' joke. She's liked his sense of humor since the beginning. And one last thing...when he pushes her through the Stargate-that's priceless! Oh, I think I'm going to love 'rediscovering' the ship! *squee*
                      I think I really need to watch it all from the beginning and in order.

                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                      You know what....I've noticed that Sam is a lot happier in season 9 and 10
                      ...must be because she and Jack are soooo together!!
                      Yep, I've noticed! I've also noticed she's alot softer in S9/10. Even her voice is softer, and has a more happy tone in it.

                      Soooooooo married!

                      Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                      Ficlet (mine)...


                      As as far as (speculation spoilers)

                      the lip lock between favourites goes... Would mouth to mouth resuscitation(sp?) fit tptb definition....?

                      That would be EVIL.
                      That would be evil.

                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      I didn't see it as a wedding either, and I don't want to think of it as one. There was no divorce, so I don't want to think of Jack as still married to Kynthia. Of course, we wouldn't have to accept another world's marriage as legal here, right? Then again, (and I could be confused with fanfic here) didn't Jack trade a side arm for Sam in Emancipation and didn't Daniel say that in some cultures that would mean they were married? No, I better rewatch the episode. That sounds like a fan fic! I read way too much fanfic, and sometimes I get the two confused.
                      This does sound familiar. Does anyone know this fic? Please post a link. I must read it again.

                      EDIT: I see someone found it!
                      Last edited by Sasusc; 26 January 2007, 11:00 AM.


                        Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                        You know I think a lot of that has to do with the changing of the times. I think they look better now looking back at old episodes...but maybe its along the same lines of current fashion trends. (though they dont have a lot of fashion their hairstyles look kinda funny looking back). Its like take a picture of yourself 10 years ago and compair it to now...if you do what I did you are asking yourself what the heck was up with your hair...needless to say I look better now. I think all their hair looks way better now and therefore they look better.
                        That could be it! Ten years ago, I was 10 and cute. Now I'm 20 and... still cute, but different indeed!

                        Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                        I've found the result of a poll

                        I think it's interesting that more people want a Sam/Vala kiss then Sodney and a Daniel/Cameron one than Scam !
                        I hope we get something meaningful in "The Shroud" and that Sam isn't shipped with anyone in "Unending" or Atlantis(unless TPTB surprise as with Jack there)
                        *still mad about no mention of Jack in "TRNT"*
                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                        Maybe there was he and Sam snuck off?
                        Putting two posts together... And voila! That would be a surprising storyline for TETC ( The Eps To Come). S&J sneak off to get married and there's a flashback in which we get to see their first real BHK... How's that for meaningfull? I would faint if they did that... Seriously.
                        Eventough Sam and Jack are already (Don't push it, you know what it will say )

                        Soo married

                        And 'bout that (and other) pairing poll(s)... They all point in the same direction (= ours ) shouldn't that mean something? Now come on PTB, give the people what they want, ey?

                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                        I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I'm sure someone will make you a sig. So many people on here are incredibly talented with graphic software... Eve (Replicartertje), Jann(starlover1990 aka Post girl), and Jenn(JenniferJF) just to name a few....

                        I'm sure at least one of them would be able to make you a sig. Lol, you should ask Jann, because, according to her, SG takes up 3/4 of her life!

                        And I know I'm forgetting people! But I really do appreciate all the work everyone does!
                        I believe I got offered a sig on my first day! That's one of the things I like about this place; everyone is willing to help a shipper in need
                        (Yup, I am needy, for computers hate me )

                        Originally posted by Renae422 View Post
                        Wow! It has been a long time since I have been back to this thread.

                        I cannot wait until The Shroud airs next week! Only four more days!!!
                        Didn't you like us anymore?
                        Good to see ya back! And yeah, I want to see that ep as well. EVEN wondering if I should stay (partly)spoilerfree on that one...
                        (In the hope I CAN actually see it )

                        One for the road:
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          OK for post 1300 I decided to say something deep and meaningful...

                          Yeah right.


                          I love Stargate.
                          I especially love the characters.
                          I especially love Jack and Sam.
                          I especially love Jack and Sam together
                          When this show is good, it is excellent.

                          When this show is bad, it is still better than 95% of everything else on TV.

                          That's why I love Stargate.

                          But I hate Evil Flying monkeys.

                          Congrats on 1,300

                          best post you had Jenn...short and very deep

                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          Yup, French, German, Italian... Very funny indeed. I somtimes wish we didn't work with subtitles in the Netherlands, but with speech...
                          'Omdat ik om haar geef... Veel meer dan ik zou moeten doen' Or ' Carter, wil je mee... vissen?'
                          ... Come to think about it... subtitles are just fine
                          (I swear I did not say any dirty words... Well, that depends on your personal definition of 'vissen' Need I translate that one? )
                          never thought about that...SG in dutch..nah...cus i couldn't watch it then, cus i'm laughing everytime i hear those dutch je do you mean that? **is in the gutter now...and she just got home**

                          Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                          Oh and OT -
                          When I read your name today...(why I thought of this who knows...wait I was greening you.) Anyways I read it Orangejello (read as orange (the french pronounciation) jello (hmmm try making it sound french)). Did a double take and reolized I read it wrong. My brother wanted my older brother to name his daughter that (he came up with all kinds of unique names...but we wont go into that.) Anyways for a second there I thought someone was as crazy as my brother...thank godness I reread it again and saw it was a normal name. Anyways good news my older brother gave my neice a really cool name...and it is .... Grace).
                          Ow...very sweet name, your brother has given his daughter a cute name

                          Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                          Ficlet (mine)...


                          As as far as (speculation spoilers)

                          the lip lock between favourites goes... Would mouth to mouth resuscitation(sp?) fit tptb definition....?

                          That would be EVIL.
                          Love the fic...and fav colour Pink...SQUEEE...that's just great, wonderful...have you spend to much time with me????

                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                          I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I'm sure someone will make you a sig. So many people on here are incredibly talented with graphic software... Eve (Replicartertje), Jann(starlover1990 aka Post girl), and Jenn(JenniferJF) just to name a few....

                          I'm sure at least one of them would be able to make you a sig. Lol, you should ask Jann, because, according to her, SG takes up 3/4 of her life!

                          And I know I'm forgetting people! But I really do appreciate all the work everyone does!
                          First of all thanx, that you think i'm good enough to make something for someone else...

                          and yep 3/4 of my life...only not today...i had 10 hours without GW and SG...but then again i took my shippy music vids with me...but i was so busy i couldn't watch them But i could go earlier so that was good

                          And i'm not here and you people almost don't talk you people missed talky girl but then i want to say....i'm baaack


                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            Congrats on 1,300

                            best post you had Jenn...short and very deep

                            never thought about that...SG in dutch..nah...cus i couldn't watch it then, cus i'm laughing everytime i hear those dutch je do you mean that? **is in the gutter now...and she just got home**

                            Ow...very sweet name, your brother has given his daughter a cute name

                            Love the fic...and fav colour Pink...SQUEEE...that's just great, wonderful...have you spend to much time with me????

                            First of all thanx, that you think i'm good enough to make something for someone else...

                            and yep 3/4 of my life...only not today...i had 10 hours without GW and SG...but then again i took my shippy music vids with me...but i was so busy i couldn't watch them But i could go earlier so that was good

                            And i'm not here and you people almost don't talk you people missed talky girl but then i want to say....i'm baaack
                            10 hours! How did you survive Jann?

                            And of course we missed you!!
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                              10 hours! How did you survive Jann?

                              And of course we missed you!!
                              i almost didn't survive*sigh* but i'm back here now**hugs GW**

                              and you missed me...that almost makes me cry WOOHOO


                                Just a flyby on a study break...

                                I was wondering (Spoilers for 200)
                                At the end of 200 when everyone is going through the gate and walter and landry are talking about balloons and cake and streamers and "everything being ready"...did that ever actually get explained?
                                because if not...maybe they were really getting married that would make a good flashback sequence in unending don't ya think?
                                shippy sigh
                                back to studying anatomy
                                My Fic: LJ &

