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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nefertiti View Post
    Ok I hardly come in this room because I am a huge Daniel/Vala shipper but I do like the idea of Jack and Sam together as well. OK so here I go…….I heard from a board that I visit that during a convention Amanda was asked if there will ever be a jack/Sam relationship and she was quoted saying Just “Yes”. This was before season ten I believe and then a photo was leaked out …..This photo is of Jack holding an image of the alternate Carter and O’Neil. I believe it is the new episode coming in the second half of season 10 where Carter goes to an alternate dimension. (All is rumors until I know all the facts please) …..If you already heard this sorry about repeating the news!
    If this has already been resolved, my apologies for reposting. But here's what I posted on the other S/J Thread when I found Nefertiti's post earlier today:

    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    Let me set the record straight for you. I was at the convention (Shore Leave, last July in Baltimore) where Amanda made that comment. Here's what was said:
    When asked about whether there would be Sam/Jack ship in Season 10, AT said, "The answer could be a three-letter word...or a two-letter word....and it's the three letter word."

    Everyone went wild, and she was grinning and said something to the effect of, "Or maybe the answer is 'maybe.'" But she teased us some more about it, we all had fun and everyone went away from the session feeling pretty positive about her tone and the future of the Ship.

    As to the pic, that is a photo manip made by one of the very talented people who come here to GW. It's from episode 618, Forsaken. The original photo Jack was holding was of one of the guest stars in that ep and his wife...but one of our talented pals (Terrah, I think) removed that photo and substituted the S/J wedding photo from Season 3's Point of View.

    So part of what your heard was pretty true...but I wanted you to know that the photo was a fan creation made using elements from two episodes. And yes, there is some talk about an AU ep called
    The Road Not Taken in the second half of S10, but I don't know any more about it now. Personally, I'm somewhat tired of AU S/J Ship. I want TPTB to admit that OUR Sam and Jack are together!

    There are so many talented people on GW! If you love Sam & Jack, most of the Shippers post on the S/J Ship Family Discussion Thread. If you're a big Sam fan, many of us hang out in the Sam's a Great Character Thread. BTW, those are the two most popular threads at GW. Each has had more than 1,000,000 replies. And if you love great fan art, try Mala's World.

    Tons of talent at Gateworld!


      Originally posted by littlebluestring View Post
      oh oh! i wanna join! cos im cool... my RL name is esther. with a h. cos no one spells it with a h...

      aaaaand... i was checking out the pictures on gateworld for message in a bottle which is what we appear to be discussing... tomorrow... i couldnt wait... and i found this:

      jack may just be gazing... a little

      You are SO right! He is definitely GAZING!!!! And so it develops.....

's bedtime.....and I'm beginning to feel like a thread hog anyway. So, I'm going to head off for some shut eye.

        Sweet shippy dreams!

        P. S.: Jenn's Ex Deus Machina sig made me miss mine, so I'm resurrecting it for a few days while I search for a new inspiration!


          *Yawn* Hi everyone! Looks like I have a little insomnia tonight.

          I thought M in a B was shippy. Not in the way that Grace and Threads were, but shippy nontheless given the development of the arc at the time. I love the scene where she holds his hand and tries to comfort him. Their relationship wasn't as angsty and complicated as it was in later seasons, and I really enjoy watching her interact with him on such a personal level in spite of who's watching and what they might think. I can't imagine her doing that after the zartac incident. At the end of Entity, for example, when Jack is standing by the bed and he kind of just taps his hand on the bed or something (I'd have to watch it again to see what exactly), it's like he wants to take her hand but he's afraid to given that everyone is watching. It's the 'I want to, but everyone is watching and there are the regs, etc.' whereas in M in a B it's 'everyone is watching and there are the regs, but so what?' In recent years, I really missed that easy going commradarie (sp) between them.

          I've been rewatching my DVD's from the beginning after not having seen them for a couple of years and am up to ITLOD now. Althought there are hints of ship now and then, I really don't think that the early seasons are as overtly shippy as I remember them being. What I'm seeing now is more the potential for a relationship down the road. And, yes indeed, we did get that, IMO. I do remember thinking at the time I first saw them that OK, they didn't really do anything shippy this week, but there's always next week. Now I think OK, they're not doing anything shippy next week, but there's always the second half of season 10!

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            I'm so easily bored with my sig. All the gutter talks I've been having led to my new one (which will be replaced before the week is over).

            Shippy dreams, Melissa! Going to bed is something I should do as well . . . almost 3am here!


              Originally posted by nell View Post
              Squee Squee Squee!!! My Jack Loves Sam mug arrived today!!!


              Everytime I take a sip, I can see Jack Loves Sam. Everytime water dribbles down the cup, I get to lick Jack. **runs before mod catches her** No giggling, Gutter Gals, you so would lick The Cup, too!!!
              Yes, indeed we would! Makes me wish I was a coffee drinker. Check out and for two great pics with this mug.

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                Yes, indeed we would! Makes me wish I was a coffee drinker. Check out and for two great pics with this mug.
                I love Mala's work! I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love drinking out of coffee cups.


                  * sneaks in *

                  GOOD morning shippers!

                  * sneak out *


                    Originally posted by nell View Post
                    Squee Squee Squee!!! My Jack Loves Sam mug arrived today!!!


                    Everytime I take a sip, I can see Jack Loves Sam. Everytime water dribbles down the cup, I get to lick Jack. **runs before mod catches her** No giggling, Gutter Gals, you so would lick The Cup, too!!!
                    yay!!! I'm happy you're happy!

                    happy licking (but don't get too carried away at work),
                    ship sistah

                    maybe I should put a disclaimer on the site: cannot be held responsible for licking attacks!

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      love the sam loves jack mug, guess it cant be shipped to Australia tho??
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                      sig by RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
                        love the sam loves jack mug, guess it cant be shipped to Australia tho??
                        sure it can. it's just more money for shipping. sorry, can't do anything about that-- except tell you to invite american shippers for a visit down under and hint about what kind of gift you would like.

                        international costs $7 for one item, $4 for each additional.

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          oh..goody i m happy!
                          that can be my xmas present to myself then
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                          sig by RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            Folks, if you're gonna get in the gutter, you'd better be aware of what's awaiting you down there...

                            Venture if you dare
                            **drool** okay that sells it. i'm taking out a permanent lease on my part of the gutter.
                            Edit: Good morning folks,i meant to say that before but i was distracted by jack. **sigh** its a hard life.
                            Last edited by docker22; 04 November 2006, 01:41 AM. Reason: saying good morning

                            sig made by Samjackshiplover


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                              So I was looking for some Starwars posters... and then I thought to look for SG posters.

                              There were three or four.

                              So... I have an idea. It's actually more of a challenge, I suppose. Even though we have Nolamom's lovely posters, someone should create a movie poster. Call it Stargate: The Wedding. Or something else. And when you make it shippy, make it SG shippy. Meaning it's not all roses, but killing bad guys also.

                              If anyone's interested, I thought it might be something fun...
                              The only SG poster I have ever made was Broca Divide. And it's nothing fancy.
                              First, it took me some time to figure out how to make some effects in Photoshop. And then I had to make a Sam manip (it's a pain if you finally find a photo where the person has an ideal stance but you have to change their expression. So you have to look for another photo - head shot - you could merge with the body shot... )

                              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                                Wedding manip for Jenn's fanfiction:

                                Hope you like, Jenn.

                                PS: Sorry but no hydrangeas in hair.
                                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                                Colonel Jack O'Neill

