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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by closetfan
    Hi all, new to the boards but just wanted to add a post to this thread.

    I've started watching SG1 over again starting with season 1. Can't resist now that I have all the dvds.

    TPTB have been doing the whole Sam/Jack thing since day 1. If, and I hope it isn't, but if season 10 really is the end of the show, IMHO they better give us shippers a happy ending.

    Welcome Closetfan!

    Though if you've posted here you're no longer a "closet" fan!

    *Wonders if this has already been posted...


      Originally posted by Gate gal
      Wow, this is my 1000th post! This is were I posted my first post. It was the only thread for this milestone. I had to share it with my ship family. I lurked here for so long (off and on since just before season 9) with every intention of joining you eventually. I really wish I'd joined sooner. This is such a fun place! We don't see eye-to-eye on everything. Hey, sometimes we even squabble, but we all love our ship and long to see that Sam and Jack ship resolution.

      ((((((((((Ship Family)))))))))))))

      I've been thinking about why the Sam and Jack ship is so important to me. I've shipped for many shows, but I've never gone on-line to ship for them. Sam and Jack are amazing characters, and Amanda and Rick have completely brought them to life. Sam and Jack embody heroism. It is their sense of duty and honor that have kept them apart (well, that and TPTB). Honestly, if they hadn't "left it in the room" in season 4, I probably wouldn't be quite this interested in them. I'd have loved to see their romance play out on screen, but I've really enjoyed the anticipation. Now, I believe that they have been together since Threads, and it is time for them to go public with their romance. They've saved the world countless times. It's time for them to enjoy it. Let them eat cake!

      Wow! Congratulations Gate gal!


        Originally posted by Terrah
        Not a manip this time dipsofjazz is spot on. I only messed around with the background (liquify with photoshop).

        This may have already been asked, but can you post the unmaniped pic please (ie the origianal). I don't think I've ever seen it before.

        (which may ne just a result of my bad memory...)


          Originally posted by Nolamom

          Congratulations Nolamom!

          And Congratulations Shippers on the 50000 posts!


            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
            What's your take on the "never mind" after the imagined kiss? I'm not sure what that meant. She says "Just one more thing" then the kiss, so why say "never mind" as if she didn't do the imagined kiss.
            She *really* wants to kiss him (du'uh!) and momentarily gives in to what she probably perceives, at that time, as emotional weakness by allowing herself to imagine kissing him. However, her previous determination to let him go and move on takes over. The "never mind" is her saying, to herself and us as well, that despite her desire for him, she has decided not to act on it.

            All MHO, of course.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              So, if death was certain and there was an opportunity to admit their feelings, would they take it or let it pass by? So many times I've seen it slip past. I think D&C was the closest they ever came to admitting anything in a life or death situation. And they didn't even speak-the looks said it all.
              Oooh. I love the Upgrades/D&C idea that Sam and Jack exchanged these deep and meaningful glances at the point of death which were barely hinted at in the original episode Upgrades. I don't honestly think either of them even consciously remembered their emotions during Upgrades by D&C. Sam's subconscious dug them up and threw them into her conscious mind while she was being drugged. One of my favorite scenes between them, and my favorite actually of that episode, is when she's explaining to Jack why they're not Za'tarcs. The angst of their situation is, IMHO, rather like a stone in the shoe you can't get out. Really painful, really annoying, but after awhile you learn to live with it and after awhile don't even consciously notice it -- until you get it out, but that's a topic for a different conversation .

              The point is that I believe, being a good little shipper, that the sort of looks and emotions they shared at the force field actually happen a lot, and their are many examples of similar looks to the one in Upgrades (not the longer, honest, what-we-really-felt ones in D&C). They just got caught in D&C and had to admit to them and so we got to see what happened from their point-of-view. Off the top of my head I'm thinking of the looks at the end of The Sentinel for example. So D&C not only gave us a great episode in itself, but fodder for years of subcontextual shippiness where we might not see any onscreen...


                Originally posted by majorsal
                well, sure, jack IS alpha male, but he wasn't smelling another guy on sam... pete's not a normal man you see, so jack wouldn't smell 'man' on sam...

                yes, i'm bad, but at least i'm not suffering from it

                Personally, I never thought Jack smelled Pete. I figured it was a change in perfume or shampoo or some such which was unusual enough to attract Jack's attention and make him suspicious. More an example of how well Jack knows and pays attention to Sam and also how he's actually more observant (or capable of being observant) and smarter than he's generally given credit for being.

                On which topic, back to Season 9 and Avalon:
                I get a huge kick out of how relaxed and focused Jack is during his scene playing chess with Landry. It's the most physically relaxed I think we've ever seen him, and the sharpest mentally. Now that he's got his personal stuff in order, our boy's got game...


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  - sir!

                  - what?

                  - there are other ways of showing ownership, or whatever you want to call it!

                  - like what?

                  - A RING!


                  THAT WAS GREAT....ROFLMFAO. I
                  Drinkin my morning coffee, almost spewed all over the monitor....

                  GOOD ONE!
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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                    Originally posted by JenniferJF
                    Here's another milestone for us shippers: we are the only relationship/character thread with over a million -- yes, a million -- views. The next closest are Sam's a great character and the Shepherd and Weir ship thread which have about a 100,000 and 200,000 less views than this thread...

                    This sort of speaks to those anti's whining about ship in general ruining shows and Sam's character, don't it?

                    Right On sista!!

                    You know, TPTB do sneak on the boards occasionally to see what the fans are saying. How cool is it that we're so huge, RDA threads are Huge....

                    Hmmmm, me thinks that can tell them more than any petitions or nay sayers (ie: anti) Like WE WANT and we WANT and

                    Dontcha think?
                    Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                    Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      Sigh, and so a legend is born. Yes, Jack did sniff Sam's hair, her hair, in Chimera. They said so on the commentary for the DVD. I think it was probably one of RDA's little ad libs, but shippers, let's not get carried away. Because he sniffed her hair doesn't mean he is some sort of bloodhound and can divine all sorts of happenings. Maybe he just likes the aroma of her shampoo. Maybe, I mean, I know, he just likes it then Sam passes that close to him. I would assume Sam showers and washes her hair daily when she's not in the field and also brushes her teeth every day, so any reminder of Pete would be gone-- cologne, lotion, and--ahem, cough--this was early in their dating game, remember. So, I respectfully disagree with this legend-urban or not-getting off the ground. We can disagree, right?
                      Right...although in this particular case, I'm going to agree with you 100%
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by Rachel500
                        Right...although in this particular case, I'm going to agree with you 100%
                        Originally posted by gatetrixer
                        Originally Posted by Gatetrixer
                        Sigh, and so a legend is born. Yes, Jack did sniff Sam's hair, her hair, in Chimera. They said so on the commentary for the DVD. I think it was probably one of RDA's little ad libs, but shippers, let's not get carried away. Because he sniffed her hair doesn't mean he is some sort of bloodhound and can divine all sorts of happenings. Maybe he just likes the aroma of her shampoo. Maybe, I mean, I know, he just likes it then Sam passes that close to him. I would assume Sam showers and washes her hair daily when she's not in the field and also brushes her teeth every day, so any reminder of Pete would be gone-- cologne, lotion, and--ahem, cough--this was early in their dating game, remember. So, I respectfully disagree with this legend-urban or not-getting off the ground. We can disagree, right?
                        Ya, I'm with you on that one. I can see Jack takin in her scent 'just because' he loves her and it's just a thing he can do without anyone else noticing, including her.

                        Didn't get to watch last night as planned. RL got busy I tell ya.

                        It was the humming that tipped him off. Pretty sure anyways.

                        And did you see his reaction. Wanting to know, yet not wanting to know. Then his trying to cover his feelings with Quarks...oh the man's pain

                        Don't forget I promised Hope Leslie
                        And when did she have time last night?
                        Just sayin, I promised. She can get it ready before work
                        Lesleyp: He's a real task master isn't he
                        You have no idea, no idea.
                        Lesleyp: and Nuthin
                        Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                          The suspense is KILLING me...SQUEEEEE!!!! ...oooops, sorry...I got all excited here for a sec...

                          pssst.Hope Leslie. If she doesn't have it to you by 09:00 give me a shout. I'll light a fire under her (looks around for Lesleyp)
                          Jack! Stop, if she hears you....
                          Just talkin to Hope Leslie
                          No you're not. You're up to something.
                          Who? Me (looks innocently)
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            - sir!

                            - what?

                            - there are other ways of showing ownership, or whatever you want to call it!

                            - like what?

                            - A RING!

                            I keep going back to this ....laugh
                            But really, it'd be he's markin his territory. You go Jack!!!

                            I have a little more class than that
                            do not
                            what are you guys talking about
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              Originally posted by Lesleyp
                              I keep going back to this ....laugh
                              But really, it'd be he's markin his territory. You go Jack!!!

                              I have a little more class than that
                              do not
                              what are you guys talking about
                              Good one!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                Hum...I always thought it was just a know, like hey, she smells nice. I never had considered it being because he's got that 'Alpha Male' sense and he knew something was going on. I really think they've got a sixth sense when it comes to each other. Does that make sense?
                                He just knows her REAL well! Don't you know someone real well and when they change their routine you say "Hey what's going on", I do it to my kids and my husband all the time.
                                Last edited by trupi; 22 September 2006, 03:41 AM.

