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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF
    Thanks to ljevans and her quick proofing, I've uploaded another short add-on to my fanfiction site:

    This one is for Ripple Effect, and unlike the Off the Grid story, this one does contain spoilers for the episode.

    And now back to your regularly scheduled squeeing...
    Loved it! You are amazing! You're just able to churn out these nice-sized fics daily.

    Nice job!
    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Nice jobs Jennifer and Bex!


        Boy, the forums are quiet tonight (well, at least it's night here)...
        Oh, and Jennifer, loved the fics. They were sweet...and wonderful...and I just ran out of adjectives, but anyway, they were great!

        Sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          Then I think Sam would have said she mentioned her mom sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to her. Sam was certainly seeing lots of...interesting things on that ship...

          And I don't think it was Grace morphing to Jacob...if that makes any's early. I think Sam saw him just like she saw Daniel, Jack, and Teal'c...and that Grace was a totally separate entity-and forshadowing what is to come. Was Grace the gas cloud trying to communicate, or maybe Sam's inner child? Well...Grace looked a little much like Jack, don't ya think? I think she was Sam's hope for a child, and maybe that caused her to see her dad...the family thing, grandchildren and him wanting her to be happy, etc.

          I'm trying to write something deep and I'm still half yeah, I'll be quiet now.
          Who wrote the episode Grace? And did anyone ever ask JM who Grace was supposed to be or represent?


            Originally posted by JenniferJF
            I've been waiting for someone else to mention it, but I don't think anyone else has, so...

            Has anyone else realized that the reaction after the
            wedding scene in 200 is the first time anyone has directly alluded to the fact that S&J might have/have had in AU/could have here/etc. feelings or a relationship that didn't cause protests or embarassed stuttering or some other negative reaction from S or J? I found this to be hugely promising and to support their togetherness. If anything, S was a bit smug...

            I also found it interesting that it was Valla, the newest member of the team, who started the idea. I mean, if *she* knows about them having never seen them together before (on the show...) and without having spent years ignoring their angst, I figure there *has* to be something officially unofficial going on when even she is teasing them about it!

            Finally, there was no obvious sexual tension between Jack and Sam, and only one thing dissolves sexual tension...
            Oh, gosh, Jennifer JF, I never thought of it that way. But keeping with that reasoning, it leads us back to the ep before 200, when Gen. Landry and the team were
            at Jack's cabin, and they were playing cards, and Sam said she wasn't much of a gambler, and Teal'c said, "Indeed," and shot Sam a knowing look, and Sam got all flustered. And Vala had just said something about the king and queen and a royal merger and Sam was looking all uncomfortable.

            Put those two together, and it may be an indication of something very, very good!!!!!


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              To combine two threads here, I've always thought they should name a son Carter...
              Hey, I like that!! Carter O'Neill. <g> Sort of like Wyatt Halliwell on Charmed.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                Oh, gosh, Jennifer JF, I never thought of it that way. But keeping with that reasoning, it leads us back to the ep before 200, when Gen. Landry and the team were
                at Jack's cabin, and they were playing cards, and Sam said she wasn't much of a gambler, and Teal'c said, "Indeed," and Sam got all flustered. And Vala had just said something about the king and queen and a royal merger and Sam was looking all uncomfortable.

                Put those two together, and it may be an indication of something very, very good!!!!!
                Wow! You guys bring such a new perspective on seemingly normal conversation...I never would have thought of it that way...
                I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!

                Sig by RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by aaobuttons
                  I hope you guys don't mind me posting this but I thought you'd want to know.

                  Just a reminder that voting for the Stargate Fan Awards ends at
                  midnight CDT on Sunday,
                  September 24.

                  If you're not quite finished choosing your favorite fanfics, music
                  vids, artwork, or websites, make sure you visit
         in time to place your votes!

                  Don't forget to vote in the Chevron awards! The Seven Chevrons Award
                  recognizes outstanding achievement in the Stargate SG-1 Music Videos
                  section. This year’s new Eight Chevrons Award acknowledges the best in
                  Stargate Atlantis Music Videos. Vote in these awards at
         or just select
                  "Chevrons Awards" in the top menu bar on the main voting site.

                  If you haven't registered to vote in these awards, it's very simple.
                  Just go to or just
                  select "Register to Vote" in the top menu bar on the main voting site.
                  You'll be voting within minutes!

                  Winners will be announced on October 15, 2006.

                  Good luck, and good reading.

                  Stargate Fan Awards Team
                  “Recognizing, celebrating, and enjoying the creativity of the Stargate
                  Visit our 2001-2005 nomination archives at

                  Which reminds me. I have been reading the stories in the Sam/Jack shipsection of the nominations. Last night ran into two that were in there incorrectly: one was Sam/other and the second was Sam/Daniel. The only other time I found one like that was a year or or ago when I ran into a Jack/Janet. I know accidents do happen but I thought two when I hadn't got all that far into the number of stories read was just a bit much. However,I do congratulate all the nominees and thank all the talented writers that give me enjoyment.


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    I don't have a vid, but these are the looks they shared at that point.....

                    YES, YES, YES
                    Those looks that Sam and Jack exchange following The Wedding Scene are priceless!!! Remember that Sam vehemently opposed several other scenes as ridiculous and Jack barked "you weren't there" to Cam and Vala after the fishing scene. But, la de da, after The Wedding Scene Sam has a wide grin and Jack looks at her with a raised eyebrow!

                    Sam thinks 'That is a great idea!'
                    Jack thinks 'Is it that obvious?'


                      Okay Shipper Family, here's tonight's poster...sweet shippy dreams all!


                        Originally posted by cess525
                        Un Lurking myself for a moment. While reading the names that poeple have put out there for Sam and Jacks kids I couldn't help but ask if anyone else gets the song "John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt" in their head when they read a FF with S&J kid being named Jonathan Jacob. I love the two names but I swear the song kills me:-). Just wanted to know if anyone else had that problem. I also think that the name for a girl would have to be something on the non girly side since Sam always uses the boy version of her name.
                        I never thought of that song when reading fic but I'm sure I will now. A number of the stories have Sam and Jack use the nickname "J.J" for their little Jingle Heimer. Hmmm, girls' names that can be shortened to something non-girly. Alex for Alexandra, or Al for any name starting that way. Cam for Camilla. Cass for Cassandra. Del for Della. Jack for Jacqueline!! Mel for Melanie or Melissa. There're any number, but I've gone far enough in the alphabet. I don't think I'll get into Mat for Matilda, Hank for Henrietta, Ed for Edwina and Fred for Fredericka. All solid old-fashioned names, but not used much now because that's was they are(at least in theUSA). Who knows what will happen. Both Jacob and Grace weren't very popular for awhile.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          is there anyone that can lighten this pic up? i want to see their lips.

                          Oh, Sally, you romantic, you!!! Here's the photo you asked about. This is as light as I could get it without losing quality.

                          Here's a similar pic when the fireworks were going off that shows their lips better.


                            Originally posted by CamandVala
                            Wow! You guys bring such a new perspective on seemingly normal conversation...I never would have thought of it that way...
                            I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!
                            You're so sweet! We're just trying to get our Ship into port!!!


                              Originally posted by docker22
                              hi there everyone. ok so i've had a bash at attempting my first shippy music vid. i nearly took a Hammer to my computer twice today.
                              anyway heres the link,
                              be gentle with me ( you might have to wait awhile for it to be active, i've only just uploaded it)
                              EDIT: never mind it hasn't uploaded. grrr.. well i hope i can sort it
                              Nope, not there yet...
                              New link...found it...That vid is sooooo Shania Twain...Good Work docker22!
                              Last edited by hope leslie hermnharry; 20 September 2006, 06:44 PM.


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF
                                Sitting here watching Lost City and reading your wonderful posts and I just had to share with y'all my husbands reaction to LC when we watched it together (not for the first time, BTW) awhile back.

                                He's neither a Shipper nor an anti-, but at the beginning with the crossword it's like he suddenly got it, and turned to me and said, (to paraphrase) "He is so totally flirting with her in the only way he can. For Pete's sake man, when you'd rather connect with a woman over a stupid crossword then travel to other planets it's time to quit!" He then went on to say various things not suitable for a family board about what Jack ought to be doing rather than traveling through the Stargate. And later in the scenes at Jack's house, he made some funny (and also non-repeatable here) comments about what Sam and Jack would have been doing in about 30seconds if Daniel and Teal'c hadn't interrupted and what Daniel and Teal'c's thoughts were upon barging in on that scene.

                                The point being... If my husband, who is probably closer to being an average Stargate viewer than either we or the anti-shippers are feels that way (his response to their relationship now, BTW, is he's sure they're together but doesn't think it matters except to explain the frequent grin on Sam's face), I think TPTB could definitely add more ship without seriously offending their main audience.

                                So there.
                                Jennifer, LOL! Thanks for sharing. I loved that comment from your husband!

                                Thanks, sueKay!

                                Thanks, Mala!

