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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gatebee
    <snip> All I want is a Sam and Jack positive resolution before sg1 ends.
    thats kinda interesting... cos some people want a resolution before it ends and some people want a resolution in a movie or mini series or whatever. as for me... i dunno. it would be cool i think to have them get together/ married etc before the end of the series, then wedding/ kids in the movie?

    (that just happens to be how i feel about it, what do you think?)
    THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


      Originally posted by Rachel500
      Well we don't know for certain that Vala has never met Jack. While their meeting was never shown on screen...


      We know Jack paid a visit to the SGC at the end of Origin when Daniel and Vala were tied to the hip so its possible he met her then.

      It's also possible that Vala has met Sam with Jack since her return that we've never been shown on screen. Or that she has been made aware of a relationship between Sam and Jack beforehand or that there has been talk of a relationship between Sam and Jack.

      Of course, for me, the whole thing about

      Vala being the one to suggest the wedding doesn't matter because none of '200' actually happened including Vala actually suggesting the wedding scenario in the first place.
      Right, it was a
      romp, a spoof, it has nothing real to do with any episode before or after 200 except to make fun of those before or what might come after,
      IMO. Which opinion I will have to take back the minute an allusion of 200 comes up in a later episode (if it does).

      Just a thought. What if they are at this minute rewriting the last episode to make it another spoof?
      Last edited by Gatetrixer; 01 September 2006, 01:09 PM.


        Originally posted by littlebluestring
        thats kinda interesting... cos some people want a resolution before it ends and some people want a resolution in a movie or mini series or whatever. as for me... i dunno. it would be cool i think to have them get together/ married etc before the end of the series, then wedding/ kids in the movie?

        (that just happens to be how i feel about it, what do you think?)
        Me...I'm very easy to please.

        I don't need a wedding, or the suggestion they have kids, or scenes of them being a couple.

        All I want is something that communicates to the audience without ambiguity that our Sam and Jack are happily in a romantic relationship with each other before the end of S10. Whatever happens post S10, I don't mind so long as they don't do anything to ruin the idea that Sam and Jack are in a happy relationship together ever.
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          It's September 1st here for about another 8 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELLE! I'm not late, you're just ahead! Hope you had a wonderful day.


            Originally posted by Lesleyp
            She Knew....after the look in the boardroom she suspected something

            Then at the end with Daniel's question, and Jack's sly look at her.....She Knew
            Oh, hehe! I wonder what was running through her head!!!


              Originally posted by Gate gal
              It was very real. She may not remember it, but she wasn't under alien influence at the time. She was responding to him, because suddenly the man she wanted was available. She didn't know that it was a time loop. All she knew was that Jack took it out of the room.
              I think of the WOO kiss as real, but there were some things in the "no consequences" scenes they did that were done to make it funnier. I mean like Jack in the old fashioned golf outfit. You're telling me he has that outfit in his locker? Or even has one like that at all.


                Hope Leslie H. is the Bestest.! Love the Vid you did for my s/j fic....... I'll be linked once GW archive up and running with special Kudo credits to you!!!!!!
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                  Originally posted by blueiris
                  And I bet there was more than 1 kiss in that three months.
                  JACK, you dog!


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    Oh, hehe! I wonder what was running through her head!!!
                    What was running through her head?? She was wondering how far he took it, or how far she let him take it.

                    But then she'd know, being the man he was, it was likely only a kiss - still....she wondered. And ya, she'd ask him about, once he was in Washington and things were cemented between them.....

                    Just my belief
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                      Originally posted by Rachel500
                      Me...I'm very easy to please.

                      I don't need a wedding, or the suggestion they have kids, or scenes of them being a couple.

                      All I want is something that communicates to the audience without ambiguity that our Sam and Jack are happily in a romantic relationship with each other before the end of S10. Whatever happens post S10, I don't mind so long as they don't do anything to ruin the idea that Sam and Jack are in a happy relationship together ever.
                      That's exactly how I feel about it too!
                      always and forever
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                        Originally posted by Lesleyp
                        Hope Leslie H. is the Bestest.! Love the Vid you did for my s/j fic....... I'll be linked once GW archive up and running with special Kudo credits to you!!!!!!
                        Yessss...I'm so GLAD you like it...It was great, like a partnership...Love you too...strictly platonic...of course...


                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                          Yessss...I'm so GLAD you like it...It was great, like a partnership...Love you too...strictly platonic...of course...

                          Yes, well I played it while reading the fic, and oh man did you capture it.
                          Can't wait to get the combo posted. Now when I look at story without glancing at your vid and hearing it, just doesn't have the same bite.

                          Must say - you are truly talented.

                          Bet the others are going to love this vid. I'm trying to favorite it, but having a hard time. Not coming up on the search engine yet...oh well I've got the link....
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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                            Originally posted by Rachel500

                            I don't think it was a goodbye so much as it was a moment. Martouf was a big 'what if' for Sam (although I've always felt that Sam realised just before he died that her own feelings were more friendship than romantic love for him, that the 'love' part was more an afterimage of Jolinar's feelings for him) and she did care about him a great deal. I think that moment in the lab, there's a shared moment of understanding between the two of them and she's lulled momentarily by the familiarity of it, confused by the familiarity of it just as he is - maybe some of the old suppressed Jolinar stuff does raise its head. She leans forward and just before it happens, she stops - suddenly becoming aware of where and who she is really with. And to me the look on her face is regretful that it almost happened and thankful that it didn't.

                            In terms of whether she is with Jack or not, I think the above could happen and she could still be with Jack...things happen in relationships where one partner has a 'moment' with an ex all the time (not that they are unfaithful but simply a moment). It doesn't reflect partiularly well on Sam that it almost happened if she is with Jack but then she does have the fact that Jolinar's memories, feelings and thoughts are still swimming around in her subconscious as a partial excuse.
                            my feelings/thoughts on 'ripple effect'?

                            it was crap. and i mean the almost kiss with martouf.

                            i saw that sam was very tired (which meant loopy as well), but that almost kiss should have NEVER happened. i felt the only reason it did was to once again hit home that sam wasn't pining for jack. i also felt she stopped before kissing him because she felt the presense of that asgard standing next to her and martouf.

                            remember, some of the writing we see isn't based on what's best for the characters, but what works best with the agenda-minded writing staff.

                            i don't feel for a moment that it destroyed the sam/jack ship, but i feel 100 percent sure that it was put in there for BS reasons.

                            and some fans wonder why i despised season 9 so much...




                              Originally posted by littlebluestring
                              thats kinda interesting... cos some people want a resolution before it ends and some people want a resolution in a movie or mini series or whatever. as for me... i dunno. it would be cool i think to have them get together/ married etc before the end of the series, then wedding/ kids in the movie?

                              (that just happens to be how i feel about it, what do you think?)
                              We don't even know if a movie will happen so to be on the safe side , better have Sam and Jack together in the show I think it may be a bit cheesy for them to come together in the movie .A movie ,if in the theatre, should concentrate on the action and not on the Sam and Jack tapdance .
                              If there are together before the movie ,then it's great because the movie will have a really nice feel to it with some RST and UST brought back by the mission in question . ..but just in case the movie never happens , we still have our happy ending ..kind of . and we can all move on happily too .



                                Night gals. Off to watch s/j vids and write some sap....
                                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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