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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    Mary I completely agree.I want no part in a Season 11 that is just like Season 9 and 10.Now if Mitchell and Vala are gone and RDA makes numerous appearances I'm all for Season 11.I doubt that will happen in this lifetime.My idea of saving SG-1 is having Movies or Mini-Series.The chances for Sam/Jack Ship are excellent in Movies and Mini-Series.
    i just told my friend the same thing. i won't work to save more of the same (season 11), but i 'will' for a miniseries or movieS. and this isn't just about the ship, but the integrity of the real stargate sg1 and the real sg1 team.

    ((( and )))




      I wish I had that looped "Grace" hallucination kiss as my screen saver!!!

      How many other geeks has Sam kissed on SG1?
      Narim, Felger, Joe Faxon, Pete, .....

      I keep holding on to that next epi coming up with Jack...but I won't hold my breath.
      This is great.
      I told ya.
      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
      Well, let's not dwell.


        Originally posted by CamandVala
        OK, quick question : Would you be happy with a simple kiss? Or would they have to get married, etc.? I know I wouldn't be totally happy with just a kiss, but I would be happier . And if they did have them get married, I would want to know how many kids they had, who their kids married, etc..
        I just want to know they are finally together and will be happy. A BHK would be fabulous! And if I want to see who their kids married, I will play my Sims 2. I have a whole Stargate neighborhood. Obsessed, I know.


          Originally posted by Sandmonkey
          Jack and Sam are so meant for eachother.They should just tell eachother how they feel.If two people love eachother they should be allowed to show it.But dont take me wrong I know their situation but if things were different I would certainly hope that they would show some sort of feeling for eachother.
          WELCOME SANDMONKEY!!!!!!!!

          Welcome! Post lots and have fun!


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            Nope, I think you are speaking for everyone here. I think we're all sick and tired of the fact that we have NEVER seen them kiss in real life.
            Well...technically speaking they WoO...that wasn't an AU/AR or a dream...he kissed her in a time loop and that was in real time...think about it...he'll always have that memory...and it was real!!!
            It's just that I watched it the other day and it dawned on me what he did...look at the scene at the end when he looks at Sam after Daniel asks if he did anything he wanted without the consequences...and the way Daniel looked back and forth between the two and then the shock realisation of what Jack did...Daniel's expression says it all...Sam either didn't get it or pretended not to...but with Jack...that smirk is priceless!!
            It's canon...the ship is definitely canon and they did kiss in real time!!
            And no one can convince me otherwise!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              Well, she couldn't very well call him Jack at work. Sir was appropriate. And I don't think the wedding scene was uncomfortable at all. In my world, they are together. Yep, yep, yep!!
              I am so with you LAD!! Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep...get the idea!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Lizlove
                Yep! Same here

                Happy Birthday Honey!!!!

                Anyway, for you it must be the first too. Being in Australia and all
                Thanks hubby hasn't even called yet...but the kids bought me breaky in bed..still haven't eaten it..but the juice was yummy!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Humm!!! The only difference is TPTb didn't want to show that one and was supposed to be undetected ..still I don't see it as a hand holding but just as a hand brushing . ...and I don't think Sam and Jack are together ..Episode 200
                  proves it ..You do not call someone you have been seeing for a year "Sir" and then change to Jack ..SPECIALLY OFF DUTY .. ..not matter what..the regs and all that and they were really unconfortable with the wedding thingie . That proves to me that they haven't moved forward at all since threads ..shame but true me think

                  spoilers for '200'

                  one thing to remember, caty, is that the wedding fantasy was from vala's pov/mind. if it were sam or jack's, i believe the wedding fantasy would have played out differently.




                    Happy Birthday chelle db
                    Welcome Sandmonkey


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      i just told my friend the same thing. i won't work to save more of the same (season 11), but i 'will' for a miniseries or movieS. and this isn't just about the ship, but the integrity of the real stargate sg1 and the real sg1 team.

                      ((( and )))

                      Sally that's fine. So when you send in your postcards or emails specify that you understand the cancellation of the series but you still would want a miniseries or movie, with the old cast. If you send nothing, we will definitely get nothing. Lov'Ya!


                        Happy Birthday



                          That missing/snipped scene from "Lost City," Part 2 happens early on in the episode.
                          O'Neill and Carter discuss whether or not she should take command if he goes totally "ancient." Finally, O'Neill tells Carter he's resigning and she's in charge. Then, Carter wants to talk to O'Neill about her visit to his house (in the previous episode, "LC," Part 1) and what she was trying to tell him. (That she loves him.) She halts, hesitates, stammers, then O'Neill tells her, "I know." That last little bit gets snipped from the episode now whenever SCIFI shows it. (But NOT from my Season Seven DVD set!)They (SCIFI) have begun to "trim" a number of past season episodes this way in the last year or so. It's irritating as all get out! I wish they wouldn't do it tomorrow night!

                          I'm glad to see a number of Shippers have begun to realize just how hollow an episode "200" really was.
                          It's sort of like the old "imaginary stories" that used to appear in Superman Comics back in the 1960s. The writers could marry off Superman, even KILL him, because none of these stories were "real." They stood outside the continuity of the regular issues of the comic book.

                          That's how I see "200." It didn't happen. And the fact that Jack and Sam didn't have the BHK and Sam still called him "sir" re-emphasizes that viewpoint.

                          However, I did like inviso-Jack and Jack referring to the Gate as (HEE HEE) an "orrifice."

                          Jack and Sam Forever! Bring on the mini-series and/or theatrical movie! Or as RDA wrote to Sony/MGM in his "Hollywood Reporter" one-page ad, "Call me!"


                            Originally posted by trupi
                            Sally that's fine. So when you send in your postcards or emails specify that you understand the cancellation of the series but you still would want a miniseries or movie, with the old cast. If you send nothing, we will definitely get nothing. Lov'Ya!
                            Exactly. No matter how you feel about the show now, let them know what YOU want to see. Tell them you want RDA. Tell them you miss the team interaction. Tell them you want ship FCOL! *goes to write postcards*


                              Originally posted by Lesleyp
                              Actually, the cast was told at the big party in Malibu.
                              i thought they were told at the '200' party on saturday, the day after '200' aired for the first time?




                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                i thought they were told at the '200' party on saturday, the day after '200' aired for the first time?

                                Some found out on Saturday

