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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Lizlove
    Eum... me? I have none

    That would be sad


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover

      That would be sad
      No, really! I have no great shippy moment! Strange but true.


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        No, really! I have no great shippy moment! Strange but true.
        O, OK

        But you are a S/J shipper? So how can you keep your hopes up without the great shippy moments? Or do you have some ok shippy moments?


          First, may I say that's it's real nice to see that alot of the long lost members of the shipper family coming back this week in anticipation of "200"!!!

          Second, in light of previous times when we actually crashed the forum from too many squees may I propose that we come up with a "plan B" just in case "plan A" (GW forum) doesn't work out.....I'm up for options....we used to have a chat room on AOL, but we really need a "plan B" !!!!!



            Originally posted by Lizlove
            For me that's friendship. Nohting shippy about it. It was friends comforting each other. They needed it but not as lovers or attracted people. Simply friends. She would have done the same thing with Daniel or Teal'c I'm sure. It fell on O'Neill because he was the one who was shot besides Janet. And she fell guilty she was happy about him not dying so the best way to accept it was to confront Jack with it. But that's what I think about it.
            It might have been friendship till he went for her neck. No I think it is pure unadulterated love. Why else would she be glad he was alive rather than her best woman friend?
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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              Originally posted by waterfall
              First, may I say that's it's real nice to see that alot of the long lost members of the shipper family coming back this week in anticipation of "200"!!!

              Second, in light of previous times when we actually crashed the forum from too many squees may I propose that we come up with a "plan B" just in case "plan A" (GW forum) doesn't work out.....I'm up for options....we used to have a chat room on AOL, but we really need a "plan B" !!!!!



              I think we are supposed to meet at SueKay's site if we crash over here.

              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Ship Nana

                I think we are supposed to meet at SueKay's site if we crash over here.

                i hope gateworld can handle it and doesnt crash. need my daily gateworld fix

                sig by starlover1990


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana

                  I think we are supposed to meet at SueKay's site if we crash over here.


                  Thanks Nana!!!!!!!



                    Originally posted by Lizlove
                    For me that's friendship. Nohting shippy about it. It was friends comforting each other. They needed it but not as lovers or attracted people. Simply friends. She would have done the same thing with Daniel or Teal'c I'm sure. It fell on O'Neill because he was the one who was shot besides Janet. And she fell guilty she was happy about him not dying so the best way to accept it was to confront Jack with it. But that's what I think about it.
                    I think it comes down to what the individual determines as 'shippy'.

                    Did I see romantic/passionate/sexual love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? No.

                    Did I see love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? Absolutely. I see a woman devastated at the loss of her close friend and wracked by guilt because she's also happy that she didn't lose someone else she loves and if she had to lose someone she's glad it wasn't him. And I see a man knowing what she's trying to express because he would feel the same in her shoes, knowing that she can't express any of that beyond the few words she manages because of the relationship restrictions they have, because of the way they've both chosen to deal with their feelings for each other and so provides her with the only comfort he can. Its an incredibly moving moment completely filled with their unexpressed love for each other.
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by Rachel500
                      I think it comes down to what the individual determines as 'shippy'.

                      Did I see romantic/passionate/sexual love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? No.

                      Did I see love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? Absolutely. I see a woman devastated at the loss of her close friend and wracked by guilt because she's also happy that she didn't lose someone else she loves and if she had to lose someone she's glad it wasn't him. And I see a man knowing what she's trying to express because he would feel the same in her shoes, knowing that she can't express any of that beyond the few words she manages because of the relationship restrictions they have, because of the way they've both chosen to deal with their feelings for each other and so provides her with the only comfort he can. Its an incredibly moving moment completely filled with their unexpressed love for each other.
                      YES!! Thank you for putting into words what I also saw, but have trouble expressing in English!!


                        Originally posted by CountryJoy
                        Yeah! I luv the AT interview...
                        AT: it's Colonel Carter which is back to the alliteration thing, so I'm happy. But General O'Neill is much harder to say than Colonel O'Neill. "Colonel O'Niell" rolls off the tongue. "GenwrulO'Neel" -- ya get stuck on it.

                        LOL So once S&J are married, she'll just have to hope she doesn't get promoted to General so she can stay "Colonel O'Neill"!
                        Yes, it is indeed VERY IMPORTANT!!! Of course, he's now "General Jack" so there's *that* "alliteration thing" but Amanda's right, General Jack O'Neill is a bit of a mouthful! Besides, I think when Sam gets promoted to General (notice I said *WHEN* not *IF* ) she'd keep her maiden name regardless of marital status (to anyone) - kinda like actors and actresses. There's already another Colonel O'Neil, three would just be way too confusing!
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                          YES!! Thank you for putting into words what I also saw, but have trouble expressing in English!!

                          me too! im never good at explaining things eloquently and so perfectly expressing what i mean. but that is EXACTLY what i feel too!
                          also, great fanfics for everyone thats posted them. i love reading my fellow shippers stories because i know i will never be disappointed

                          T-minus 3 days!!!!!


                            Originally posted by Rachel500
                            I think it comes down to what the individual determines as 'shippy'.

                            Did I see romantic/passionate/sexual love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? No.

                            Did I see love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? Absolutely. I see a woman devastated at the loss of her close friend and wracked by guilt because she's also happy that she didn't lose someone else she loves and if she had to lose someone she's glad it wasn't him. And I see a man knowing what she's trying to express because he would feel the same in her shoes, knowing that she can't express any of that beyond the few words she manages because of the relationship restrictions they have, because of the way they've both chosen to deal with their feelings for each other and so provides her with the only comfort he can. Its an incredibly moving moment completely filled with their unexpressed love for each other.
                            Wonderful post!


                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              I think it comes down to what the individual determines as 'shippy'.

                              Did I see romantic/passionate/sexual love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? No.

                              Did I see love in the scene in Heroes between Sam and Jack? Absolutely. I see a woman devastated at the loss of her close friend and wracked by guilt because she's also happy that she didn't lose someone else she loves and if she had to lose someone she's glad it wasn't him. And I see a man knowing what she's trying to express because he would feel the same in her shoes, knowing that she can't express any of that beyond the few words she manages because of the relationship restrictions they have, because of the way they've both chosen to deal with their feelings for each other and so provides her with the only comfort he can. Its an incredibly moving moment completely filled with their unexpressed love for each other.
                              Brilliant. =D
                              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                                O, OK

                                But you are a S/J shipper? So how can you keep your hopes up without the great shippy moments? Or do you have some ok shippy moments?
                                I am a shipper. No doubts about that but for me their touches, looks, smiles, general body language comes out as as deep and pure love. It's not some deep passionate kiss or fierce hug that's going to make me appreciate more the shippiness that is Sam and Jack! So that could be translated as every scene they have together is a great shippy moment. Just because you see their mutual love through all of them!

