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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Diantha
    Congrats to those that had a birthday and those that reached a number of posts!

    Love the poems. All the fanfics, speculation and whatnot is making it really difficult waiting now Luckily I have school things to keep me busy, need to start choosing a topic for writing an essay. Don't suppose the effects of tptb messing with shippers minds makes for a good scientific topic huh?

    on uninvited:
    I kind of liked the episode actually. Vala amuses me, she's like the annoying little kid sister/clown type of thing. I don't like the mitchell character very much, can't get used to him. At least he's easy on the eye, so that's something.

    I hated the whole 'force them to spend time together for some team bonding. I don't believe we ever actually saw that with the original sg-1, but in almost every fanfic it's automatically assumed because they just worked so well together. The bond was there, and the 'outside of work bonding' never even had to be shown for that in the series.
    I did love the pokerscene for the interaction between Teal'c and Sam, I didn't really see it as a shippy message. But I hope it is though
    Maybe you could try an essay about chemistry and attraction betwen two people? That has something scientific to it right?


      Originally posted by aske
      What's with Jacks hair? In a couple of the pics either the lighting is just weird or he's had his hair dyed.....
      I think it's the lighting. RDA doesn't like his hair being dyed, although that's what I gattered when he stopped dying them brown at the beginning of Stagate


        Fic rec!!!
        Amends by Aoife-hime, I really liked this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
          Just have to say ljevans: your new sig is so cool !
          THANK YOU!!!

          Ours is the only reality of consequence.


            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
            Sam takes matters into her own hands when she finds Jack in bed with Kynthia

            Sam: And THAT'S what you get for sleeping with that skanky HO!!!!!

            Jack: Sam, honey, i'm sorry, she drugged me, i thought she was you!

            Sam: Really?

            Jack: Ye... OW... yes!

            Sam: Well, then. I'm sorry. I guess i'll have to take care of you!

            Jack: How 'bout the kiss of life?

            Jack: Mmm, all better!
            That was wonderful. I don't know what I would have done if that episode had n't been in the first season... Then again, there was 100 Days.....

            Er, let's get back to season ten, shall we?
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Hey, forget the show running out of time.

              Heck, I'm running out of time.

              By the time TPTB get around to our Ship, I'll be old, deaf, blind and in a wheel chair. I've aged, what, 11 years since this all started?! How many more years do you think I have left?! FCOL!!!!
              Nice! I just hope RDA and AT are still kicking by the time they finally resolve this thing!
              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                Originally posted by JONeill97
                I really have to ask everyone this question - What is everyone gonna be doing on the big day (Fri. Aug. 18th) ? And I mean before the episode, of course!

                I'm gonna be watching every single S/J shippy moment in SG-1. =) Actually, I won't get to all of them, but hey! I'm trying to keep up the Stargate mood for the whole day! XD I'm gonna need glasses at the end of the day, though.
                Yeah, I have classes that day, but when I get home, I'm going to watch the biggies, Divide & Conquer, WoO, Grace, Lost City, I missing any? Possibly Solitudes and Broca Divide....

                Edit: I got a second rep square!! Thanks to everyone!!
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by Lizlove
                  I'll be working Friday and Saturday. I believe 200 will be Sunday for me . And I probably won't come on GW Fr & Sa so I don't get (more) spoiled unintentionally *you know with the squee? *
                  It has happened before
                  I didn't ask for Friday off, but I wasn't scheduled! I'll be watching at eight o'clock!!

                  4 More days!!
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Well, we all have our shippy antenaes set on high, but I think it was a shippy moment. The "royal marriage" comment was really just foreshadowing by TPTB. However, the interchange between Sam and Teal'c over Sam not being much of a gambler then Sam successfully bluffing them all was more significant for me. She is obviously better at hiding things and taking chances than she once was, and I wonder why? Could it be because she's dating a certain Air Force general and only Teal'c and Daniel know about it? I hope so! She did look really comfortable in that cabin, didn't she?

                    Regarding the Uninvited:

                    I agree completely. You said it so well, Sam is much better at taking chances now and the looks that passed between Teal'c and Sam spoke volumes!

                    Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                      Just read:



                      Towards the bottom!
                      Well, we're all getting excited now, aren't we? Gosh, if this is true.....

                      Thanks for pointing it out, SamO'Neill!!!!!

                      And for anyone who hasn't been it is in spoilers!

                      FRIDAY 9 p.m. "Stargate SG-1" (Sci-Fi): And not just any episode either, but the show's 200th episode. Which, according to the celebratory press release, will include tributes to "The Wizard of Oz," "Star Trek," "Firefly" and "Farscape." Also an appearance by former star Richard Dean Anderson. And (here comes a cheap shot, sci-fi fans) in perhaps the most outlandish plot twist to appear on the Sci-Fi channel, someone actually gets married.

                      Now, there's always a chance he kinda reviewed the ep and wasn't paying close enough attention to realize exactly what he was seeing.....but I'm gonna hope he's absolutely right!!!!!


                        This photo from one of the "200" promos is in need of a caption. I'm not very creative so If anyone has a better one please post!


                        SAM: Jack, why didn't you tell me you were coming to Colorado Springs?

                        JACK: I wanted to surprise you.

                        SAM: But if I had known you were going to be here I would have put clean sheets on the bed!

                        JACK: Sam, I don't care about clean sheets, I just care about being with you.

                        Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          For just a second I'm going to let my cautious wall down
                          Remember with the new season 7 promos we got the kiss from Grace, now as I recall there was no warning in advance about it telling us it was all going to be a hallucination, we were left to believe that Jack and Sam would be sharing a real moment and of course we know what the horrible outcome was; now comes promos for episode 200 and everyone is warning us that they are just throwing out ideas for a movie and by all accounts the "wedding" between who we hope will be Jack and Sam will be fake, right? Well my shippy thought here is maybe they are using this psychology to make us believe that it will be fake and then hit us with the realization that it will be real either with one fake wedding and then a real one, or with only one wedding and it is real? Again this could only be my shippy heart and hopes talking but that would be a great twist, for once!
                          I hope you're right. But then again, I don't want to be too optamistic, but not too pessemistic, either..

                          Gaah, it's times like these that I'm wishing I was unspoiled..

                          I really need to work on my self-control...........
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by JONeill97
                            lol I really have to ask everyone this question - What is everyone gonna be doing on the big day (Fri. Aug. 18th) ? And I mean before the episode, of course!

                            I'm gonna be watching every single S/J shippy moment in SG-1. =) Actually, I won't get to all of them, but hey! I'm trying to keep up the Stargate mood for the whole day! XD I'm gonna need glasses at the end of the day, though.
                            I'm going to make Hubby take my mother to dinner so no one will try to talk to me while it's on. Then, I'm going to turn out the light (to make it more like a movie), open a bottle of wine, sit back, clutch the armrests of my favorite chair.....and either be miserable or SQUEEEE til the whole neighborhood can hear!!!!!


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              I'm going to make Hubby take my mother to dinner so no one will try to talk to me while it's on. Then, I'm going to turn out the light (to make it more like a movie), open a bottle of wine, sit back, clutch the armrests of my favorite chair.....and either be miserable or SQUEEEE til the whole neighborhood can hear!!!!!
                              Ah Melissa, you are going to be missed! I wish you were able to be with us on Friday!,


                                Wahoo i'm home from vaca!
                                only....70 pages to catch up on...oh lord...*settles in for a long night*

                                a little off topic but...i drove my family crazy with my stargate dvds in our portable dvd player all the way in the car and all the way back. it was quite hilarious. (sorta on topic) i bought season 5 while i was in toronto. i was dissapointed at the lack of shippiness, at least compared to season 4! what i did notice was that TPTB seemed to be systematically killling off all sam's (past and future)possible boyfriends (narim, ambassdor joe, martouf/his symbiote...well the last was more just twisting the knife a little i suppose). If i didn't know better (in other words hadn't seen anything from any seasons after 5) i would think they were leading up to perhaps...JACK!

                                well that's just me watching stargate while wearing my "shippy-glasses".

                                must head off to catch up on everything!
                                Last edited by natalia; 14 August 2006, 07:08 PM.
                                My Fic: LJ &

