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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I just have to

    That sounds so romantic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why can't it be real?!?!?!?!


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      I'm trying! I'm hoping they'll surprise us like they did in 'Threads.' Wouldn't that be nice?
      Yeah it really would be nice...But somehow I get the idea we will be dissapointed. I think we just expect to much of it! and that is never good!! But hey I still live in hope a bit that there will be much ship in ep 200. It just has to be!!!
      But still the fact that the shippers and the non-shippers will like the ep says enough for me...

      Welcome SpikeBad
      sorry if you have introduced yourself already but I am not around that much this week so...

      and I can not sleep atm and in 6 hours I have to be at the station to pick up lizlove and have only slept 1 hour and I don't think I will go to bed today cause I just can't sleep anymore I think it is because of the full moon


        I missed it! I never watch SciFi unless it's Sg-1.I hope TPTB understand if they give us a fake wedding we are going to want the real thing or at least a real resolution.


          OMG! I missed it! Hopefully it'll be on when Eureka airs again in a hour. I hope there's screen caps and the preview at youtube. Maybe I should start taping Eureka to catch all the sneak peaks they have floating around through it.


            Just a really quick flyby post from me. Sorry, I will get to spend some time here with you all soon-I hope.

            Anyway, just to let you know that Jafacakes has gone on holiday for a fortnight (as of yesterday, Tuesday, I think). So she won't get to see all the 'happy birthdays' for a couple of weeks. But I'm sure that she'd like me to thank you very much for them!
            always and forever
            My LJ
            My History Website


              Originally posted by ses110
              I missed it! I never watch SciFi unless it's Sg-1.I hope TPTB understand if they give us a fake wedding we are going to want the real thing or at least a real resolution.
              I taped Eureka(cause I heard the preview would be on) and just fastforwarded the tape to find it and IMO it shows
              Sam just completing her walk down the aisle and arriving where Jack is standing. Daniel seems to be there as best man.


                Originally posted by ses110
                I agree about
                the Wizard of Oz.I got the TV Guide today and I though the scene looked very weak.TPTB may have extra spotlight on this episode.Why would they not want to go all out and make the best episode possible? IMO an episode like Lost City is called for not a joke fest of an episode.
                I probably wait until the reviews before I attempt to watch 200. That really isn't my type of ep. Unfortunatly I think the joke will be on us.
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                  I taped Eureka(cause I heard the preview would be on) and just fastforwarded the tape to find it and IMO it shows
                  Sam just completing her walk down the aisle and arriving where Jack is standing. Daniel seems to be there as best man.
                  I need to see this! I NEED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squee*


                    Ya, know if they are going to have all these dream or fake scenes none of them can last too long, it seems to me. Even the ones we have been looking forward to.


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      I missed it! I never watch SciFi unless it's Sg-1. I hope TPTB understand if they give us a fake wedding we are going to want the real thing or at least a real resolution.
                      I've been enjoying Eureka, and I made sure I watched tonight because of the 200 "sneak peak," I made sure to watch tonight.

                      I feel that what I saw was probably imaginary.....but I'll hope for another Threads-like surprise. And I remain optimistic, like nell, while agreeing with you, ses110, that something imaginary won't resolve anything for shippers!!!

                      TV Guide says Eureka repeats at 10:05pm Central US Time, but it's that time now, and they're running that new superhero reality show instead. They have been running Eureka right before SG-1 on Friday evenings. Someone please get a screen cap!

                      Is it August 18th yet?


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        I probably wait until the reviews before I attempt to watch 200. That really isn't my type of ep. Unfortunatly I think the joke will be on us.
                        I'm sure it will be.
                        It's not going to be for real. But if I get to see 'Jack' and 'Sam' get married, then so be it! It just better not be something horrible like he's just giving her away. From the looks of the previews and the TV Guide and everything else we've seen....I think I'll be at least a little happy. It would be nice for something real, but I am certainly not expecting it.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          I need to see this! I NEED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squee*
                          Hurry up, Eureka just started again. Here anyway (CDT). Let me know if my interpretation is similar to yours.


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            I taped Eureka(cause I heard the preview would be on) and just fastforwarded the tape to find it and IMO it shows
                            Sam just completing her walk down the aisle and arriving where Jack is standing. Daniel seems to be there as best man.
                            That's what I saw too, Gatetrixer!


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              Hurry up, Eureka just started again. Here anyway (CDT)
                              That Superhero show came on. It was supposed to come on(TV Guide said anyway), but it's not.


                                Look what just popped up on Gateworld's home page...


                                Beware of spoilers!

