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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Oma-1
    Sorry to quote my own post, but I just caught up to speed and read the articles on GW's homepage and the links at the bottom of them and realised I had got completely the wrong end of the stick.

    What are MGM thinking??????????????

    Am I seeing money making at it's evil best? I was under the impression that BW & RCC had been in talks with MGM for a movie, and now we're finding out they're in talks with Devlin to complete his trilogy.

    But what about our SG-1 movie??????

    There is such a thing as wringing a franchise dry, and it seems to me that this is what MGM are doing. Devlin would never have been given the opportunity to contiue his trilogy based on the original movie if it had not been for the series. Is there enough room for 2 more of his movies as well as a 3rd Stargate Show, and a movie to introduce it??????

    Devlin must feel he's running out of time to get his movies made and be pushing like hell.

    I also think the timing of this stinks. MGM must be crazy. Surely they owe more to the SG-1 franchise, run by BW and RCC than to Devlin. They bought the rights off Devlin a very long time ago.

    The only saving grace I can see is that Devlin says his movies won't interfere with our Stargate universe and are supposed to be set before S1 begins. But even having said that, I don't see how MGM can do both things at the same time.

    And I will not be a happy camper if they put Devlin's movies ahead of BW/RCC's.
    I know that Stargate was originally Devlin's idea but it took the series to really make it interesting to me. The way that BW and RCC took all mythology (not just Egyeptian) and weaved in into the series was brilliant.
    I also didn't care much for Kurt Russell as Jack O'Neill
    I like the way RDA plays him as a man with soul, heart and kindness and who has a sense of humor.
    With the edition of the characters of Teal'c and Samantha Carter (who in my book gave Jack O'Neill a reason to live by falling in love with her) along with Daniel Jackson to make an unstopable team that travels the stars makes for exellant viewing.
    I wonder just how many DVD's of the original Stargate movie were bought just because of interest in the series??? I know that I'm one of them.
    Perhaps that would give MGM a reason to say no to Devlin and go with BW and RCC to make a Stargate movie.



      Originally posted by trupi
      Which might be good, let Vala Kirk around instead of Sam.
      Yes, that would work for me!
      Sam needs to settle down with you know who!


        Originally posted by waterfall
        I wonder just how many DVD's of the original Stargate movie were bought just because of interest in the series??? I know that I'm one of them.
        *Raises hand* I know my roommate and I did. Plus you, that's three copies right there.


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
          200 and the first Jack episode in SGA will be the same night, won't they?
          Yes, a DOUBLE THUNKING DOSE of RDA/Jack!!!! And Sam and Jack onscreen together at last!!!


            Originally posted by nell
            Yes, a DOUBLE THUNKING DOSE of RDA/Jack!!!! And Sam and Jack onscreen together at last!!!
            WOOHOO! That's The Double Big Squee! Me thinks there will be lots of thunking going on as well.


              All I can say about ep 10/02 is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................... Vala was good though.
              The only other thing that held my interest was
              I thought that lizard was gonna turn into Morgan LaFay!!!

              please tell me I'm not the only one who thought that!!!!

              and on Atlantis
              at least Jack got mentioned!!!
              I say Jack should grab Sam and head to Atlantis and make lots of ancient-gene babies cuz at least they still remember him there!!!!



                FRIENDS OF SAM AND JACK,
                AND FANS OF STARGATE SG-1!!!

                PLEASE JOIN US ON FRIDAY, JULY 28 FOR SHIP DAY 2006!!!




                  Originally posted by nell


                  FRIENDS OF SAM AND JACK,
                  AND FANS OF STARGATE SG-1!!!

                  PLEASE JOIN US ON FRIDAY, JULY 28 FOR SHIP DAY 2006!!!

                  WE WILL CELEBRATE SAM AND JACK!!!

                  Woohoo!! Ooh, less than a week away! Got a new sig for the occasion


                    i used to be on here ages and ages ago. i doubt anyone remembers me, but i just was looking around and saw all the familiar names and wanted to say hi. so, hi!


                      Originally posted by samplusjackequalsgrace
                      i used to be on here ages and ages ago. i doubt anyone remembers me, but i just was looking around and saw all the familiar names and wanted to say hi. so, hi!
                      Welcome back!! You're just in time for ship day!!




                          Originally posted by samplusjackequalsgrace
                          i used to be on here ages and ages ago. i doubt anyone remembers me, but i just was looking around and saw all the familiar names and wanted to say hi. so, hi!
                          WELCOME samplusjackequalsgrace!!!! Gee, I like saying that!


                            heh. i originally made this account back around the 8th season, so i mainly used it for pete-bashing...


                              Originally posted by samplusjackequalsgrace
                              heh. i originally made this account back around the 8th season, so i mainly used it for pete-bashing...
                              LOL! Well we all enjoy a bit of that


                                welcome back samplusjackequalsgrace

                                speaking of season 8, I watched "Threads" today. It's been ages since I've seen it. Just lovely. So sad for dad to go. (BTW - I check with the mods - season 8 is now off of the spoilers list!!) But just loved how both Jack and Sam were getting the message from other folks about - are you crazy?? don't you know you belong together????

