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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I'm not sure if it is true yet but I just read on another board that the Ratings for SG-1 and Atlantis were not good.Down about 15 percent for SG-1 and 10 for Atlantis.It may be
    time for a real wedding.If the ratings for the first show of the Season are not good that is a very bad sign IMO.SG-1 is back on it's 9:00 PM timeslot so no excuses for the early start.I read one fan on the other board mention it was Summer.I do not wnat SG-1 to go out like this.If S10 is the last I hope a Movie still gets made.
    Last edited by ses110; 20 July 2006, 07:35 PM.


      Originally posted by FaithStars
      Yeah, as much as I wish I was still spoiler does help in a way. Now I won't be sitting there whistleing dixie, waiting to watch the "200" episode and then feeling like I just stepped off of some big, dizzy carnival ride. Who knows, I may yet feel like that. Chances are, I'll probably enjoy whatever we see in some form or another.

      BTW, I had the funniest picture pop up into my head after reading your post. It was of you and your kids, while trying to watch a Stargatesg-1 episode. It went like this...

      Kids: Why?
      Oma: because......
      kids: because why?
      Oma: because I said so, thats why....
      kids: but......
      Oma: let mom finish this and I'll go into great detail for you later......

      and Thank You, for the lovely medal!

      Happy Posting
      LOL! I have them very well trained - during a new season they only speak during the adverts otherwise they get sent to bed :vbEg:


        Originally posted by meimei
        Thanks everyone! If my stupid internet gets fixed on Saturday, maybe I can catch up here! It's taking two or three minutes to load the thread with images, avatars and sigs turned off! *growl*

        When is Ship Day? Maybe I can put something together by then... Of course, now I have three deadlines over the next couple of months and a conference next week with two proposals to put together before my appointment with the Harlequin editor next Saturday. But I'll try!!
        We might get a new meimei ficcie for Ship Day? Wow! That would be cause for celebration, for sure!!!


          Originally posted by ses110
          I'm not sure if it is true yet but I just read the Ratings for SG-1 and Atlantis were not good.Down about 10 percent.It may be
          time for a real wedding.If the ratings for the first show is not good that is a very bad sign IMO.SG-1 is back on it's 9:00 PM timeslot so no excuses for the early start.
          Yes. If the ratings continue like this, they might just cancel it. FCOL, please resolve the ship while you can PTB!!!


            Oooops I just noticed I made a typo on a medal! Sorry!

            Hope Leslie Hermnharry

            I corrected it


              Originally posted by Nolamom
              And the rumor of who is in talks with TPTB at

              MGM is Dean Devlin of all people! To complete the Stargate trilogy. However, would it be his version of the Stargate universe or what the whole world has come to know for the last 10 years???? Admittedly, the man knows how to make a feature film, but not if he throws 10 years of SG-1 out the proverbial window!

              And that's just how I feel about it Jack. What do you think?
              No rumor. The quote from the article says
              that a deal has been made with Wright and Cooper to write a movie. It's whether Devlin will be involved in that project, or if MGM will allow him to create a project with another team of characters, that remains in question.


                Originally posted by chelle db
                Can you do one for LA Doyle...she's on holiday but she does a lot for the ship! Thanks Oma!
                LA Doyle


                  Time to call
                  RDA for some more Season 10 episodes.It sounded like he was available to do more.Both Shows may need a lot of help.I hope we get some corrective measures from TPTB if it is not too late and not more excuses about the ratings from TPTB.Maybe Season 9 did more damage than we thought.


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    I'm not sure if it is true yet but I just read on another board that the Ratings for SG-1 and Atlantis were not good.Down about 15 percent for SG-1 and 10 for Atlantis.It may be
                    time for a real wedding.If the ratings for the first show of the Season are not good that is a very bad sign IMO.SG-1 is back on it's 9:00 PM timeslot so no excuses for the early start.I read one fan on the other board mention it was Summer.I do not wnat SG-1 to go out like this.If S10 is the last I hope a Movie still gets made.
                    That would certainly help, wouldn't it? Because the biggest segment of fandom approves of Sam and Jack getting together!!!!

                    Huge ratings!!!

                    Nighty-night, Ship Family! Tomorrow is Friday.....the happiest day of the week!


                      I'm a big Fan of
                      Dean Devlin's Movies.I loved the SG-1 Movie and it had Ship.I would love to see 2 different SG-1 Movies.Time to stop SG-1 as a weekly series and concentrate on Movies before it's too late.


                        TPTB being
                        stubborn and forgetting the Ship and old characters in Season 9 and focusing on the new characters may be the downfall of the Show.It's not impossible but it may be very difficult to right the Ship for both SG-1 and Atlantis.It may be tough to get strong ratings week after week for these Shows.


                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          Actually its the song Pete sang when Sam kicked him to the curb.


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                            That would certainly help, wouldn't it? Because the biggest segment of fandom approves of Sam and Jack getting together!!!!

                            Huge ratings!!!

                            Nighty-night, Ship Family! Tomorrow is Friday.....the happiest day of the week!
                            EXACTLY! I for one wouldn't mind if they resorted to ship for ratings. Thing is, they could have it all! Action, explosions, team interaction, great stories, and romance! I want the whole shebang!


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              Thanks Oma!!!!! I love it!


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                Originally Posted by trupi
                                SHIPPER MEDAL OF PATIENCE!!!!!!!

                                Courtesy of Mala the Great

                                which is being issued to the following Shippers Family members:

                                <snip to save space>


                                I think this is the complete list.
                                I missed L4J! I'm gonna be in soooo much trouble

                                And finally Waterfall

                                I think I got everybody that has asked so far ..... anyone else want one? I have lots of shiny medals just begging for names

