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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JacksYummy
    It was this great fic I read where Sam and Jack were married but she misscarried thier child and thier releationship was very rocky, they had a big fight before she went off world and threw thier rings at each other and said it was over. While off world she was caputured and taken to another palent gone for a couple of years and Jack got some girl friend (the waitress), Sam was found but was in a deep state of shock... and it was so good I read it 2. very angsty
    Okay, that sounds familiar, yet not. Where did you read it?


      Speaking of fic recs... Okay this isn't exactly a rec, but rather a tentative posting of one of my fics.

      Just a little tag to the episode 'Gemini'. Also, I posted Gwenhwyfar's story Unexpected on my site a while back, but got so caught up with rl that I forgot to post the link. So here it is.

      Also, here is the thumbnail to the last of the 'Always' series again. I noticed that it was missing when I looked back over my posts.


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        *strolls into thread whistling, hands over fic, strolls out of thread whistling*

        (its an old one, but i enjoyed it when i read it, i'm not going to spoil anything about it for you, but just let me know what you thought and how well it fits in with what you were thinking of)
        I just finished the story, and I have to say I was not a happy camper until the last few paragraphs. When I "got it" I sort of liked it in a twisted kind of way.


          Originally posted by MirthMistress
          I just read 2 short related ficcies. They're quite funny. Especially the second part.
          Great fic rec MM! I don't know if somebody's already posted this, but the complete story is posted on I'd recommend reading the rest of her stuff too



            O.K., the board is suddenly quiet. Two days until season 10 means we cannot have a quiet board, so I offer a challenge. I have made it no secret that I want a major motion picture wedding for Jack and Sam, so lets come up with a movie plot that allows them to get married. It has to be team based (heavy on the original team), and it has to be something that would drive all the antishippers crazy (very, very shippy).
            In my mind, I see a wedding on Chulak with Tealc' as the best man for Jack and Daniel standing up for Sam (no Janet to be the matron of honor, so I'm going with Daniel). The wedding takes place in the first few minutes of the movie, but the wedding reception is interupted by a call for help from the Tokra. The Tokra's queen Egeria has been successfully cloned and implanted into a new host. She informs Sam and Jack that they must travel to the past (approx 5,000 years of course) to save her very first host. Of course, the first host happens to be alternate Sam and Jack's daughter (meaning Sam and Jack started the Tokra resistance in the first place). The team travels back to the past, crazy things happen, bad guys get zatted, things get blown up, etc., etc. I know pathetic, but somebody do better please.


              Fantastic story Lesleyp! Thanks for sharing it with us.

              Going back to the "what kind of fic do you like to read" topic, for me it's not so much a "time" or "universe" thing. If the story is well thought out and the characters pretty true to form, you've got me hook, line and sinker. About the only thing that I find completely necessary is for the story to be finished. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl and I need to know how the story ends.
              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                Sorry, but my brain isn't working. I couldn't come up with a plot right now if my life depended on it.

                Brain is out to lunch - please leave a message...


                  This one is short but hysterical

                  Enhanced Security by ProudAthena


                    Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                    Fantastic story Lesleyp! Thanks for sharing it with us.

                    Going back to the "what kind of fic do you like to read" topic, for me it's not so much a "time" or "universe" thing. If the story is well thought out and the characters pretty true to form, you've got me hook, line and sinker. About the only thing that I find completely necessary is for the story to be finished. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl and I need to know how the story ends.
                    I'm with you on that one. I need to know how the story ends whether it is a fanfic, a full length novel, or a movie. I hate cliff hangers at hiatus time. Hey, 31 hours to s10 and counting! Our wait is almost over! Yeah! Goodnight all!


                      Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                      Hey again

                      I hope this isn't off topic but I've always wondered about a couple of things and I hope it doesn't seem like a silly question.
                      In the military is it against regulations for any people serving to be together or is it just between officers or just people in a chain of command? Or maybe people not of equal rank?
                      Becauce I've seen it happen on other shows and it confused me why there was a big outcry when it happened on Stargate.

                      Also hope this isn't off topic but is there a ship in Atlantis and if so is it loved as much as we love our Sam/Jack? I've only seen season one of Atlantis and am curious if TPTB are torturing Atlantis shippers as much as SG-1.

                      Oh yeah, a good old school shippy song is "I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash. It reminds me of Jack for some reason!

                      That's a good question. Like if an undercover cop had a female LT. to report to, could they date? I don't know those rules to well.
                      There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                        Ok thanks for all the fics, I have all bookmarked them. Now I will need the time to read all of them. Well it's almost weekend so that shouldn't be that much of a problem.


                          oh my god... you guys are so lucky... i'm talking about our family over the pond in the good ol' US of A! You get season 10 TOMORROW!!!!!!!

                          We have to wait at least another 2, maybe 3 months!!!!!!!

                          I want to see '200' but i don't want to spoil myself... and its ognna be impossible to come on the thread without discussing it! Oh what to do what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                            oh my god... you guys are so lucky... i'm talking about our family over the pond in the good ol' US of A! You get season 10 TOMORROW!!!!!!!

                            We have to wait at least another 2, maybe 3 months!!!!!!!

                            I want to see '200' but i don't want to spoil myself... and its ognna be impossible to come on the thread without discussing it! Oh what to do what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            i wont be able to watch season ten at all until it comes out on dvd as we cant get sky, so i say SPOIL ME!!! OK I know thats pathetic but, i have no will power **shuffles off in search of spoilers**

                            sig made by Samjackshiplover


                              Originally posted by nell
                              Hi Shippers!!
                              I'm still adjusting to RL after my fabulous time at Shore Leave. I know there are Shippers to be added to the ShipShipHooray Special Ops Team. Please be patient with me!!! thanks, nell
                              No probs nell...glad you had a great time at SL! I'm so bummed that I missed all the fun. Would be nice to meet some fellow shippers one gets quite lonely here in oz...not many shippers around...DoH!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Lesleyp
                                Changing the topic now:
                                For anyone who has been following, the last (ie: the alternate ending) of my fic is now posted. Brain needs rest now.

                                I loved reading that fic lesley...very well written and the alternate ending was great too...took me days to get to it thogh but it was well worth the wait! Well done!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

