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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    don't know the song actually. But do you have the lyrics of it??

    Here's the lyrics, it is a very nice song.

    When Did You Fall (In Love With Me)
    By Chris Rice

    You’re all smiles and silly conversation
    As if this sunny day came just for you.
    You twist your hair,
    You smile and you turn your eyes away
    Come on tell me what’s right with you.

    Now it dawns on me probably everybody’s talkin’,
    And there’s something here I’m suppose to realize.
    Cause your secret’s out and the universe laughs at its joke on me.
    I just caught it in your eyes,
    It’s a beautiful surprise.

    When did you fall in love with me?
    Was out of the blue?
    Cause I swear I never knew it.
    When did you let your heart run free?
    Have you been waiting long?
    When did you fall in love with me?
    When did you fall in love?

    Make your way over here sit down,
    By this fool and let’s rewind.
    Come on, let’s go back and replay all our scenes.
    You can point out the hints,
    The clues the twists and the smiles this time.
    All the ones that slipped my mind.
    I bet my face is red and you can hear my heart pounding,
    Well I guess it don’t matter now that I realize.
    Cause baby I missed it then but I can surely see it now,
    Right here before my eyes,
    You’re my beautiful surprise.

    When did you fall in love with me?
    Was out of the blue?
    Cause I swear I never knew it.
    When did you let your heart run free?
    Have you been waiting long?
    When did you fall in love with me?

    Was it at the coffee shop?
    Or was it that morning at the bus stop,
    When you almost slipped and I caught your hand.
    Or the time we built the snowman,
    The day at the beach, sandy and warm,
    Or the night with the scary thunderstorm?
    I never saw the signs,
    And we’ve gotta make up for lost time.
    And I can tell now by the way that you’re looking at me,
    I better finish this song so my lips can be free.

    Have you been waiting long?
    When did you fall in love?
    I kept you waiting so long.
    When did you fall?
    Have you been waiting long?
    When did you fall in love with me?
    When did you fall in love?

    I’m gonna fall, I’ gonna fall,
    About to fall, in love.

    Ours is the only reality of consequence.


      Originally posted by stargate barbie
      i'll pretty much read anything as long as its s/j with .

      although i do wish there were more mobius fics and more rst after/sort-of-during threads fics. missing scene stuff and tags and such.

      i can't really find that many of them.

      Ohhh, i agree on both points here too, I would love to see some fics wrote maybe about how Jack/Sam handled be stuck, heck I could even handle char deaths as long as they die at the same time and being involved.

      On Sam being the abused- I can handle these as I think that w/anyone it could happen at least once, but I don't go for the over and over abuse, she would kick some butt. I don't mind if she is stalked and has to oh stay with Jack so he can keep a eye on her, but when the action happens I want them both to take down the crazy dog food boy. I think its much more believable that way.

      What I would really like to see is a AU story where Jack is w/Sara and or still has a chance but/and still falls for Sam. (aren't I evil)
      + = REAL SHIP NEEDED IN 10 + =


        Originally posted by ljevans
        Ok, de-lurking here to say I just watched Nibikko's video to Vogue and it was AWESOME! Great job Nibikko!

        I wish I had that kind of talent, but since I don't maybe one of you who does will will take on this idea. I just heard a song on the radio called "When Did You Fall (In Love With Me)" by Chris Rice. I heard it once and knew it would make a GREAT S/J video. I downloaded the song and have listened to it at least 2 dozen times. There's a line in it that goes "We need to make up for lost time, and I can tell by the way that you're lookin' at me, I better finish this song so my lips will be free."

        If any of you talented video makers would like to take this one on I think it would make a wonderful S10 S/J vid!

        What do you guys think?
        I'll download it and listen to it for sure, lyrics are great!!!
        Thanks everybody for the suggestions...keep em muse is having so much fun right now...


          Originally posted by Lesleyp
          Nicely put Rachel500.
          I also read in the Regs. that it's not only intimate relationships the Regs speak to. Friendships that can compromise unit moral or have a perception of favortism within a COC are also a no no. The Regs. state that the occasional round of golf would not be a problem, but something regular would.

          There are also strict rules spelled out in cases where Officers are married and how they are to conduct themselves in public. But, it is possible.....

          Changing the topic now:
          For anyone who has been following, the last (ie: the alternate ending) of my fic is now posted. Brain needs rest now.

          The regs also include civilian employees in addition to underling officers, so while Sam/Jack doing anything has the military advisor flipping his/her lid, he/she should also be flipping over Jack's friendship with Teal'c, Daniel, and yes, Sam. Why they chose to single out just the romantic ship is suspicious, to say the least. I think it's because it was a good excuse for TIIC to duck resolving the ship.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            RE: My earlier post about me thinking that Jack should make the next move

            I don't hate Jack. I don't even dislike him one iota. I'm sorry if I came across as being hostile towards Jack, I didn't mean to.

            I'd like to see the ship resolved LEGALLY and with dignity and respect for both Sam and Jack (i.e. no 'pining' Sam or 'moping' Jack). If that has not happened off-screen yet then I, personally, would like to see Jack admit his feelings in so many words when he is able to according to the regs. No more ambiguous "I wouldn't be here"s or "I'll always be here for you"s or interrupted conversations with Jack waving charred meat around, just something unmistakable. Out and out confessions are not Jack's style IMO (although I wouldn't mind hearing one!) but maybe he could ask Sam out on a casual date or something.

            I guess it would be easier for TPTB to write if they were already together by the beginning of S10.
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by minigeek
              Yep. There you go right there.

              But the 'regs' in general have always been a bit of a paradox. The regs treat people like robots; machines of discipline and steel. I won't speak negatively against the tremendous dedication and discipline that military personel do have, and do strive to maintain, but people are HUMAN. At the end of the day, any rule book that denies closeness between comrads is asking for a denial of human nature. It certainly does strengthen one's ability to make tough (impartial) choices regarding life and death if one isn't emotionally invested in the people involved. But how often does that really happen? People are people, they form friendships, they get close. I've always felt that there should be a pshychologically explored means of taking advantage of those close relationships to make teams stronger, rather than treating them as anathema and re-organizing groupings wherever they occur. Taking advantage of human nature as opposed to fighting it and making it illegal (per se). People aren't robots, no matter how analytical we choose to believe we can become.

              I absolutely agree, MG. I've also spoke to several people in the service, including one person who was responsible for processing these charges, and they all say that, while the regulations are just as people here have posted, most leaders deal with those under them on a case-by-case basis in very much a "don't ask-don't tell" environment. So, as long as the feelings of those involved - whether it's romance or friendship or whatever - aren't adversely affecting the operation or their doing their jobs, they turn a blind eye. Jack certainly proved he could do that when he shot Sam in Entity, and while she's not quite as strong, there has certainly never been a major problem.

              The other thing that would force somebody to take action would be complaints of favoritism, but in SG1's case, I think that's a moot point, too. I just can't see Jonas, Teal'c, or Daniel claiming that Jack is showing favorites towards Sam, or anybody outside of the team complaining to Hammond about the same. The entire SGC seems to be too much of a "team" themselves to make such a comment.

              So I'm inclined to believe that, if SG1 were real-life military, Sam & Jack - and SG1 - would be able to continue as a couple and close friends respectively, and nobody would care.

              Presuming, of course, that Jack and Sam weren't "doing it" in the halls, which, of course, we know they'd never do. <g>
              Last edited by Buc252; 12 July 2006, 06:51 PM.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by AmberLM
                Oooops, sorry. this should work:

                Thanks! I enjoyed the story (even if it did make me sniffle).
                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                  Originally posted by MirthMistress
                  I just read 2 short related ficcies. They're quite funny. Especially the second part.
                  Thanks for the recs. Very funny!
                  Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                    Originally posted by JacksYummy
                    Ohhh, i agree on both points here too, I would love to see some fics wrote maybe about how Jack/Sam handled be stuck, heck I could even handle char deaths as long as they die at the same time and being involved.

                    On Sam being the abused- I can handle these as I think that w/anyone it could happen at least once, but I don't go for the over and over abuse, she would kick some butt. I don't mind if she is stalked and has to oh stay with Jack so he can keep a eye on her, but when the action happens I want them both to take down the crazy dog food boy. I think its much more believable that way.

                    What I would really like to see is a AU story where Jack is w/Sara and or still has a chance but/and still falls for Sam. (aren't I evil)
                    *strolls into thread whistling, hands over fic, strolls out of thread whistling*


                    (its an old one, but i enjoyed it when i read it, i'm not going to spoil anything about it for you, but just let me know what you thought and how well it fits in with what you were thinking of)


                      Originally posted by AmberLM
                      RE: My earlier post about me thinking that Jack should make the next move

                      I don't hate Jack. I don't even dislike him one iota. I'm sorry if I came across as being hostile towards Jack, I didn't mean to. I'd like to see the ship resolved LEGALLY and with dignity and respect for both Sam and Jack (i.e. no 'pining' Sam or 'moping' Jack). If that has not happened off-screen yet then I, personally, would like to see Jack admit his feelings in so many words when he is able to according to the regs. No more ambiguous "I wouldn't be here"s or "I'll always be here for you"s or interrupted conversations with Jack waving charred meat around, just something unmistakable. Out and out confessions are not Jack's style IMO (although I wouldn't mind hearing one!) but maybe he could ask Sam out on a casual date or something.

                      I guess it would be easier for TPTB to write if they were already together by the beginning of S10.

                      really? i was convinced you hated him. huh. of course i was basing my thoughts here on your sig pics, so you can understand my confusion.

                      *switches off sarcasm, well tries to, the switch appears to be stuck* dang it i knew i shouldn't have left the sarcasm switched on for so long, its gotten stuck that way.


                        My favorite fanfics are the ones that are true to character. I can't read a story if Jack and Sam aren't acting like themselves. I love the post Threads stories and the AU stories, but my favorites are the team stories where they get in trouble off world and their feelings show. I must admit I love it when they act on those feelings and have to deal with the regs later. AU storylines from Beneath the Surface and Moebius are some of my favorites. I don't mind Pete in fanfic as long as he isn't with Sam by story's end. One I am enjoying right now is "Jack's Wedding". It is on FanFiction.Net and it isn't complete yet. It is a sequel to "Sam's Wedding" (to Pete) in which Jack uses the puddlejumper to fix the past. I also really enjoyed "A Pond with no Fish" and "When a Hero Falls."


                          Time to ask again if anyone knows of a fic (which I read quite a while ago) where Sam and Jack are married. Sam gives birth to a boy baby, and after she goes home with him has problems. Not exactly classic PPD, but she feels the baby is rejecting her because it won't nurse, feels inadequate, etc. Janet helps her with her problem. Sounds depressing, but not really in the long run. I would like to read it again. IIRC, the first time was late at night and I hurried through it.

                          Re: my earlier post on what I like in fanfic, as I said stories that start out in S1 and 2 are okay, showing the gradual realization of their attraction to each other, but I don't believe they would have acted on it that soon. So I don't really care for them hitting the sack that early.

                          Also, I'm all for the team, just about the best thing about SG, but I don't really care for S/J stories that where you think something might happen with S/J and then it ends up that all they really wanted was to be back as a team. And they're soooooo happy with that. And no mention of "some day."

                          And also, "I'll retire." "Oh,no, you can't, I'll retire." "No, you can't, I will." "But we need you." "No, we need you more." And so on. Oh, that convo is okay, but I want to say, do something.
                          Last edited by Gatetrixer; 12 July 2006, 07:53 PM.


                            Originally posted by Buc252
                            I absolutely agree, MG. I've also spoke to several people in the service, including one person who was responsible for processing these charges, and they all say that, while the regulations are just as people here have posted, most leaders deal with those under them on a case-by-case basis in very much a "don't ask-don't tell" environment. So, as long as the feelings of those involved - whether it's romance or friendship or whatever - aren't adversely affecting the operation or their doing their jobs, they turn a blind eye. Jack certainly proved he could do that when he shot Sam in Entity, and while she's not quite as strong, there has certainly never been a major problem.

                            The other thing that would force somebody to take action would be complaints of favoritism, but in SG1's case, I think that's a moot point, too. I just can't see Jonas, Teal'c, or Daniel claiming that Jack is showing favorites towards Sam, or anybody outside of the team complaining to Hammond about the same. The entire SGC seems to be too much of a "team" themselves to make such a comment.

                            So I'm inclined to believe that, if SG1 were real-life military, Sam & Jack - and SG1 - would be able to continue as a couple and close friends respectively, and nobody would care.

                            Presuming, of course, that Jack and Sam weren't "doing it" in the halls, which, of course, we know they'd never do. <g>

                            Or the locker room, or the supply closets, or the lab, or his office, or on the gateramp (ouch), or........(supply word).


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              Or the locker room, or the supply closets, or the lab, or his office, or on the gateramp (ouch), or........(supply word).
                              or in hammonds office, or on the alpha site, or in the x302, or daniels lab, or teal'cs room, or the control room, or the briefing room, or in the elevators, or the MALP room, or that room where they had the ping pong table, or... ok i'll stop. i'm running out of known locations on the base anyway.

                              hey sally, has your brain turned to mush yet?


                                Originally posted by JacksYummy
                                It was this great fic I read where Sam and Jack were married but she misscarried thier child and thier releationship was very rocky, they had a big fight before she went off world and threw thier rings at each other and said it was over. While off world she was caputured and taken to another palent gone for a couple of years and Jack got some girl friend (the waitress), Sam was found but was in a deep state of shock... and it was so good I read it 2. very angsty
                                Yes, I read that one twice, also. Jack seems out of character at the beginning(not very nice), but as you get into it, the storyline becomes quite gripping and Jack shows compassion and love. I think I remember the name and writer. Will check it out.

