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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    A little something inspired by the scene with Jack's "You go, girl!" Thunks to the shipper from whom I snurched this cap!!

    ROFL!! That's great!

    L.A. They constantly tease me! Nothing derogitory really but a lot of teasing. And my mother is constantly asking why I am watching the repeats when I have seen them a million times.

    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      L.A. They constantly tease me! Nothing derogitory really but a lot of teasing. And my mother is constantly asking why I am watching the repeats when I have seen them a million times.
      Hey, watching each episode once just wouldn't do. Especially the shippy ones!


        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
        ROFL!! That's great!

        L.A. They constantly tease me! Nothing derogitory really but a lot of teasing. And my mother is constantly asking why I am watching the repeats when I have seen them a million times.
        I understand. It's all about balance. School, work, family, friends, hubby (not necessarily in that order) come first. That's RL. Hobbies come second. Keep the balance! As for me, my day job has my focus and in the evenings and weekends I play on GW, read my fanfics, create my little picture stories, and watch, watch, watch, and watch some more the SG-1 episodes!! Oh, and I've got my cool Shipper friends!!


          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
          ROFL!! That's great!

          L.A. They constantly tease me! Nothing derogitory really but a lot of teasing. And my mother is constantly asking why I am watching the repeats when I have seen them a million times.
          My son is always poking fun at me cause everytime he calls, I say I'm watching Stargate on TV. He always asks why when I have all the seasons on DVD!
          In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

          Life is too short for drama & petty things,
          so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

          Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
          Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
          Hic Comitas Regit
          Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


            Originally posted by scjon
            I third that-after LA Doyle seconded it. Very good!
            Sounds promising...I'll put it in my favs and wait till it's completed...
            BTW I have got a rec myself...most of you have probably read it already but for those who haven't...IT'S A MUST...It's from Sally Reeve and it's called Counterbalance...I bawled my eyes out (again) re-reading it...

            Here's the link:

            Last edited by hope leslie hermnharry; 01 June 2006, 07:45 PM.


              Originally posted by nell
              A little something inspired by the scene with Jack's "You go, girl!" Thunks to the shipper from whom I snurched this cap!!

              LOVE IT!!

              you should share it with samanda




                I see 7 guests down there. I used to be a guest, but delurking is fun!


                  Originally posted by AmberLM
                  I've recently been re-reading the new SG-1 novels I have and I realised that all of them apart from 'City of the Gods' are quite shippy. Of course, none of the others come close to Sally's with regards to ship levels but the ithers are pretty shippy. What did everyone else think of them?

                  p.s. I loved that scene in 'Trial by Fire' where the roman guy inadvertantly reveals that Jack had been running around in nothing but his shorts! lol!

                  p.p.s. my GCSE latin roman history knowledge is failing me a little; if Jack is a 'tribunus laticlavius' then what is Sam as the 2IC of the "legion's" 2IC? I remember that, back when I was doing my GCSEs, there were a few people on this board that seemed to know a lot about Latin and Roman history, can anyone help me out?
                  I thought Jack's reaction to Sam's ill-advised attempt at protecting him in 'A Matter of Honor' was shippy, despite the anger. I could see Jack's point, but he wouldn't have reacted quite as angry as he did if he didn't love her.

                  Haven't read 'Siren's Song' yet, and haven't even got 'Children of the Gods' or the second book yet. I'm behind.


                    Originally posted by trupi

                    Sam is it my turn to feed the baby?
                    If they're sharing quarters, it'd be a tight fit in that bed....

                    I think the cold's getting to my brain...


                      hey family! i've not been on for a while because we've been moving house and we only got the internet back a few days ago. But i'm back! yay!

                      I'm watching 'Message in a Bottle' and i noticed a couple more shippy moments (they're small but hey its what a shipper does right?!)
                      When Teal'c is going to shoot the orb and he advises everyone to leave the room Sam's the last one to leave Jack, and at the end of that scene when General Hammond says "Colonel O'Neill, this is going to take some time" and leaves the control room, the look on Sam's face when she looks at Jack, she's really worried and upset.

                      Just thought i'd add that. Now my full attention is going back to the episode so i can watch the hand bit. Squeeeeeee!
                      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                        OH GOD! that bit always gets me teared up. When Siler's almost cut through the spike and it activates again and goes further in to the wall. RDA's acting is amazing. Its so sad, you can feel the pain. Oh hurry up shippy bit! I need some lurvin!
                        Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                        Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                        Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                          I was just reading the second review of 'Grace' here on GW and I don't get it. Maybe some people don't agree with the ship and maybe they don't like Sam and/or Jack as characters, maybe they don't even like the actors who play them (how anyone cannot like Amanda Tapping is beyond me!) but whatever their feelings on the subject, how the heck can anyone ever ask the question 'Where did the ship suddenly come from?'

                          Oh, I dunno, it's only been canon for ... 9 years now, I can see how they might have missed it! ?!? The mind boggles!
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Originally posted by nell
                            A little something inspired by the scene with Jack's "You go, girl!" Thunks to the shipper from whom I snurched this cap!!

                            Brilliant nell!!! I would love to see that played out on screen in season 10 or 11 - I'm not fussy, just as long as they get together!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                              OH GOD! that bit always gets me teared up. When Siler's almost cut through the spike and it activates again and goes further in to the wall. RDA's acting is amazing. Its so sad, you can feel the pain. Oh hurry up shippy bit! I need some lurvin!
                              Poor Jack in "Message in a Bottle". OMG what that man has endured for his world and in his personal life. You wonder why his personality is as stable as it is! My goodness most man would have flipped! Then to top all this, his love decides to marry someone else. Most guys would have taken the scene from the "Shining" and put it to good use but not Jack. A little gruppie but he still supported her, tried to continue on with his life with Kerry and when everything looked at it's worst his gal came back to him and with open arms, he took her back. You wonder why we all love the ship? What a Man!


                                Hi guys!

                                About Message in a Bottle: there are some really shippy moments in that ep and my fave one will always be when Sam took his hand and look at him.

                                @AmberLM: Some people just don't want to see the ship so when something like that come on the screen they're surprised.

                                @nell: I love it!!

