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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    Fifth could read her mind and was probably aware of the fact that Jack holds a very special place in Sam's life, but I don't think that he was emotionally mature enough to understand that - and to the best of Sam's, and therefore Fifth's knowledge, Jack was still frozen on Antarctica.

    Plus, maybe Fifth didn't want to play the role of O'Neill. He knew that Sam would have seen through him in a heartbeat, but as Pete hadn't been as big a part of Sam's life and she hadn't known him nearly as long, he was more confident that he could adopt that role.
    I like this explanation, ReganX. Perhaps... (spoilers for New order)
    Sam's emotions are so strong for Jack that Fifth was overwhelmed by them, therefore making it easier to be Pete instead. As you say, I think Sam would have known he wasn't Jack straight away, whereas it took her a wee bit longer to realise that it wasn't Pete.


      Originally posted by Buc252
      Since I don't watch Atlantis, I'd personally rather see no Atlantis stuff in here at all. But then, I'd be stifling people's creativity and passions, and I'd not want to do that either.

      Hmmm . . .

      Oh, well. I'll just shut up and move on.
      I suppose the reason Atlantis is being mentioned is because of the crossovers between the two shows. These may affect Sam and Jack. That should be the only reason to discuss it here.


        Originally posted by nell
        Thanks roving reporter, sugarshaker!!! I have three things to say: 1. How wonderfully romantic and playful these two are together! 2. " ...hint of rippling muscles beneath the fabric." I have to take a cold shower!!! 3. Please continue your reports following your next sighting of this beautiful couple!
        I'd like to second Nell's comment. I'm thoroughly enjoying the honeymoon saga.


          Spoilers speculating about a Stargate movie...

          Originally posted by Myrth
          Well you know
          every movie needs a gratuitous sex scene right!!
          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
          *ROFLMAO* True... I just got a mental image
          of everyone sitting around the table, throwing out ideas and someone brings that up. Imagine the looks on Jack and Sam's faces!!!!
          I would pay big money to watch a movie with a scene like that in it. My mind is working overtime at all the possible scenarios for this!


            Originally posted by sueKay
            I've got my first exam wish me luck and I'll see you all soon!
            Best of luck Suz!! I hope it goes well!


              Originally posted by majorsal
              giggles maniacally


              giggles and drools

              We'd have to make sure the paramedics were on call for Sally if we do get a scene like that! LOL!


                Originally posted by hopalong
                That's a forbidden romance???????

                Sorry for the one-liner
                LOL! Yes it is. Poor Walter.


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  great list!

                  you forgot two things, though.

                  *sam and jack are hot for one another!
                  *sam and jack are hot together!


                  Well yeah. I did forget those two very important things, didn't I? Bad me!


                    Originally posted by seldear
                    I remember reading an episode tag which did a reasonable job of explaining the 'why' of it to me. After the entity took over Sam and she nearly died, Jack decided he was getting too emotionally close and tried to shut down his personal feelings for Sam. Hence, Jack's apparent 'distance' through the early part of S5.

                    Then Sam gets kidnapped in Desperate Measures and Jack realises he doesn't want to shut her out. Which explains why Proving Ground, Fail Safe and 48 Hours have quite a bit of Sam/Jack interaction.

                    I try not to say that characters act 'out of character' in the show. They might act in ways that are not immediately explicable given their history or what fans would like to see of them, but they cannot, by definition, act 'out of character' in canon. All characterisation has a reason - albeit, it might take some serious explaining to find a reason that works.

                    That makes a lot of sense. I could see "Entity" freaking Jack out, especially given the fact that it happened after "Divide And Conquer" and "Beneath The Surface", and that he would make a conscious effort to distance himself from Sam, probably for her sake as much as his.

                    Let's face it, the gossip wouldn't do her any favours.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      LOL! Yes it is. Poor Walter.
                      It's positively tragic...Poor Walter...Having to love her from afar.

                      *shakes fists at TPTB* Let them be together darn you! It's meant to be!

                      I'm way too silly this morning...

                      And Sally's not the only one who would need an ambulance! I'd probably scare my family to death will all the squeeing!

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        SES I think this is the direction they are going for ... Possible spoilers but just my interpretation about spin-off/Movie .

                        They may start the spin off with Cam , vala , Laundry and all the new ones and make us think that SG1 ( The original team ) is still in operation or retired ..bla bla bla ..whatever they like ...Retiring obviously may be a good idea for Sam and Jack if they want to start a family, otherwise they may never have kids if Sam carries on her off world missions ....

                        ......Any way , the new team is up and going and we see them in their brand new show ..Cam, vala , Laundry are established already so their fans will be watching the new show .

                        Then we have the movie , only with the original team and General Hammond will be also in there ( hopefully in a kind of action role ) ..I suppose we could see them at SGC on a return to a mission the Cam and Vala team is off screen doing their stuff ......Could be a bit tricky though if the movie has got some scenes at SGC with the new general Laundry unless TPTB can think of a really great story which does not involve seeing SGC at all but Stargates from other places !!!!!Hummm ...What do you think ?!!

                        won't another spin-off be too much of a good thing?
                        the show's going to lose viewers and what are they going to make the show about?
                        at the SGC it's gonna sound like SG1-next generation
                        in another galaxy it's gonna be déj?* vu
                        Thank you Jenova Synthesis

                        Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          I've got my first exam wish me luck and I'll see you all soon!
                          good luck

                          sig by starlover1990


                            Originally posted by keshya
                            won't another spin-off be too much of a good thing?
                            the show's going to lose viewers and what are they going to make the show about?
                            at the SGC it's gonna sound like SG1-next generation
                            in another galaxy it's gonna be déj?* vu
                            They should probably learn from Star Trek's recent mistakes, and at least wait for a while after SG1 is well over before they go anywhere near another series. It may be a mistake to have two running at the same time, maybe it would be a good idea to wait until Atlantis has run it's course aswell.

                            How about SG1 - the family years Ry'ac babysitting for Sam & Jack... Shifu turning up occasionally to say hello... maybe not!


                              Originally posted by hopalong

                              I didn't mean to suggest that she knew she was pregnant, that's too soon. But something about her manner made me think of the unconscious way newly pregnant women rub their bellies (at least, when it's portrayed on screen).

                              And my question was not to suggest she was actually pregnant. It was to gauge possible reactions from Sam to that news if Jack were to confess in an effort to mend bridges.

                              I'm writing another one of my character pieces. I keep getting the urge to write them as I watch my dvds.

                              PS Edit. In regards to the suggestion that Jack being drunk was the only way he would have slept with Laira, it struck me that while he was drunk, he is a man who can hold his drink, and he seemed to be aware of what he was about to do. Also, he was rather comfortable about it the next morning, which I would think he wouldn't have been if he had been drunk and totally out of it.

                              But that's just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
                              Sorry if I pounced at the suggestion of pregnancy. But I don't like her. And, no, I don't think she thought she was pregnant,but rather hoped and touched her tummy with that hope. I don't blame "her" exactly (its Jack afterall). But 100 days is not very long and she tried to trap him there, in a sense.

                              As for Jack, I felt he was completely out of character. Perhaps, he felt a need, but I don't think he would have ever have gone with her with the intention of fathering a baby for serveral reasons.

                              1. His heart was already on the way to being, if not already, Sam's.
                              2. He'd been in captive situations enough in his life to not give up on rescue that quickly and easily. Maybe in 3 years. (or 100).
                              3. Jack is mature and wise and knows better that to mate with a woman in such a short time under (what I would consider) captive circumstances. Jack is not that easy.

                              I know some people like Laira, but I don't. And not just because she went after Jack and I want Jack with Sam. Laira wanted what was best for Laira, not what was best for Jack. She relented in the end, but that was too late for me.

                              Sam and Jack in season 10!
                              (not a spoiler, just a hope)
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                I think that Narim, Martouf and Orlin are three of the creepiest guys ever to have been on TV.

                                Sam honey...what were you thinking!

                                My thoughts exactly!

                                I have mixed feelings about "Ascension" because it is such a good Sam/Amanda episode, but the whole Orlin business was just creepy. All three of those guys--Narim, Martouf, Orlin--were so passive around Sam they just gave me the willies--too bad because the actors are good-looking guys especially Sean Patrick Flannery and J.R. Bourne. But their characters!....shudder.


                                p.s. good luck on your exam, SueKay!

