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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    Hi everyone! (waves)

    I am shipping with you this evening from beautiful St. John, USVI. I think I've found the perfect spot for Sam and Jack's honeymoon. On the grounds at the place I'm staying there's a cozy, secluded little cottage on a rise overlooking turquoise water. It's beautifully landscaped and so romantic They'd have seven beaches to choose from, and one of them is named Honeymoon Beach!

    There's also a wounderful restaurant with glass on three sides that looks out over the ocean. At night everything's lit by candles, torches and the stars. (And we know that Sam has stars in her eyes when she looks at Jack. ) And to top it off, they even have a Jello Parfait. On the menu it's described as Jello Parfait, Charred Pineapple Compote, Coconut-Yogurt Infusion. I think this is the place!!!
    You lucky shipper! If you happen to see a tall silver-fox and a beautiful blond walking down the beach together, run don't walk to your computer and let us know!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      I don't know if you've read any of the spoilers for S10, but I'm going to post the link for the episode called Company of Thieves. Please be warned there are spoilers here!
      Here is a little excerpt.The part I have bolded is yet another example of why I am not happy with these spoilers...
      They are brought onboard the Odyssey where Amateo is watching over Carter as she makes repairs. He has his eyes on Carter for other, more personal, reasons as he finds her attractive. Borzin demands payment for capturing Amateo, but Amateo quietly orders Solek to kill him. Daniel and Vala try to reassure Carter that everything was going according to plan.

      I hope you now see why I am very unhappy with this. I have waited so long for my ship to come in, and I was so excited about RDA returning, but when I read this sort of thing I just want to cry!
      my views on this?

      i cringed when i read this too, but not because of ship. it seems sam's going to go through a potential bad scene, like some guy might want to force himself on her. i didn't take it as this guy hitting up on sam and her taking him up on it. he's a bad guy, i see no ship potential between him and sam.

      and yes, i'm remembering this is coming from the same ppl that wrote the pete/chimera 'wooing-by-stalking' scenario.

      i really think we're safe in this situation. (it never occurred to me, and i'm watching for stuff)




        Originally posted by nickatell
        I agree with both Rogue and Pittsburghgirl I would love to be totally optimistic and not care really where the chips fell and be totally happy with wherever they fell because of all that we had, but I can't and I would be faking if I did. I guess when you hit that wall, and it may be different for each person, you start questioning a little more, less trusting, reading between the lines and trying to keep your eyes so wide open so as to spot that wall before you hit it again. I am thrilled for all of you that no matter what the news you walk away with a positive spin and sometimes you have changed my mind and yet sometimes I don't get it, but I don't leave because you are so upbeat, on the contrary I enjoy your opinions. I honestly can see the reasons that some people are down and I can understand the reasons and wants to stay upbeat. Trust me all of us here would love to be doing nothing else but squeeeeing as evident with the RDA return, the monday commerials, and AT comments, we don't do it on purpose, speaking for myself I think we are just being very cautious and don't want anyone else to have that dazed look after hitting the wall.
        well said, nickatell.

        no matter how squeey i've been lately, i'm still going into this with both eyes WIDE open. that's why i'm ready for more discouraging news to come our way, just because of who's writing this show. we all know better. now.

        we are family. we can do this together (when they give us the good, the bad, and the spudly).




          Originally posted by littlebluestring
          keep positive shippers!
          personally im so glad that jack is coming back that im not too negative that sam isn't actually going to be there! i am a bit sad though

          (what? i didn't say i was completely positive!)

          spoilers for atlantis s3 ep, 'the return'

          who says sam won't be in that ep? if one of the replicator-type creatures invade jack's mind, who's to say we won't see sam in there?


          until i'm told otherwise, i'm going to enjoy the 'maybe'.




            Originally posted by majorshrl
            I'm hopeful we will get something but I am beginning to think that for me personally my imagination and the fanfics are going to resolve the ship far better than TPTB. Other than a wedding I'm not sure that TPTB can come up with something that everyone wil be happy with. Jack and Sam are together and have been ever since Threads. Wooo HOoo I love my little world.
            wedding.... *sighs*





              Originally posted by Rogue
              Maybe like Sam they really don't know what to do with him. They asked for 1 ep and got 5. They have been trying to move forward with the new team, but hadn't had much success. So I vote for either option 2 or 3. Another option is that they don't want Jack and Sam in 5 eps together.
              i really don't know what they're thinking either. i mean, would they want anyone to destroy their mitchell/vala hour?

              Anyway to stay positive, I am staying away from spoilers. Currently they only bring bad news. But like season 9, I will probably record the eps then watch them if the reviews are good. If there are any anti-ship or shipping of Sam/Other or Jack/Other, I will skip it.
              how many spoilers have been released so far? i've read them, other than '200', i don't remember their names or what they're about. i'm not interested in their new stargate sg1, so...

              yeah, it's just better to skip the spoilers.




                Good point Sally.I have no worries about
                Sam showing interest in another guy.I have no doubt Sam and Jack will end up together.When that is who knows.I just would like to stop with all the male guest hitting on Sam for just once.TPTB did such a great job with not turning Jack into Captain Kirk.Why all the problems with guest characters falling over Sam like she is a Baywatch character? I guess this is what happens when you have all Men for TPTB.I hate to pick on Men since I'm a Man but TPTB deserve it.It's like TPTB are getitng their kicks from the Male guest star hitting on Sam.Time to take Jack's advice and get a life.


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  my views on this?

                  i cringed when i read this too, but not because of ship. it seems sam's going to go through a potential bad scene, like some guy might want to force himself on her. i didn't take it as this guy hitting up on sam and her taking him up on it. he's a bad guy, i see no ship potential between him and sam.

                  and yes, i'm remembering this is coming from the same ppl that wrote the pete/chimera 'wooing-by-stalking' scenario.

                  i really think we're safe in this situation. (it never occurred to me, and i'm watching for stuff)

                  Jack comes to the rescue! It did say spoilers can change anytime, it's still in production.


                    Sally I really hope
                    AT is going to be in the episode.How great would it be to have Sam save Jack and then Sam and Jack Kiss right in front of McKay? A scene like that only happens in FanFiction.There is no way we Shippers are that lucky.Although I can see a scene like that in a Movie.I would love to see a Lost City type episode to end Season 10 and the cliffhanger gets resolved in a Movie.I would Love to see Jack in danger and Sam to the rescue.


                      I really hope RDA will be in more episodes.I would Love to see one episode this Year that has Sam save Jack and Jack saves Sam.


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        I really hope RDA will be in more episodes.I would Love to see one episode this Year that has Sam save Jack and Jack saves Sam.
                        I can't believe they won't have a Jack charging on his white steed to save Sam scene.


                          This is probably OT, but hopefully not against forum rules.

                          I just got done reading a whole slew of fanfic where Jack and Sam (and in some, yes, Teal'c and the "yucky one") were turned into children, and it made me wonder. I've seen pictures of RDA as a child, but has AT ever released any childhood pictures of herself? I'll betcha they made an adorable couple even then. (Not as themselves, of course, but as Sam and Jack.) The fic I've read always has her as such an adorable, angelic child with blonde braides or curls and the ability to wrap all the grownups around her little finger. <g>
                          Last edited by Buc252; 04 May 2006, 07:03 PM.
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                            that was Past and Present-the one with Linea as Kyra the scientist with the long curly hair.
                            Yeah - Samantha Mulder, if you're also an XF watcher. <g> Only blonde.
                            - Mary
                            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                              nighty night, all.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                Well, this is my fun place too, and my 'home' thread, but these spoilers coming out affect Sam and Jack ship, therefore I would like to discuss them with my fellow shippers.
                                The same is true for me, I always feel safe and "at home" here. But with that, I'll add that nothing will get my ire up faster than somebody telling me how I should feel. So if people need to notice that the glass is half empty, please let them do it. Otherwise, they'll just be silently frustrated, and resentful.

                                I pray that TIIC do the right thing by us, but I don't hold up a lot of real hope. And that hinges solely on the fact that RDA is involved.
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

