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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    10. season ,heh


      Originally posted by nickatell
      Season 8 Threads
      After Sam got off of her phone call with Pete that disrupted the meeting she was in with Jacob, Jack (oh I miss him), Teal'c and Bratac, why do you guys think that Jacob made a big deal about Sam missing her appointment with Pete at the florist? I know it was intentional but what was he after? You know and thinking even further (you know of course when I start thinking...) just what is it going to take to get Jack and Sam together, come on I mean I guess even Threads didn't do it because she is at Stargate (not mentioning his name at all) and Jack is in Washington we think (if there is even a character named Jack, boy that hurt even me), so I ask again what is it going to take for them to come together and verbally commit to their feelings for one another? Keeping in mind that IMO I think what is really important is that it is "in character" for both of them. I really think that that is why the Moebius alternate reality, different timeline whatever you want to call it, didn't work because it wasn't "in character". I want to see what it would take for the over thinking, always obeying, never out of line Carter to cross the line, and the man of many words, combat minded, never comfortable with emotions also cross the line their way. Oh well, just thinking what else is their to do!
      I don't know what the status of their relationship is.
      Did they have that 'conversation'? Are they secretly married? Are they dating? Did they just go their seperate ways? I saw a post for one the TPTB, maybe JM that asked if Sam and Jack were together. I believe his answer was Duh! If that is true then they didn't make it that obvious to the fans because I still don't know. Hell I don't even know for sure what happened to Jack!
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        I told you once I start thinking... Threads
        I tell ya I have such trouble with the scene between Jacob and Sam when he is dying and he tell sher to not let rules stand in your way yadda, yadda, yadda who talks like that on a death bed, I ask you? After all of the non coversations he had in Sams childhood don't you think that he would have learned his lesson and opened "Pandora's Box" for her, he could see that she was hurting and needed someone to talk to who better than her own father when he already had suspicions that she wasn't being honest with herself in the first place. No he chooses or rather TPTB chose to play the vague game yet again. I honestly think that they dropped the ball big time there. After all Jacob didn't have to say Jack's name, he could have said something like," Sam I know that you like Pete a lot (boy talk about nauseating) but I also know that your heart truly belongs to another, and by denying or hiding behind someone else will only bring more pain. Don't let rules and regulations stand in your way, you won't be letting me down by going up against them but you will be cheating yourself out of true happiness." Okay I'm no writer but I think that said it a lot better especially since Jacob will have no tomorrow to explain himself and he would have done is fatherly role to guide her back on track; considering their past I think that would have been a great gift. Also after what Kerry said to Jack about , "is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart", I think the above is in that same vein; not saying anymore or less. (okay I'm smelling smoke I'm done thinking)


          that conversation or non conversation that Jacob had with Sam i mean please-of all the times to be cryptic
          on your death bed?

          that whole storyline in Threads...
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Rogue you mentioned Jack? That wouldn't be that tall good looking, delicious man that was in Seasons 1-8 now would it? The guy who pulled the whole show together, made the show what it was and should be today, that Jack? Never heard of least not in Season Nine.
            This is what worries me, we are hoping for a resolution for something that hasn't even been mentioned except for "not exactly" for an entire season. Don't get me wrong I want Jack and Sam together so bad I could...well, you get the idea but with all the mixed signals TPTB have been giving this season I think that they have finally confused themselves ie. the reason for all of Sams playmates. If they did get RDA to come for the 200th episode they would have so much explaining to do. What am I talking about TPTB explain!
            probably didn't need the spoilers but in case, I never know where my thoughts might take me.


              Originally posted by nickatell
              Rogue you mentioned Jack? That wouldn't be that tall good looking, delicious man that was in Seasons 1-8 now would it? The guy who pulled the whole show together, made the show what it was and should be today, that Jack? Never heard of least not in Season Nine.
              This is what worries me, we are hoping for a resolution for something that hasn't even been mentioned except for "not exactly" for an entire season. Don't get me wrong I want Jack and Sam together so bad I could...well, you get the idea but with all the mixed signals TPTB have been giving this season I think that they have finally confused themselves ie. the reason for all of Sams playmates. If they did get RDA to come for the 200th episode they would have so much explaining to do. What am I talking about TPTB explain!
              probably didn't need the spoilers but in case, I never know where my thoughts might take me.
              the deal is this-In my not so humble opinion-but we all know what they say about opinions though right?-it is going to be Jack who? And it was already very evident in season 9-
              Jack is in charge of homeworld security
              -yes-where? when? in none of these earth threatening episodes did they even mention the office of Homeworld Secrurity-hey Homeland Security gets a mention on "24"-what do we get. It would not surprise me if they re-wrote the history for our reality to Jack and Sam? Jack and Sam? nope doesn't ring a bell-never happened. Mobieus pushed the reset button-anything and everything that came before and since has been changed.

              I believe that the whole S/J thing got beyond them and what they wanted to do-they wrote themselves into a hole and the only way they could get out of it is to pretend it never happened.

              Which leads me to my next thought-if they can pretend that-why can't they pretend that the
              miracle baby they are intent on bringing forth in season 10
              is also just a fig newton of our imagination.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by Rogue
                I don't know what the status of their relationship is.
                Did they have that 'conversation'? Are they secretly married? Are they dating? Did they just go their seperate ways? I saw a post for one the TPTB, maybe JM that asked if Sam and Jack were together. I believe his answer was Duh! If that is true then they didn't make it that obvious to the fans because I still don't know. Hell I don't even know for sure what happened to Jack!
                It's my firm belief that they are together. We didn't get to see it happen the way we wanted to, but after Threads, I don't see how there could be any other outcome. I look at s9 as a spin-off episode that has nothing to do with seasons 1-8. It's like the franchise has been sold, new people are in charge, new characters are on the show, RDA is gone and it's just a whole 'nother story. I don't even try to integrate s9 events into the SG cannon. I do regret that there are no references to ship and no mentions of Jack, but I can live with what we had through Threads. If they give us more at some point in the future, great, but if not, I'm OK with it.

                s u g a r s h a k e r


                  Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                  the deal is this-In my not so humble opinion-but we all know what they say about opinions though right?-it is going to be Jack who? And it was already very evident in season 9-
                  Jack is in charge of homeworld security
                  -yes-where? when? in none of these earth threatening episodes did they even mention the office of Homeworld Secrurity-hey Homeland Security gets a mention on "24"-what do we get. It would not surprise me if they re-wrote the history for our reality to Jack and Sam? Jack and Sam? nope doesn't ring a bell-never happened. Mobieus pushed the reset button-anything and everything that came before and since has been changed.

                  I believe that the whole S/J thing got beyond them and what they wanted to do-they wrote themselves into a hole and the only way they could get out of it is to pretend it never happened.

                  Which leads me to my next thought-if they can pretend that-why can't they pretend that the
                  miracle baby they are intent on bringing forth in season 10
                  is also just a fig newton of our imagination.

                  too much words for OVER, crying again


                    Happy Birthday Trupi!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Okay my mind is in over-drive but wouldn't you guys love it if at a convention when people are asked to come up and ask a question of the panel, a panel that say Mr. Cooper is on and this person is a fast, "double talker" (I don't know if you guys have ever heard them but they are fast and confusing, like Daniel) and he directs a very confusing question to Mr. Cooper who responds with "I don't know what your asking, speak clearly", to which the person responds, "What, you don't understand me"? Mr. Cooper replies, "No". The person then says "Well, now you know how the Jack and Sam shippers feel". I would pay money to see that!

                      Sugarshaker you are a better person than I.
                      There is no way I am satisfied; I might have been a little better had they at least continued with the direction that I thought they were taking with Threads but no, nadda, nothing; add to that all the playmates for Sam and I feel (again my opinion) like we are going in the wrong direction, again. I thought and hoped that Jack and Sam had some sort of an understanding; but what I have seen and heard (since I only watched about four episodes) aren't the actions of people who have a said understanding. I agree with Pacific Jack here, if we are to base our feelings on what we have seen then I feel that there has been more damage than good, and what we have seen is all we really have. Fan fiction is good, in fact outstanding (you guys are really talented; thank you) but it doesn't replace or add on to the original story, for me. (did that make sense?) I guess to me if Season 9 contained nothing no "not exactly", no "almost kiss" (yuk), no Orlin "relationship" (double yuk) then I could believe that Threads to me was the end; but buy mentioning these things (this they mention but Jack nooooooo) to me it took away what Threads brought to the table. After going through this traumatic ordeal I don't buy that Sam would almost kiss anyone but Jack!! Jolinar never had control over her before and if she didn't in the beginning when Sam didn't understand what was happening to her how could she now when she has had years of experience. I'm not saying you are wrong Sugarshaker in fact I wish I could be like you because I would be satisfied but we are who we are...Do you guys smell something burning? I promise no more speeches....for now.


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        Okay my mind is in over-drive but wouldn't you guys love it if at a convention when people are asked to come up and ask a question of the panel, a panel that say Mr. Cooper is on and this person is a fast, "double talker" (I don't know if you guys have ever heard them but they are fast and confusing, like Daniel) and he directs a very confusing question to Mr. Cooper who responds with "I don't know what your asking, speak clearly", to which the person responds, "What, you don't understand me"? Mr. Cooper replies, "No". The person then says "Well, now you know how the Jack and Sam shippers feel". I would pay money to see that!

                        Sugarshaker you are a better person than I.
                        There is no way I am satisfied; I might have been a little better had they at least continued with the direction that I thought they were taking with Threads but no, nadda, nothing; add to that all the playmates for Sam and I feel (again my opinion) like we are going in the wrong direction, again. I thought and hoped that Jack and Sam had some sort of an understanding; but what I have seen and heard (since I only watched about four episodes) aren't the actions of people who have a said understanding. I agree with Pacific Jack here, if we are to base our feelings on what we have seen then I feel that there has been more damage than good, and what we have seen is all we really have. Fan fiction is good, in fact outstanding (you guys are really talented; thank you) but it doesn't replace or add on to the original story, for me. (did that make sense?) I guess to me if Season 9 contained nothing no "not exactly", no "almost kiss" (yuk), no Orlin "relationship" (double yuk) then I could believe that Threads to me was the end; but buy mentioning these things (this they mention but Jack nooooooo) to me it took away what Threads brought to the table. After going through this traumatic ordeal I don't buy that Sam would almost kiss anyone but Jack!! Jolinar never had control over her before and if she didn't in the beginning when Sam didn't understand what was happening to her how could she now when she has had years of experience. I'm not saying you are wrong Sugarshaker in fact I wish I could be like you because I would be satisfied but we are who we are...Do you guys smell something burning? I promise no more speeches....for now.

                        Oh wow. That was brilliant. I agree. Fanfictions are great, but they're not the real thing. >< I'm not saying S/J should have sex. No. I meant add onto the storyline, make it better.
                        Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          Okay my mind is in over-drive but wouldn't you guys love it if at a convention when people are asked to come up and ask a question of the panel, a panel that say Mr. Cooper is on and this person is a fast, "double talker" (I don't know if you guys have ever heard them but they are fast and confusing, like Daniel) and he directs a very confusing question to Mr. Cooper who responds with "I don't know what your asking, speak clearly", to which the person responds, "What, you don't understand me"? Mr. Cooper replies, "No". The person then says "Well, now you know how the Jack and Sam shippers feel". I would pay money to see that!

                          Sugarshaker you are a better person than I.
                          There is no way I am satisfied; I might have been a little better had they at least continued with the direction that I thought they were taking with Threads but no, nadda, nothing; add to that all the playmates for Sam and I feel (again my opinion) like we are going in the wrong direction, again. I thought and hoped that Jack and Sam had some sort of an understanding; but what I have seen and heard (since I only watched about four episodes) aren't the actions of people who have a said understanding. I agree with Pacific Jack here, if we are to base our feelings on what we have seen then I feel that there has been more damage than good, and what we have seen is all we really have. Fan fiction is good, in fact outstanding (you guys are really talented; thank you) but it doesn't replace or add on to the original story, for me. (did that make sense?) I guess to me if Season 9 contained nothing no "not exactly", no "almost kiss" (yuk), no Orlin "relationship" (double yuk) then I could believe that Threads to me was the end; but buy mentioning these things (this they mention but Jack nooooooo) to me it took away what Threads brought to the table. After going through this traumatic ordeal I don't buy that Sam would almost kiss anyone but Jack!! Jolinar never had control over her before and if she didn't in the beginning when Sam didn't understand what was happening to her how could she now when she has had years of experience. I'm not saying you are wrong Sugarshaker in fact I wish I could be like you because I would be satisfied but we are who we are...Do you guys smell something burning? I promise no more speeches....for now.
                          There was a point in season 7 where I was afraid they would get the show in a state where I wouldn't be able to go back and enjoy my s1-7 DVD's. Fortunately that didn't happen, but it was close. I made my peace with SG after Threads because the alternative was to drive myself 3 fries short of a Happy Meal WACKO! Now I'm enjoying watching s1 DVD's again, but I'm letting s9 go straight in one ear and out the other (no comments, please ). Otherwise, I might not be able to do it.

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Happy Birthday Trupi!!!


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker
                              but I'm letting s9 go straight in one ear and out the other (no comments, please ).
                              HAHA!! nice. =D
                              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG



                                And just for you, a little make depicting what we all believe.

                                Definitely more than just a dream

