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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by dexterav
    I need this perfect passionate, kiss for better feeling



    I can't give you a rep point (What's with that anyway) I really like the water reflection one, shame it isn't wallpaper size


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      Oh, gee, Jack, I just don't think so! Let me say first that I like to see you here. Your posts are always insightful and very well thought out. But I must respectfully disagree on this one.

      If there's one thing I do believe, it's that RDA and AT are friends. She attended the benefit he sponsored in Banff, Alberta in January, and neither has ever spoken of the other with anything except sincere affection. I just don't think that's it.

      I also think TPTB (or TIIC, as I'm now calling them) DO want RDA back, and that is the source of a possible falling out between RDA and the current producers. Although there may be secondary issues, here's what I truly think happened:

      1. RDA was tired of being in Vancouver while his daughter was growing up in California.

      2. RDA has plenty of money if he never works again.

      3. There was a plan to end the series and begin producing SG-1 movies, either big screen (a la Star Trek) or direct-to-DVD. RDA was in for that. It was less work, and he could justify staying involved on those limited terms. But then, they took the plot for the first movie and used it instead as the pilot for SGA.

      And now, I'm straying from fact and back into speculation: I truly believe that at this point, RDA made the decision to leave, to escape the weekly grind and to be with his daughter. He saw that the movies had been put on the back burner, and that SG-1 would continue as a weekly series instead. But his daughter was growing and changing, and shooting in Canada prevented him from being there for her every day.

      Although the above paragraph is speculation on my part, I believe it is accurate. The theories about what happened next all start at this point. Are the producers mad at him for leaving? Was there an unpleasant parting of the ways? Whether there was or not, TIIC were then faced with a predictament. They had lost their marquee star, and they had to scramble to protect their franchise. So, they made what even I agree was a good business decision: they brought in two very popular stars of a failed series in the same genre, and reworked the franchise around them. It made great business sense (although the ratings would provide a solid argument that it hasn't been so successful). But, for many long-term fans, it just isn't working.

      Although I don't wish bad luck on anyone, I hope the ratings stay down for the finale. Why? Because that should send a signal to TIIC and Skiffy that they need to do whatever it takes to get RDA to pop in occasionally.

      I don't argue with TIIC's plan to protect their livelihoods. But they made a very bad mistake when they forgot to "dance with the one who brought them." By disavowing, in large part, the well-loved persona of Jack O'Neill, they have tarnished the franchise. If they had kept O'Neill "large and alive on the Stargate canvas" as they said they would, through script mentions and the one-sided phone calls they promised us would occur between Sam and Jack, they would have made things easier for BB and CB with long-time fans. But to script most of the season as if O'Neill never existed made many Stargate fans resent the new characters instead.

      Can it be fixed? Absolutely! If they will do in S10 what they promised us in S9 (re: above paragraph), we'll come around. We've squeed at every shippy nuance in S9. We'll forgive, if they'll just give us the chance.

      But is there a problem between RDA and AT that affected the scripting of the ship? No, I just don't believe that.



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        I don't think TPTB listen to the fan (GW) unless the ratings go downhill .. (snip) once the season 9 DVD boxset is out. I doubt that even one S/J shipper will buy that boxset ...

        ......and we know how many S/J shippers are around ..... A lot !!!!.. and can I just say , that all the friends I know who watch SG1 are Sam and Jack shippers ..They do not go online to talk about it but they are there everywhere .

        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
        We S/J Shippers are everywhere! I just found out last weekend that my mother's best friend's husband is a shipper! But he understands why they could not be together since he is Army (reserves).

        But my mother and I were talking and she said "People will do what they want." And she is ex-Army so...
        Originally posted by MirthMistress
        Yea, mommy! Yea mommy's best friend's husband! No boxsets for shippers! That should be our battle cry. Hallowed are the shippers. Follow the path of ship or be destroyed.
        I have S1-8 on DVD box sets.....and I don't plan to buy S9. Why? Except for about four eps (which I already have on videotape), there's nothing there I care to see again.

        Not like S1-8.....when each week was exciting and there was always the chance that something wonderfully suspenseful might happen.....or a shippy moment might take place.....

        I'm just sayin'.....


          Originally posted by sueKay
          My view of s9

          Cam - I really like BB...I like him on the show...but the writing's not good enough for the character to progress
          Daniel - Has really gone downhill, and I think that's because MS doesn't look like he's enjoying it
          Sam - Has remained the same as previous, bar some bad costumes and AT looking a bit tired and bored
          Teal'c - who? oh the guy with the guns
          Vala - I loved her in PU..hated her in Avalon...but she's come back up in my estimates...ever so slightly
          Landry - can't stand him
          Lam - as above

          The storylines have been by far the worst thing this year though. I have no interest in Arthurian legends...other than that I'd debate where Avalon actuall is.
          Daniel - I agree that the character has gone downhill, he didn't feature much this season compared with others. I still like him, but it seems that I haven't seen much of him this season.

          Teal'c - The Jaffa are founding their own nation, free from the Goa'uld for the first time in thousands of years and uniting those who previously fought on opposite sides into one nation. They had a perfect opportunity to showcase Teal'c and, in fairness, we did see some of his work with the Jaffa, but not enough and what could have been a great episode both for Teal'c and the Jaffa was crammed into half the time so that we could see how sad Cameron was about his friend and why this apparently justified him taking alien technology off base and giving information on a top secret project to somebody who didn't need to know.

          Sam - I didn't watch the first five episodes of the season. I taped them in case I needed them for reference later, but given how the rest of the season was, I won't be digging them out any time soon. Once I knew when Sam would be back, I set the VCR and sat down to watch what I hoped would be another great season. I figured that since Landry wanted Sam back so badly, and was dragging her away from her work at Area 51, he would surely want to take advantage of her considerable expertise and military prowess and put her in charge of SG-1. How wrong I was. I like what I've seen of Sam in Season Nine, but that hasn't been much.

          Cameron - I don't like him. His character might have worked as a green lieutenant or captain head-hunted to fill a vacant slot - although, in all honesty, I don't think that a fourth member of SG-1 was needed at all - but he doesn't fit right as a leader. The writers seem to be trying to make him funny but, to me, he just comes off as an idiot. On my character scale of zero to ten, he ranks at one and a half, two if I'm feeling generous.

          Vala - She seems okay, if a bit annoying. As long as she's a guest character rather than a regular, I can put up with her.

          Landry - He's no General Hammond, but I like him.

          Lam - I quite like what I've seen of her.

          Jack - I can understand that the writers may want to avoid comparisons between Jack and Cameron, but they have written him almost completely out of the picture. A few references to what he was doing, mention of Sam, Daniel and Teal'c meeting up with him, maybe spending time at his cabin, would have been nice. They are not the kind of people who would cut off contact with a good friend of eight years.

          As far as storylines are concerned, the Ori have dominated the plot more thouroughly than the Goa'uld ever did previous seasons. The things I loved best about the show, the team feeling and the interactions between the characters, have been lost. I blame Cameron's presence for that. Like Jonas in Season Six, he is an intruder into the team dynamic but unlike Jonas he has been allowed to dominate the season and is being pushed into the team rather than working his way in gradually, a part of the group but at the same time not. I just don't think that the character fits as part of the group.

          I would have loved to see a few episodes devoted to Sam, Daniel and Teal'c and the friendship between the three of them while Cameron was elsewhere.

          As far as the Sam/Jack ship was concerned, it wouldn't have taken much to keep me happy; Sam's half of a phone call with Jack, Teal'c or Daniel asking her how he was getting on, a reference to plans to meet, anything.

          It seems that this was too much to ask.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            I'm snowed in...someone give me some nice snuggly S/J piccies to keep me happy
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by dexterav
              Thanks! We needed that!



                I haven't posted here in a very very very long time. I guess I let go of my hopes for a S/J union on the show, and I guess I just drifted away from the fandom a little. But anyway, I just watched the s9 finale, and I have this urge to read some really good S/J fanfic(something else I haven't done in a while). Can anyone rec me some good fics? I like the angsty kind, and I like a little adventure chucked in there too. I'm a huge fan of Sally Reeve's stuff, so if you know of anything in the same vein, I would love you forever.

                Thanks guys!!

                ~~Close To Crazy~~
                Psychotic Kitten
                'we can all read between the lines'


                  Blaise, have you looked here?



                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    Oh, gee, Jack, I just don't think so! Let me say first that I like to see you here. Your posts are always insightful and very well thought out. But I must respectfully disagree on this one.

                    If there's one thing I do believe, it's that RDA and AT are friends. She attended the benefit he sponsored in Banff, Alberta in January, and neither has ever spoken of the other with anything except sincere affection. I just don't think that's it.

                    I also think TPTB (or TIIC, as I'm now calling them) DO want RDA back, and that is the source of a possible falling out between RDA and the current producers. Although there may be secondary issues, here's what I truly think happened:

                    1. RDA was tired of being in Vancouver while his daughter was growing up in California.

                    2. RDA has plenty of money if he never works again.

                    3. There was a plan to end the series and begin producing SG-1 movies, either big screen (a la Star Trek) or direct-to-DVD. RDA was in for that. It was less work, and he could justify staying involved on those limited terms. But then, they took the plot for the first movie and used it instead as the pilot for SGA.

                    And now, I'm straying from fact and back into speculation: I truly believe that at this point, RDA made the decision to leave, to escape the weekly grind and to be with his daughter. He saw that the movies had been put on the back burner, and that SG-1 would continue as a weekly series instead. But his daughter was growing and changing, and shooting in Canada prevented him from being there for her every day.

                    Although the above paragraph is speculation on my part, I believe it is accurate. The theories about what happened next all start at this point. Are the producers mad at him for leaving? Was there an unpleasant parting of the ways? Whether there was or not, TIIC were then faced with a predictament. They had lost their marquee star, and they had to scramble to protect their franchise. So, they made what even I agree was a good business decision: they brought in two very popular stars of a failed series in the same genre, and reworked the franchise around them. It made great business sense (although the ratings would provide a solid argument that it hasn't been so successful). But, for many long-term fans, it just isn't working.

                    Although I don't wish bad luck on anyone, I hope the ratings stay down for the finale. Why? Because that should send a signal to TIIC and Skiffy that they need to do whatever it takes to get RDA to pop in occasionally.

                    I don't argue with TIIC's plan to protect their livelihoods. But they made a very bad mistake when they forgot to "dance with the one who brought them." By disavowing, in large part, the well-loved persona of Jack O'Neill, they have tarnished the franchise. If they had kept O'Neill "large and alive on the Stargate canvas" as they said they would, through script mentions and the one-sided phone calls they promised us would occur between Sam and Jack, they would have made things easier for BB and CB with long-time fans. But to script most of the season as if O'Neill never existed made many Stargate fans resent the new characters instead.

                    Can it be fixed? Absolutely! If they will do in S10 what they promised us in S9 (re: above paragraph), we'll come around. We've squeed at every shippy nuance in S9. We'll forgive, if they'll just give us the chance.

                    But is there a problem between RDA and AT that affected the scripting of the ship? No, I just don't believe that.
                    sg-1fanintn you are right about what you had to say.

                    The Boys from Vancouver and Skiffy have certainly lost their collective minds. I have said before and will say it again-I think that Ben and Claudia are fine actors having to deal with dreck. And in their haste to rewrite the past they have made a fine mess of everything.

                    Cam is so schizophrenic in the way his part has been written-if I were Ben Browder i would be running away very fast. Claudia-Vala is so over the top for me-that i just can't stand to see her.

                    It has been one bad joke after another, one juvenille innuendo after another and I am wondering for whom this show was supposed to be for. It didn't appear to me this season as if they wanted intelligent, mature or female viewers. (not saying that there aren't intelligent, mature or male viewers-only that the season appeared to be aimed a little lower-like below the belt)
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                      sg-1fanintn you are right about what you had to say.

                      The Boys from Vancouver and Skiffy have certainly lost their collective minds. I have said before and will say it again-I think that Ben and Claudia are fine actors having to deal with dreck. And in their haste to rewrite the past they have made a fine mess of everything.

                      Cam is so schizophrenic in the way his part has been written-if I were Ben Browder i would be running away very fast. Claudia-Vala is so over the top for me-that i just can't stand to see her.

                      It has been one bad joke after another, one juvenille innuendo after another and I am wondering for whom this show was supposed to be for. It didn't appear to me this season as if they wanted intelligent, mature or female viewers. (not saying that there aren't intelligent, mature or male viewers-only that the season appeared to be aimed a little lower-like below the belt)
                      from male


                        As far as the characters in season 9 I am having a hard time connecting with any of them. There have been flashes of their former selves and a few scenes that were reminiscent of the old SG1 but these are few are far between.

                        Daniel - I have always felt that his character needed Jack the most. I think it is ironic that some say that Sam is lost without Jack. With Daniel he was the moral compass fro the group. His personality was most revealed when it was in contrast with Jack. As actors they have timing that just can't be recreated by script.

                        Teal'c - This super macho Teal'c is odd to say the least. Again, the characterizations are no longer subtle. We didn't need to see Teal'c weilding 2 massive guns to know that he was brave and stong nor did we need to see his bulging muscles. I think the worst thing they did for his character was to free the Jaffa. It makes no sense in continuity that his character would not want to be a big part in the recreation of the Jaffa nation.

                        Sam - Her character is the hardest, for me ,to see. On the surface she appears the same competent commited soldier. I miss her smile this season. She also had more of a sense of purpose when Jack was on the show. I never saw that the feelings that the two characters had in any way detracted from the show. To me, it made it more real. I loved the subtle interaction between Sam and Jack. I think Sam was a more complete character with Jack. Now, she seems one dimensional.

                        Mitchell - I will go by the old adage that if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. I have to add that I think he is the WORST written character ever on Stargate.

                        Vala, Landry and Lam - Haven't connected in any way. The kwoosh could trap them and I wouldn't shed a tear.

                        Being a Jack fan I am biased (as are all TV fans). I think that the others played off him and the show was written in this way for 8 years. People are not interchangeable and some are irreplaceable.

                        Bottom line - They should have stopped at Mobius. If they wanted a new show, then create a new show. The character of Jack was too central and too ingrained for the show to survive (at the same level) without him.

                        Off topic and long but this is the ONLY place that you can discuss these things peacefully on GW.


                          Originally posted by Terrah
                          ooh, thanks, i completely forgot about that place. that should keep me busy a while!! hehe.

                          ~~Close To Crazy~~
                          Psychotic Kitten
                          'we can all read between the lines'


                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            Actually, she did say in several interviews prior to the anathema that was Pete, that she wanted Sam to have a bf. I'd have to dig out all my fangirl mags from that time but I know she was saying it at least as late as the beginning of S7 bc I seem to remember a Stargate special for S7 where she said just that.

                            I *definitely* do not think she meant things to go as far as they did though. Later interviews mention her discomfort with the length that they went to with Pete.

                            Sheesh, I think I read too many magazines lol. Either that or I'm a *wee* bit obsessed lol
                            i believe she said "bf who doesn't die" in order to break this alleged curse of hers. she definitely didn't want it to go as far as it did, and said as much in later interviews. however, she never wanted to be shipped all over the place. nor did she want the s/j relationship to become the main focus of her character. so i can totally understand her POV. i feel pretty much the same way. i wanted a nice subtle 'yeah ok they're together now', so lets focus on the show with the occasional 'moment' thrown in.

                            again though, i do understand the tv land and longterm story arcs for having the pete thing go the way it did.

                            personally i liked season 8 better than season 9, just for the whole arc of the season. it was a graduation type of season, and evolving of the characters. in a way it reminded me of season 3 of buffy (one of my faves of that show). but i think season 9 is ok too. maybe in retrospect i'll grow to like it better when i see what they do with the show from here. i felt similarly about season 5, coming on the heels of season 4, which was great.

                            now i'm rambling. anyway. i'd like one or two more hints or mentions of the s/j relationship this year, but i'm happy enough with what we've got.
                            EDM for me, basically says that they are together still following moebius and whatever has gone on before she came back to the sgc.
                            and maybe thats just my projecting, but hey, whatever.


                              sg-1fanintn: I tried to rep you for your excellent post, but the gatekeeper wouldn't let me. (What's up with that?)

                              Thanks for your clear-headed analysis.



                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                i believe she said "bf who doesn't die" in order to break this alleged curse of hers. she definitely didn't want it to go as far as it did, and said as much in later interviews. however, she never wanted to be shipped all over the place. nor did she want the s/j relationship to become the main focus of her character. so i can totally understand her POV. i feel pretty much the same way. i wanted a nice subtle 'yeah ok they're together now', so lets focus on the show with the occasional 'moment' thrown in.

                                again though, i do understand the tv land and longterm story arcs for having the pete thing go the way it did.

                                personally i liked season 8 better than season 9, just for the whole arc of the season. it was a graduation type of season, and evolving of the characters. in a way it reminded me of season 3 of buffy (one of my faves of that show). but i think season 9 is ok too. maybe in retrospect i'll grow to like it better when i see what they do with the show from here. i felt similarly about season 5, coming on the heels of season 4, which was great.

                                now i'm rambling. anyway. i'd like one or two more hints or mentions of the s/j relationship this year, but i'm happy enough with what we've got.
                                EDM for me, basically says that they are together still following moebius and whatever has gone on before she came back to the sgc.
                                and maybe thats just my projecting, but hey, whatever.
                                i am reading some chat&interview with AT, but she is realy not shipper S&J , if you want shipz from she, you mistake, people

