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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell

    OKAY, please SIT DOWN when you read my post!!
    Drum roll to build excitement!!!

    I was reading GW's online Stargate Primer. Here's what GW wrote about Sam's character:
    Colonel Carter is the one to turn to when questions arise about the Stargate and its functions, wormhole physics, cosmology, and more. She is also a passionate woman, who is fiercely loyal to her team and immensely capable of doing her job. She shares personal feelings with Jack O'Neill, but the two have reached an understanding that they cannot act on their feelings so long as they serve in the military together.

    After a string of romantic interests who met a grisly end (Jonas Hansen, Martouf, Orlin, Joe Faxon, Narim), Carter found a steady boyfriend -- a detective from Colorado named Pete Shanahan (David DeLuise). The two were even engaged, but Sam recently broke off their relationship. It is likely that her muted relationship with Jack O'Neill will continue, with the General's new position in Homeworld Security still being over Sam in the chain of command -- though recently they appear to have reached an understanding that they won't be happy with anyone else.

    Here's what GW wrote about end of Season 8:

    Meanwhile, Carter reconsidered her future with Pete when her father, Jacob, died. Knowing that she was trying to get over Jack, the one man she wanted to be with, Sam broke off their engagement. Jack, too, saw a romantic relationship flicker out when his new love interest recognized what he and Sam had between them. She encouraged Jack not to let their jobs stand in the way.

    As Season Eight closed, there was finally peace in the galaxy. SG-1 celebrated with a long-overdue fishing trip.

    Sweet, huh??!!!
    oy, oy
    sweet, but only my imagination or now we have 9. season ?, honey


      Originally posted by nell

      OKAY, please SIT DOWN when you read my post!!
      Drum roll to build excitement!!!

      I was reading GW's online Stargate Primer. Here's what GW wrote about Sam's character:
      Colonel Carter is the one to turn to when questions arise about the Stargate and its functions, wormhole physics, cosmology, and more. She is also a passionate woman, who is fiercely loyal to her team and immensely capable of doing her job. She shares personal feelings with Jack O'Neill, but the two have reached an understanding that they cannot act on their feelings so long as they serve in the military together.

      After a string of romantic interests who met a grisly end (Jonas Hansen, Martouf, Orlin, Joe Faxon, Narim), Carter found a steady boyfriend -- a detective from Colorado named Pete Shanahan (David DeLuise). The two were even engaged, but Sam recently broke off their relationship. It is likely that her muted relationship with Jack O'Neill will continue, with the General's new position in Homeworld Security still being over Sam in the chain of command -- though recently they appear to have reached an understanding that they won't be happy with anyone else.

      Here's what GW wrote about end of Season 8:

      Meanwhile, Carter reconsidered her future with Pete when her father, Jacob, died. Knowing that she was trying to get over Jack, the one man she wanted to be with, Sam broke off their engagement. Jack, too, saw a romantic relationship flicker out when his new love interest recognized what he and Sam had between them. She encouraged Jack not to let their jobs stand in the way.

      As Season Eight closed, there was finally peace in the galaxy. SG-1 celebrated with a long-overdue fishing trip.

      Sweet, huh??!!!
      Read it and loved it! Am hanging on to it very tightly! Thank you for posting it here to remind us all.
      always and forever
      My LJ
      My History Website


        Way to go, Nell. Thanks for the research. My little heart is going pitty pat and I have a shippy smile on my face.


          Originally posted by Freaya
          As far as RDA not being in the 200th ep, I wouldn't be surprised if they did everything in their power to keep it under wraps. Unless RDA has a crazy stalker who reports on his presence at Bridge studios we may not know anything till THEY choose to tell.

          Exactly when did it become public knowledge that RDA had done the Mastercard advert? And when was it actually filmed????
          I just looked back on the archived news here on GW and it was Feb. 1 that the news of the comercial was posted. The game was on the 5th but if I remember, we had the info here a couple of days prior to the 1st. I can't remember who broke the news on this thread but we're talking something like a week/week and a half from knowing to seeing. It's possible that they could keep wraps on the 200th epi until just before airing. They do a good job of guarding info when they want to. I'll stay hopeful until we have definitive information to the contrary.


            Originally posted by nell
            I couldn't agree with you more. LOL!!! While TPTB should resolve the relationship within the reality that they have created, as a Shipper I will accept tinkering to produce the outcome that I yearn for. A confirmation of their relationship in a public setting among friends like Daniel and Teal'c. And a big, honkin' kiss!

            Writers modify/change/alter/tweak/adjust character histories all the time. As a fan I likewise modify/change/alter/tweak/adjust my acceptance of the show and move forward with what they produce or find another show. Right now, I am doing an outstanding job of adapting to this **cough cough** multitude of changes. You should know that I cut my teeth on American soap operas. Those shows require an inordinate amount of stamina!! I don't watch them anymore but if I could survive General Hospital, One Life to Live and All MyChildren for *cough cough* alot of years then SG-1 is a piece of cake.

            Speaking of which, I'm hungry. BTW, Jack, I enjoy your opinions. I don't mean to give you a hard time. You've got good points.

            I enjoy your opinions too, Nell. In fact, I hope your opinions are better than mine. However, Tempis Fugits. Although, Sam still looks very juicy. But, I hope that Jack wont need Viagra IV's to help him get through the Stargate. Hear that Rick? Time to get back in the game man. Lets win one for the Gipper. Score a winning touchdown and then go fishing.





                Can I be horribly self promoting here and point out I've got a new chapter out

                I somehow managed to mess up the sequel to bit while I was uploading (me, computers, going wrong? Never!), but the first part's
                The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.

                Stargate is not an obsession. I can give it up anytime I want!


                  Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                  Quick post. I have to leave in a few.

                  In light of the recent S/C anvils I wrote this.
                  Taking A Chance

                  This is my attempt at putting the Sam/Cam thing to rest...
                  (I have writing Sam/Cam. Characters who's names rhyme should NOT get together!!! It's WAY too cutesy!)
                  Cute story - would love to see it as a scene before Season 9 is over.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    good night fellows see you in friday

                    Sweet shippy week

                    thanks for greene


                      Originally posted by nell
                      Well, actually, I have a source that responds to that question!! Hee, hee!!

                      I was enjoying a Starbucks at Barnes and Noble the other evening while reading the latest issue of the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis issue. There was an interview with one of TPTB. He said, and I paraphrase, that each season the writers give the long-time fans a present.
                      Citizen Joe was a present in Season 8 and Ripple Effect is a present in Season 9.
                      Long-time fans will immediately recognize details of past episodes/seasons and they hope fans will enjoy those kinds of episodes.

                      Well, yes and no. YES, I like TPTB to tie up some loose ends but NO I don't appreciate such subtleness that we end up frustrated.
                      Like the Ripple Effect scene between Sam and Martouf!! However, TPTB went on to give an explanation about that RE scene. Again, I paraphrase. Sam had strong past feelings associated with Jolinar.
                      Yadda yadda yadda!!!

                      Well, I took that info and perceived it to mean that the
                      attempted kiss was understandable given Sam/Joinar's history with Martouf/Lantesh.
                      I walked away from this article relieved although a bit annoyed that TPTB did not develop that scene so we would not be here today analyzing it.

                      Please read that interview and tell me what you think about it!!
                      nell, if you have the interview, do you also have a scanner? i'd love to read what was said.

                      or, if you wouldn't mind, you could type of just that part of the article (relating to ripple effect). either way, i really want to read it!

                      thanks for passing this along... it's making me feel better.




                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        nell, if you have the interview, do you also have a scanner? i'd love to read what was said.

                        or, if you wouldn't mind, you could type of just that part of the article (relating to ripple effect). either way, i really want to read it!

                        thanks for passing this along... it's making me feel better.

                        sally, I didn't buy the magazine. But, gatetrixer is going to the bookstore soon and she will report back concerning the accuracy of my memory!! LOL!!


                          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                          Quick post. I have to leave in a few.

                          In light of the recent S/C anvils I wrote this.
                          Taking A Chance

                          This is my attempt at putting the Sam/Cam thing to rest...
                          (I have writing Sam/Cam. Characters who's names rhyme should NOT get together!!! It's WAY too cutesy!)
                          Read. Loved. Reviewed.

                          Anyway, apart from the obvious rhyming names thing, Sam and Cam should never get together for the simple reason that it would be just too easy to call them 'Scam'.
                          always and forever
                          My LJ
                          My History Website


                            Originally posted by anne87
                            Can I be horribly self promoting here and point out I've got a new chapter out

                            I somehow managed to mess up the sequel to bit while I was uploading (me, computers, going wrong? Never!), but the first part's
                            Fantastic fics, anne87.

                            A quick fic rec. It's called Over the Phone by Chezza. It's a sweet bit of fluff.
                            always and forever
                            My LJ
                            My History Website


                              General principles bump!

                              Back later! I'm catching up on several days of posts!


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                General principles bump!

                                Back later! I'm catching up on several days of posts!
                                OMG!!! I sooo love that pic!!! I mean I've seen the pic before but it looks like RDA signed it!!!! Is that Amanda tappings too? If so thats like a sighned S/J contract! hehe

