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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    This one look has united us into a family
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    WooHoo! Oh Yeah!

    I'll give you green on Tuesday. LOL I'm sounding like Wimpy in a Popeye cartoon! "I would gladly green you Tuesday for a Shippy post today."


      Okay - I had a terrific time here today but its getting late and I have class in the morning.

      Happy Valenship everyone!
      [Un]official Valenship Site!


        <sob!> I forgot all about Valenship day until it was too late and everybody's gone.

        Well, belated Happy Valenship to everybody here, and I hope you all had a good time. I loved reviewing all the artwork everybody posted, so thanks to you all!
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          I'ts time for me to go night-night, too. Sorry I couldn't be around more today but I enjoyed what I read.

          I'm feeling strangely optimistic about the ship right now. Several of our clever fellow shippers have posed interesting and thought provoking theories that could point toward possible satisfactory resolution. The possiblilty of RDA returning for the 200th is tantilizing and seductive. It is quite likely that AT and RDA will demand some sort of final closure for the ship. At least that is what is on the horizon in my little kingdom.

          Happy Valenship, everyone. May you all have the love you desire all through the year.


            Originally posted by Buc252
            <sob!> I forgot all about Valenship day until it was too late and everybody's gone.

            Well, belated Happy Valenship to everybody here, and I hope you all had a good time. I loved reviewing all the artwork everybody posted, so thanks to you all!
            (((Buc252))) Don't cry! Everyone will be dropping back by again, so if you have stuff go ahead and share.


              Originally posted by Buc252
              <sob!> I forgot all about Valenship day until it was too late and everybody's gone.

              Well, belated Happy Valenship to everybody here, and I hope you all had a good time. I loved reviewing all the artwork everybody posted, so thanks to you all!
              We're not all gone yet Buc. It's okay. (((Buc)))

              Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who shared their wonderful stuff today, it's all fabulous! ((((Shippers))))
              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                Originally posted by nell
                QUOTE CONTEST

                I was visiting an SG-1 site recently and came across quotes from the characters. Many were the famous, classic quotes that we instantly recognize the episode or at least we remember hearing the quote.

                Then there's this quote. I don't remember hearing it. A group of us were totally stumped. I started reading transcripts of episodes that I thought it might come from but no luck.

                I even wrote the site managers to confirm that it is a quote. But, no reply yet. So, does anyone recognize this quote???? The episode????

                "Jack (under his breath): "Whoa! Gotta love a Carter in leather!"
                General Hammond: "What was that, Jack?"
                Jack: "I said, ´nice eather´...Sir. Ahem, I´ll be in the commissary."
                Hi Nell - I was curious about this too, so I did a search. The place that I found it was on a forum under a "What is Jack thinking" thread. Maybe it was posted there and then someone thought it was an actual quote?
                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                  good morning


                  my imagination of LostCity


                    Awwww, I missed ValenShip thanks to all the shippers that participated and for those that didn't there is alway...

                    Easter Ship Day!!!!!!!

                    Well, at least I still have time to vote... I think that during these 8 years we have had Shippy quotes and Flirty quotes... when I was helping Flo out, looking for the quotes, there are so many that are so flirty... Squeeee I could not leave them out... so my favorite Shippy quote and my favorite flirty quote

                    Flirty quote

                    1 - Children of The Gods
                    Sam : You know, you really will like me when you get to know me.
                    Jack :Oh, I adore you already, Captain.

                    Shippy Quote

                    12 - Divide and Conquer
                    Jack : I didn’t leave… because I’d rather die than lose Carter.
                    Anise : Why ?
                    Jack : Because I care about her… a lot more than I’m supposed to.

                    Runner Up... everything that was said between them in BTS... that Sir at the end... the feelings... and then people ask... Ship? where is the Ship?

                    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                      Awwww, I missed ValenShip thanks to all the shippers that participated and for those that didn't there is alway...

                      Easter Ship Day!!!!!!!
                      Easter Ship Day. Cool! Looking forward to that one already. I think Easter is the middle of April this year, so only 2 months to go!

                      Thank you SSHSOT
                      always and forever
                      My LJ
                      My History Website


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        I feel bad for the Weir and Shephard thread, they're trying to explain out
                        John/Thalan comment
                        . I guess TPTB are not having fun making us miserable any more and aiming at a new group.
                        wasn't there a
                        kiss for weir/shep in friday's ep? so you're telling me that the ptb gave those shippers a gift, then literally took it away with hints of teyla/shep ship? JEEZ!

                        btw, i'm not a fan of either ship because i don't watch the show. but shippers stick together!

                        (((atlantis shippers)))




                          HAPPY SAM/JACK VALENTINES DAY!




                            thank you for this pic, michelle!

                            any photo experts out there know how to lighten this pic up, and focus on their lips? please




                              Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                              Awwww, I missed ValenShip thanks to all the shippers that participated and for those that didn't there is always...

                              Easter Ship Day!!!!!!!
                              OMG ! You're telling me we now have to prepare another Ship event ?

                              Just kidding ! It's always a great pleasure to see that you can bring some happiness to the shippers just with a little work (but if the new SSHSOT recruits could take my place for the next one, it would be greatly appreciated... )
                              When we first thought about those mini-Ship Days, our intention was to bring back a happy shippy feeling to the Shipper Family. I hope we have succeeded.
                              Just look at all this shipperific creativity ! It's amazing !

                              I've noted all the votes for the 'Favorite Shippy Quote' poll. I will count them when I come back home and announce the results in this thread (though I can guess which one will be the winner... )

                              Thanks to everyone who participated to Valenship ! It wouldn't have been possible without you !

                              (((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))

                              PS : Easter Ship Day... Sam and Jack + chocolate... Oooh, interesting !
                              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                I have a fic, called Sometimes You Just Know, on, which is supposedly part of my Valenship contribution (except its angsty). I had some feedback expressing some disappointment that I hadn't mentioned that there was character death in it, so I'm mentioning it now.
                                k, just read the fic.

                                fix it. please



