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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I think that'd be the easiest one to do, as I've already got most of the clips I'd need Plus it'd be quite shippy

    I don't have a new phone yet sadly, but I'll let you know when I do
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      to misstweedledee:yes -I think it´s a good year for shippin´ around a looooooot
      Last edited by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP; 05 February 2006, 12:04 PM.

      I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

      O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
      CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
      O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


        Hello to all my old shipper buddies and I see several newbies that I don't know here. I thought I'd cross-post this vid on both ship lists. It has been up a few weeks but I haven't had time to read at GW at all so if you've already seen it, I apologize in advance

        "Far Away" by Nickelback

        on the S/J page. Enjoy!
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Hey Marimba

          Long time no see
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by meimei
            Wow!! I haven't been over here in a while and you guys still remembered!! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

            I know I've been bad in my Shipperly duties by not writing anything lately but I'm running full steam into novel writing. Joined Romance Writers of America, a local chapter and an online chapter called Passionate Ink (for writers of erotica...) From what I've found out, most of my S/J ships count as erotica! LOL! I just thought they were smut!

            I have two conferences I'll be attending in the next few months, one in Dallas and one in Atlanta. I have the support of my two writer friends, Elle James and Delilah Devlin, and they will be at the same conferences. Elle writes mainstream romance and has three books coming out from Harlequin Intrigue this year. Delilah is a writer of romantica (romantic erotica) and just had another ebook released on Ellora's Cave this week. She's got tons there and more in the works, both print and ebooks.

            So as you can see, between the day job and the night job of writing... I've been a very bad shipper. I occasionally lurk to see what you are all up to but don't have time to hang out like I used to! I miss you all! Mostly, I miss Jack and Sam on SG1! *sigh*

            Thanks again for remembering me! Know I haven't forgotten the Shipper Family! You got me started writing seriously!
            Wow, seems like a family reunion around her these days! Tame, MeiMei, DipsofJazz, Buc252, ses110...and the list goes on! Happy belated b-day, MeiMei! Kind of glad I decided to troll over here today--it's good to see all of you again!
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by sueKay
              OT - Tracy - how was France???

              Good to see you back
              It was ok, thanks. Glad and relieved to be back. Missed all you guys like crazy. See my LiveJournal for pics etc.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Hey Marimba

                Long time no see
                And how could I leave you off the list? Shame on me! Good to see you too
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Me too. I was on the Delphi forum with you all, and then the excitement of moving here. If you look in the shipper archive you'll see the excitement of waiting for new episodes and talking about the shippy moments. You'll also see the thread implode because of episodes such as 'Affinity'! It's a lot of fun to read through, if you have a spare few months to get through it!
                  Same here. I am not the most comp. literate and was not happy to change - at the time. I liked Delphi - love GW - ranting or shiping - a good place to be.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by Pacific Jack
                    Regarding the remainder of season 9 and the upcoming season 10.

                    I think, despite what has happened so far, that there will be a successful resolution of the Sam and Jack affair IF RDA commits to an appearance next season. I don't yet know how they will resolve the situation created in RE, but I think it will happen. At least I hope so. If they don't get any solid committment from RDA it wont happen. The producers are in the process of storyboarding the entire season now. They can't wait too long on this issue. If RDA doesn't commit who do you think they will ultimately ship Sam with? They have to with someone because she was definitely with a significant other in all the AU's and I don't think they will disregard this thread. After Jack, she seemed to be closest with Marty. Will they transfer him from one of the unused AU's to be with her? What do you all think?
                    I'm desperately trying to catch up with all I've missed lately, while I also await RDA's appearance in the MasterCard commercial on the Super Bowl today. Pacific Jack, I agree with you that
                    there will ultimately be a happy resolution for our favorite pair. As to the almost kiss with Martouf in 9.14, I don't think it will be resolved or discussed. Like so many other disturbing moments, it will simply never be referred to again. If TPTB can't figure out a way to explain something, they ignore it.....every chance they get.

                    That being said, I also agree with someone else who said that the references to Sam's personal life in RE did mean something. Even thought they wouldn't come out and say it was Jack, it was. In every AU we've ever experienced, Sam and Jack have been together. Why should these AUs be any different? I also believe that Sam and Jack are together now. Threads, Moebius, Ex Deus Machina and Beachhead all gave us strong hints. I think the almost kiss with Martouf was latent Jolinar combined with Sam's guilt over killing our Marty, plus the emotions that must have been generate by the appearance of so many SG-1s. I'm going to ignore it. It was a bad move by PDL....just like the Sam and Cam elevator scene that got axed.

                    Our ship lives. It is one of the primary and enduring themes of the show, and I think RDA will do right by the fans and come back to wrap up the story.....or launch some direct to DVD movies. And has it occurred to anyone else that all this angst over Jack being gone and the dissing of him by other actors could instead be part of a big publicity plot aimed at keeping fans on edge until RDA is ready to work give the movies a boost? I'm just sayin.'


                      Glad to hear you had a good time Tracy

                      Marimba - LOL yeah it's getting that way! Loving the new banner
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        Hello to all my old shipper buddies and I see several newbies that I don't know here. I thought I'd cross-post this vid on both ship lists. It has been up a few weeks but I haven't had time to read at GW at all so if you've already seen it, I apologize in advance


                        "Far Away" by Nickelback

                        on the S/J page. Enjoy!
                        Hello stranger! It's been a long time since you visited here....don't make it so long the next time! More vids...woohoo! We can never have too many shippy vids. Thanks Marimba.


                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Wow, seems like a family reunion around her these days! Tame, MeiMei, DipsofJazz, Buc252, ses110...and the list goes on! Happy belated b-day, MeiMei! Kind of glad I decided to troll over here today--it's good to see all of you again!
                          We should have a party...with cake!


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                            I'm desperately trying to catch up with all I've missed lately, while I also await RDA's appearance in the MasterCard commercial on the Super Bowl today. Pacific Jack, I agree with you that
                            there will ultimately be a happy resolution for our favorite pair. As to the almost kiss with Martouf in 9.14, I don't think it will be resolved or discussed. Like so many other disturbing moments, it will simply never be referred to again. If TPTB can't figure out a way to explain something, they ignore it.....every chance they get.

                            That being said, I also agree with someone else who said that the references to Sam's personal life in RE did mean something. Even thought they wouldn't come out and say it was Jack, it was. In every AU we've ever experienced, Sam and Jack have been together. Why should these AUs be any different? I also believe that Sam and Jack are together now. Threads, Moebius, Ex Deus Machina and Beachhead all gave us strong hints. I think the almost kiss with Martouf was latent Jolinar combined with Sam's guilt over killing our Marty, plus the emotions that must have been generate by the appearance of so many SG-1s. I'm going to ignore it. It was a bad move by PDL....just like the Sam and Cam elevator scene that got axed.

                            Our ship lives. It is one of the primary and enduring themes of the show, and I think RDA will do right by the fans and come back to wrap up the story.....or launch some direct to DVD movies. And has it occurred to anyone else that all this angst over Jack being gone and the dissing of him by other actors could instead be part of a big publicity plot aimed at keeping fans on edge until RDA is ready to work give the movies a boost? I'm just sayin.'

                            This is my words


                              Hello everyone !
                              Welcome to the newbies : SAM&JACKquietschSHIP, anne87... and I'm sure I've forgotten someone... sorry

                              And welcome back to the 'older' posters ! We missed you !
                              Since we're talking about the good old times, do you remember nearly one year ago when the shippers made GW explode when Threads aired in UK ? It was fun !
                              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                We should have a party...with cake!
                                Cake !!!

                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

