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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    That's not what I remember. There was a red badge for those who had watched every episode of season eight. Or was that another reward? I'm getting confused in my old age!!!!
    Originally posted by Mala50
    As for the Shipper Badge of Courage, it was free for the taking if you got RED dinged...
    There were medals for surviving the episodes. We need Token here, as she remembers all these things.


      Originally posted by dexterav
      Prometheus is ugly, but ROMANTIC SHIP (Grace)

      I still shiver when I think about RDA in this ep!

      Last edited by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP; 05 February 2006, 09:16 AM.

      I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

      O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
      CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
      O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


        WELCOME SAM&JACKquietschSHIP!!!!!

        (and hi to misstweedledee...I can see you lurking )
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by majorsal
          i thought rick looked *great*!

          i just luuuuuv seeing him smile too... *sighs dreamily*


          I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

          O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
          CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
          O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


            Originally posted by sueKay
            WELCOME SAM&JACKquietschSHIP!!!!!

            (and hi to misstweedledee...I can see you lurking )

            I think I won´t be able to read the whole thread but I read the ship-posts here for some time now and thought I might add some shippy thoughts
            -since more optimistic ship is needed obviously

            I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

            O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
            CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
            O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


              Originally posted by SAM&JACKquietschSHIP

              I think I won´t be able to read the whole thread but I read the ship-posts here for some time now and thought I might add some shippy thoughts
              -since more optimistic ship is needed obviously

              morale little low

              only optimistic S&J


                hey, welcome to the forum SAM&JACKquietschSHIP! ur name is really fun! now if only i could find a way to abbreviate it...

                yes, optimism is much needed here (i would say that's why we've got the other thread, but not sure how that would go over...)

                even sam's sad. (from grace bc i love that ep too )
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  In times like these we all need a little ship I guess..?

                  Today i wondered ,if we not could create some line like the punks do:"PUNKS NOT DEAD"

                  ---->"SHIP´s NOT DEAD"

                  *hoping hoping hoping*

                  is it possible that sam and jack maybe are already engaged ?
                  I wouldn´t like it at all!!-I mean-would LOVE it -but would feel betrayed by writers!!...
         :"Ooooooh! Yes,yes, the ARE a couple-you simply couln´t see it on screen"

                  Also thought
                  (MG so much thinking about TVcharacters...Sally Reeve´s fault **g**):
                  And there was this woman with curled hair who asked Jack why he and Sam arn´t together - since it´s clearly sparking between them on everything-
                  I felt like she was speaking ship-prophetic there...
                  we all kknow it-even Selmac knew whyyyyyyyyyy?

                  PS.:was tere ever some kind of talk between jack and selmac...llike..:
                  Selmac: Jack,we have to talk..
                  Jack:Great !About...?
                  Selmac: Sam


                  maybe just false memory....some past life/AR brain maybe

                  I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                  O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                  CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                  O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                    Yes optimism.
                    Only options in this time is waiting for next step from TPTB (meaning next epi).
                    IMO time for resolve this RS is close, i hope at the end 9. season i'll have in my face REALY BIG SMILE
                    For this time, helping little pic from past (1. - 8. season and fanfic)
                    and epi 9.06, 9.07
                    timing, and not exactly
                    , because i am not believe that RS is gone.
                    S&J TOGETHER


                      For those of you outside the states who don't know this; the US mint is designing and releasing special state quarters (25 cents) for all 50 states. If you look closely at the state quarter for Minnesota, it has a common loon (big water bird) in the foreground, and two people in a fishing boat in the background. Under further inspection under magnification, you will note that the man standing in front of the boat looks suspiciously like Jack O'Neill and the woman in back; with the wide brim hat, has the form of one Sam Carter... .... Can anyone here post a photo or link of this 'shipper' state quarter???.... ...........E PLURIBUS UNIM= in 'ship we trust'


                        Just thought I'd say hi - been lurking for a few months and am taking the plunge and posting for the first time (so apologies for any glaring or not-so-glaring mistakes in anything I do).

                        As I only get terrestrial UK TV (we're only on season eight) I've been addictively reading spoilers on this thread for season 9 - wish canon would stop scaring me even if you lot on this thread can get the tiniest bit of optimism from anything, and I mean anything.
                        The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.

                        Stargate is not an obsession. I can give it up anytime I want!


                          Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                          yes, optimism is much needed here (i would say that's why we've got the other thread, but not sure how that would go over...)
                          even sam's sad. (from grace bc i love that ep too )

                          poor Sam!
                          maybe a shippy song could help?

                          I’m gone fishing
                          I got me a line
                          Nothing I do is gonna make the difference
                          So I’m taking the time

                          And you ain’t never gonna be happy
                          Anyhow, anyway
                          So I’m gone fishing
                          And I’m going today

                          I’m gone fishing
                          Sounds crazy I know
                          I know nothing about fishing
                          But just watch me go

                          And when the time has come
                          I will look back and see
                          Peace on the shoreline
                          That could have been me

                          You can waste a whole lifetime
                          Trying to be
                          What you think is expected of you
                          But you’ll never be free

                          May as well go fishing
                          (=found it accidental ..)

                          I`d rather died myself...than loose Carter

                          O'NEILL: Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                          CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ...
                          O'NEILL: I wouldn't be here.


                            welcome all new shippers S&J


                              Welcome Anne. Lovely to see new faces.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                The red badge of courage was for people that had been given red rep from the red dinger. Some folks were out to get us, but we stuck together and survived.

                                Gee that takes me back… I used to post all the time in the S/J thread and I can remember getting dinged because I said N***m was fat. Dashes back to the RDA Thunk Thread and waits for the hail of red…

                                DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                                WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.

