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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    *hops in*

    *waves to some, huggles some, tackle huggles others...smooches Jack*

    I'm home again! for three days

    Going to find out today if laptop is fixed*crosses fingers* if so I probably can make something for shipday tomorrow! Otherwise I'll just join y'all in the squee'ing process

    Homecoming present!



      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      *hops in*

      *waves to some, huggles some, tackle huggles others...smooches Jack*

      I'm home again! for three days

      Going to find out today if laptop is fixed*crosses fingers* if so I probably can make something for shipday tomorrow! Otherwise I'll just join y'all in the squee'ing process

      Homecoming present!


      Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here's something for the gutter queen

      Bedroom's that way...

      I want you here. NOW.

      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


        Originally posted by Kirdy_Mulder View Post
        Great timing!! The more the merrier on Ship Day!!!

        Aaaaargh, I'm so excited about tomorrow...

        *Runs through the thread nekkid, screaming some incoherent things about Ship Day*

        Welcome Samantha.Majka!!
        I hope that my grandmother will let me be on PC in the night. Because the time difference is awfull . And I am excited too :-)
        Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
        / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

          Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here's something for the gutter queen

          Brilliant! The gutter kings like this kind of thing too ya know. Never hold back, Devilish.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            omg omg omg omg


            *runz around in circles*

            I'm sooooo exicteeeeeeeeddddd!!!!!!!!!


            WELCOME TO THE TREAD SAMATHA.MAJKA!!!! *I think I know you from youtube*

            WELCOME BACK Mrs Caldwell *HUGGGGS*
            Hey, thanks. I think I know you from youtube too. You make great videos.
            Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
            / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


              Alan. I tried to resist the gutter but soooo not succeeding!!!

              Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
              Hey, thanks. I think I know you from youtube too. You make great videos.
              Thank you!!!! There's going to be three new ones tomorrow!!! Thee-hee

              IT'S SHIP DAYYYYY PEOPLE!!!!


              Okay I'm gonna stop spamming the thread.

              Edit: I mean it's ship day tomorrow... Although it feels like it started already.
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                I hope that my grandmother will let me be on PC in the night. Because the time difference is awfull . And I am excited too :-)
                I live in Europe too, so time difference here too... but that won't stop me to join the celebrations...

                My fanfic link (adult content!)



                  Originally posted by Kirdy_Mulder View Post
                  I live in Europe too, so time difference here too... but that won't stop me to join the celebrations...

                  Me too! but I won't be able to be there in the morning ...something about me getting a "jetlag" (I woke up at 12 in the noon today) ...normal time for me... Mom and dad found it too late!

                  So I'll be there in the european morning for the festivities...

                  Laptop wasn't repaired btw...they had to send it back to the factory for a new blu-ray drive! (but I forget to say that before they do that I want it back! at least for the 3 days and to back-up everything)

                  EDIT: And couch s$x ...niiiiiiiiiice Although it musn't be too good for Jack's ...legs...except for one Gotta love the fishing pole! ...for fishing....and catching a fish with it..


                  Oh oh ...and really important thing(which just got me distracted) I got one of my own WP's I made, signed with a signature from Joe Flanigan(Sheppy) *dies from happiness*
                  Last edited by starlover; 27 July 2009, 05:09 AM.


                    Originally posted by Kirdy_Mulder View Post
                    I live in Europe too, so time difference here too... but that won't stop me to join the celebrations...

                    What a resolve ! I will be here too.

                    And one question for everybody :

                    Are you fans of ship RepliSam / Jack ? I wrote one fanfiction with this ship . And I love the idea. :-) I don´t know if this topic was discussed here .
                    Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                    / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      You make a good point, trupi. That darker, grittier feeling may be what they're after, because of BSG. But I did five years of that...and I'm ready for something now to dark and gritty, myself!
                      What concerns me is that they think they can write a series emphasizing character moments using their usual writers. Remember, this is the same group that that wrote the characters and their relationships for Atlantis, for which they've taken some criticism (McKay/Keller). I really like the lack of aliens, though.

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      I went to wraithfodder's blog to check on the progress from Comic Con. There's a lot of info there...more than I want to plow through on this Sunday evening. But so far, I haven't found any record of anyone asking about the third SG-1 movie. I found only one thing about two members of the SG-1 cast (who are of special interest to thie thread) and SGU that I thought some of you might want to know.

                      It's not really much of a spoiler...but I'll put it in spoilers anyway:

                      "Wright told the crowd that Amanda Tapping would be in the pilot and that Richard Dean Anderson would be 'appearing sporadically throughout the season.'"

                      I can't imagine the entire weekend has gone by without one question to TPTB about the 3rd SG-1 movie...or the SGA movie.
                      I can't, either. Something's up. Let's hope its the SGA movie that's causing them to keep quiet about everything (if I have to pick one, I'm going with the SG-1 movie). I've always felt they'll officially announce both of them at the same time and until they're sure which way its going to go with that movie, they'll hold off on talking about either of them. Meanwhile, someone on the third movie thread posted that BB has "heard" about a movie this fall, so that's positive. I don't think he'd mention it if he wasn't sure he was in it, since there's always been a question about his involvement, so he must have spoken with a PTB. By contrast, some of the SGA actors have said there is no SGA movie.

                      Hopefully, leiasky will have something to report.
                      Last edited by VSS; 27 July 2009, 08:39 AM.


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                        Alan. I tried to resist the gutter but soooo not succeeding!!!
                        Well I for one am very glad to hear that your not succeeding, Devilish. Sam and Jack are much better for it.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Hey ship family! Quick flyby; I'm supposed to be working.

                          Well said!

                          (Although, to be pedantic, he's talking about the character of Hammond and not DSD. However since Hammond's 2008 death was necessitated by the sad passing of the real life man behind him, it amounts to the same. So, yes, kick the bucket is... hmm, well, there are better euphemisms for death you could use. )

                          RIP Don S Davis. Every time I see you in a scene I feel a little bit sad you're no longer with us.

                          Amanda! That ficlet was.... oooh I love the angst! The thing is, I love angst when they are together at the end; so many other places angst can come from without them having to split up. Although, it does raise some interesting thoughts as I can imagine it would not all be smooth sailing after so long and in such a different kind of relationship. How do they adapt from CO/Subordinate to being equals? How do they deal with the long distance thing? What about if they have different ideas of the future (i.e. she wants marriage kids etc. and he wants to just fish)? So many rich little veins of angst from which you can draw from.
                          Vitrual greesn for the ficlet though... dammit why is my fridge always locked.

                          Urgh, there's not a snowball's chance in hell I'll be up that early... although, we're BST here at the moment so *does math* add an hour... I think (I can never remember how it goes). However, given my rampant insomnia at the moment, there's a distinct possibility I might still be up from the night before.
                          Expect me to show up some time around half way through and shower you with goodies.

                          Funnily enough, back in my X File heyday I wrote a X Philes anonymous ficlet. I might have to redo that for Stargate.

                          Well at least you have good company. I have to make do with hubby rolling his eyes and me assuring him that it's all just fun for me... "honest it is, darling"...
                          In fairness I don't take it anywhere near as seriously as I did my XF obsession and he does make me watch the same half dozen war films over and over and over so all's fair and all that.

                          Yay for the coasters. So, can you dial up P3X595 from them? I want to ask the natives in person what actually happened there.
                          Thanks Yup I can see them having some trouble, mostly because we know he doesn't like to talk about feeling feelings, and I think after a while she really would need to hear those 3 very important words, and if he never said them, and even though his actions proved that he loved her, how would she actually know that?

                          Woohoo!! *waits impatiently for Cags goodies*

                          Do it!!
                          Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                          Hello shippers.Greetings from fan from the Czech Republic. I will try to be here on Tuesday .. I would like to be a part of Sam / Jack ship celebration :-) I am a new member here. I am big shipper :-)

                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          "Cald... well?" Nope, doesn't ring a bell Welcome back

                          I'm kind of excited about ship day but, historically, these days freak me out. I like to feel in control and when the pages whiz by so fast... I always tell myself I will catch up but I never do. Sigh.
                          Oh same here! It freaks me out when I miss like 4 pages on here But a lot of pages is a sign that the ship is in fact still alive!

                          Originally posted by melanell View Post
                          Yay! Ship Day Eve!

                          Hey, whaddya know, I live in Nowhere, PA, too. And I'll be fast asleep when this all starts, so I'll have 578 pages to look at when I wake up in the morning!
                          No way! Cool!
                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          *hops in*

                          *waves to some, huggles some, tackle huggles others...smooches Jack*

                          I'm home again! for three days

                          Going to find out today if laptop is fixed*crosses fingers* if so I probably can make something for shipday tomorrow! Otherwise I'll just join y'all in the squee'ing process

                          Homecoming present!

                          Okay so every time you leave and come back in, can you post that as a "homecoming present" :

                          Glad your back safely Jann!

                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                          Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here's something for the gutter queen

                          I told you they wouldn't have been able to make it to the bedroom!!

                          Oh and about Jack letting her go, he actally did once, in 2010 *sniffs*

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            Okay so every time you leave and come back in, can you post that as a "homecoming present" :

                            Glad your back safely Jann!
                            Thankies! and I can it's already bad that I give myself homecoming presents


                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Aw come on Sally, Sam didn't even get hurt
                              Didn't she trip over the curb and scrape her elbow on the way to the store??? So Jack has to kiss her elbow and make it better???

                              Originally posted by melanell View Post
                              I was thinking the exact same thing!!
                              Me too.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                Didn't she trip over the curb and scrape her elbow on the way to the store??? So Jack has to kiss her elbow and make it better???
                                Poor Jack...only her elbow

                                I thought he would continue and kiss her on other places too!!!

