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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Happy 4th of July to all our US Shippers. Of course, it may now be the 5th of July depending on what part of the world you're from.

    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    *laughing like crazy* Hubby got his fishing license in the mail yesterday. I burst out laughing. Couldn't help myself.
    No wonder you're so happy!

    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
    We interrupt your Shipping for a moment of Shameless Self-Promotion....

    I was sifting through my photobucket album again and stumbled on a video I made a while back that I don't even remember making.... It's got all the must-haves for a shippy video, and a couple of things had me laughing my tail off, so I though I'd share it here again, since I know there's a lot of relatively new Shippers who probably haven't seen it.

    Somebody To Love, music by Queen. Enjoy!

    You may now resume your regularly scheduled Shipping, already in progress.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Up next on the stroll... Gemini!

      Two Carters? If only...

      RepliCarter manipulates Sam, and uses Jack as the pivot point.

      Jack is the only one she hesitates to shoot...

      Then RepliCarter calls Sam out on her denial of her own deepest desires...

      RepliCarter gets away, and Sam blames herself...

      Though Jack tries to keep her from doing so; he feels the burden of blame just as deeply as she...
      Love and hot fudge,
      Bren Ren
      My stories!



        And now, the Shipfest of It's Good to be King!

        I love this ep for all the Ship metaphors.. follow me, you'll see what I mean...

        Jack gets to go off world to visit the Ship...

        Tight quarters on board the Ship...

        The Ship isn't quite working right... Only Sam can fix it now!

        Oh, and Sam grabs Jack's sidearm! Woo Hoo!

        Some lovely Sam and Jack closeness...

        She begs him for a chance to save the Ship, and of course, he can't refuse her the opportunity...

        Sam needs a little more time to save the Ship...

        So Jack buys it for her as best he can...

        Also, a line in here I can't find a cap for:
        DANIEL: "Yeah, I’m all for saving the Ship but you could be kinda close. " Well, let's see: we're near the end of season eight, we know Jack's not coming back for nine, Sam's still involved with that *Other* person... Yeah, I'd say they're cuttin' it kinda close!

        Sam fixes the Ship in the nick of time... Foreshadowing Threads, maybe?

        Jack blows up the Big Bad Mothership! (bye bye, !)

        Having saved the day, and the Ship, Sam and Jack enjoy some flirting over flowers! Oh, hey, I know where those flowers came from! King Harry's new brides' bouquets! You know what that means!
        Love and hot fudge,
        Bren Ren
        My stories!



          Next stop, Citizen Joe...

          Some lovely phone flirting...

          Sam, meet Joe, he's a big fan of yours!

          Joe: Nice to meet ya, now about that whole business...
          Jack can't stop him fast enough, can he?! lol
          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Okay, the ep we've all been waiting for has arrived: Threads!

            This one is so big, I'm going to break it up into a couple of posts...

            Right from the very first words: "Previously on Stargate: SG1:", we're told that this episode is all about the Ship!

            We proceed into a series of flashbacks:

            Something we can't discuss, given our ranks, military regulations...

            Oh, *that*...

            Oh, the Angst!

            Because I care about her... a lot more than I'm supposed to...

            Jacob, telling her she deserves more...

            The awkward elevator scene, where she tells him she's seeing someone else...

            And a shot I won't post of handing her the ring...

            And that's just the opening moments of the show!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              Threads continued...

              Sam sees Jack flirting with someone who isn't her...

              She's more than a little disturbed...

              Waiting for Daniel to interrupt them again...

              Sam nervously introduces to Dad...

              Dad is not impressed.

              Sam knows this could have gone better...

              Jack takes an early call from Sam, interrupting his night in bed with the CIA...

              Sam takes a call from during an important briefing on the state of the union with the Jaffa...

              Jack tells her to go pick flowers with her fiance... but the smile just doesn't quite reach his eyes, does it?

              Meanwhile, Sam's miffed at Dad's meddlesome behavior...

              To be continued...
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                Threads continued...

                Sam just can't quite get into the wedding planning thing...

                And when he buys her a house, she starts to realize just how big a mistake she's making...

                Cue Shippy Music! She goes to Jack's house to talk to him about it, but it takes her a while to work up her courage...

                She finally goes to talk to him about the mistake she's making...

                But Jack doesn't know how to take her visit, especially since he's not alone...

                Sam gets called away to tend to her dying father...

                Who tells her she can still have everything she needs to be truly happy...

                To be continued yet again... You know, I can understand how they felt when they decided they couldn't cut the episode down to fit it into the normal one-hour slot...
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  Threads Concluded!

                  Whilst Sam is trying to convince Dad that she's really happy...

                  Jack is getting dumped by his girlfriend... who has a solution to the regs standing between them: just resign from the Air Force and run the SGC as a civillian!

                  Jack is there for her when her father is on his death bed...

                  He promises he'll *always* be there for her.

                  As Dad passes, Jack is overcome with emotion...

                  Sam breaks off her engagement...

                  A moment of briefing room closeness...


                  Windows around the world shatter from the force of the Shippers' SQUEES!!!!
                  Love and hot fudge,
                  Bren Ren
                  My stories!




                    Everyone's favorite hand touching moment that never happened...

                    Some closeness on board the puddle jumper as Sam warns Jack about messing up the timeline...

                    The last time we see the real, unaltered Sam and Jack...

                    AlterShip Kissage!

                    You've got *packin'* to do...

                    She's just a little nervous...

                    Not that there's anything to be nervous about! It's just FISHING!!!

                    And they lived Shippily ever after...
                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      And now, the fast but fun stuff... Season Nine!

                      First, in Avalon, Sam's quite happy at R&D, spending time with the ones she loves...

                      Sam's reluctant but graceful return in Beach Head...

                      She manages to tag-team with Jack for a great entrance!

                      And in Ex Deus Machina...

                      She's thinking of Jack when Barrett asks if she's single...

                      Not exactly...
                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        And on with Season Nine... Ripple Effect...

                        All these AlterSams, but no AlterJack to be found.... what a shame!

                        Sam has a "What was I thinking?!?" moment with Martouf...

                        We learn, courtesy of Janet (yay Janet!), that one AlterSam is on her honeymoon (with Jack, of course!) and another AlterSam is on maternity leave (with Jack again, of course!)
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          And now, our Shippy Conclusion!


                          Sam and Jack get married! Woo Hoo!!

                          Sam likes the wedding scenario...

                          Jack thinks they hit a little too close to home...

                          One more moment of Gateroom Flirting... And Sam has a definite "cat who ate the canary" look about her...

                          Thanks Mala!

                          And they really do live Shippily Ever After!

                          And the series may have ended, but the Sip lives on, as we see a little momento from home tucked in with Sam's luggage on Atlantis...

                          Thank you again for joining me on my stroll down Ship Memory Lane! As always, it's been a blast!

                          I'm off to celebrate Independence Day now! Happy Fourth!
                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Thanks Bren! That was great *dies in a puddle of Sam and Jack shippy-forever-ness*

                            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                              It's the 4th of July!!! :: waves a flag, shoots a firework, seriously injures self in process... ::

                              Today is a great day to review Heroes A wonderfully pro-US military episode with a strong ship element and the angst that we all know and love (um, you know, those of us that dwell in the cavern of angst).

                              Amanda: Haha, now I have a song stuck in your head. I love Dido

                              sg-1fanintn - Your s/n showed up in my dream last night, but on a vanity license plate. Then apparently you had a car in Oklahoma because there was a car with the license plate sg-1fninok.
                              LOL! Been there, but never had a car registered there.

                     screen name on a vanity tag. Hmmmmm....


                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                Thanks Bren! That was great *dies in a puddle of Sam and Jack shippy-forever-ness*
                                I am inspired to make more ship day things!

