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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nickatell
    You know I was thinking yet again about I think the episode was "Sacrifices"
    when Jack tells Sam that he "wouldn't be here", at first I thought well if Sam took this in a good way how could she have accepted Pete's proposal, so I then thought that Sam had to have taken this in a bad way; but now thinking it over I wonder if Sam did take it in a good way but the fact that Jack was doing nothing about it in a positive way to change anything, this is why she accepted the proposal, does this make any sense? I don't know I guess after watching this show for so long I still have trouble swallowing the fact that she accepted Pete's proposal (I don't mean this in a mean way suggesting that it is all Sams fault, I mean it as what the heck were TPTB thinking to have come up with this idea). Just like in "Threads" when Jacob is dying I honestly don't think that his conversations with Sam would have been so vague about her happiness. To me this was the time for him to speak his mind and let her know that to settle with Pete would be wrong when her heart really belongs to Jack and that by her not letting rules stand in her way she wouldn't be letting him down or anyone else.
    I don't know just thoughts floating through my head.

    I also think that Sam
    accepted Pete's proposal because Jack did nothing ..He was torn but he didn't tell her to not marry the guy ..exactly like Mac accepted Brumby's proposal in JAG was for the same reasons ..just because the real love one didn't say anything to stop it to happen even if both men Jack and Harm were seriously devastated about the whole thing . Mac even questioned Harm telling him ..Do you expect me to stay single for the rest of my life ??? so it 's obvious that some women may want some company and if they don't get the one they really want ..then they will settle for second best ...Pete was still a nice guy according to Sam same as Brumby was a nice guy according to mac ..None of them did say that they loved their future husbands. They only accepted the proposal because both men were madly in love with them ...and for them it was nice to feel really wanted and to get some kind of a life before they get too old specially if they want kids and we both know that Sam and Mac wanted kids or at least are very maternal .

    Last edited by Catysg1; 09 December 2005, 03:40 PM.


      Originally posted by ranchan2
      I guess I'm a minority here in that I'm not angry with the writers and their vagueness with Jack/Sam. Still, I can understand everyone's frustration. There is another show I watch where the couple I want to get together isn't together and it has really put me off the show. And this show is only in its sophomore year, so I haven't been waiting that long. I still watch it, but my interest is greatly decreased. For some reason, I just don't feel that way with SG1.
      I suppose I'm quite fickle (unintentionally). How frustrated I am with the writers depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Sometimes I can accept that Sam & Jack have been together since the end of Threads and I don't actually need to see anything on screen to justify this. But sometimes I think that we had to put up with an 8 year wait (while both characters were still around) and the general ickiness that was , so we deserve to see sam/Jack RST on screen.

      Welcome to the thread by the way!
      always and forever
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        Originally posted by nickatell
        Pittsburghgirl right again. Like you said to, what exactly does "always" mean? With her answer of "for being here for me", his "always" could mean... Don't worry Sam I'll "always" have your back, Don't worry Sam whatever you do in your life I'll "always" be here for you, or I will "always" be there for you because I will "always" love you. "Always" certainly doesn't move us forward because all us shippers knew this already. I guess like you have said neither of these two episodes moved us forward, they pretty much brought us back to where we were or I should say where they were.
        I agree with you, but there is the way he said "Always." It definitely sounded romantic and with a depth of emotion. Of course, the anti-shippers would not hear it that way.


          Your right Sally.We should do something.I choose to not watch the Show anymore until we get some Sam/Jack Ship.IMO the worst thing a Shipper can do is to continue to watch the Show everyweek and hope for the best.I really hope the ratings are bad for the 2nd half of Season 9.TPTB would probably deny it had anything to do with Shippers not watching the Show.Every Shipper has the right to continue to watch the Show but IMO this Show is lousy and holds no interest for me.


            Excellent point pittsburghgirl.Many times TPTB made Sam and Jack look bad by not showing them having an Adult conversation and Threads made Jacob really look bad.Does anyone really think Jacob would talk to Sam in codes while he is on his Deathbed? Sam also did not look good playing dumb to her Dying Father either.I never really though about it until now.Some of the writters and members of TPTB better hope this Show lasts a long time because they may have trouble finding work elsewhere.Unless they go work for a show that has only Robots and no People.


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              BRAVO for that post SES ..You said it right ..Pathetic how Tptb use Sam for kissing other men !!! It was alright at the beginning because she was not with Jack romantically but Now as we know they are ..or aren't they !!! *scratches head* they really should find somebody else to kiss the other men specially Mac Kay .I mean you can have a crush on someone but after a while it disappears and if Mac Kay has still a crush on Sam ..I 'm even wondering if he had sex with anybody else since season whatever when he was following her around like a little puppy dog

              He needs to find himself a nice little local woman frrom the next village in Atlantis let's Sam do her job and make sure he understands that she is with Jack .

              You know I have never seen a TPTB playing the shippers that badly in a show ..specially if Sam and Jack are supposed to be RST now ...In fact they seem to portrait that being in a relationship in not worth mentioning because it's boring ..well we can see they are only men in the writers section .....

              .......Ask any women to wrote a RST episode and I'm sure they 'll make it worth watching without the romance taking over the episode . What is wrong with showing 2 people in love on screen ?!! and as you said Vala can be the damsel in distress next for everybody to rescue and kiss .

              ..and to the shipmas team , I 'll be around a week on Sunday to take part for a while

              Speaking of Sam with other men, Ascension was on tonight. Did anyone watch to see Sam being "intimate" with Orlin as supposedly she admitted to Landry? All I remember from that episode is the two of them all glowy together, guess that was intimacy ala ST-TMP.


                Gatetrixer - I think that that, more than anything is the comment that's irked me more than any other ship related comment EVER

                Sam and Orlin were not 'intimate' in that sense
       was just TPTB as usual 'sexing' everything up for the male demographic...they think that by making it look like Sam's 'been about' that the new you male demographic will 'like' her. Disgusting.
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Problem is, Caty. I have a feeling they've introduced Vala to please us S/J shippers. If you remember, they used to have a kind of ship rota.

                  Week 1: Sam + Character of the Week
                  Week 2: Daniel + Character of the Week
                  Week 3: Sam + Character of the Week
                  Week 4: Jack + Character of the Week
                  Week 5: Sam + Character of the Week

                  Repeat as necessary

                  Once Jack left however, it was left as
                  Daniel +CotW
                  Sam +CotW

                  To keep shippers vaguely trotting along, they couldn't have Sam involved. And despite what Jack says in Broca Divide, even Daniel can't have a woman on every planet. So they needed a new character, a female who could get away with having numerous romantic conquests. The Feminist James T Kirk, if you will.

                  So, TPTB will argue it's our fault. Just like Grace.

                  Teal'c had his romances of the week, too. Even one with Krista just two episodes before he is reunited with Ishta.


                    Since TPTB Love to change what we though we knew about Sam,How long before we hear Sam was intimate with Daniel Teal'c Hammond Martouf Narim Felger McKay.I heard on another Thread that Sam and Mitchell may have some History.It may have come from JM.I'am not sure.I hope it's not true.What happened to the Sam from Accession who came Home and played her answering machine and there was no messages? So much for Sam working in her Lab all the time.


                      I knew it! TV Guide magazine says "Cheers to Stargate SG-1 for adding Claudia Black as a full-time cast member to the 10th season." It goes on to say her character is a "delightful scenery-chewing role" and "sexy but slippery thief." And of course, a photo of CB in a BDU shirt with enough buttons undone to show cleavage.


                        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                        Speaking of Sam with other men, Ascension was on tonight. Did anyone watch to see Sam being "intimate" with Orlin as supposedly she admitted to Landry? All I remember from that episode is the two of them all glowy together, guess that was intimacy ala ST-TMP.
                        No, they were not intimate unless you consider that "glowy thing" he did with her. But, I thought it was some intellectual/spiritual thing. Sam was interested as a scientist not romantically. She even told Orlin very clearly that they did not have a RELATIONSHIP when he was all smitten with her.

                        Now how TPTB turned that into Season 9
                        Sam was intimate with Orlin is way, way, way, way beyond me!!! The worst of it was that TPTB wrote Sam's part so she did not DENY it. She redeemed herself later by telling the youthful Orlin that there was still and never had been a relationship.
                        I blame TPTB because their scene was inconsistent with what we know Sam to be.


                          That's Matt Roush.He falls over himself to praise anything relating to Farscape.I laughed when I read that article.This guy should be working for TPTB of SG-1.It was probably his idea to hire CB and BB for SG-1.IMO this guy should go watch his repeats of Farscape all 3 or 4 Seasons worth and give up being a TV Critic.


                            Originally posted by nell
                            No, they were not intimate unless you consider that "glowy thing" he did with her. But, I thought it was some intellectual/spiritual thing. Sam was interested as a scientist not romantically. She even told Orlin very clearly that they did not have a RELATIONSHIP when he was all smitten with her.

                            Now how TPTB turned that into Season 9
                            Sam was intimate with Orlin is way, way, way, way beyond me!!! The worst of it was that TPTB wrote Sam's part so she did not DENY it. She redeemed herself later by telling the youthful Orlin that there was still and never had been a relationship.
                            I blame TPTB because their scene was inconsistent with what we know Sam to be.

                            I guess you knew I was being snarky. I also should have put my remarks in spoilers and apologize for that for anyone who hasn't seen that episode. I agree the way that wrote that scene--not having Sam
                            deny it was bad, bad, bad.


                              Originally posted by nell
                              No, they were not intimate unless you consider that "glowy thing" he did with her. But, I thought it was some intellectual/spiritual thing. Sam was interested as a scientist not romantically. She even told Orlin very clearly that they did not have a RELATIONSHIP when he was all smitten with her.

                              Now how TPTB turned that into Season 9
                              Sam was intimate with Orlin is way, way, way, way beyond me!!! The worst of it was that TPTB wrote Sam's part so she did not DENY it. She redeemed herself later by telling the youthful Orlin that there was still and never had been a relationship.
                              I blame TPTB because their scene was inconsistent with what we know Sam to be.
                              I thought it was a pretty poor joke at Sams expense. They couldn't resist making Sam look bad.
                              I was starting to like Landry until he confronted Sam with being intimate with Orlin in front of Daniel and his daughter. Then his daughter with a attitude throws in the punch line about having sex with a boy. Its bad enough they are rewritting history, but then to make it into crude jokes at a expense of one of the main characters is pretty low.
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                I thought it was a pretty poor joke at Sams expense. They couldn't resist making Sam look bad.
                                I was starting to like Landry until he confronted Sam with being intimate with Orlin in front of Daniel and his daughter. Then his daughter with a attitude throws in the punch line about having sex with a boy. Its bad enough they are rewritting history, but then to make it into crude jokes at a expense of one of the main characters is pretty low.
                                I've decided from the little I've seen of the Dr. Lam character that I don't like her. Are they writing her that unlikeable on purpose? What purpose?

