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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Well...I'm happy AT's happy...but...

    I'm VERY worried about Atlantis.
    I wouldn't worry about Atlantis-i think she will do just fine there-just gives Rodney another foil to play off-kinda like Zelenka. It becomes a problem if they dumb down her character or focus only on her relationship with Rodney.

    Frankly I think AT ought to take the other series and run.
    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


      Originally posted by Ancient 61
      This should answer all of your questions about Amanda/Sam in season 10.
      It tells us that she's likely sticking with the show and that publicly Amanda accepts what they're doing with Sam. I don't see any other answers there.


        Originally posted by waterfall
        Everone seems to be freaking out about season 10.
        I think that having Sam on both shows (SG-1 and Atlantis) would serve to enhance her character, not deter from it.
        C'mon, McKay may be smart, but he's just not an artist like Sam.
        Also, wouldn't it just piss Daniel off if Sam got to go and he didn't???
        There's ALOT of potenial with her being on both series.

        waterfall's predictions for season 10 of SG-1 and season 3 of Atlantis:

        Earth recieves more ass-kicking from the Ori and their followers and Atlantis gets the same from the Wraith.
        Discovered in Atlantis is a ZPM factory but McKay just can't get the formula right and almost blows up the city. Sam Carter is needed in Atlantis to figure out the problem and they are able to make several ZPM's.There will be a few shows dealing with natives to get the supplies needed to make the ZPM's and avoiding the Wraith in the process.
        Meanwhile Earth is still getting the ass-kicking of a lifetime by the Ori, Garek and his followers and a few Goa'uld. O'Neill has an epiphany about Atlantis and figures it flew to the Pegasus galaxy, why can't it fly home?? It's technology and weapons are needed in the fight.
        Carter and McKay work on the engines and are able to get them working again.
        Enter Stargate: the second movie about Atlantis coming home.

        whadd'ya think??

        Oh, and of course Mckay tries hitting on Carter and she'll just give him the "I'm not exactly single" line. and if AT decides not to stay on Stargate she could be written off as being in DC making babies with Jack.

        Actually I am not opposed to Sam on Atlantis as a reoccuring character. I like the McKay/Carter interaction. I just don't want her pushed out of SG-1 in favor of another actor/actress. But if AT is truly happy with the situation thats fine. I am just worried she won't be a member of SG-1 with only appearing in 10 out of 20 eps. Kinda like the "backup singer" to the band.
        Last edited by Rogue; 01 November 2005, 10:57 AM.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          you know's an idea...

          SG1. s10, ep 1
          Sam gets given command of a new ship, and she helps sg1 out with something...then SGA, s3, ep2, she flies to Atlantis and helps that lanteans with stuff...every week we follow the adventures of Sam as she keeps both bases ticking over

          just speculation, but here's hoping
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Hmmm... well, as long as Amanda's happy then that's all that matters! I *still* think that it was inexcusable of whoever is in charge to leave her 'til last to be contacted. For me at least, Amanda's the ONLY reason I still want to watch Stargate! I've said it before and I'll say it again:

            No RDA + No AT = No STARGATE!

            I'll gladly support ANY decision that Amanda makes be it Stargate, Atlantis or something else entirely. I still think that she's one of the most gracious, talented, caring, smart, beautiful (and, to borrow her word,) classy people I've ever met (as a 17 year old female I'd MUCH rather have Amanda/Sam as my role model that some 20-something year old "cool" [and I stress the inverted commas!] 'It' girl of the moment!) and I think the least that she deserves is to have the support of her fans behind her 100%. (That and so much more, I could gush for hours about Amanda but I won't! )

            p.s. I hope that we didn't get her into any bother with the writers/producers etc. by mentioning what they'd said. Still, the whole thing doesn't sit right with me, I was at GABIT and I just have one word to say that pretty much sums it up: CHOCOLATE!
            Last edited by AmberLM; 01 November 2005, 10:56 AM.
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by parsifal
              That's not necessarily why I'm against it.

              1. How likely is it that Sam (a character with gigantic presence) can be integrated into Atlantis without it being at the expense of any of the actors & characters now on Atlantis? That's not fair to either side.

              2. For me, McKay is only likable when he's not interacting with Carter. I don't really want to bring that dynamic to Atlantis.

              3. Isn't Sam already far enough away from Jack without sending her to another galaxy?
              Those are my worries exactly, particularly number 1. I think it would be at McKay's expense, but it probably wouldn't be a good thing for the others either. I think it would be detrimental to Atlantis as a show too. It's supposed to be a seperate show, it's own entity, with it's own characters, storylines etc - isn't that why they set it in Pegasus in the first place? I don't think it would make sense to have Sam there. IMHO, the only chracter that could go from SG1 to Atlantis and actually make sense would be Daniel, simply because of his expertise. But I wouldn't be happy to see him go to Atlantis either, for the same reasons.
              Hopefully if it did happen, Sam would be asked about Jack and would reveal, finally, that they are together... I don't think that would be enough to make up for it though... plus, I'm still hoping we might get something in the S9 finale. (What? I can dream!!)


                Speaking from a shippy point of view, I don't understand why JM or any other PTB would suggest that we watch Stargate Atlantis for Amanda when they haven't done right by us shippers on Stargate SG-1 IMO. Again had Jack and Sam had the proper resolution and not a subtle hint, I think I would have been open to watching a new show. Now don't jump all over me, I too am a firm believer that Jack and Sam are together; but I am one of those shippers that would have revelled watching the relationship enfold. I do know Trupi I still think that your idea is the right one, as others have said, I know in the past I have written to voice my likings and dislikings about the show and have felt better about doing so (as I will again); to that end though the only way that I will watch season 10 is if RDA is in it because without him and now a reduction of Sam, it isn't worth my time. Really all along I have felt that TPTB never invested much into the Sam character. Other than giving her the hardest lines imaginable and her relationship with Jack, maybe snipets about her life with Jacob, to what depth do we really know Sam? Sams relationship with Janet could have been great but all we saw was the top layer of it, Sam becoming leader of SG-1, was she ever? (snark) we could have seen her learn the ropes, make the hard to live with decisions, get down and dirty (close with Death Knell but there should have been more of it). No they kept Sam the girl usually clean and beautiful. I guess it could have been worse they could have made Sam the sex-kitten, but then they wouldn't have needed Vala. As has been stated before, we also could have seen a lot more between Jack and Sam, obviously the regulations was just a smoke screen to promote the UST (after all according to JM TPTB are breaking other regulations). So to make a long story short me watching Stargate Atlantis only still puts money into the hands of the people who aren't giving me what I want as a shipper on SG-1, how does that saying go "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me".


                  Great news that Amanda Tapping will be back in season 10 as I am sure the show could not survive the loss of another major character.

                  However, I still have mixed feelings over even wanting the show to continue. I know that for some fans this seems sacriligious but I'm just not enjoying season 9. I can't see how season 10 will be any different. I think I was like most fans who thought that after AT came back then so would some of the feelings of the "old" show. I don't believe it has happened. They don't seem to know what to do with ANY of the characters let alone just Sam. How long can Jack fans (me) and Sam and Jack fans (me) continue to watch a show that has so little of what made us love the show in the first place. I want to be upbeat and optimistic but there just seems to be so much more going on than we are privy to. I don't trust TPTB mainly because I don't know who really is calling the shots.

                  I was watching "Demons" last night. Not exactly a classic Stargate episode. However, the caring between the characters when Teal'c supposidly dies is so apparant. Sorry for rambling but the happiness that some fans feel almost makes it worse.


                    Season one to six, and to a lesser extent 7 and 8 just had that 'X' factor...that little something special that makes a show's called the team dynamic.
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      I'am gone a couple of Days and I see there is big news regarding AT SG-1 and Atlantis.I'am still not watching Atlantis even if AT will be on the Show.I will also not watch the rest of Season 9 or Season 10 unless RDA is in a couple of episodes.The News gets worse and worse for Sam and Jack Shippers.How many times will TPTB have McKay hit on Sam next Year?TPTB keep making it easier to stay away from SG-1 and Atlantis.Was there at least any Sam and Jack Shipper talk at Gabit?


                        nickatell the way things are going I would not be surprised if most Shippers do not tune in to the rest of Season 9 or watch Season 10.It also seems it's not just Shippers but alot of SG-1 and Atlantis Fans are unhappy as well.I think for TPTB to admit they do not know what to do with the Sam character is Sad.TPTB should not have there Jobs if they cannot write for these characters.It's obvious TPTB and Scifi have no idea what to do with SG-1.I'am not sure they know what to do with Atlantis either.I never though it was a big deal when SG-1 left Showtime and now I see that it was.I think Scifi may have been the beginning of the end for this Show.I have never been as down on this Show as I am now.I really see no hope for the Sam and Jack Ship and this Show.


                          Originally posted by shelsfc
                          I think you're absolutely right about Jack, and here's what I think the problem is - they never really started to develop the relationships between the other characters till a couple of years ago, when it became clear that Jack was going to be in it less. From day one, we saw the relationship between Jack & Daniel, Jack & Teal'c and of course, Jack & Sam, but we didn't see very much of the relationships between the other three until S6 IMHO. I think if they had spent more time developing those relationships in the earlier seasons, the show might have much more of a 'team' feel to it now. But then we might never have gotten any ship....
                          I have to disagree. Just look at Paradise Lost - a very strong Sam/Teal'c and Sam/Janet episode. Forevery in a Day and Jolinar's Memories had some wonderful Sam/Daniel moments. I think there have been many eps throughout the seasons that have highlighted the friendships between each of the characters.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by trupi
                            ooh, a pete costume!





                              we're back up and running!

                              for future reference - the shippers' home from home is here -
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                ooh, a pete costume!

                                Naughty! Oh, and funny!

                                Just sayin'.
                                MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking

