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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Just spotted this link to an interview with Don S. Davis and thought you might like to read it. The interview was done by wallpaperman about 10 days ago. There's no Sam or S/J ship news, but Don does discuss the issues surrounding his eventual retirement. At this point, though, he says he's still glad to come back to Stargate whenever they need him!
    Originally posted by Wallpaperman
    Don S. Davis was in Belgium today and The Scifi World got a talk with him between 2 autograph cessions at the FACTS Convention.
    You can read the interview there and watch the pictures of Don:

    I had also another small interview with Corin Nemec who was there with Don. Check the site monday or tuesday to read it and watch these great photos of him.

    Both of them were so friendly, that was a real pleasure!


      Steven Reggers (aka our very own _Anubis) was at those interviews too!

      SG1-fanintn - her home city's a mess and her husband's told her to stay in Britain for a bit longer until things improve there...a lot of structural damage in the area (but only a little to her own house) and no electricity, but phones are working intermittently.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        After an intense day at work yesterday, last night's posts were beyond my ability to process. So, I read fanfic instead. It calms me (oh, there are those that excite!! Hee, hee. But, I chose calming, happy stories last night).

        So, why am I not excited about a Season 10??? Could it be that thus far Season 9 is dreadfully disappointing? With the exception of Jack's appearances, Sam's return and the gratuitous Ship bits, yeah, disappointing on the Ship Front especially. But, it's more than that cause I really liked SG-1for the scifi, action, adventure, too.

        I am not opposed to series changes when done so intelligently and with an explanation to the viewers. Sometimes it works for me and other times not. For example, I was a big fan of MASH series (Oy, I was a young girl in the 70's) and when Colonel Potter replaced Lt.Colonel Blake as the commanding officer of the MASH unit in Korea, I was devastated and resistant to accept the new guy. In Stargate, Landry is to Potter, as Jack is to Blake. When Potter joined the unit, the other MASH characters were virtually the same with their established relationships and storylines. So, Potter's arrival was one major character change unlike Stargate's Season 9 multi-character changes.

        I learned to like and respect Potter as he was accepted by his officers and the men and women under his command. What made it possible? Well, sg-1 fanintn and others have already said it. Unlike SG-1'S TPTB, MASH's TPTB intelligently planned for and explained the change of characters to the viewers within the storyline.

        Memory is fading here but either Lt. Colonel Blake was returning home to the States upon the completion of his tour of duty or he wanted to see some action before heading home. That point is minor for my discussion. Anyway, a new commander was necessarily posted to replace him. Oh, Blake was killed when his plane was shot down as headed for the wild blue yonder!

        In real life, the actor playing Blake was seeking bigger and greater parts and celebrity because he was doing so well on MASH and I suppose, he wanted to take advantage of his celebrity at his peak. Unfortunately for him, wrong career move, he stalled and crashed on subsequent series. He may have regreted his leaving the show. But, there was no coming back!! His character was killed off!!

        Now in Season 9 of SG-1, we have an elephant sitting on all of our TV screens the world over labelled---WHERE'S JACK???? That is the singlemost and grievous error of TPTB for not addressing that question. I understood that indirectly via JoeM that the character will be very much alive. Um, right!!!??? No hints from JoeM, mind you, but we can stretch our imaginations that he might, maybe, please, pretty please, have some future guest shots, or not?? At least Jack O'Neill was not killed off! Romantic fool that I am, I will continue to hope for some mention or appearance.

        OK, I'm rambling. Landry has not earned the respect and acceptance of our core SG-1 characters and the SGC staff that I am aware of. The show just..... continued. Not even RDA's appearance in the opener led credence to Landry in my opinion. I'm not even gonna discuss Cam and Vala here. Save it for another rant. I have a headache!!

        Oh, I haven't given up. Thanks for listening!!!
        Last edited by nell; 26 October 2005, 04:32 PM.


          Originally posted by sueKay
          Steven Reggers (aka our very own _Anubis) was at those interviews too!

          SG1-fanintn - her home city's a mess and her husband's told her to stay in Britain for a bit longer until things improve there...a lot of structural damage in the area (but only a little to her own house) and no electricity, but phones are working intermittently.
          Thanks, sueKay! Do you have a link to _Anubis' stuff? I'm glad to hear that no one at gatebee's was hurt. And it sounds like her house is probably ok too. Good!

          I ran across another tidbit I thought everyone might enjoy, even thought it's not S/J focused. Stargate is mentioned in a comic strip today:

          And just to stay on-topic:

          X....the rating of the activities pursued by Sam & Jack during a lot of their time together now! (Sorry--it was the best I could do)


            Anubis has his own webby -

            I've got image display on for the first time in a fortnight...lotsa nice siggies folks
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              BTW - I've started a thread, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check it out!

              oh, and I'm planning on making 4000 tonight (though I should be at 4800 but I lost 800 posts during the big blackout)
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by sueKay

                I'm kinda in the same boat as you...but s9 is showing signs of mediocrity and proverbial 'barrel scraping' the likes of which we've never seen before...

                It's good to see you! I have missed this thread. I shouldn't have stayed away so long!

                That is too true! Which is way I am in two minds about season 10. You have to wonder what is going through tptb heads sometimes

                Oh and I have been reading back through the pages (took me a while lol )... and I so agree with you about a shipper get together. It would be so great to meet some of the shipper family!

                Oh and I am glad to hear GateBee (and her family) are fine!

                Right... off to watch Atlantis in a mo!


                By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                My Livejournal

                My Myspace


                  Oh...If Gatebee ends up having an extended stay in the UK, she might be heading up here so we can meet up

                  We need to have a shipper get-together...we just have to!!!!!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    Oh...If Gatebee ends up having an extended stay in the UK, she might be heading up here so we can meet up

                    We need to have a shipper get-together...we just have to!!!!!
                    Well including this week, I have 3 weeks off from uni (I am so glad 'cos I so need it off, especially as I have placement over xmas) so I have plenty of time!

                    That would be so cool.


                    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                    My Livejournal

                    My Myspace


                      Originally posted by trupi

                      Penguins of War Come and Do Your War Dance for the Shipper Family!
                      Heehee! Love the purse! Here's another one of my penguin favorites:

                      *A Mala50 Original*

                      s u g a r s h a k e r



                        LMAO!!!!!!! I've not seen those in ages!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Wow...some Brilliant posts here last night.

                          Some quick comments...

                          I saw Origin, and I quite liked the Ori and as for RDA...They were nice a BIG fan of the J/D relationship (since I'm a slasher aswell as a shipper) I was reasonably happy with the 'I'm hungry' scene, as for him not looking well...I don't think it was's what I think:
                          As far as I know...RDA did a lot of excercise while working on Stargate...he did a lot of the physical stuff with Jack (running around on other planets, ping pong () etc) and he did things like Pilates too...with him no longer really working in the TV industry, I don't think he's doing as much excercise as he used to, and he did have that broken ankle...the main thing I noticed is that he'd put on weight. As for looking tired...well...He had to have gone to Vancouver for that last scene
                          with Mitchell
                          and with him having custody of Wylie now (no speculation or comments rules) I'd say he's probably pretty tired!

                          Now...on with the rest...

                          (((((((Mary)))))))) Please don't leave! things might be tough here just now, but stick with it.

                          (((((((SHIP NANA)))))) Welcome back!

                          And I gotsta go!
                          He swims for exercise at home he said once and probably with the broken ankle he couldn't do that. On the video of the seal campaign interview in P.E. I. he looked heavier in the face and at that time he had a cold, too, he said. So maybe the S9 filming was close to that. He didn't do any walking in S9 that we saw did he? I mean he could walk, but maybe it was with a limp. We're not supposed to comment about that little tidbit? Cruel and unusual punishment.


                            ((((Nell, TN)))) I hear ya honey! It is unbelievable that Jack hasn't been given proper send-off. I think I'm lucky having had to wait all these weeks for SG-1 in the UK cos it's given me time to mentally box up all the stuff that's just pure cr@p, attach some C4 (2 blocks - just to make sure ) blow it to hades and pretend it doesn't matter. That way I've managed to ignore all the problems and take the story as it comes.

                            I've been delving into ship fic a fair bit in the last few weeks to get my Sam & Jack fixes. Just finished Soldiers of Misfortune by JackieONeillNut - that was excellent. Mission gone sour, bit of Jack whumping, lots of BHKs, then lots of angst, followed by more angst, a bit of RST and finally an epilogue so fluffy Joe would be desperate to get some for his latest ice cream creation
                            Links here somewhere .....


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              Just spotted this link to an interview with Don S. Davis and thought you might like to read it. The interview was done by wallpaperman about 10 days ago. There's no Sam or S/J ship news, but Don does discuss the issues surrounding his eventual retirement. At this point, though, he says he's still glad to come back to Stargate whenever they need him!
                              How sad am I? I just had to go to my collection to see which disk it was. (If you didn't have the same compulsion, or even more impressively managed to resist it, it's Secrets, Bane, Spirits, Tokra Pt1) My 5 year old would approve greatly - it has her fave ep of all time on it. I think it's the waterguns that do it for her


                                Gatetrixer - the no discussion thing is valid...there's a line of going too far into the actors' personal lives...while no-one here would do that...I thought it'd be prudent to include that little warning...

                                I will make 4000...I will make 4000....tonight...I swear
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

