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Shipsgiving 2013: A Sam/Jack Celebration!

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    Season 1: Bloodlines

    Look between them in the briefing room when Jack gets called to Hammond’s office


      Season 1: Fire and Water

      They're holding onto each other as they come down the ramp at the beginning

      He takes hold of her during her flashback at Daniel's apartment

      The hug at the end of the hypnosis session


        Season 1: Hathor

        When she checks out his abdomen

        “Nice job” he tells her at the end with lovely smile


          I'm Thankful for the vid that Selene made me in Feb, which made my day! I can't vid, and this song was driving me nuts! Thanks.

          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Season 1: Singularity

            His “I know who won't be staying” remark at the observatory on Hanka

            His offering to take Cassie

            His worry about her in the vault with Cassie and relief at her being OK

            The looks over the dog


              Season 1: Cor'ai

              Very together in the argument with Hammond in the briefing room


                I'm also Thankful for the vid UhSir made: it was a song that I was desperate to see made into a was so worth the wait. Thanks!!!

                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Season 1: Enigma

                  Sam is staring at Jack dreamily in the briefing room.

                  As the Tollan leave, Jack and Sam share conspiratorial grins in the control room


                    Season 1: Solitudes

                    Stranded in Antarctica together; snuggling, giggling, mention of side-arms

                    He makes her laugh joking about how to make the cave cozier

                    They both note it was an honor to serve with the other

                    Dying together; her telling “Jack” it is OK for him to sleep

                    She's still concerned and telling their rescuers about his injuries at the end


                      Season 1:Tin Man

                      When robot Jack cuts open his arm, Sam sits very closely on the bed next to him to help him


                        Happy Shipsgiving to all!
                        Fics | Art | Tumblr


                          Season 1: There But for the Grace of God

                          AU O'Neill and Carter are engaged to be married and there's the nice hug and he says “I love you” before he goes off to try and convince AU Teal'c not to shoot them all


                            Season 1: Politics

                            Daniel's “you and Sam were engaged” remark

                            The “Let's get this straight; engaged?”, “It is theoretically possible”, “Its against regulations”, “I was talking physics, sir”' discussion


                              Season 1: Within the Serpent's Grasp

                              None really - they play it very straight although the discussion about going on the mission when he tells her it isn't an order and she says she's going could be construed as shippy if you're that way inclined...


                                Alternate Universes

                                This must be some great cosmic conspiracy. Because here in this universe, this reality, they are stuck trying to keep their feelings at bay hoping that one day they might get their chance. But out there, they've seen themselves already married or engaged or somehow involved and building a life, together. An they are unsure of whether the universe is giving them a sign of encouragement or laughing at their pain.

                                Alternate Timelines

                                Spoiler for Continuum

                                There was something about that woman that he just couldn't place. He knew he was supposed to have known her already but it was quite obvious that she was not the same Samantha Carter that he remembered. He knows he was harsh with her, well, with them all really, but he was starting to regret his actions the longer he thought about her. Those beautiful eyes had been so full of hope when he met them on the ice and then nothing but sadness permeated the air as she begged him to believe them, to believe her.

                                When he walked out the door she was once again overwhelmed by the loss of him. They were supposed to be on their honeymoon, not separated by space and time and death. Daniel grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently as she bit back her bitter tears.

                                Time Travel

                                She never imagined she'd experience something like this. Despite the fact that they could be stuck if this plan didn't work, she found herself smiling as she sat in the back of the bus and let Jenny paint her fingernails.

                                She's not sure why she's so relaxed here. Maybe its the groovy clothes or the laid back company or just the fact that she can't imagine being on a road trip like this with anyone other than Daniel, Teal'c, and the Colonel. She grinned a the though of him in his leather jacket and jeans and looked up to see him smiling back at her over his sunglasses. She could instantly feel herself blushing as her stomach flipped in response.

                                Yeah, she though grinning at him, I think I could like it here.

                                FFN ----- AO3 ----------

