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Valenship: A Sam/Jack Celebration!

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    Look #60

    This is a non-look. Jack tells Thor they won’t leave him behind and Sam is remembering him letting Daniel go just a short time before. She’s annoyed.


      Bonus Look

      You know what she’s looking at, right? And why shouldn’t she?! He’s certainly “watched her six” on several occasions.


        Look #61

        Sometimes I think Sam can’t hardly believe the things that come out of Jack’s mouth (“shrinkage”), especially in front of her father.


          Look #62

          I love how intently Jack is looking at Sam and taking in her opinion. She is totally comfortable giving him her advice and knows he’ll take it seriously.


            Look #63

            Sam is not ready to let Jack go. She may not understand the power she has over Jack, but she is not able to resist pleading with him to do something she knows he abhors because his life means so much to her.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
              I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone.

              Shippy dreams, and thanks - love Jack's sneak-peak!
              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                Look #64

                Jack has just returned from his horrific experience with Ba’al. Sam doesn’t know the full extent of what he’s been through, but you can see how much she wishes she could be closer to him, do more.


                  Look #65

                  Yet another fishing invite. But this time she thinks he doesn’t really mean it, and she’s not letting him get away with making it her fault that they can’t be together. She’s standing up to him like an equal, not a subordinate.


                    One last offering before I crawl into bed! I'm too tired to keep struggling with photoshop, illustrator and their stupid tutorials, so here's a simple card!

                    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                    On FFnet or AO3

                    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                      Look #66

                      Jack has just ordered Sam to betray Fifth. She questions him, but follows his order. Even when she doesn’t agree, she trusts him to make the hard decisions, but this is one of the hard ones for her too.


                        Look #67

                        Sam has had her DNA rearranged by Nirrti. She is extremely ill and concerned she’s not going to make it. This is one of those near death experiences where she can’t bring herself to continue hiding her true feelings. She needs his comfort. And she chooses to take it, which causes Jack a great deal of distress because Sam isn’t one to be so unguarded.


                          Look #68

                          Sam is not pleased when Jack chooses to protect her, especially from something as uncertain as a vision of the future. She can’t believe he would take any stock in such a thing. But Jack isn’t willing to chance her being hurt when he could potentially stop it.


                            Look #69

                            I love this look. Sam is taking such delight in Jack’s discomfort about going to a wedding together.


                              Look #70

                              OK, I know Sam is out of focus but this is a really significant look in my mind. Teal’c is telling Jack that they will need to accept Ba’al’s help for their plans to work. At the mention of his tormentor, Jack turns to Sam, and from across the room she senses his need and automatically turns toward him. The connection between them is deep and sustaining.


                                Look #71

                                Jack tells Sam he’s going after Daniel. He knows she has a dangerous mission to get intel on the super soldiers. Sam knows they are going into danger without the other. It is something she realizes will be happening much more in the future. Their time in the field together is coming to an end, but they will always be ready to watch the other’s six.

