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2011 Sam/Jack Ship Day - Ninth Annual Celebration!

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    Hello! Again everybody!

    Gosh you go to sleep, and return to PAGES and PAGES of shippy goodness. Lovely.

    Must catch up now, but Happy Ship Day!


      Everyone can get involved in this!

      What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
      (0) The Broca Divide
      (0) Point of View
      (0) Window of Opportunity
      (0) Grace
      (0) Moebius

      Remove the [QUOTE] tags on this post and add your vote! Don't forget to tell why!
      The Return of King Arthur
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
        Hey to the 32 guests watching the thread!!!!


        We don't bite...much!
        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
        yeah!!! Join us!!!
        I promise, there's a prize at the end for everyone who makes at least 1 post!

        Just say "HI!" or "Happy Ship Day!" or give us one of these:

        That's all it takes.


          What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
          (0) The Broca Divide
          (0) Point of View
          (1) Window of Opportunity
          (0) Grace
          (0) Moebius

          My favorite is WoO, simply because it's so unexpected, so cute, and the dip!!! It makes my shippy heart flutter everytime!
          The Return of King Arthur
          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


            I really enjoyed the 101 Looks of Jack and the 101 Looks of Sam! In my opinion they really show that, besides Sam and Jack really love each other, AT and RDA are amazing actors who've given these characters so much depth.


            What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
            (1) The Broca Divide
            (0) Point of View
            (1) Window of Opportunity
            (0) Grace
            (0) Moebius

            Because it was a bit unexpected and yet it wasn't, after seeing the sparks fly during their first meeting. I just really how possessive Sam is (and Jack too, later on in the ep).
            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
            On FFnet or AO3

            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


              Everyone can get involved in this!

              What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
              (0) The Broca Divide
              (1) Point of View
              (1) Window of Opportunity
              (0) Grace
              (0) Moebius

              Remove the [QUOTE] tags on this post and add your vote! Don't forget to tell why!

              So hard to choose! But I'm probably going to be the odd ball and say POV. I know it's not our Sam. But that kiss is just sweet and sexy. It's a Sam and Jack are married kiss. So that's them now!

              Besides the way she sucks his lower lip and brushes her fingers through his hair! That's how I'd kiss Jack! (If Only.)



                What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
                (0) The Broca Divide
                (1) Point of View
                (1) Window of Opportunity
                (0) Grace
                (0) Moebius
                The Return of King Arthur
                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                  What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
                  (0) The Broca Divide
                  (1) Point of View
                  (2) Window of Opportunity
                  (0) Grace
                  (0) Moebius

                  WoO cuz there's no alien virus o AU, just Sam and Jack
                  Last edited by XFchemist; 28 July 2011, 10:32 AM. Reason: update
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
                    (0) The Broca Divide
                    (0) Point of View
                    (0) Window of Opportunity
                    (0) Grace
                    (1) Moebius

                    Remove the [QUOTE] tags on this post and add your vote! Don't forget to tell why!


                      Happy Ship Day!

                      When posting items to the list, please remember to quote the entire post . . .
                      then remove the quote commands before submitting your post.
                      Also remember to mark *NEW* works and list them at the top.

                      How Dare You Sir by Hedwig *New*
                      Home Improvement by SaraBahama *New*
                      Some Families Have Ghosts, Not Skeletons by Conn8d *New*
                      Four Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty Minutes by Kate1013 *New*
                      Apples and Seeds by Kate1013 *New*
                      The List by hlndncr
                      It's About Fishing by hlndncr
                      Folie a Deux by hlndncr
                      Regulations and Regrets by hlndncr

                      Sam Carter and Jack O’Neill—One and Only by kkennedysgc *New*
                      La Conciencia by yessika Alt Link and Download *New*
                      SHIP DAY 2011 by XFchemist *New*

                      Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever in Pictures by hlndncr
                      Shipper Rewatch Banners by Many Talented Shippers
                      Sam/Jack Pics by MGM
                      Season 3 Episodic wallpapers by jasminaGo


                        Season 5


                        He tries to rush her and tells her not to turn anything on

                        He’s concerned about her in the briefing, keeps looking over at her and wants her to let SG-16 handle things

                        The ‘am I tense’ discussion?

                        His asking if he wants him to stick around when they examine her house for the alien and find nothing

                        Daniel asking ‘How’s Sam?’ and Jack avoiding the question

                        The discussion as he needs to go to the loo

                        When he turns up at the house and she hints she has a date, he answers ‘Good for you’ but stands on tiptoes trying to see into the house

                        His supporting her in front of Simmons in Hammond’s office and at the house


                          What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
                          (0) The Broca Divide
                          (1) Point of View
                          (2) Window of Opportunity
                          (0) Grace
                          (2) Moebius

                          i think i like this one cause in the previous Alt. Reality episode POV we had our jack kiss alt. sam, this is the first we've actually see alt. versions of Jack and sam kiss.



                            What's your favorite Sam/Jack kiss and why?
                            (0) The Broca Divide
                            (1) Point of View
                            (2) Window of Opportunity
                            (0) Grace
                            (2) Moebius
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              Season 5

                              The Fifth Man

                              She tells him they aren’t leaving without him; he orders her to leave

                              Her refusal to give back her weapon and her insistence on going back

                              Her anger at not being able to go back

                              She talks Janet into investigating her vision instead of reporting it as the only way to help Jack

                              She finds it amusing that he invited “Tyler” fishing


                                Season 5

                                Red Sky

                                ‘I’ve been thinking’, ‘I’d be worried if you stopped’

                                He tells Daniel that Carter will come up with something miraculous and then when she has an idea he points it out

                                He tells her he has great confidence in her and she should go back to the SGC and confuse Hammond

                                ‘I only understand 1% of what she says half the time.’ Jack about Sam

                                The scene where she’s explaining the solution in her lab and he gets the theory on the reintegration right

