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2011 Sam/Jack Ship Day - Ninth Annual Celebration!

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    Jack Look #60

    Confession: this has nothing to do with Sam at all. I love the twinkle in his eye as he realizes that Daniel isn't truly gone...

    but of course since this is about Sam... *SIGH* LOL - here's from just a minute before:


      Jack Look #61

      This is after he tells her that she always pulls great ideas out of her butt I love these "oops, did I say that?" looks where you know he knew exactly what he said...


        Jack Look #62

        As Jack heads up to carry the gate past Earth's atmosphere, him and Sam have a conversation where she wishes she could go with him and then wishes him luck. His face is just a hint of the kind of concern he'll express when Sam begins to cry in "Heroes" - he knows she's worried and I think there's side of him that's baffled by this and yet is tied to her because he doesn't want to hurt her.


          After reading the episode sumaries I am going to wacth them again to see Sam and Jack togther


            Jack Look #63

            Everything that Jack is thinking and feeling is in his eyes. Sam is over him, asking him to take the symbiote and he does... look at him - he's fixed on her and as I pointed out in the previous post, her concern for him, her desire to see him live, pulls him forward yet again.


              Jack Look #64

              Not the most flattering shot of Jack, but his eyes spell relief at seeing his favorite Major by his bedside.... which speaking of favorite Major...

              This look is aimed at Ba'al's servant (Shayla? Shyla?) - but her uncanny resemblance to Sam is hard to miss and it's hard to miss this look which seems to me a shadow of what we saw in D&C

              Spoiler (refresher pic):



                Jack Look #65

                I just love these profile shots LOL - again, this is one that speaks volumes when paired with Sam's image:

                The nonverbal communication overlapping what's being said. The mirroring. The underlying comfortable connection.

                (What was it I recently heard in "It's A Wonderful Life" - oh yes, the old guy on the porch shouting out to George Bailey "Shut up and kiss her already!" - I need a sig with this... LOL)


                  Jack Look #66

                  Here's Jack goofing off again - playing that slightly daft guy wanting to name the ship "Enterprise" ... winning him... (again)...

                  The Sam Carter Smile


                    Jack Look #67

                    What you don't see is Jack's hand telling Carter to set the timer for three minutes instead of five so that they can trap Fifth. Take the time to note that there is no question or doubt in his eyes that Sam will follow his order, he trusts her completely - even when he knows he's giving her an order that violates her own principles. Remember the last time? When we had him ordering her to turn the naquadah generator into a bomb? His eyes held question to see how far she would go... he knows that now and he is unwavering in his belief in her. And from what I see in his eyes, he knows what he is asking her to do and he hates it.


                      Jack Look #68

                      The consequences of what he has asked her to do are written all over his face. I sense that he not only is worried about what he has done to her but he knows he has showed to her a side of himself that he works very hard to cover up with humor. But he's a hardened solider whether she realizes it or not.

                      Again, I think it's important you see what he sees:

                      And his eyes linger...


                        Jack Look #69

                        Niirti has started her experiments... and he can't stay away from her...

                        What does this image remind you of? I think it reminds me of a sadder, darker version of...



                          Jack Look #70

                          I picked it because of how zoned in on Sam he is


                            Just found the Sam Look pics, too. Sweet! (I'm working backwards.)

                            Love the episode recaps done in pics, too.

                            Thanks everyone!


                              I'm baaa-ack!!!!

                              So much artwork and screencaps!! But I've loved going through it all!
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                Season 3

                                Deadman’s Switch

                                Jack going to rescue Sam and his waking Sam up (both times)
                                I'd like to add that I've always seen a very palpable amount of concern for her when he looks at her and she at him after Aris Boch says that Sam has to stay behind with him.
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

